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Everything posted by optimusjamie

  1. Some pictures from my most recent Mun mission.
  2. I would say that with the amount of content being made by the community, DLC would be kind of unnecessary.
  3. In no particular order... 1. Doom, if only for the nostalgia 2. Half-Life 2 3. KSP 4. Skyrim 5. Resident Evil 4
  4. The download link is dead. EDIT: It worked just now.
  5. Land on every planet in Kerbol using a Mainsail and an Oscar-B.
  6. I like building SSTOs because they're fricken sweet. Especially with RAPIER/SABRE engines.
  7. Here's how I see it. KSP isn't meant to be perfectly realistic. It's meant to be realistic enough to be challenging, but not too realistic to be enjoyable/accessible. That's why I quit Orbiter- the level of realism just wasn't fun for me.
  8. Mine is currently orbiting Kerbin in Astrojet I, my first successful SSTO design.
  9. This is probably a cliche here, but I'd build a Dyson sphere.
  10. My thoughts on Star Trek: TOS: Produced some great episodes, like 'City on the Edge of Forever' and 'The Doomsday Machine', but suffers from MAJOR early installment weirdness. TOS Movies: My favourite of the whole bunch (except The Final Frontier). TNG: Probably my favourite of the TV series. At the very least, it got me drinking Earl Grey. It generally got better when it stopped trying to be TOS. DS9: Haven't seen enough of it to make a real judgement, but it seems a lot like Game of Thrones in some respects. Mental note: Watch more of it. Voyager: Sounded good on paper, but it was too inconsistent in quality to really matter. ENT: See above. TNG movies: Kind of hit-and-miss. First Contact was good, but heralded the problems the Borg developed in Voyager. Insurrection was kind of dull, and Nemesis... is Nemesis. Abrams movies: They're nowhere near as bad as Nemesis or The Final Frontier, but they have done a lot of things I'm not happy with. Seriously, Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan Noonien Singh!?!?!? Star Trek Online: Has an interesting storyline and one of the best F2P models I've seen in any game, but the combat is kind of repetetive sometimes.
  11. 1. How do I remove the stupid grey skies on the Mun? 2. Do they happen on similar bodies (Dres, Gilly, etc.)
  12. Hello. I'm Jamie. Yesterday I got KSP on Steam. I've been meaning to get it for a while now- combining my lifelong fascination with space travel and Dwarf Fortress-esque black comedy? Yes please! I experimented with Orbiter on and off, but to be honest, I found it a bit... sterile. I'm currently figuring out how to configure my joystick for KSP and waiting for MechJeb to update for .23.
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