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Everything posted by Woodstar

  1. Still .14, he is updating the mod. Did you read or did you just read the last comment and try to troll me?
  2. Not to be a pain but, is the update not going to make today?
  3. There is only one name for this shuttle... "Helldiver"
  4. The only one here wanting to argue is you, I've said how I feel it is you that is trying to start an argument here and this is not the place for it, I've been to the site and you can't tell me what I have or have not seen It was my opinion as you comment was yours, don't turn childish. Keep the thread about Dennys N-1. I will not reply any further.
  5. Yes I seen the pics and sirkut said they will replace his models but what is the other defferences, I guess i just don't understand break it down to laymans for me Edit-> Or will they both have tweakables and all but just another model download for people that want the old look?
  6. Active texture management will help that and you wont have to worry about the limit so much. It really helps!
  7. I love the new textures but, I don't understand what you mean by everything? How will his be different than sirkut's?
  8. Looks like cluttered ads with mods in the middle, besides I don't see too many real popular mods on curse anyways I think the hugely popular mod makers will probably stick to mediafire or dropbox, you know the one that don't charge to host files. N-1 looks great denny keep up the good work, and if i have to i will use curse to download because I cant live without that Sat V and LEM.
  9. What exactly does the romfarer.dll run in this pack because I only want the Orion parts
  10. I suggest you spend more time here and read a little bit, it will explain everything wrong with mechjeb and you should update your .dll to the dev version works much better.
  11. NEWSFLASH-------> right click docking port and click control from here and mechjeb will, BTW why are you complaining about mechjeb in the KSO thread?
  12. I am running both of those mods, and you can bet your...... never mind, I'll be running the Super when he releases it too. Use Active Texture Management It will reduce memory usage so you can run both.
  13. Do i just drop this in gamedata or is there anything else? Because the github page says something about editing.
  14. True, made a scope the other day With 5 tanks and forgot to turn off flow of the He (because the scope is insta active i guess) was out of He as soon as broke Kerbin orbit to interstellar space.
  15. I figured it out, I just had to turn down the beamed power level an tiny bit now it is running stable.
  16. Yup understand that now, I was just basicly trying make one work now that i understand that I'll add another reactor parallel to the launchpad. Again thanks to you and ArcFurnace for helping an old nub out you guys are great.
  17. Thanks, Orbit is at 2,868.75 KM Right above KSP. Will try closing the reciever and giving it a shot. Got it, Maybe i wasn't recieving enough? IDK slow take off but i got the jest of it. I'd like tho think 21GW was enough lol.
  18. I'm having a problem with beamed power and thermal rocket nozzles or maybe i'm just doing it wrong, I have a reactor in geosynchronous orbit producing over 40 GW of beamed power, is that a lot? IDK im noob to the power management. This is a pic of the rocket i built, can anyone tell me if either, I don't have enough power, or I've built the rocket wrong? And secondly can you tell me how to fix it?
  19. I dock with the nose cone, ( take the unmanned probe out an replace with small docking port) I never dock via the cargo bay without IR (IR) Anyone know how to turn a link into a name so it's not so long? Also name the KSO super "Helldiver"
  20. Yup, you update it. If it is still there after the update then I don't know. Have you updated toolbar also?
  21. I'm using crowd sourced science and it works fine, do you have FASA? If so I think you have to delete some files, the instructions for that is on page one in the OP.
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