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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. I PM'ed xxjetterxx - hopefully he'll reply.
  2. Presumably, by using stock ksp parts that have RL analogues, and comparing their prices to real prices in a given RL currency, we can then create a reasonable function that maps RL prices to KSP-economy prices. Essentially create a CPI of space-parts, referencing value of USD at a fixed date to KSP-radical-currency.
  3. On the other hand, NASA's budget is about 0.5% of the USA's budget (Fiscal year 2011, total budget ~3 trillion (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:s.3729:)) - so such a cost is well within reason, assuming a Kerbal nation with a roughly equivalent GDP that places more funding in the direction of KSP - come to think of it, it would make sense for there to be some constant budget flow inward from that - maybe that will be part of that new feature planned for .25...
  4. oops - it deleted my first line:

    I and some others are wondering if you could re-upload your parts from that thread

  5. oops - it deleted my first line:

    I and some others are wondering if you could re-upload your parts from that thread

  6. Hello:


    as they look rather awesome :)



  7. Awesome! That's a feature I've always wanted but never quite articulated to myself.
  8. Excellent *Mr. Burns pose* The compile I did is trollingly not working - every individual part (reactors, generators, radiators) - each one insists "I am working fine, look at my readouts" but have read Descartes and proclaim "No other part exists but me!"
  9. Odd - the compiled Interstellar is insisting that something is in an incorrect directory... I have everything arranged as in .11 on 23.5 (as far as I know). EDIT: The problem seems to have been that when I renamed the main dll to have the correct name, I managed to leave an identical copy in same the folder with a different name.
  10. I compiled ORS first - and it seems the project file is looking at the right directory...
  11. awesome! btw - I tried compiling it for myself (microsoft visual studio), but I got an error of the form: The extern alias ORS_1.3 was not specified in a /reference option (typed from memory, may not be totally faithful to actual error message). If it is no bother, would anyone know what my error is?
  12. Excellent! I am very interested in this. Real Fuels currently has a heat pump module/part, but it is very unrealistic - it drops itself down to ~-250, and charges a fixed EC cost per unit heat deleted. A realistic system (that doesn't also remove all of ones EC in 5 seconds flat)...
  13. Ships that have parts attached on either side of the lights oscillate crazily through the light. Has anyone else had this happen? EDIT: Found my issue: I had added tweakscale to them via ModuleManager, and there was a pre-existing node somewhere in an old unnoticed config file that reduced these lights mass. When I tweakscaled a light one size down, its mass dropped below .001, which I know from previous experience makes the physics engine do weird things (I guess masses below that limit get rounded to 0 or something...).
  14. Question: I am attempting to make use of RSS along with planetfactory to make a custom solar system (specifically one wherein Kerbin orbits a gas giant). For some reason, if I exit the game with any vessel in orbit of anything, when I reload, that vessel is placed into a ludicrous-speed orbit, usually marked as escaping the sun. I am also experiencing that when a vessel is launched, sometimes the view is dark, with a NAN speed, and no control ability. I half-remember seeing somewhere that this can be caused by kerbin not having the correct reference id or something, but I have been as of now unable to locate a relevant post. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
  15. I've been playing around with direct editing - I keep ending up with ships floating in deep space with NAN velocity, uncontrollable, still thinking they are on the launchpad.
  16. I've been having the issue mentioned above - that on launch I am listed as being on the launchpad by mechjeb, but I am floating far out in space, velocity cycling between numbers and NAN, everything uncontrollable (including quicksave/quickload) I am able to press escape and return to the space center (it reverts to the last save). I saw he mentioned it might be a karbonite confloct - I'll try removing that. EDIT: Yes - removing karbonite.dll fixed this. EDIT: No, I was wrong. For some reason, launch #1 goes fine, a second launch makes this happen. EDIT: Log spams: [EXC 18:25:56.990] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index
  17. I looked at wavefunction's code for the lite release - all of the old features are still there, just commented out - I am going to play around with uncommenting them, establishing if I can/need to exit any of the code, edit those modules back into the new .cfgs via modulemanager, etc. in other words, I think that one can have all of the fixes and tweakscale compatability of the .12 lite release while retaining the more complex features that some enjoy. the original license forbids distributing edited compiled releases without express consent from Fractal... it does, however allow distribution of edited source.
  18. This book has interesting relevance: Time travel and warp drives : a scientific guide to shortcuts through time and space / Allen Everett and Thomas Roman.
  19. My parts aren't upgrading - radiators didn't upgrade with experimental electrics?
  20. My bad, then - this started after I updated the ext (and updated to the latest dev version) - I had initially assumed it was an issue with the ext. on further copy/pasting versions around, it is not due to the ext (still happens with that removed) and is present for me in the previous two dev releases (308 and 309).
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