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Everything posted by crazyewok

  1. Ahh ok thanks. Can I just grap the new kopernicus and install it myself ? OR will the OPM only work with older versions?
  2. Not far. Normally doing around the time of manned Mun missions and Probes to Duna. Seems to happen on stock and mod contracts. Either collect science around <insert body> or launch satellite missions.
  3. What acronyms or are you referring to the mod list? LLL=Lack luster labs KSI=KSP interstellar OPM=outer planet mod KAS= Kerbal attachment system DE= Deadly renetry KW= KW Rocketry FAR= Ferram Aerospace Research OKS/MKS=Kolonization Systems As for playing I am just doing career mod working through the contracts. IF I switch screens that seems to reset the contracts. But it happens randomly with no pattern.
  4. KSP: 0.90 Windows 32bit Problem: Contracts history reseting and having to start the contacts from scratch. Mods installed: FAR Remote tec Contract configerator Remote tec contacts Tourism plus contacts Scansat KW Nova puch LLL OPM Trans keptunian B9 OKS/MKS KAS DE Karbonite KSI Reproduction steps: Randomly happens while playing.
  5. Neither. To get to mars requires massive resources Space X currently don't have. I admire Elon Musk and what he has accomplished but even he does not have wealth to go for a manned mars mission, not without taking short cuts. NASA? Again resources are spread thin. Though I would say if they really tried they could do it. Problem is NASA have no concrete set direction, there policy is pretty much directed by whatever monkeys in suites sit in congress and the white house to them NASA is one big pork barrel to bleed of money. When they are forced to concentrate on things like $500 million dollar testing towers that are obsolete I am skeptical of there budget handling. Russia? Well seeing as there economy is tanking like a lead balloon I would not be surprised if in 10 years time they cant even send men into LEO.
  6. Well being a biologist I'm going to be biased to Europa and Enceladus over frozen rocks in the outer solar system
  7. Europa or Titan. Don't really see there being anything interesting on the outer planets like Neptune and Uranus. Mercury has been done, not sure what more we can learn that's ground breaking. Venus maybe but its a super heated hell.
  8. Im not really a expert on US government procurement but would it not just be cheaper for the US environmental agency to just bypass NASA and finance and launch they own systems? surely the more alphabet agency's you have to go through the more bureaucracy and hence more expense your project will procure.
  9. Ha didn't notice them. Yeah I guessed the conspiracy loons would come out the wood work for this.
  10. Well you might get better value for taxpayer money in that case as doesn't space X charge nearly half the price ULA ask?
  11. Dont forget plays the stars and Stripes as it takes off and transmits it on every radio frequency while in orbit
  12. I know its unlikely but I would laugh by butt off if that happens. Though in my experience the private sector always does things better than the public sector. - - - Updated - - - Well I though the USA had its own environmental agency? I would have thought it would come under that to be honest?
  13. Same here. I would rather them leave it to other agency's to be honest. I know its important but I find the whole area of environmental science dull, I know flame away but that's just me.
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/science/2015/04/27/start-nasa-dwarf-planet-mission-delayed-after-communication-mix-up/ Looks like they had a slight glitch. They seem to suggest its not a major problem. Lets hope its all goes well as I want to see what the white dots are. PS sorry to use fox news as my source
  15. so modding a engine with unlimited DV wont be cheating now in KSP ?
  16. So because we don't understand it we should just stop research on it and bury it in some box in a warehouse and pretend it don't exist?
  17. Rocketry is also expensive, slow, prone to failure and very inefficient. Its the limiting factor in space exploration. If we dont move beyond rocketry then we wont move beyond simple tin cans in LEO and the most mankind will ever see is a simple return manned journey to mars if we are lucky. Not saying EM drive is going to be that answer in fact its unlikely to solve the Earth to orbit problem.
  18. No its not. 1960's America was extremely sexist and racist. This was a time were a women place was considered "the Kitchen". Women in high powered or important jobs were the exception not rule. No it was not right but it happened. Times luckily have changed.
  19. I don't think we know how much power it need seeing as we still have no firm proof yet that it even works in the first place. I would absolutely love it to be real unlike some. But still think its more likely to be a error.
  20. Cant speak for Russia but for the west backward social convention of the time. Remember the 60's people social views may have been changing but they were still very backwards, to many women should not have even been in work. Putting a woman in space would have been as controversial as putting someone of a different race into space back then. Because of the above very few women would have been qualified at that time anyway to be placed in space program as someone mentioned very few if any women were test pilots in the 60's. Luckily in 2015 we have got past such petty social stigmas......mostly.....
  21. O god the thought of that makes me sick
  22. Yeah but unlimited DV would make the game too easy.
  23. Thats a shame it will break KSP J/k
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