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Everything posted by mdapol

  1. Yes they are two different things. But the Scoops DO work. The Jet flies. Remember, I'm not saying that the engine doesn't WORK, it does. I'm saying that the Intercooler doesn't work. Unless the Intercooler only works with Intakes, which is possible... But I would like some kind of definitive answer if possible.
  2. So I've figured out from extensive reading of this thread that I need to attach Intakes-Precooler-Reactor-Thermal Turbojet in that order for the pre-coolers to function. I've done that for my current design, but when I right-click on the precoolers in flight, it says "Precooler Status: Offline". What am I doing wrong? The wiki doesn't give any clear instructions. I'm using the 1.25m Nuclear Reactors. The intake is the Atmospheric Scoop added by the mod. The Precoolers work properly when attached to Rapier engines. It doesn't make sense to me.
  3. So I've figured out from reading this thread that I need to attach Intakes-Precooler-Reactor-Thermal Turbojet in that order for the pre-coolers to function. I've done that for my current design, but when I right-click on the precoolers in flight, it says "Precooler Status: Offline". What am I doing wrong?
  4. Yes, finally two days ago I took out all but Module_Manager_1_5_6.dll and everything now works perfectly. And as someone else mentioned, only one Module_Manager dll and that one only in the GameData folder and no where else.
  5. Did you check that there were no other ModuleManager dlls -anywhere- in any subdirectory of GameData? Some addons may have them inside their own folders.
  6. For what it's worth, when I was putting up my comsat network I would often forget to rename sats after getting them in orbit. So I would have multiple sats with the same name. Had to go to space center, focus them, and rename them. Very annoying. Each sat was launched individually in it's own launch vehicle, then released. After release the default name was something like <saved name from VAB> Probe. Haven't gotten the bugged space center except when I had too many addons loading. Used reduced res textures and fixed that problem. Never had any crashes or duplicated craft yet.
  7. Do you have multiple versions of ModuleManager_XXX.dll in your GameData folder?
  8. Since I have not seen it mentioned explicitly here... For all those who are not getting the antenna animation, I found the problem to be too many versions of ModuleManager in my GameData folder. You should only have one ModuleManager_???.dll. Use the one with the highest version and trash the rest.
  9. The craft isn't invisible. I found out last night that it is just very, very, very far away. You need to keep zooming in and you will see it. Or just do the map view switch/switch back trick. Mark
  10. What would happen if I have multiple versions of ModuleManager in my GameData folder? For example, because of various addon needs, I have ModuleManager_1_5.dll, ModuleManager_1_5_5.dll and ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll. Will this cause a conflict? Could this be the cause of the no-deploy-animation bug I have with RemoteTech?
  11. This has nothing to do with the OP. It's a bug. Only antennas that are "on by default" will be active when the craft loads. If they are in range of your network, then you have a connection and can activate the longer range antennas. But if they are not in range, you have no antennas active that can communicate. Therefore the craft is dead. RT needs to save the state of the antennas so this doesn't happen.
  12. Is there any way to modify the default values for the Flight Assistance Options? For example, if I find a DCA of 100-120 more suitable for me, it's annoying to have to edit that every time I fly something. It would be easier if I could permanently adjust the setting.
  13. So I'm still wondering what the bug is that causes all the RT antennas to not have any animation. Does anyone have any new information? Some kind of addon conflict? I checked the KSP.log and I see these RemoteTech errors: [ERR 15:13:25.078] [TransmitterModule]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule [LOG 15:13:25.079] RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Part Module longAntenna doesn't implement IScalarModule [ERR 15:13:25.080] [TransmitterModule]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule [LOG 15:13:25.080] RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Part Module commDish doesn't implement IScalarModule [ERR 15:13:25.083] [TransmitterModule]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule [LOG 15:13:25.083] RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Part Module mediumDishAntenna doesn't implement IScalarModule [ERR 15:13:25.084] [TransmitterModule]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule [LOG 15:13:25.085] RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Part Module mediumDishAntenna doesn't implement IScalarModule Don't know what this means though. I have ModuleManager_1_5.dll and ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll installed.
  14. Is anyone else having an issue where the RemoteTech antennas don't animate when activated manually? They do their animation when transmitting Science, but when I click the "Activate" button there is no animation, although they do start to consume power and otherwise relay signals. I'd like to report that as a bug if it hasn't already.
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