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Everything posted by tmikesecrist3

  1. it was the nut behind the keyboard some how my rss folder was gone
  2. it just seems to have happend when I installed the RO update
  3. what do real fuels have to do with the loding of kerben rather then eart?
  4. ok ran into an issue installed the new RO and well all of and now ksp is stock sized
  5. silly question is there a place to find assembly instuctions... I mean some are not to difficalte... but like a appllo w/a satern 5
  6. I never got any thing pf to work I ended up with extra stars in stange places like a binary between jool and duna
  7. oh I was worried about what ever I might add to make the pod unmanned.....
  8. I tried down loading the 2nd green house but I got anther copy of the MK1. so you might want to check something
  9. Here is something I was thinking, this is my first time I have been playing with the RSS mods... What I am thinking about doing is once I unlock maned pods its trying to think of how to build and unmanned test pod to make sure that when I Risk an astronaut. so I want to keep the mass as close to the same for the maned version
  10. there is something odd I noticed... it says it recousers the latest everment inhancemnt and that it wornt work with 7-3 near as I can tell 7-3 is the latest one?
  11. yeah Ouch, and the Cosmonauts that had to use the emergency escape system had to turn off the voice recorder because they where coursing. As far as I know the Russian suyeze space craft is the only one that ever used the Escape tower out side of testing
  12. ok When Using RT, I lose contact with my ground stations over the mid Atlantic. What do i do about this small problem? I have CerberusRCAF RT edit?
  13. yeah I am having troble making orbit my self... I almost did it last time but then I lost contact with my ground station. kind of surprised it did not excite the programed maneuver though. I supose the computer might not have been smart enough to do it... hmmm
  14. Has any one notices that the A4 engine (1m) really likes to over heat and blow up, what do I do about that... and why does it not take the fuel tank (which is nearly full) with it?
  15. one thing that kind of bugs me, is that with the ksp .23.5 update ksp went to 6 hour days, which works for stock scale but with RSS kerben has a 24 hour day, but ksp still tracks time by 6 hour days. is there a way I can fix that so I have a 24 hour day, with a 365 day year?
  16. max TWR is 10.53 according to my delta v tab on mech jeb. If I am not mistaken that would be my TWR at burn out right? on of the reasions the rocket stages are so big is because I needed to get my twr at launch down, that and I needed enough dealta V. So I had to add waight so fuel seemed to be the way to salve both problems. I wonder if part of my problem is the fact that when useing MJ Assent auto pilot. My ap rechices set altutied before my gravaty trun is compleat and after burn out or shut down my rocket starts tumbling
  17. Though there is one thought I hand about Removing the reaction wheels from the Explore probe... How did they control it, they did not use RCS on it. and I dont think the Sargent Rockets gimbled. and with how tiny it was I would think a reaction wheel would work in that case?
  18. here is my problem rocket there is a photo with, and with out the Farring https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dbaawiilg5p3tye/AACF_uq_4RG1qwg7VAuyARzIa
  19. ok one thing I am unclear on two things really, is have we got it to play nice with tac? and does any one use this with RSS?
  20. I didnt seem to have to many issues in RSS before I installed RPL....
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