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Everything posted by allista

  1. 1) I'll see what's wrong with it. Thanks for the info. 2) You mean in editor? It's because in Maneuver mode the cruise engine is used to balance the ship (i.e. modify torque). So to achieve comparable balance percent while using it in Manual, you need to move the highlighted engines relative to the CoM somewhat. Well, as I said, interesting idea. But needs thinking through. Hm... remove TCA toggle shortcut completely? Never thought someone would need this. But the option should be there, of course. Meanwhile you can edit the: GameData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/Plugins/PluginData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/config.xml file and remove the line with "TCA_Key" in it: <keycode name="TCAGui-TCA_Key">Y</keycode> Or simply delete the key that is between ">" and "</".
  2. 1) My suspicion was wrong, though. It does use the stock ModuleEngines: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/Legacy Parts/Firespitter/Parts/Engine/FS_copterRotorFenestronNoFins/part.cfg Or is it not the correct part? 2) Does not work? If so, it's a bug. What exactly happens when you set it to Manual?
  3. 0) Don't quite catch your meaning. Macros Tab already has a list of ship-specific as well as global macros (if you have created any). 1) If fenestron does not has group slider in its part menu, it probably means it is powered by some module that does not inherit the stock ModuleEngines. If that's the case, TCA simply cannot see it. 2) You need to set those to Manual; thus you can control their thrust from TCA window, and any of TCA's navigation programs will use them automatically. Suggestions on better naming of the "Manual" mode are welcome!
  4. Err... the real question is what type of engines your ship uses? The trouble you describe probably arises due to incorrect estimation of thrust/mass-flow/ect. of the engines. Throttling delay, if it exists, will also cause trouble. So first, I need to look at the configs of the engines, so I need their names. Then I'll look into KSPIE's configs/code and see what is happening.
  5. Sorry, but that's not possible at all. The only way to run a macro is from the Macros Tab in the TCA window. The idea to attach a macro to action group is interesting, though. However, I wouldn't even know where to start with this... One thing is to add an action to execute currently selected macro; but there's no way (that I know of) to add actions at runtime.
  6. Are you getting any strange behavior, or are you just see these lines in the log? Anyways, thanks for the report, I'll be checking this out, as it shouldn't be happening.
  7. @Haifi, nah, it's one more bug courtesy of me, I'm afraid Thanks for the report! Oh, brother testers, where are you?
  8. To be honest, I have not confirmed it. But during the MKS+GC rollout havoc there were reports like "that CC ruined every part that was modified by another fuel switcher". I guess it's just a matter of loading order. If B9PS patches stock tanks and does it BEFORE CC does, then CC skips parts affected by B9PS, because I have a check for it. But IFS patches after CC and does not check for it... Anyway, CC acts weirdly when it is installed on a part-in-flight which resources were already modified. I'm working on it.
  9. Honestly, I played with MFT so long ago that I don't know its current set of features. What you get is: In Editor Free part's space partitioning into as many tanks of different types as you like. Mass and price change with tank type. Stored resource can be changed within the tank type. In Flight Stored resource can be changed within the tank type in Empty tanks. Cryogenics are supported using sophisticated thermodynamic model. TweakScale is supported. ProceduralParts is supported with limitations (caused by PP code). Stock parts and many mods have dedicated patches to add CC functionality. Also, MKS does not require Configurable Containers. Only its .dll and configs that change nothing in the game. It is totally optional!
  10. BTW, I've almost fixed the Deorbit Autopilot that caused trouble in the first place. At least, this ship now lands perfectly
  11. It is compatible with MKS in that it supports all USI resources. But it does not change USI parts, as they natively use FS switch. But it is NOT compatible with fuel switchers that patch stock tanks (IFS, B9PS and such). So If you are using these (e.g. you're playing with full KSPIE), do not install Configurable Containers. If your current game has no patches that add fuel switching to stock parts, then go ahead. And no, this is not a copy of MFT/RF, it differs in many ways. First of all there's the ability to switch resources in flight; second, CC does not intended solely for tanks, but can be used for easy resource management in any non-container part.
  12. Create deorbit maneuver that will get you to the vicinity of the target. Then make a macro to enable altitude control and navigation to the target. If you guess the landing trajectory well, it will be almost autopilot-style landing.
  13. Well, that's simple. If TCA is just Enabled, it does balance thrust all the time, no matter what. You can disable every program and function, and manually control attitude and throttle: thrust limiters will be tuned as you go. You can even set engines to "Thrust" mode so that they don't respond to pitch-roll-yaw input and just stay balanced (zero torque) all the time. A slightly aided variant will be to use TCA's "Execute Maneuver" for your own maneuver nodes, and to use T-SAS with attitude cues... I would appreciate if you could present your case in detail so that I can learn from it and improve TCA
  14. Tried it. Terrible! But I know what's wrong with it, so will try to fix it. Thanks for the report!
  15. Nah, there would be nothing in the logs. I think I know what's wrong. But it is really hard to reproduce, hence to test... Tomorrow I may be able to compile a .dll with the fix, so that you could check if it's working.
  16. BTW, does it go away if you try to start another construction in this workshop? If you have a deployed Kit, it is safe to start/pause/stop its construction from any workshop, as all the work is saved inside the Kit.
  17. There are quite a few good video tutorials on Blender's interface and basics on youtube And once you've learned it you cannot stop wondering: why other software does not use interface like this?!
  18. It seems that landing autopilot is the most difficult piece of TCA so far >_< Can you post some screenshots so I could ~reproduce the craft?
  19. Now that's definitely a bug. Thank you for your thoroughness! I'll investigate the matter.
  20. Thanks a lot! I'll investigate the matter.
  21. That's how I make those things! A glimpse of the upcoming BoxFairing hangar for easy rover deployment... *yea, I know I'm not @RoverDude. I'm learning!
  22. OTA updates just gone with the last version; I will update the Help soon. Sorry for misleading information in it. Well, this is interesting. Could, please, you publish the .craft file and a list of mods that are required for it to work?
  23. I've retested it. The problem should go as soon as you change the scenes from-to Flight. And I have found and fixed the bug that caused it in the first place in the code today. Thanks again!
  24. Yes, that is exactly as it should be. The ConfigurabelContainers-Core is not what was breaking the game. It's just a .dll and internal config files that are still required for GC. But it will not change any parts, or do anything at all in the game.
  25. It's a pleasure to read this argument, folks! And it gives me much to think about. This will sure help us to develop balanced architecture before actually implementing the meat of it.
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