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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Can't find a couple mods that you say should be in CKAN (1) KEI - Kerbin Environmental Institute (2) KCT - Kerbal Construction Time?? I am running ksp 1.12.3 and ckan 2.1.0 v1.34.4
  2. I figured it out. Looking at coms I noticed 'no crew control'. The Skyscrane had the probe on it. So when I decoupled it the core no longer had control. I feel silly now/. I sent an engineer out with probe cores foe all three bases/.
  3. I have made and attached a video of the problem. I have ships that are locked up. no actions work, even the stock ones like u, g, b, t, r... Here is a link to a video of the problem https://www.veed.io/view/3eb11729-46ad-44e6-9bee-12249066e153?panel=share
  4. Both stock and custom action groups have stopped working for two of my ships? I created several custom action groups and the last two ships I loaded they do not work. I then tried the standard actions like u for light and they also do nothing. I tried to manually activate then (like extending solar panels) and they do nothing. I verified I did not have any action group mods. I then installed action groups extended and that did not fix the problem so I uninstalled that. Here is the really funky part. I have 3 bases I recently launched. I went to the second basre where all the action groups worked. I then tries to activate them and they no longer worked even things like u for lights. So I went to the space center launched the craft and on the pad I tries all the groups and they all worked. I wnet back to my first station base and tried the actiosns and they all are working. went back to ship 2 and 3 and no action groups work on both of them???? Any ideas work is borking them? I had to launch this mission 3 times because something went wrong on missions 1 and 2. I spent an hour relaunching mission three and then no I cant extend my solar panels or antennas to complete the mission.
  5. one ship per workspace makes no sense at all to me and I feel that this is simply not implemented yet. Currently I just treat Workspace and my unique vehicle name. I tried implementing Workspace as class of ship - Space, Lander, Probe, Station ,,, and then Name as a ship in that class. What I ended up with was every new ship in my class just overwrote the last ship I saved. I'd go into load and the previous ship in Lander for instance would be gone and I would have the last ship saved as Lander. You can name a ship but it does not show up anywhere in the load screen. In any event, this is incredibly confusing and has caused me to lose at least 10 ship designs. It needs to be fixed or put into the training room so they can demonstrate how the hell it is intended to be used!!!!!!
  6. I added the custom flag mod and created my new flag. But now I want to make it the campaign flag in my current game. Is there a way to do that?
  7. So you are saying I need to install restock to make the lights pitch?
  8. I have about a dozen game builds and in one and only one I have the abilty to pivot the mk1 and mk2 illuminators. They appear as I-1 and I-2 illuminator mk1 and mk2 version 1 and version2 but I do not know what I did to get them. I have been searching now for weeks and pulling my hair out in frustration because I WANT THIS capability in ALL my builds but I cannot find out what I did to turn it on. Was it a mod? Was it a module manager hack? Was it an act of god? I just do not know and it is making me insane that I cannot turn it on in any of my other builds. I thought is was a feature of the aviation lights mod but installing the mod I still have no pivot ability even with advanced tweakables enabled. Here is a video showing them pivoting in the build mentioned.... If anyone can help I would be very happy. Thanks ctbram
  9. watcxh the surface modz videoi it shows the mk1 and mk2 lights pitching from one side to the other!
  10. ckan says not compatible with ksp 1.12.3. I am color blind and cannot see the damn pink target markers and lose the maneuver marker as well. I would push my mom off a bridge to change the color or size of those markers. I have messed up rendezvous searching the goddamn pink retrograde (invisible) marker!!! It gets very frustrating. It looks like this thread and mod might not be supported any longer any chance someone could revive it (I am looking at you linuxgamer lol)
  11. of course, it is not I am still killing relative velocity. When the relative velocity is 0.0 I press x to kill all thrust. But then the ship accelerates with NO THRUST 0.0 0.1 0.2... Then I have to reorient target retrogade and burn to reduce relative velocity to zero again and hit X to cut the throttle and once again the ships accelerate towards each other with the throttle cut.
  12. Here is the video I made that shows the bug. It does not repeat even in the same save but it does happen again only with different ships. It occurs in other runs not just the save file I was grabbing the videos from. What's more, I will run the save one time and a pair of ships that failed to behave properly in one run will fail in another, and then work again in yet another run. I have tried going to the space center and back to the ship or the tracking station and back to the ship and the bug seems to remain. I have not tried switching ships with the target yet as dunbaratu suggested. He has looked at the video and confirmed that the behavior looks like a bug. We just do not know what triggers it. However, I have seen a few posts describing the exact behavior. So it may be rare but others seem to have seen it. Here is a link to the video. I tried to keep it as concise as possible in the first clip I show rendezvous and station keeping as it should work. In the second clip, I show a series of attempts to get to station keeping only to have the ship accelerate towards or away from each other after reaching a relative velocity of 0.0 m/s.
  13. Missing "pitch angle" option on mk1 and mk2 illuminators. I cannot change the angle of the mk1 and mk2 illuminators. There is no "deploy" range or angle or whatever option for the lights. I have advanced tweakables on. I am running 1.12.3 with minimal mods. Has anyone else seen this behavior? Can anyone please help me to fix it? It is frustrating to have to simply rotate the entire assembly and looks super Janky I just checked and I have another install with over 177 mods!!! All the same mods in my base game plus 150 more! There is an option on the mk1 and mk2 illuminators in that build called "pitch angle" and I can angle the lights. Why would my stock build with surface lights mod and advanced tweakables NOT have that option? I made this to show why I am confused. I have two builds 1.12.3 one with 177 mods and the pitch angle option is there and another 1.12.3 with only 15 mods, all of which are in the 177 mod build yet NONE of the four illuminators have the pitch angle option. yes, advanced tweakables is enabled! https://imgur.com/a/l6xgQOC note: This may be a clue. I just noticed looking at my pics. The illuminators that pivot are named I-1 and I-2 Illuminators and the ones that do not are illuminators mk1 and mk2??? maybe I have another mod in the build with 177 mods that add the I-1 and I-2 illuminators? Does anyone know what it could be? Another note: I do not see the "deploy limit" option in either the i-1 i-2 or mk1 and mk2 versions I have have?:?
  14. Where did you guys learn physics? By your logic, two ships could never maintain station keeping! Furthermore, once you have achieved 0.0 relative velocity even taking into account the gravitational effects of the ship's masses and they - "not" being in the "perfectly same orbit" ships do not rapidly accelerate towards each other and apart accelerating infinitely. So you have never rendezvoused with a ship and been able to hold at a stable distance? LOL. And can you explain why one time I can hold at a stable distance at 0.0 relative velocity and then in the very same save get to roughly the same point get to 0.0 relative velocity and then just accelerate past the ship infinitely with zero external force being applied and never be able to achieve station keeping? I have a video of Physics working as it should and then with the bug I am describing here from the same save, rendezvousing with the same two ships. Perhaps you are all just not clear on what I am describing. The same two shiips should not behave one was (the correct way) one time and then completely differently another! I think with a MS in aerospace engineering from UofM in 1985 with a focus on control systems and 40-plus years of writing guidance control code I have a pretty damn good idea of how orbital mechanics and physics work and don't appreciate being talked down to with snarky comments questioning what I know about physics. I do not want to go off and get snarky myself. I will make a video and post it here showing the behavior I am describing so you can understand that this is a bug and improper physics simulation.
  15. This is real and it is some kind of physics bug in the game and it got me screaming at my mic trying to make a Twitch video demonstrating orbital rendezvous. Yet the navball goes 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3... all over again. Allow me to quote Neuton - A body in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an EXTERNAL SOURCE. So at a relative velocity of 0.0 and a thrust of 0.0 the two ships should stay 10m apart until hell freezes over and not magically start accelerating towards each other! So what the love is causing this? I was trying to demonstrate orbital rendezvous on Twitch and ended up SCREAMING and cussing and spitting and generally having a live meltdown on air because I could not get two ships together and STAY THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS CAUSING THIS? I have a save and can reproduce it to prove it is happening!!!! SO there is some kind of loveing bug in ksp!!! I am running 1.12.3
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