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Everything posted by MDZhB

  1. Sorry, I think I was a little unclear. Every software product you buy is suspect. Certainly we can trust our food not to be poisoned, and we should be able to trust our software not to be poisoned either. Sadly, we can't do that yet. That is why it is necessary to speak up about it. Software today is a failure for this exact reason. If your granny wants to play KSP without getting spied on, she's out of luck. It's just that, presented with options A: publicly protest unethical data collection, or B: counteract the data collection, I say we do both. I just wanted to make the point in my earlier post that it isn't futile to actively nullify spyware like this This stuff never relied on any kind of technical ability in the first place, its not their business model. They don't bank their success on their ability to thwart countermeasures, they bank it on users not caring enough to know or do anything about it. When resistance is put up, I highly doubt they'll do anything serious about it. They aren't exactly the NSA. Is it Gentoo? Can it play KSP?
  2. It was not a volcano before I stepped upon it. Think on that, advocate for destruction.
  3. Oh? This thread is about a virtual hill? Ha, what an obvious fallacy. Of course the thread is virtual, but that doesn't mean the hill is! I simply can't accept that all this would be taking place over a mere virtual hill. In addition, there are so many hills that we could be discussing, that there is really no reason to create a virtual hill anyway. It would seem that it is you who has abandoned the competition, my misguided friend. I will laugh at you from atop my hill.
  4. I agree with your sentiment, but the fact is that every product you buy is the product of the enemy. But what is truly dangerous is that most people (understandably) believe that you must be part of the "small group of professionals" to do anything about it. Most people believe that they are competent at using computers, and any more knowledge is in the realm of "professionals." Unfortunately, the truth is that the majority of computer users are severely under-educated about how the machines they use on a daily basis actually work. How many "average" users know what an internet packet is? What about a port? Or what the operating system actually does? Maybe these seem like intense technical questions, but in reality a quick google search can enlighten anyone. In short, the majority of internet users need to realize two things: They are in desperate need of information The information they need is easy to understand and acquire. Yes, actually. Lot's of people do it. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to use commercial software, and you don't have to allow it to do whatever you want. So why doesn't everyone already do that? Again, for the reasons I outlined above, but also because it seems that internet users are apathetic enough to simply accept that they are giving away their data. Now, this is not all to say that redshell isn't a problem, and we shouldn't try to do something about it. Just the opposite, in fact. We must be more diligent than ever if we want to do anything more than pretend that we care about our privacy and information. It is essential to speak up about it, but actually doing something about it is just as essential. You are not helpless, if you take your computing into your own hands, and make your voice heard.
  5. Virtual hills are for losers. My hill is real and therefore uncomputerized.
  6. So, my latest fighter, the Lumia Doll does much better than I expected against the PEGASys D-6. During a 1v1, it can keep stay behind the PEGASys about 80% of the time, keeping it within her crosshairs. However, the one thing I really want to change is the opening move. The Lumia Doll has 6 heat seeking missiles, and at the beginning of the match she is pointed squarely at the PEGASys at 8km, but doesn't fire any of them. Instead, the AI seems to wait for something to be fired at it, then takes evasive action. As a test, I set my missile and weapon manager settings to be identical to those of the PEGASys, but the same thing happened. Anyone know how to fix this? Also, thanks for the advice about tweaking the AI, it has certainly helped.
  7. Until this stuff is removed, I've blocked KSP's internet access with a firewall, and I've blocked RedShell websites as outlined in this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/8rxdwn/batch_file_to_block_redshell_new_steam_spyware/ Just because you have it doesn't mean you can't fight back. In fact, I think I'll keep these changes permenently. It's not like KSP actually needs internet access anyway.
  8. Hills are irrelevant. I take the people taking the hills. The hills are now mine by default.
  9. I play a more rational style, but without the realism. I don't mind silly looking rockets or designs, but I do want to test them to make sure they work. I guess I'm not concerned as much with realism as I am mastering the game and doing cool stuff in that scope.
  10. How do I find what values are best for my aircraft? What should I be looking for in flight?
  11. You deleted your last picture in the Google Image Wars thread. (・ω・)
  12. Look, a beast! He will not live. Become a NEET? The bourgeoisie! Deuterium parks half keys.
  13. Floor 4005: You are no longer in the sun. Before you are 7 billion wandering ghosts, all waving around copies of the sheet music for Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2. You listen to their conversation, and hear them talking in Japanese about nuclear submarines and digital cameras. How do you understand them? Subtitles.
  14. Ha ha, your silly cartoon anvil is no match for my... SCARY GHOST UMBRELLA!
  15. I saw the Falcon Heavy launch from a distance. It was amazing even seeing it from far away, because of how huge it was. I saw a GPS satellite launch at KSC (the real one), as well as the last Space Shuttle launch (not from KSC though).
  16. I've had some sci-fi ideas in mind before, but I've never fully committed them to paper. They usually are more sci-fi than sci-fi, if you know what I mean. Anyway, maybe I should revisit some of those ideas. I try to come up with strange things, so maybe someone might be interested in them someday.
  17. I always name mine after fictional characters and inside jokes. Just think of a random video game/tv show/etc you like and name it after one of the characters, then go from there.
  18. I remember a while back when I sent a nuclear powered craft to Duna. I didn't realize until I was underway that nukes no longer used oxidizer, so I was stuck with half the fuel I could have had, and a huge amount of useless mass. Needless to say, they never came back.
  19. Here's my submission: the Alice Doll. Hopefully maneuverable enough to win something. Maybe if the guns don't kill you, its looks will...
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