oh the double connect, I see maybe using the KAS strut module with the grab module? MODULE { name = KASModuleStrut nodeTransform = strutNode type = "StrutSize1" maxLenght = 8 maxAngle = 100 breakForce = 1 allowDock = false hasCollider = false tubeScale = 0.05 jointScale = 0.05 tubeSrcType = Rounded tubeTgtType = Rounded textureTiling = 4 evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21) evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0) tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/strut } MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 1 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = True attachOnStatic = True } Would have to tweek the names but, In theory could work.