one request for this mod and the only request i have is: when 1.0 comes out, can you then fix the Jump Pad? a.k.a the B34-m Un-tunneling Spatial Euclideanizer.
hmm... NAH! the wormhole would collapse as soon as endurance enters it. press the button to have infinite money but it can only go towards funding for NASA/ESA
maybe make a version that is much smaller for video purposes and then you can edit the video and enlarge the ship in the vid but keep a good framerate.
WOO! SOLID GOLD TORTILLA CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the object to you Right is now a Bar of Diamond
excellent work there lad. if you dont mind me i'd say i found a fellow nerd. i call myself one all the time. nice work and awesome story. really suspensful stuff here. i love reading it.
i have a question concerning the Cruise Missiles. do they follow the contours of the terrain or do they just fly to their targets in a straight-ish line?