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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. The mod works, but cannot drag the window. Running latest version of KSP 1.12.5 with both DLCs (making history and the other one). No logs as it works, just cannot move the (tiny) window which by default is half-way to the top left. Still better than nothing, appreciate this mod, thanks.
  2. Got the game installed... then messed about in the VAB trying to find parts compatible to build a 'Flying rover'. No propellers, what a letdown for me, so I went with 2x panther and 2x Mk2 JFT-800. Barely had enough fuel to get to the North Pole (or at least the north ice shelf) I was surprised with the lack of that Rover-sized cockpit parts for ASAS and Drone Control part. This also need a good strutting if I ever want to activate the afterburners as it "shakes itself" and pitch down dangerously when it happens. I flew with it, and I also rolled on the ground for a while, works pretty good. ( PS: Anyone playing in 3440x1440 as well? It only stretches a 1920x1080 to fit that resolution making my in-game graphics less interesting ) ( EDIT: Never mind... dunno why but game had reverted to 1920x1080 in the settings... DUH ! Fixed now ! ) Mandatory picture landed on the northern ice shelf :
  3. Surprised I miss this thread for so long... So On top of my wish-list are Propellers. Not those "Some assembly required" ones from KSP1, I never got those to work and they make me angry, lol. Completed, already built propellers. Not required but having variants that are shielded (like those from stock propellers, a metal ring around them) would be nice too. Internal cycle propellers, Regular Propeller (LF + oxygen intake) and electrical propellers. To me this is very important to my playstyle and I spent a week or two way back then modding my own. Why? You can make very long/unlimited range exploration planes, you can fit them on rovers too and it doubles as a water engine for worlds with liquids to sail on. 3 sizes/power would do the trick (probe-sized, small plane-sized, and large ones. A ducted-fan (electrical jet engine) comes next but is far less important... Hopefully propellers will be part of the game at release, but I'm not hopeful, having seen nothing of that so far. Obviously Outer Planets Mod for KSP2 would/will be sweet, and I think that's next. But there's no telling until we start playing and actually see "What's Missing" -- Happy Holidays folks !
  4. Interesting. I usually play KSP during my winter vacation (Feb-April). Maybe I'll have a shiny new toy next year afterall. Assuming this is legit and there are no future delays.
  5. If they keep KSP's roughly 1/10 scale, that means closest star will be 0.4ly near Kerbol system. Still a very long way, but definitely more manageable. I guess well have to see at release tho.
  6. Honestly I wouldn't mind a Friday updates about rovers, flying rovers, hopper... you know, stuff you make to move around on a planet. Just saying because that is the core of my KSP gameplay
  7. Umm... I really need to find the time to resume my Science grand tour. Haven't been to Tekto since... 1.1.3 ? I love the Sarnus system. KSP2 better step up it's game
  8. Usually my pronunciation will sound like "Dew-na"
  9. A Uranus analogue for sure... Tilted, ghostly ring, 10x atmo from Kerbin while 5x gravity. Couple moons (say 3, a very close one where the planet takes a quarter or more of the sky), one in which the planet looks 4-5x as big as our current moon, and the last one far away). Put some nice ressources from both it's atmosphere (Methane is a great fuel) and land (Maybe Uranium? fits the name of the original). Something worthwhile to spend time engineering ship to manage that planet.
  10. I wonder how aerophysics would work on a planet with 5x Kerbin's gravity but like 10x the atmosphere density. I might play with numbers and try to see how exploring such an "Ice Giant" would work and how well planes would handle. If it's easy enough to do, that would be a huge plus as I can just create an "Uranus" analogue with tweaked numbers (it IS ksp afterall) myself and plop it in the KSP solar system. Please allow us to have rings and set rotation axis (which I believe the latter is already confirmed, not sure about the former tho). I really want to have something like this, If I can mod it... Nice color and love those "ghostly" rings.
  11. You knw we're all looking at these parts and going : "I like what I see". I'll tell you, I like what I hear as well. If these soundtracks present in some of KSP2 videos are in the game in shape or form, we're in for a real treat... For those of us that never get enough in-game musical scores.
  12. Always wanted to build one in KSP... Never did because ultimately I send little green men over to destinations. Amazing work !
  13. I picked OTHERS. All I feel that is missing, are 2 things. 1- Maintain Sea Level altitude. This should work on planes and on space ships (that can hover by having the proper thrust vectors)... First it would make flying quad-copter vessels far more manageable, then if the plane has enough flight control surfaces It should maintain altitude (and heading too, like set it to 045 degrees it stays on that). 2- Cruise control. Mostly on Rovers, I want to tell my rover to maintain 15m/s and it speeds-up (either with electric wheels, or w/e lateral thrusters it has) if it slows, and slows down using back brakes and engine if necessary to keep the forward motion at 15m/s. those level of automaton would make my live much much easier. As for the rest of the game like refueling/logistics, whatever works would be fine. I don't want to babysit colonies/station all day/week/month, but I don't want the entire game to play itself either. I'd be okay for base/station ressuply to be automated once you did it once.
  14. Took me a lot longer to answer. Went for Duna. As a rover lover, Duna is one of the best planet/moon to operate on. It's relatively forgiving, and relatively mild for terrain height changes. Close contender was Mun, Laythe, Pol and Vall. Minmus is cool too, but it's up to a point where I'm kinda sick of it, you know? If you design a good solar boatplane (with sturdy/stable landing wheels for ground landing), Eve is one hell of a place too. Nothing like flying 100-300 meters above the surface at 50-70m/s and being able to land everywhere... Throw in some RTGs for night refueling when landed, and you're golden. Eve is just too large tho. Even at 70m/s it'll take MANY hours to get all the biomes... But I intend to do it eventually. Eeloo is just annoying to get to, and even more annoying to send supplies to. Dres does not have many interesting features (much like Tylo, Bop, Moho, and Ike), making them boring in that regards. Kerbin is large but has very different terrains if you go for say, a circonference flight/rover expedition. And you have to plan for water. But the named 5 destinations? merp. Honesly, KSP is really missing a Titan analogue, tho you might argue that is Laythe. But imagine a 120km atmo, which is 3x as Thick as Kerban, but the gravity is half-way between Mun and Minmus, and would have ocean of hydrocarbons to float on. AND throw in Gas Giant #2 with large rings (like Sarnus in OPM)... That would perhaps be my new favorite destination. Anyways, nice Thread !
  15. Too bad there's no multiplayer, I could drive back to your base and we could throw a party. Good job !
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