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Everything posted by MDZhB

  1. Using the letter "x" in a serious way is cheatxors!
  2. Do not, under any circumstances, bait the magic boulder with pies.
  3. That thing is but a speck of insignificant, tiny dust to this mighty weapon:
  4. Your post was a long one but I read it all! This is the exact kind of information that I'm looking for. Again, I unfortunately don't have a lot of money right now, but I definitely have some books on my shopping list now...
  5. I finally got 1.1.3, I'm hoping wheels are better now. I designed a simple 1 Kerbal orbital docking craft for crew delivery, but the first test failed and killed Jeb.
  6. Wow. This is pretty much exactly the kind of info I'm looking for, and I can't believe I didn't find that instructable earlier. Everything I have found thus far seems to build off of the kind of knowledge presented in those. Unfortunately, I don't have the money for a book at the moment (I already bought one on a completely different subject!) but I am reading the article now. I know (or think I know) about the microprocessors, boolean logic, binary, etc., and I can get information relatively easily on the physical side of things, but putting those two together is where I'm struggling a bit.
  7. I'm not sure if this is the right place, because everything here seems to be related to space travel, but this is the science forum. Does anyone have experience with building electronics? I'm talking the kind of home made computers like one would see in the 70's or 80's, built around something like a 6502 or z80. If so, how did you acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to do such projects? I am certain I can do it, and I want to, but I don't really know where to look for information outside of documentation on parts themselves (datasheets, manuals, etc.), or even what to look for. Could anyone point me (and hypothetical future readers) in the right direction?
  8. 7/10 A little bit too dark to see well at certain angles.
  9. I've been using asparagus for most of my big lifters this whole time. I picked up the idea back when I had the demo, and I've kept it since. It seems to work fairly well for me. I never need to make SSTOs anyway because I play almost exclusively on sandbox.
  10. I hardly ever use it, but I really like the ION engine. If you went by what I use the most, my favorites would apparently be the terrier, the mainsail, and the really tall SRB. The first is my go-to landing engine, and the latter two are great for launches. Of course, the sepatron makes a great missile too...
  11. Oh no, the memories. I was sending a nice fancy lander to the Mun once. It was a well tested, decent design, and iirc this was the seventh time I had used it. I EVA'd the Kerbal on board to do a check of the outside of the craft (I wanted to practice my jetpack skills.) After a visual inspection, everything A-OK. I went to re-enter the craft, when I realized that the hatch was pointing down. I tried everything, different angles, speeds, even pushing the ship. Nothing worked. Finally, the poor guy ran out of fuel, and I had to leave him drifting in orbit around the Mun. This was, of course, before I knew anything about rendezvous, or that you could just click and drag the Kerbal to change his orientation. After I found those things out, his loss became even worse. From then on, each of my lander designs was equipped with an auxiliary probe core, just in case.
  12. This oughta get rid of that pesky vermin
  13. It could be explained by saying that the capsule is denser in order to survive space travel, and the cockpit is lighter because it had a lot of empty space, just for aerodynamics. But, it probably is just unbalanced.
  14. I really shouldn't have said "fuel", it's oxidizer I get low on
  15. For me the hardest things are interplanetary missions, SSTOs, and precise landings, in planes or otherwise. I can dock all day though, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
  16. Windows is, and has always been, far more reliable and well designed than any other OS, especially that "linucks" trash.
  17. EDIT: 8/10 looks scary (From what I understand, it says "Smite the lazy worker". I don't speak Russian though.)
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