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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. Mechjeb is reporting thrust (and acceleration) that is significantly less than actual. This is occuring on all engines - for example, the KW Griffon 8D, with ~1641 KN of thrust at sea level (I use KIDS) (obtained from right-click menu on that engine) - mechjeb reports ~410 KN of thrust, and an acceleration of ~2.9 m/s^2. As my ship is moving upwards rapidly from Kerbin's surface, this is clearly in error. Is there a possible mod conflict here? or might I have some other issue? EDIT: this is using the 309 dev release.
  2. On x64, I have been randomly crashing. The following is the most recent error.log: Unity Player [version: Unity 4.5.2f1_9abb1b59b47c] KSP_x64.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module KSP_x64.exe at 0033:03cc0000. Error occurred at 2014-09-03_111444. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe, run by Aryeh. 47% memory in use. 8053 MB physical memory [4247 MB free]. 9333 MB paging file [5190 MB free]. 134217728 MB user address space [134215402 MB free]. Write to location 03cc0000 caused an access violation. Context: RDI: 0x68d96800 RSI: 0x6b705c00 RAX: 0x68d96800 RBX: 0x4919d730 RCX: 0x68d96800 RDX: 0xbdcccccd RIP: 0x03cc0000 RBP: 0x00d3f4a0 SegCs: 0x00000033 EFlags: 0x00010202 RSP: 0x00d3f2e0 SegSs: 0x0000002b R8: 0x00000000 R9: 0x00000006 R10: 0x00000000 R11: 0x88a1194e R12: 0x00d3f890 R13: 0x03c74d48 R14: 0x592861a0 R15: 0x6b705c00 Bytes at CS:EIP: ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? == [end of error.log] == I have an access violation, but have plenty of free RAM, and the bytes at CS:EIP are '?'s, unlike the out-of-memory errors.
  3. Since he said that it is intended to be used with the newest mechjeb dev version, and that the two part .cfg files have not changed in a long time, and in particular that the EXT is about 1/10 the size of the mechjeb2.dll, it seems most likely that they are intended to be both present at once (I had the same question, and that was the though that I thought).
  4. First thing I tried was restarting... I'll post the log in some moments EDIT: The first NRE occurs immediately after the contracts load. I recently updated one of the extra-contracts mods - I am checking if there is some error in one of them (this would also explain why I only have two contracts available).
  5. For some reason, recently Kerbal alarm clock (and the alternate resource panel) have not been opening - their buttons appear in the toolbar, but clicking on those buttons does nothing. Restarting KSP makes it work - once. Has anyone else run into this? EDIT: I am running through recently installed .dlls (I have been using KAC and ARP for a very long time with no problems). I notice that the ship that these are broken on have procedural fuel tanks also acting funny - the cylinder is at the default length, with a gap where it should extend into. yup log is spanning nullreferenceexception
  6. found the cause of my problem [last page] - I had a part with the karbonite particle collector module - I put this into a part.cfg: MODULE { name = KarboniteParticleExtractor deployAnimationName = ThrustAnim drillAnimationName = } thought: "I don't need an empty field" and deleted the 'drillAnimationName = ' apparently, without that field, that module goes nuts and does bad things. [i found that old bussard ramjet part, removed the engine module, and put the blue magnetic scoop animation that it used as an engine animation as the deployAnimationName - it looks amazing now that it works. The only place I could find it was on one of those seedy sites banned from posting here - the download I found lacked the license and other parts I remember from the spaceport download, so I am unsure if I am allowed to repost it.]
  7. For some reason, the ships are spawning with about 200 m/s of orbital velocity (orbital velocity of the space-dock is ~2000 m/s)
  8. when I build I ship with the orbital spacedock, it has no resources and is uncontrollable. both it and the launchpad-ship don't respond to commands, and the right click menus have readouts, but all button fields are gone. what did I do wrong? (I have mining, I have a supply of the appropriate fuels onboard)
  9. There is a simple addon to asteroids to make them have cost (so landing and recovering them gives funds): @PART[PotatoRoid] { cost = [whatever seems reasonable to you] } unfortunately, this doesn't scale with asteroid type. alternatively, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90443-0-24-2-MoonMining-Precious-Metals-v1-1. Basically, you use the USI drills to mine very heavy valuables from other bodies (or asteroids with another addon [whose name escapes me]) and land and recover for cash.
  10. Does the FNrefinery code still have aluminium-from-alumina? if it does, one could just add the resource extractor module for alumina from v .11 via modulemanager, and stick in an aluminium/oxygen engine. (I was already doing that with appropriately altered versions of those low-profile awesome-art engines that nohark pick-n-pull guy made (use them as aluox, i mean)). if not, one could add the maps for alumina from .11 to the appropriate file, edit them to produce straight aluminium, then use the same FNresourceextractor module, with the energy scaled up to account for the skipped step. Alternatively, one could use the kethane or USI converter module to turn alumina + Megajoules into aluminium + oxidizer (I already have such a thing set up - I made a pathway using USI from Al and H2O to that ALICE fuel [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALICE_(propellant)]. (not really real, but this is my in-game thing of it:) It draws small power to stay at the right slushy consistency, but balances that need (not an issue with KSPI) with reasonable energy density (and that I REALLY like single-propellant engines for some reason. They feel... neater).
  11. I finally found [my] the problem!!! there was one large module wherein one field had nothing to the right of the equal sign. Halleluyah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I can confirm that I have exactly 1 modulemanager dll of any version: 2.2.1 The problem is still occurring: in the log, everything seems to be fine. Then, once all is done loading: [LOG 13:53:01.003] [IR GUI] destroy [LOG 13:53:01.545] ScienceAlert.ImprovedAddonLoader.CustomAddonLoader: PSYSTEM was loaded; instantiating addons... [LOG 13:53:01.546] ScienceAlert.ImprovedAddonLoader.CustomAddonLoader finished; no addons created. [LOG 13:53:01.552] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ConfigManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager.2.2.1' [LOG 13:53:01.576] [ModuleManager] compiling list of loaded mods... Mod DLLs found: Assembly-CSharp v1.0.0.0 ModuleManager.2.2.1 v2.2.1.0 ResearchThemAll v1.1.0.0 aaa_Toolbar v1.0.0.0 ActiveTextureManagement v1.0.0.0 and so on All passes are then blank: [LOG 13:53:01.588] [ModuleManager] Checking NEEDS. [LOG 13:53:01.667] [ModuleManager] :FIRST (default) pass [LOG 13:53:01.671] [ModuleManager] :BEFORE[ASSEMBLY-CSHARP] pass [LOG 13:53:01.675] [ModuleManager] :FOR[ASSEMBLY-CSHARP] pass [LOG 13:53:01.678] [ModuleManager] :AFTER[ASSEMBLY-CSHARP] pass [LOG 13:53:01.682] [ModuleManager] :BEFORE[MODULEMANAGER.2.2.1] pass [LOG 13:53:01.685] [ModuleManager] :FOR[MODULEMANAGER.2.2.1] pass [LOG 13:53:01.689] [ModuleManager] :AFTER[MODULEMANAGER.2.2.1] pass [LOG 13:53:01.693] [ModuleManager] :BEFORE[RESEARCHTHEMALL] pass [LOG 13:53:01.696] [ModuleManager] :FOR[RESEARCHTHEMALL] pass and so on there are 5 blank passes, each as this one after the first normal one. The following error appears exactly once, before the second-to-last blank pass: [LOG 13:53:18.631] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SaveGameFixer' from assembly 'ModuleManager.2.2.1' [EXC 13:53:18.633] InvalidProgramException: Assembly: ModuleManager.2.2.1 at location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.2.2.1.dll is not in the expected assembly. Code has been copied and this will cause problems. this is a link to the log https://www.dropbox.com/s/sofyt37q2dsoggg/KSP.log?dl=0 Edit: the Number of passes varies per loading...
  13. Module manager seems to be running itself multiple times. (the sequence of passes is duplicated in the log file). All the later passes do nothing, excpet that partloader then ends up having no parts loaded (so KSP has 0 parts once I start a game file). How do I fix this?
  14. was anyone who was there when wavefunction started his twitch feed a few days ago, and modulemanager did that wierd thing where it deleted all the parts, and there was that error in the log where it said it duplicated code? Does anyone remember what he did to fix that [or is wavefunction and can say it over, being himself ]? It's happening to me right now, and I DON'T KNOW WHY! [tears hair out]
  15. i see the issue with giving the engine that thing - your navball would be off center from your ship, I would think. What might work is making a small flat probe body, in its .cfg file use that physicsSignificance = 1 thing to make it be ignored for aerodynamics and mass - and you can then attach it to the top of the craft, giving you an appropriately oriented thing. It occurs to me that there is an aerodynamic antenna part somewhere in a far past thread - that might actually be a candidate to slap a commandModule node into - and it serves a purpose other than being a hacky fix.
  16. Where can I find a guide/documentation on the engineconfig module?
  17. I think that the realfuels download comes bundled with a heat fin with that module
  18. Have you closed and restarted KSP? sometimes, rarely, some or all parts on a vessel on the launchpad undergo a sudden catastrophic divorce. Closing and restarting KSP fixes this. it seems that all the attachment nodes suddenly cease to be, for some reason. Idk if this is a kspi or general thing... anyway if that doesn't work, then this is something else.
  19. Twitch denies permission to access your dashboard. I think this might be the intended link: http://www.twitch.tv/wavefunctionp
  20. What does the ignitionThreshold variable actually do?
  21. That is false, I believe - unless you have at least one resource that has mass (so not electriccharge) the engine will not function. An engine with only electriccharge as a fuel will list a fuel consumption of infinity/sec and will provide 0 thrust when launched. I can confirm that this is true. [i did this for the sake of some electric engines [propellers] that logically should function on eve and Jool (and are more convenient for the viability of return trips)]
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