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Everything posted by Woodstar

  1. oh the double connect, I see maybe using the KAS strut module with the grab module? MODULE { name = KASModuleStrut nodeTransform = strutNode type = "StrutSize1" maxLenght = 8 maxAngle = 100 breakForce = 1 allowDock = false hasCollider = false tubeScale = 0.05 jointScale = 0.05 tubeSrcType = Rounded tubeTgtType = Rounded textureTiling = 4 evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21) evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0) tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/strut } MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 1 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = True attachOnStatic = True } Would have to tweek the names but, In theory could work.
  2. Add this MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 2 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = True attachOnStatic = True } to the fuel line .cfg and then you can use them with KAS
  3. The APOLLO SPACE CRAFT I can't wait for that thing, I seen it and had a joygasim!!!!!
  4. Put the docking adapter on the rear? IDK maybe a quick fix
  5. Try the version above quoted by likke_A_Boss it has the updated plugins and does work with scansat IDK about the other ones, I don't use them mods.
  6. Will the soviet and american packs work without the ECLSS folders, I like realism but I don't want all my Kerbals in space to die as soon as i install, and I just don't want the hassle of having to constantly monitor life support, I just want to you know........... ROCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I'm having trouble attaching things inside the bay, e.g. attaching docking port to docking port for satellite delivery. Everything wants to attach to the bay doors or the outer bay itself . It wants to attach everywhere and its a time consuming fight to attach to the bulkhead.
  8. Awesome Mod, looks fabulous, can't wait for that lander you talked about, I was reading the locked thread and noticed an ASAS part (besides the one in the nose) I was wondering if it got scrapped or if im missing parts?
  9. Any one know how to get the multi wheels mod working in the tech tree? for .23?
  10. Great looking mod, but how is this working with .23? Does it work with career mode, any other bugs besides the docking one? I'm trying this one just wanted a heads up
  11. Great thanks a bunch guys!!
  12. How did you do it? because I have put the FASA_Probe_Parts folder in game data and the parts don't show, same if I put them in the parts folder just dont show. I dont want to install the rest of the mod just the probe parts.
  13. Great looking mod, is there a way I can use the probe parts (geigercounter, laser, camers) only without the rest of the mod?
  14. Same problem, and I'm not using a rototron. LOVE the mod though, great work!!!
  15. I went to the Mun last night and collected samples and used the science material bay, returned and received the science points, but none of the experiments are showing in the archives. I cant even see wherner von kerman. Was wondering if anyone else has ran across this problem or knows if any of these mods conflict with it? Mods Targetron SCANsat chatterer planet factory <- This is the one! Fixed /thread MechJeb2 Promethius rover KW rocketry KAS Kethane DEVM mk II escapadie bobcatind cleverwalrus Any help would be appreciated.
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