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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. @blowfish That's great I will do it that way then, I'll start fresh and just let CKAN do the work, thanks for the help.
  2. @blowfish Thank you for the quick reply, I have done this and it appears to have worked. Great job on CKAN by the way! It really is making KSP mods much more accessible.
  3. I have installed FAR and RSS manually and then used CKAN to install the rest of the required mods, however I have ran into a problem when loading the game. After the initial loading bar screen has finished the game gets stuck on the black screen with the loading circle in the bottom right still moving, it remains on this for an indefinite amount of time and I have left it for 15 mins and it still wont load into the main menu. Any suggestions guys?
  4. I am trying to use CKAN to install realism overhaul and the required mods, however I have run into a slight problem. It downloads all the required mods except for FAR due to it being from Kerbalstuff and because I cant download FAR CKAN wont install the rest of the mods. Is there a way to bypass this and force CKAN to install all the required mods except for FAR, which I could install manually?
  5. I have followed your instructions closely and the problem seems to have disappeared:kiss: Sorry to have been a pain but I really appreciate this mod. Thank you:sticktongue:
  6. RedAV8R: Sorry about that, the problem seems to be that although I add an RCS propellant and thrusters that are set up correctly they do not respond when I turn on RCS and I cannot change my attitude.
  7. I already have done that :\ but I can see that a few other people have been mentioning it too, do u have any ideas at all what may be causing this? sorry to be a pain
  8. I love this mod but I really cant work out what is going on with the RCS, I cant get it to work even though I configure the RCS correctly
  9. I do love this mod but I have to say I think it makes launches too easy, for example most first stages can make it to orbit and there is barely any use for upper stages. This is not like this in real life because in real life it takes a lot more delta v to reach orbit yet in ksp it takes less. This wouldn't normally be a problem with the stock ksp as the atmosphere is much thicker and compensates for this, however FAR makes it more realistic so therefore I think it makes it easier, maybe too easy, for example I never have any use for solid rocket boosters to increase the payload capacity. Is there any way to increase the difficulty or would I just need to decrease the efficiency of all engines in the game?
  10. Same here, reinstall seems to do nothing. Could other mods be interfering I wonder?
  11. My KJR suddenly seems to have stopped working and my rockets are starting to wobble again, any suggestions please?
  12. Although I am not handicapped I just want to say that you are an awesome person for thinking of something like this, you really wouldn't get anything like this in anything other than KSP:)
  13. doesn't matter, ive got it working now but it wont work with stretchy tanks and soviet engines;.;
  14. How do I install it? please could someone tell me because I cant get it to work;.; Do I just extract to gamedata?
  15. Thank you for your quick response Blackheart, and I just want to say I love your work:kiss:
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