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Everything posted by MDZhB

  1. Maybe I just don't know how DLC is supposed to work anymore, but doesn't this seem like the kind of thing that should be in the base game? I haven't played Breaking Ground or Making History, but my impression from Making History was that, while it added new content, it was different enough from the base gameplay that most people wouldn't miss it too much if they didn't buy it. Though KSP has some parts inspired by those in real life, it wasn't ever meant to be a historical recreation. That means that Making History fits into a nice niche that works well for DLC. Breaking Ground seems like it adds some more fundamental gameplay aspects, especially the surface features and deployed science. In the last three major updates, (1.7, 1.6, 1.5,) the biggest things the base game has gotten are quality-of-life updates like new suits, the delta-v calculator, and better maneuver nodes. Now, the next DLC comes out and it adds a ton of brand new functionality and depth that really goes with what the game already does. I could 100% back a completely robotics focused DLC - since KSP has never had that - but the deployable science and especially the surface features are just better extensions of what we already have, and should have been implemented in the base game. I guess it's pretty effective at getting me to want to buy it, but is this going to be the future of KSP? Maybe I'm extrapolating too much from one DLC, but I'd rather not see all new content from here on be behind a paywall in what is already a P2P game.
  2. When your idea of fun is writing a program to solve definite integrals in as many languages as possible, including LISP and 6502 assembly.
  3. pssh everyone knows electrons don't work that-a-way:
  4. I would make myself 100% competent to be the god-emperor of mankind, then I would promptly make myself the god-emperor of mankind.
  5. I will be 100% honest with you: I did not read the original post I did, however, use the Declaration of Independence recently to prove to my mother that it is perfectly acceptable to use "and," "but," or "or" at the beginning of a sentence. I don't mind a little prescriptive grammar, unless it: Is wrong Tries to pretend that there is one and only one way to speak a language and everyone who doesn't use that way 100% of the time is wrong and stupid
  6. Oh god, lets see if any of my TF2 binds are appropriate here: nope not that one uh no holy @$&* no why did i save this? pfffft now that's just sick Ok, none of my binds are appropriate for this thread. In that case, I leave you with this: -- Reimu Hakurei, in former hell
  7. If it was good enough for Thomas Jefferson... Also, on the topic of hard to write and hard to read languages, Japanese has to be way up there. Two different syllabaries, each basically redundant given the other, plus ~2000 Chinese-derived characters for the common standard of fluency (and many more following higher education, not to mention the ~1000 used for names (there might be overlap there, I don't remember.)) But it can't be as easy as Chinese, where most characters have one pronunciation, oh no. Most Japanese kanji have at least two, if not more pronunciations. Take, for example, the character 上, meaning "up." According to my dictionary, it can be pronounced as: "ue", "uwa", "kami", "a" (as in ageru or agaru and various derivations thereof,) "nobo" (as in noboru, noboseru, and nobosu,) "tatematsu" (as in tatematsuru,) as well as "jou", "shou", and "shan" in various Chinese loan words. This is maybe a bit of an unfair characterization, as 上 is a little bit outstanding among kanji, and the two syllabaries (hiragana and katakana) do useful work in differentiating things, but it's still leaps and bounds crazier than English spelling. And, call it intuition or experience or something, but I think there are more patterns in English spelling than people give it credit for. Sure, some things are pretty strange, but in general I don't think it's too hard to guess a word's pronunciation from its spelling. Try to guess what 女神 is supposed to be (tricked you, it's megami, not joshin.)
  8. MDZhB

    Shower thoughts

    What if that woman who just let me turn at the intersection even though she was there first is actually clairvoyant and wants me to go ahead of her so I get killed in an accident instead of her
  9. ∞/10 - D O T H E I M P O S S I B LE
  10. Banned for having a pun in your rank/location. @planet-creations you rolled a 13
  11. 6/10 - cool spaceship and related to the forums, but not really more than that.
  12. He did, you just didn't notice. Which is better: robot girls, fantasy, or solid state drives?
  13. because you're rolling a d12 how to do a triple midair synchronized 360 turnabout reverse inverted ?
  14. Here's a bunch of music: Also, no music thread is complete without some of the works of our lord and savior ZUN!
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