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Galactic Nexus

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Everything posted by Galactic Nexus

  1. These look absolutely fantastic! The amount of things they could do is enormous. As fro electricity, is Cephei\'s mod not accepted? I know his plugin is used in at least the Deep Space Mission pack.
  2. Even after increasing the engine\'s crashTolerance, I\'m still finding it gets ripped off most times I try to decouple.
  3. I was thinking, assuming that eventually the solar panels will be programmed to only generate power when in direct line-of-sight with a star and the power generated is inversely proportional to the distance from it, are you going to have an auxiliary power supply for when behind other bodies, or beyond the efficient range of the solar panels? Such as a small nuclear fission reactor for example.
  4. Very cool picture there Benjie, I never realised that the ship had the engines at the front, I thought they were at the back and that the shield was at the front, I don\'t know why I thought made more sense. Anyway, on topic, I\'m definitely liking the concept here kockaspiton. My one worry is how you\'re going to get it up there. Isn\'t this sort of ship you would launch from orbit? The large, bare truss in the middle looks like it would be a huge liability, aerodynamically. Do you plan to stick the truss and below inside a massive fairing?
  5. Maybe you could do some little ones like on the Apollo Landing Module that sort of tuck underneath beside the engine? Instead of folding up or down, they fold in. I\'m trying to to find an image to show their un-deployed state, but it\'s proving rather difficult. EDIT: AHA!
  6. Tim, you\'ve definitely got my vote for alternative loading screen. It\'d be really cool to have a bank of similarly styled images by different people for the pre-loader to choose from.
  7. Is it possible to have my email resent? I cannot for the life of me find it, though I do remember receiving it. EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed the reset button :
  8. I love Matt Smith\'s Doctor, he\'s much more like The Doctor should be; alien and eccentric. I mean sure, I loved David Tennant as much as the next guy, but he played the part far too human in my opinion.
  9. Clicked on the spoiler thinking 'Well that doesn\'t sound like it would look too good.'. OH MY GOD IT\'S AWESOME.
  10. I have absolutely no idea why, but for some reason my brain decided to read that sentence with a Scottish accent.
  11. The link seems to be down at the moment, but I may a well ask; is Poosh named after the 'Lost Moon of Poosh'?
  12. Just donated $7. I think once v1.0 comes out I might up my donation to $10, you know, if I have a the money .
  13. You overestimate the amount of effort Kerbal put into their handiwork.
  14. Wait... woah, woah, woah wait. Are those angled liquid fuel engines? FINALLY! I've been needing something like this to get my Space Shuttle recreation to actually fly without falling over due to it's asymmetricality. These will do nicely.
  15. Looks sweet. Got any other parts planned?
  16. It doesn't seem spaceplanes need to have especially extravagant wings judging by the look of the Skylon.
  17. The Galactic Nexus Kerbal Space Program achieved it's first rudimentary orbit on 14/7/11. Unfortunately due to a heavily unstable orbit, the 3 brave Kerbals were lost deep in space after their 3rd orbit resulted in a slingshot and achieved escape velocity. RIP. The first stable orbit was performed on 15/7/11 at ~140,000m.
  18. Over the last couple of days I have been perfecting the SOL program, designed with intention of creating a craft with enough fuel and power to achieve deep space flight, whilst also having the capabilities to deploy the final stages as an orbital shuttle. SOL I was designed purely as a test for the final stages of the craft with not enough fuel to achieve much more than 10000 metres on its own. SOL II was an experiment in fuel and power, but a catastrophic failure and served to show that lightness was key. SOL III was designed to find a way to escape the atmosphere whilst conserving as much weight as possible. Partial orbit was achieved, at the expense of using exploding solid fuel boosters to achieve lift off due to lack of power. SOL IV has been a resounding success. It was designed with a compromise between the power of the MK II and the weight of the MK III and is capable of achieving both orbit and deep space flight via both vertical thrust and slingshot orbit.
  19. First off, downloaded the game a couple of days ago and have loved it. But with this latest update, it's become pretty much unplayable. Whenever I click a tab in the vehicle creation mode I seem to have a 50/50 chance of crashing, is there some kind of bug I don't know about? Here are the files from one of the crash reports: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11763907/KSP/crash.dmp http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11763907/KSP/error.log http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11763907/KSP/output_log.txt http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11763907/KSP/report.ini
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