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Everything posted by tmikesecrist3

  1. I have a question if I was to set up a base to in part refine kethane.. into useful fuels, or a porbe to make fuel for a maned mission to use to retrun to kerbal how would I trasfure that fuel to the maned ship?
  2. oh yes its a gravity decter not a magnatomater..... lol a spectral camra that would tell you what gasses where in a could or a amtispore
  3. I was thinking a magnatomater might be interestiong if there is not one already in the game
  4. Might be worth talking to the person that does LTech he has one already....... and a sky lab core and some camras that take "photos" out side the ship.... I dont know how late into nasa you want to go frizzank
  5. the reasion think frizzank might need permission is becouse some one already has that exparment as part of there mod... and where ip is consurned I tend to think its better the Error on the side of caution.. the the rad dectecter in Ltech uses the moddle for the graveionlie I think... so it might not be an issue
  6. well a radeation detecter might be a bet of a porblem he might need permission form the person that does Ltech. as they already have one... and the fuel cell uses mono perpelent... hum I figered it would use liquied fuel and oxidiser.....
  7. thats a fuel cell not a battery? I will have to check when I unlock it in the tech tree
  8. I think Explorer one parts would be good.... also a part with a hydigen fuel cell... the tested them on gemini for latter use on appollo
  9. well I got it working by its self... so I am trying to add them one by one and see if one brakes it... I suspect that since it was the first mod I added it will work now.... odd vary odd
  10. same here... I have both configs and they both read the same (outher then the postion of my kethan box) But my Grid hex over lay does not seem to be showing up.... this is fustating for me, I am actually getting ready to give up on this mod..... Well I got it working it was one of my outher mods I guess, mods I had going where: Fasa apollo mission pack crew manifest nova punch 2 davon spply mode kerval alarm clock kw proc farings taclife supprt Vng-parachute Ltech Any idea's which one may have coused the problem?
  11. I dont think thats the porblem big, I just started playing ksp, I just got it for Xmess
  12. I do have the box but it doenst seem to do any thing..... I did try a reinstall I do have the box with the check box for the gried overlay but as far as I can tell its not doing any thing..... I do not have a controler link ether or is that an old thing... I also can not here my scaner beep when its active
  13. I am haveing kind of odd porblem.... I havent been able to get the decters to do any thing.... to show a scan map.... I have been able to get them to actavat but the porblem I am haveing is I cant see the map overlay.... I have heard something about a controler. which I dont have in my down load... and I tryed down loading twice... what should I do?
  14. ok thinks frizzank I will try it it it brakes my save I can start over..... I my blister the pant but thats fine expecaly if you give me more scince toys
  15. what effect would that have on my saved game thoug? oh I use mod adm.... unless theres one that works better.... that I should use
  16. heres a silly question... to update I have to deleat fasa form my game... then install the new one.... what effect would that have on my saved game.... or would I have to start a new curare?
  17. the first docking was done with Gemini 6 and 7 becouse there was a porblem with the Unmaned agrea te first time they tryed to launch it.... I think it was Gemini 8 that did dock with agina..... or did gemini 6 and 7 just rondive with out docking?
  18. Though kerbal still has one gee... but yean I guess a smaller orblespace and a thiner atmospore might make the deffince... I mean in rl you orblet the earth in about 90 min... and it can take less then half that to orbet kerbal......
  19. does the diffrnece in the thickness of the amispore really make that much deffrince? I mean its 70 KM in ksp in rl itws what about 100? That kind of makes it impractcal to repeat the great missions of nasa doesnt it?
  20. though now that I think about it you dont need a full size Satern V do you since the scale of kerbal is not the same as earth....
  21. I have the apallo mission pack and that has the full size satern five 300 feet tall and all but the first stage fits in the vab lol though that one may e to large....
  22. Agena, wastent that planed to have gemini dock with it? any one have any thoughts if the will one do give us a VAB big enough to build a satern v rocket? I sure hope so.... if not maybe that can be taken care of by a modder?
  23. yeah the problem I was haveing was with the Redstone not the atlas... the Atlas is really nice and stable hardly a wobble at all
  24. I do now I had the problem before I installed ferram as well... and yes I have the fins on the bottem of the engine
  25. I dont really know if this is a bug or not... but.... I just downloaded this mod the other day. and the Redstone seems to be crazy unstable... ie you fire it up and theres no telling where its going to go execpt you know it wont go up unless you fight with it, and even then good luck.... any one else haveing this issue? and what do I do about it
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