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Everything posted by Woodstar

  1. Deorbit and recover or terminate any ship with an Interstellar part, then go to Go to your gamedata folder and delete the warp plugin,Tree loader and Open resource folders.
  2. Is there a way to turn off the radiation? It's high everywhere just 3500 m off the ground it's telling me :Radiation Status High:. Does it even matter? will it kill the kerbals on long term Space Station missions?
  3. I have the same problem, all the code is there, I have MM installed, I started recording, switched to my impact vessel and made 4 small probes impact one by one, each time it said impact detected and can be collected. After all four I switched back to my main vessel and tried to collect data. It just flashed and I could for a split second see review data but it keeps vanishing like I can't collect it.
  4. I have all those mods installed and mine works fine, the only one I dont have is VNG. Have you tried taking it out and giving it a try?
  5. If you are allowing people to request names, the only fitting name I can think of is The Helldiver. (See what I did there) I'ts fitting.
  6. Quick fix I have found is to stop the docking AP and restart it, It's like it's confused the first time but the second time it works.
  7. Me too not a mod breaking problem though. Press C then right click once and look down, below the pitch and rool controller is a knob click it and the hatch will open and you can eva.
  8. Denny released 1.1 last night, it's great!
  9. good mod I use it also, Can we haz 1.1 please!!!!! Itching to try the new new CM.
  10. IR is broken ATM sirkut is busy with RL and is working on fixing it, give him some time.
  11. Is there a work around I can do to get them to EVA, hatch open or closed it tells me module has no hatch? On the CM.
  12. Lets deal with actually making things work first, like the parachutes and being able to EVA out of the CM. Then maybe talk about colors, IMPO the red is just fine.
  13. Well since you asked nicely I will! But I do have one problem, where are the parachutes? Are they built in or something I'm not seeing them.(could this be why the .craft files are not working?) And BTW Denny Nice work man it looks GREAT!!!!
  14. Yup craft files are borked, I also have all tech unlocked and researched and the craft files won't load, In the mean time i am trying manual assembly.
  15. I did twice, but to no avail do I see where he was not uploading due to problems. Do you see that anywhere in that post?
  16. No link yet? I though it was just an uploading problem or have we hit snags?
  17. Mechjeb works fine, update you version, and check mods to see if one is conflicting with it.
  18. A confirm only helps you, he was basically saying, HEY listen to this guy he's right. I can see why he got upset the last two pages was nothing but "hey the DV is not calculating right" I'd be upset too. He only need about 3-4 people to confirm a problem not everyone that follows the thread.
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