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Everything posted by tmikesecrist3

  1. if the fix works mind shareing it with me I am not the best at programing
  2. Thats the same problem I am haveing. though not with RSS pre 6
  3. I cant seem to get it to work at all even after uncecking the ones it says gives me problems I get hug up on a toolbar error... and I have that unchecked
  4. do must I be deathsoul.... I thing that would be cool Frizzank
  5. any one have a problem getting the link for RedAV8R's Realism Patches not working?
  6. Nice one think you for showing us green skull
  7. Though I think I know why we have so much love for Apollo, We in the us hold the Saturn V in near religious aw... and it is an impressive peace of a equipment 33 stories tall the Rocket nossles beg enough for 5 adults to have a tea party under one of them. and it is the only man mad rocket that took men form the earth and went some where... we for get about the first steps with mercury or all the work in Gemini, that made Neil Armstrong small step and giant leap possible... and he is right walking on the moon was not such a big step it was just the next logical step after all the steps before them.... thats what I try to do with my space program in ksp is to make the steps but I do not just want to stop at the moon
  8. hey I love gemi acturally..... I have used Big G as my general work house to suport my space station.....
  9. frizzank I want to thank you for the work you and danny both have done, I like both of your work. And I cant wait tell you show us your version if Werner Van Brun's master peace, the satern 5
  10. Cool thank you I will do a clean install and try it think your Frizzank
  11. any thoughts on how to have two ksp installs with steam?
  12. I am not sure but I would like to see some one do an x-1 which I think flew before mercury
  13. I dont think its a EZ mod they want but not every one wants to have to baby sit there scan sat... I would like to set my scan sat to scan and then do something else
  14. oh I love the Agena it us just so useful and I have used it to build satellites and probes, and inter planetary probes. Also used it as a tug to help build my my space stations and
  15. yeah the Atlass was a icbm as was the titan, the Redstone was a SRBM
  16. Reddragon.... it it was converted for that that is not what it was deszind and built for,,, on a side note I love your forms name, for some reason I see a welsh dragon in my head when I read t from Wiki "The RM-81 Agena was an American rocket upper stage and satellite support bus which was developed by Lockheed initially for the canceled WS-117L reconnaissance satellite program." I see it was developed for spy satellites but never used for that...
  17. I thought Agena was a spy satellite? and there are fasa icbm warheads... for the titan,,,,, though I am wondering what I would use for a red stone war head... are a sargent war head
  18. Why does he want both a bomb and the FASA nuke war heads???
  19. This may be the wrong place if it is I am sorry, and if it is feel free to pm me so where not hijacking or side tracking the thread. can some one point me to a good How to guide for this mod?
  20. I am looking forword to finding out whats in .24.... and the reason Fazzack makes hes parts smaller is becouse of the smaller scale of ksp.. part of me hopes they make ksp 1:1 scale but I think if they where going to do that they would have done so. how hard will to up date the stuff you have already done? I am an idiot when it comes to programing
  21. vary nice... it looks like there is room for 5 adults to have a tea party under it
  22. Frizzank You sued you where going to wait tell .24 I am guessing you are talking about ksp, any idea when that will be. and is there any place I can check out what is going to be added in the next relise of ksp... even if its just a tinative lest?
  23. that would be the one I am talking about, and think you for pointing out the worning,, might be why there is not a RO config for the updates, but I think Nathon might have some things going on in rl. but it would be nice of the config for the exporer 1 had been done... I kind of get a bet confused by the config files
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