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Everything posted by teepee2345

  1. im planning on scripting a countermeasure box. might or might not work
  2. granted. they die one picosecond after midnight on december 31st i wish for an anvil-shaped balloon made of plastic
  3. ADD MOAR BOOSTAHS!!!!!!!! waiter, get out of my soup...
  4. when the alt limit for approach to target, is it radar alt or ASL? also i have made a more efficient version of my pervious attacker that has many times the range. even though it uses two basic jet engines. with 1000 units of fuel a journey to the target area use about a seventh or eighth of the available fuel
  5. 18.3 DEMO: reached escape velocity 0.21 bought game 0.21 landed on Mun 0.21 first plane that didn't try to do a backflip 0.23.5 first duna and minmus landings 0.25 first Ike orbit 0.90 first kerballed landing at dunas poles
  6. eat it. it makes you more foxy waiter, jeb and danny2462 are in my soup!
  7. banned because i say so! EDIT ninja'd...
  8. would this be an ok attack aircraft? EDIT 4 mavericks, 2 snakeye bombs, 2 S8-KOM rocket pods and one Gau-8 cannon. 4 countermeasure pods - - - Updated - - - i dont think that the alt limit on approach will be a problem because my normal flight altitude is around 400 meters EDITEDIT i revised the countermeasure pods to two pods linked to a single action group
  9. nice to see you back BD! im guessing your return flight's pilot wasn't a kerbal XD
  10. you know how all craft that are not player made are marked with (Stock) on the end? he means that
  11. Rep cannons firing!!!!!!! 276 points left!
  12. well you can only give a certain amount of rep within 24 hours
  13. green iron crown is to be shunned!!!!!!
  14. Fire the rep cannons!! Full rep!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. he lost the dark red bar! Keep going!
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