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Everything posted by MDZhB

  1. "MDZhB" (МДЖБ) was the name of a Russian military radio station. It used to be called UVB-76. but I prefer their newer name. Now, though, it's apparently become " ZhUOZ," so I'm a bit outdated already.
  2. Well, I looked today and I'm up to 195 different possible wallpapers. Someone stop me?
  3. Screw you, you stupid grey ball of a moon. Why can't you be cool, like Titan or Io? WHY!? YOU'RE NOTHING BUT DUST YOU @$^#% PIECE OF #*%^!ING $&@!%!!!
  4. 4/10 just a ball with a crater, easily destroyed
  5. I had ~15, now I have 1. But none show up as lost...
  6. Here's some M83 for you. Even the name of the band is spacey!
  7. 5/10 not very colorful for a puzzle cube
  8. I dare say this is actually the oddest website I have ever seen: http://wwwwwwwww.jodi.org/
  9. All these wallpapers are pretty cool so far. Here are some more of mine, enjoy!
  10. [snip] On Topic: This is pretty amazing! I always liked optical illusions that could be made 3 dimensionally, like that "floating" cube that's actually inside-out, and these impossible shapes.
  11. No, I'm sorry, this is: http://www.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.com/
  12. When you're halfway through your fuel at 300m On your Mun rocket
  13. I was going to do this, but I realized I didn't have the patience to compete XD. I hardly ever fly any large distance, even though I have an airplane that I'm sure can circumnavigate pretty easily (I built it to do so, but I haven't done it)
  14. I think that Kerbals exist only for space travel, nothing else. They only build the necessary facilities to do so. So, while they are more advanced on a space exploration level, their technology over all is probably significantly lacking. Therefore, I would say that humans are actually more advanced in everything except rocketry and space exploration. We probably even have more advanced cultures and societies as well.
  15. I like the Saturn family of rockets, of course. Most notably the Saturn IB and the Saturn V.
  16. I really like this one. I have the greatest respect for all the people who really made Apollo happen. A few more:
  17. These are some awesome wallpapers, guys! I especially like the KSP screnshots. I never use mine though, because I always play KSP windowed, so they're all slightly too small. I don't really like stretching things. I'll post a couple of mine here:
  18. Hmm, I don't see it. Should I try submitting my email address again? My name on the forum is SAUCEIV, if that helps.
  19. That's a pretty nice one, I like high resolution. KSP can look pretty awesome, eh? Here is another one of mine:
  20. Not a valid number 32(+)
  21. Nothing can withstand high level magicians And pies
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