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Everything posted by merendel

  1. Shouldnt take that long. just move everything but the "Squad" folder inside your gamedata folder to somewhere else, run a fix or reinstall of KSP and then move it all back. Unless your trying to move it between drives the move should be near instant as your OS is just modifying a few text files that define the file structure tree not haveing to read/write all the data to disk. No mods should have anything inside the squad folder (and if they do they should be slaped) so nothing should break from that and you can safely reinstall and drop your mods back in quickly as a group.
  2. Minmus is generaly better than Mun for a refueling base. the extra 300-400dv to reach orbit for the tanker is rather significant when luging a full load of fuel. However unless your really pinching pennies or really enjoy lots of ferry trips I wouldnt bother carting fuel down to LKO from minmus. Its far simpler and more time efficent to build a fuel launcher with a recoverable booster if you want a LKO depot. As for minmus itself I often have a fuel base on the planet and a depot in orbit. I send interplanetary ships up to minmus to refuel befor being sent out. it only takes a couple hundred m/s to escape minmus for a low flyby of kerbin to get an oberth assisted boost out to your destination. most launch windows have enough leway in them that you can still hit the target easy enough a week on either side of them. If you leave minmus when its in the right position a week or two either before or after the launch window you've already got the 900 dv or so worth of orbital energy already that you dont have to spend agian. minmus's inclination has a relitively minor effect on your transfer orbit to another planet. I just wouldnt recomend leaving for moho from minmus just cause the timeing to hit that little speedster is soo tight and minmus wont line up with it very often.
  3. Prety much just give your craft a 5 degree tilt eastwards once you reach 80-100m/s and follow the surface prograde vector from there till your 25-30km up. As long as your craft is fairly streamlined you should get into orbit with little effort. be aware it wont work well if your TWR is exceptionaly low while a particularly high one will end up with a steeper accent profile than is ideal. 1.5-1.7TWR seems to still be a sweet spot from my experience.
  4. Seconded. Particularly if it can be electrically driven so it will work on any atmosphere and not just kerbin/lathe. eve is just beging for something like that.
  5. No because I prety much never have a reason to return one back down to the surface of the planet. Once I start useing LV-N's they are almost exclusively used on tug drones. Said tug docks with a craft and pushes/pulls(depending on design) said craft to its destination. Any tugs returning craft to kerbin settle into LKO and wait for the next craft while the payload deorbits on smaller thrusters. Theres no good reason to launch something as expensive and heavy as a NERVA into orbit only to deorbit it and launch it agian with the next craft. Just leave it up there and send up a new craft with a tank of fuel to get it where its going and reuse that rocket.
  6. you can click off debris display in the map view so it wont show there. You'll still see their target boxes if you get close enough in normal view (or the item itself if you get really close) but in most orbits you shouldnt be seeing many pieces at any given time unless you've been litering that orbital zone. Unless the PE of a bit of spacejunk drops down to about 23-24km it will stay in orbit in the stock game as long as it stays on rails. Thats for performance reasons but personaly I have no problem just nukeing them from the tracking station if its passing through the atmosphere. I figure their orbits would decay naturaly anyway if the simulation was compleat. Anything else I either leave or push outa orbit manualy although I generaly design missions to not leave random flotsam in orbits baring the ocasional transfer stage that ends up in a solar orbit.
  7. My only issue with hardmode is how obnoxious building upgrades become. I can easily budget launches, crew hireings and even haveing to purchase science entry's and "Normal" upgrade costs from hardmode income but trying to aford T3 science in particular just becomes a tedious grind when its expense is ramped up. I dont really feel like spending several days of real time doing nothing but grinding sat launch and station/base construction missions just to get all the parts. Back to the OP though I dont find designing craft that the primary booster core is recoverable all that difficult if I can be bothered. Yes theres no automated system (unless you mod) but I dont find it hard to design a lifter where everything but the solids is able to make it up to at least a 70km AP with enough kick in the upper stage to reach orbit before the booster falls into the kill zone. plenty of time to switch back to it and guide it down asumeing I even bothered. Honestly its harder to design a booster that goes up nicely and does not break up/burn off important bits on the way back down or lawndart itself. I'm actualy half tempted to try a design with the engiens offset from the tanks on girders with the chutes attached to the girders so it can safely follow the same aerodynamic profile comeing down as going up
  8. I got KSP shortly after it came to steam. Saw it pop up in the newly avalible section and got curious. Ended up runing accross some of scott manly's videos on KSP, liked what I saw and bought the game. One of the few early access purchases I havent regreted later.
  9. If you dont mind moding I know theres one or two out there that add propeller prop engines that run off electricity. Could strap one or two of those along with some solar pannles to whatever you want to travle through the water. Would let you move indefinatly during the day. I seem to recall a mod that added compressed air RCS jets (was it B9? cant remember) that could use air intakes to suck in more propellent. if you can track that down it would be another option. Pure stock you prety much just have jets, rockets, or haveing a kerbal get out and push. I dont think a reaction wheel paddle wheel will work all that well, hasnt in the past for me. Not sure if 1.0 fixed the lader thrust glitch (kerbal climbing a ladder aimed so his head is bumping into the craft causeing phantom thrust as he climbs). If thats still in it would be faster than a swiming kerbal pushing.
  10. I use them for geting/planing intercepts or if I need to hit a particularly precice orbital path. Multinode planings are fairly rare outside of obnoxious interercepts where I know I'll need a midcorse corection (moho you fast little devil you) even then the second node is only a rough guide and will always need tweeking after the first burn. For simpler orbital manuvers such as meeting up with another ship I mostly just eyeball them. I also frequently drop nodes as a simple timer. for example if I know I want to do a prograde burn at some location in my orbit. I'll drop a node at that point and give it a bit of prograde so I know what direction to align my ship to now and have a convenient warpto point. In that case its more of a waypoint marker than anything else, just giveing me a time and direction to burn instead of a fully planed node.
  11. I'd still use 2 myself just so I can outrigger them instead of haveing to stack a largish craft ontop of a large launcher with that long spindly thing in the center. I'll take the slight efficency hit to have it look better and not have to strut as much to keep the stage joint stable. Cuting burn times nearly in half is nice too. I do agree that 6 is a tad overkill though.
  12. well for a minmus base it does not really mater all that much. A strong sneeze will send almost anything into orbit so its prety much personal preferance. That said I prefer refinery's on the ground with a fuel depot in orbit and a tanker shutteling between the 2. What I do is design my tanker with a reserve tank that holds just enough fuel to get down from the orbital station and land at the base (with apropreate safety margins). This way I'm carrying no more fuel than I need on the way down. I then top off at the refinery and return to the depot, repeat as needed. Puting the refinery in orbit can be done but you loose some effiency due to needing to carry your accent fuel down to the planet as well requireing even more fuel for the landing stage. Instead of needing to burn 100 units to land compleatly empty you'll probaly be burning 150 units due to all the extra fuel weight your luging down to the planet. Agian not that much of an issue for minmus as gravity is so low but its more of a consideration if you are operating at a higher gravity location.
  13. And as someone who prefered a hevily modded minecraft I absolutly hated mojang's updates. Sure they added nice features but dispite how much the modding community props up minecrafts popularity mojang screwed them over with nearly every update. They kept changeing everything in the backend so much that each update broke every mod, often for months till the community could manage to fix all the damage. KSP on the other hand while the patches do break a number of mods most can be made funtional with a simple recompile agianst the new version. The turnaround for the major mods are measured in hours and days instead of months. Personaly I doubt KSP is going to reach the hights minecraft did. As fun as it is the game is much more niche than MC. While MC can be played as an adventure type game it is at its core digital legos. a huge number of kids and former kids grew up playing with legos or something similar and MC can cater to that broad appeal very well. KSP requires a bit more of a refined taste than the simple pleasure that is MC. It's still wildly sucessful but I just dont think it will ever go as far due to the market its aimed at.
  14. Its possible to hit mach 1 at sea level as that video points out. going for mach 3+ at sea level on the other hand would be rather difficult and dangerous. It specificly mentioned high mach levels which would generaly imply significantly higher than mach 1. Even mach 1 is not generaly done at low altitudes if for no other reason than folks dont like geting their ears blasted by a point blank sonic boom. Even the few jet aircraft that have been made that can reach multipule mach speeds do it at high altitude, I doubt their airframes could handle it at sea level and it would probably do bad things to the engiens as well.
  15. this shouldnt be a problem unless you've really cranked up the difficulty setings and neutered your science income to nearly nonexistant. you dont really need much more than the basic liquid engiens to get out to minmus. I suggest you go watch HMV's (the youtuber formerly known as 5thHorsman) latest KSP video. He went and landed on Mun off tier 2/3 (or 3/4 depends on if you count the starting node as T0 or T1), basicly what he could unlock with what you could get from reaching orbit and spaming crew reports. That same craft could go to minmus and biome hop a couple times before heading home.You dont particularly need bigger tanks/rockets to get out there. It can help your partcount and eventual endurance but you can go there really low tech
  16. I usualy send up a cluster of 7 orange tanks (1 core with 6 radialy attached) and just dock it to whatever I'm useing as a station core. Thats normaly plenty of fuel to refuel several missions baring some ginormous grand tour mothership. At only 9 parts (with a docking port on either end) it has minimul impact on the lag for the station. My tankers tend to have quite a few more parts than that so they are only for delivering fuel to the station to top it off or rarely to deliver fuel to a stranded ship.
  17. Considering there was a wonderfully working example of a more accurate model out there in the mod community (AKA FAR) I really have to wonder why they found it so hard. Sure there will be teething problems with any new system although this results in even more head-scratching on why they pushed so many new systems in for an arbitrary release deadline. Personaly I'm just giving the new stock aero a miss till they work it out to something stable. Rockets are still easy enough but I'll leave planeparts alone till the updated FAR is out and maybe will go back to stock when squad has finaly had the time to fix the issues caused by a deadline rush.
  18. Intresting I wasnt aware that had been fixed. I'd still been doing the slow down to 10x out of habit and hadnt checked as that bug had been around for as long as I've played Still a tad tricky to arange when your on a timecrunch and starting in a different SOI. I wouldnt relish trying to hit an orbit behind Mun with a mission profile that required a direct burn from the launchpad with no time for manuver nodes, just dead reconing. Even knowhing how to push the vectors it takes a ton of dV to shift your vector if your initial aim wasnt corect when your at 3-4k relitive.
  19. Sometimes if a craft goes through the SOI transition while at moderatly high timewarp its orbit can wind up doing weird things such as autocapture. Its why its generaly recomended to go over the SOI at 10x or less. 50X usualy isnt too bad but 100X or higher will generaly give some different orbit than what was predicted before the SOI. Back to the OP's situation however you only need about 3.5-4k dv to hit mun from LKO in an hour. If you can get a craft with 10k dv or so into orbit you could potentialy get there and slow down for the intercept inside a 2 hour time window. High speed intercepts like that are rather tricky and you might have to do a non standard launch depending on KSP's alignment in relation to Mun(aka may need to go almost strait up and keep burning) to avoid haveing to waste time going around the planet once.
  20. Never had a passive colision with debris where both orbits just happened to intersect while I wasnt doing anything other than a few drifting bumps (craft siting near a station but not docked drifting in at half a m/s) I've set up a few colisions intentionaly but those dont count. I've had a bunch of crashing a craft into a station/craft I intended to dock to but thats just bad piloting. The only accidental debris hit I have was one time where I got a craft to orbit, detached the lift booster (was going to deorbit it later) and setup a node for a burn. Turns out that burn ended up almost exactly 1 orbit after I disconnected and the booster got infront of me in that time. I fired up the rocket and 5 seconds later plowed right into the launch stage. Kinda iffy on if that even counts as the collision would never have happened if I hadnt been burning at the time, I just didnt look forward before fireing.
  21. Lol if he really wants to go there I'd send him there but I'm not bringing him back from that And you only need that much dV if you wana do it in a hurry. You can get on a Suborbital Sun trajectory by slingshoting off Jool for alot less
  22. in your game library right click on KSP and select properties. select the betas tab and opt in to the "Beta" for the previous stable release. I'm not sure if steam counts that as .90 as the stable release or if it counts the micropatches and will just roll you back to 1.0.1. Still this is the only legit option to try and get 90 back if you didnt save a copy.
  23. If your just looking at breaking but remaining on an orbital trajectory (aka aerocapture or lowering your AP) you can also just use wings and vessle pitch to controll things. if you have wings and nose down while near your PE they will be generating "Lift" that will be pushing your craft back to the planet. Asumeing you are sufficently deep enough for the wings to bite into the airflow you can use this technique to hold yourself in a thicker part of the upper atmosphere to slow down more in a single pass. you could also nose up if you feel your going too deep to slow your vertical decent. Dont really more traditional air breaks to pull that off.
  24. I'll probably poke around in stock for a bit but I'll probably wait a week or two for mods to update before starting a long term save. On the bright side I can pretty much cut feram and DRE from the list of mods I need to wait for but then agian those tended to be ready withen a day or two anyway.
  25. For me it was mostly reading the navball to get best use out of it and orbital rendezvous/docking. Once I figured that out most things worked fairly easy with one exception. Still have trouble makeing a decent spaceplane but then agian I dont have a pressing desire to use them anyway. If I really want "Reuseable" stuff I just go the spaceX rout. Big first stage booster that can land itself, just needs to be big enough or accent path steep enough that it gets up to AP long enough for stage 2 to burn to orbit before it despawns.
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