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Everything posted by PlonioFludrasco

  1. Roscosmos said they are planning a manned mission to the Moon in 2029 (60 years after Apollo 11). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/space/9141416/Russia-to-finally-send-man-to-the-Moon.html What do you think?
  2. Yes and nothing but yes. Call me crazy, but it's one of the reason I'm applying at the Italian Air Force.
  3. I use a flag planted few meters before the head of the runway. Set it as target and you can see on the navball if you are aligned and the glideslope you have to keep.
  4. Didn't the tethered satellite generate electrical power by moving inside Earth's magnetic field?
  5. Launching retrograde requires just 350 m/s more than launching prograde. With 350 m/s you don't even launch into a keosyncronous transfer orbit (it takes about 600 m/s). The orbit you should aim for to have a requirement of less than 350 m/s to change inclination of 180 deg extends higher than the Mun: an usual Mun return trajectory, with Pe inside Kerbin atmosphere and Ap about the radius of Mun orbit, has an apoapsis speed of 160 m/s circa. So no, it' s better to aim to retrograde from the beginning.
  6. For funds! √√√
  7. You don't need to calculate echo ping assuming a propagation rate, or make the echoes directly audible (the last part, even IRL). Best to code the distance value into the pulse rate of the beeps. That way is much more easier to implement, and you can choose the scale as you like, without strange justification like reduced propagation rate. PS but that should be based on other than "warp1x game time", it often go slower than IRL time, expecially when docking to a huge station with all the lights on.
  8. ESA one did the same - - - Updated - - - PS what time (gmt) is Soyuz scheduled to dock with ISS?
  9. Hey was that really a tablet that they have on the soyuz?
  10. Yes, and you don't need a telescope to see it! Sometimes, it's also the brightest object in the sky! Chech heavens-above.com to see when the next pass is for your zone.
  11. Sure. Have seen some "guardians" from very close, it's impressive how small its wing are. - - - Updated - - - And there are videos on the web of some 104 in a "zero lenght takeoff" version, with a solid rocket benath and launched like a missle! You can also find some videos of tests with some 104 launched and recovered using catapult, cables and hook. I will search and post some, it's really cool (and quite kerbal) stuff! EDIT http://www.airvectors.net/avzel_4.jpg
  12. Just my 2 cents: Probably they changed their shoes as soon as they left the capsule.
  13. Yes you are right, the TWR=2 is to have 10 m/s^2 of acceleration.
  14. You mean greater than 2: TWR=1 means thrust = weight, and the rocket wont leave the pad.
  15. Not necessary they are imaginary things. Atomic borders are equi-whatever surfaces, and they are real.
  16. Equipotential surfaces of a field are 2 dimensionals. You can't see or touch them, but they have their definition.
  17. Yep, that's right - - - Updated - - - BTW, will the Delta4 launch be streamed?
  18. You can exploit that "feature" to make the game believe it's a new station, if you are playing career.
  19. Flight schedule for the upcoming Soyuz launch (with maneuvers and delta-Vs!!): http://www.mcc.rsa.ru/sojuztma_16m/start.htm Does anyone understand russian? I don't
  20. Could be, but difference will be minimal,since old KSC is not that far from actual KSC.
  21. Make any purpose to a space agency or government, and wait for all the bureaucracy and delays. Since we are talking about LEO, when they are ready for test flight the problem will be solved by itself. Pardon that provocation, but it's how space stuff runs these days.
  22. Yes, but found nothing about flyby porkchop plots. EDIT ok, I've search better and probably I stepped into a bug of the tool, that occours when using kerbin time units. I'll try later with Earth units.
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