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Everything posted by nohelmet

  1. Another way is to preprocess the ships on the user's computer and send the 3D data to a web server. But of course then the users have to remember to do that. edit: oops, hab136 already said that.
  2. He has a point, though, those places are awesome and it would be great to have more.
  3. I couldn't agree more. This game is a perfect fit for VR and it would be just awesome.
  4. Wow, some of you really have lots of mods!
  5. Now that 1.0 is almost upon us and we have thanked SQUAD profusely, I also want to take a moment to thank the modders. Let's all give them a good word, money, or reputation! The mods I have personally enjoyed are: CollisionFX ASET_ALCOR KSI_MFD RasterPropMonitor DavonSupplyMod ExtraPlanetary Launchpads Kerbal Alarm Clock KerbQuake SelectRoot ModuleManager Navball Docking Alignment Indicator Docking Port Alignment Indicator DP Horizontal Space Bases SCANsat Toolbar Thank you for taking an awesome game and making it magical!
  6. This suggestion is for something when all the more-important stuff is done. Still, I thought I'd point it out since I didn't see it anywhere. I'm using a laptop, and when KSP's running, the machine runs warmer and the fan kicks in. This is how I noticed that even when KSP is paused, the laptop stays warm. I can click on the "battery" symbol on the top bar, and it gives me a list of the apps using significant energy. KSP statys on the list, even when it's paused! It's as if it continually redrew the same screen while paused, or something like that. So now you see why it's not urgent. Still, it'd be nice if KSP calmed down when paused, so the fan turns off and we collectively save a small amount of energy.
  7. This all sounds great, I'm looking forward to it! The bit about expanding support for TrackIR... that means there is some support in the current version? Should I go and buy one?
  8. I understand the question as "after we get in the features we promised for 1.0, what should we focus on?" Polish, definitely. I forgive a lot from a beta, but far less from a released game. Here are the things I would most like to see fixed: - a keyboard shortcut for "next page" in the VAB - remove orbit wobble, when I'm in map view. - make sure I can always click a new nav node in map view (not sure if already fixed) - better handling of the case where many things are near. I often end up with a few peri numbers shown, or if I want to show them I get nav nodes instead. - change the shift-tab shortcut to something else. Too many accidents. - a keyboard shortcut to toggle navball in map mode - in VAB, when I use the offset tool to move something it first jumps a bit to a new position. It shouldn't. I would like a keyboard way to flip every button visible on the screen, but somewhere someone wants to be able to click (or touch) every button shown on screen. Ideally we would both get our wishes. Thank you for all you have done already!
  9. If I understand correctly, you're saying that you have a basic rocket that can take off. Then you put multiple of the same basic rocket together, and ask whether it should still be able to take off. The answer is yes, absolutely! Those rockets could all fly into the sky if they were sitting next to each other unconnected, and if we connect them then they can still fly into the sky just fine. Now, if you've built an actual rocket like this and if doesn't seem to fly for you then there must be some other problem. If you can share a screenshot of the rocket, perhaps that will give us a clue? Because in theory it should fly.
  10. Part of the reason is that it's very refreshing to play a game where we're being constructive for a change, instead of blowing each other to bits. But also, space is very cool and it's a great feeling when my missions succeed! :-)
  11. OK friends, thank you very much for the answers! You've motivated me to give it another look, and I think I figured it out. The problem wasn't actually the subassembly stuff, it was that docking ports are very picky. Just placing them on top of each other isn't enough - you have to place it with the green spheres touching. So you have to look sideways as you do it, or it won't work! Due to the geometry of my rocket, looking at things sideways was difficult. I managed to move the camera so I could get the docking ports to "snap", and all is well! Thank you! I hope that docking port finickiness is fixed in the release version!
  12. I'm trying to get a subassembly to work, without success. What I'd like to make: a tiny rocket with an external seat and a docking port. Then my plan is to make some bigger ship or base with a docking port, grab this subassembly, and voila! My kerbals can go on little side trips. How I've done it: I've made the little rocket, then used the "change root" tool to make the central fuel tank the root. Then it asks me to click on a second thing and I click on the docking port. Where it breaks: I grab this subassembly and plop it on top of, say, a docking port on a fuel tank. It attaches fine but then in flight when I right-click on the port I only get the option to "control from here". What I'd really like is the option to decouple. I also tried selecting the docking port first and then the tank, and when I do that it tells me that "the selected part is not attachable" and I can't save it as an assembly. What should I do?
  13. It was probably the same amount of work to handle 2 axes or 20, so they went with a large number to be safe. Same for the number of joysticks.
  14. Thank you Diazo, that is a very helpful reply. Given that I was going to do the mod for fun and that this situation is no fun at all, I'm not going to do a mod after all. I might come back to it later, but seriously 35s (I measured) is way too long. To keep things fun I much prefer times under 1s. My esteem for all the modders just went even higher! I hope that some day someone figures out a way to speed up the cycle.
  15. How to get my plugin to be reloaded? As I'm developing my plugin, I naturally make changes. How do I get KSP to load the new version of the plugin? Quitting to the main menu doesn't seem to be enough. Quitting and restarting the game entirely works of course, but that takes a long time. Surely, there is a better way? ... right?
  16. Thanks to the great tutorial on the wiki, I was able to write my first little KSP plugin. Except that I must have missed something, because it doesn't seem to work! I can find my "new" part all right, put it on a vessel, and go to the launch pad. However, when I look at the log, I don't see the "Hello, Kerbin" that should be there. Here's what I see in the log instead (trying to put only the relevant parts): [ModuleManager] compiling list of loaded mods... Mod DLLs found: FirstMod v1.0.5478.33724 (...) PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/MyUselessPart/MyUselessPart/MyUselessPart' Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FirstMod' and my cfg file looks like this: name = MyUselessPart (...) MODULE { name = FirstMod (...) I double-checked, and I am building for .Net 3.5, not 4 (I had to change it). What is the error in the log trying to tell me? edit: Oh, I figured it out - I put in the name of the dll in MODULE, but in fact it needs the name of the class that's in the dll. My bad!
  17. I'm considering writing a plugin that will involve moving the camera in the external view (that is, not the map). Can someone please point me to the relevant documentation? It would be my first KSP mod and I have no idea if this would be easy or what I'll need. Thanks in advance! edit: I'm looking at the source of the ImprovedChaseCamera mod and that's very helpful. I don't see anything about FlightCamera in http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com, though. Where's the documentation that I should be using?
  18. I see there's support for 6 degree of freedom joysticks (like the 3DConnexion), but it's for Windows only! The game's already super-awesome and everything, but could you please add support for OSX too? Pretty please?
  19. Wow, cool story @mdkendall! I can imagine how disappointed you must have been!
  20. Guys/gals, I'm probably not the only one who thinks that the resource indicator could be improved. Currently it shows fuel in units that are not related to anything else. Why not show the fuel in tons instead? This would be more relatable, and it would make it easier to figure out the vessel's current mass (in an otherwise stock install). You know, if we need to do some impromptu dV calculations. 1) Has this perhaps already been done? 2) If not, is this something that would be possible to do as a mod? Would it be easy? Thanks!
  21. I love this mod! Thank you for making it so well that it works with 0.90!
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