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Everything posted by allista

  1. Currently, when you switch to the vessel with the workshops ([>>] button), the workshop info labels become clickable, so you can directly summon the construction window of the workshop in question. When you have opened the needed workshop window and see the kit under construction, you can push the "Stop" button to move it back to the queue, then you will have the "X" button to remove it from the queue. Even better! If you look at the DIY Kit model itself, you may notice that "Handle with care!" is also misspelled That's the most typical typo of mine, when I'm typing fast: the next finger accidentally hits its button just before the previous does.
  2. Yea, well, as I said, the KN patch does limit the thrust in the way you described, eventually. But not directly; rather, by limiting Isp without changing maxFuelFlow. Which is important to me. Yea, sorry for that; didn't have the time to update the manual for a while now, with all that MKS+GC business I will update it with the next release; and also make the Status tab less confusing with this regard. As for the change itself, I've posted a question about it here on the forum, but didn't get many responses. So I just did what I felt was right: if one has chosen to not include some subsystem into a ship, this choice should be permanent (hence more conscious) -- it's too risky to upgrade ship's core systems in flight. And ships that are already in flight will receive every module available at the time. That's why, @hab136, your first ship has less functions than the second. It was that "one last OTA".
  3. It is not. I'm battling with this issue right now, but fortunately there's a quick way to solve it: hide TCA UI using toolbar/applauncher button, then show it again. The positions of subwindows should be reinitialized. Edit: and don't forget you can move the floating windows around by dragging their anchor -- the green dot.
  4. Everyone concerned about Configurable Containers. In CKAN: CC is not a strict dependency of GC anymore, but rather a recommendation. MKS bundled version will also be stripped of the CC.
  5. Thanks for the report! I'm already aware of the situation and we with @RoverDude are actively working on the solution. In all probability CC will simply vanish as a dependency of MKS in a few days, when we'll make proper CKAN configs and distributions. Until then you should delete the GameData/ConfigurableContainers/Parts folder. I will also remove CC as a hard dependency of GroundConstruction, so that users could choose between existing fuel switchers freely. As for the conflict itself, I will try to make it less devastating, so that savegames are not broken just by installing CC alongside IFS. But the conflict itself is unsolvable, as both mods modify the same parts in an incompatible way.
  6. Many thanks for this! I don't know if it may be solved though; I check for IFS and B9 and other switches before patching tanks with CC, but there's not enough flexibility in MM to order the patches: most of them do the work in FINAL stage which is unordered. But I will definitely try to resolve this mess. @PolecatEZ No need to remove ConfigurableContainers folder and dll. All you need is to remove ConfigurableContainers/Parts folder. All the rest does not touch any parts in game, but is required for GC to work.
  7. The delay is there: 3s after the workshop part is loaded. But I didn't quite understand the second case you described. Could you explain a bit more?
  8. Doesn't seem so. Your mods are in perfect order, as far as I see. Anyways, I understand the problem now. I'll try to figure something out. Meanwhile, you can try to workaround this by somehow pinning your workshops to the ground. Retract landing gear to lie on the belly (if the ship has legs); turn on the wheel brakes (or if it has wheels); use KIS's concrete attachment point. Something like that. And remember that only horizontal velocity counts. I'm very sorry for that inconvenience!
  9. Interesting question! But first, you're mistaken in one detail: Kerbal Atomics does not change thrust per se. It changes Isp without changing the maxFuelFlow of the engine. So the thrust is limited, eventually, by fuel flow at low Isp values. I point that out because this makes things much more complicated for me Now, I don't know if TCA will handle these well. You are welcome to try and tell me: I'm very curious! Judging by the code it should work, because TCA updates engine stats in real time, so it will use the changed Isp curves to calculate max available thrust. What will probably not work is TCA's evaluation of maneuver duration, as KA mechanics adds yet another layer of latency which is unavailable to TCA. So it may miss with maneuvers, which is crucial for landing.
  10. Glad to hear it! Meanwhile, every involved user is urged to take advantage of this cheat while it still exists to make trillions of funds!
  11. Not yet, sorry; with all the work on GC+MKS integration. But I haven't forgot.
  12. It stores the vessel in editor as a full ShipConstruct node, so in principle it's possible to read that node and load a ShipConstruct from it and examine it as you do with the top-most vessel. Here's an example .craft file with stock+Hangar only parts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dg0mhzab65uw5os/Hangar Extension Test.craft?dl=0 And an excerpt from it:
  13. That helps. But raises the question: are you using the latest GC? Because that was an old issue which I thought I fixed by adding a 3s grace period after a workshop is loaded before checking for movement and other restrictions. Are you saying that you have a base that cannot settle in for 3 seconds after the physics kicks it? And keep in mind that I only check for the horizontal speed, so your workshop should be moving along the ground faster than 0.5m/s.
  14. How does it stops? Do you see any on-screen message? Or is the status of the construction changes in the Workshop List window (the one you summon with the AppLauncher button)?
  15. GroundWorkshop takes precedence over NotGroundWorkshop. NotGroundWorkshop is only a tag for MM, nothing more. So the intended behavior of a modder is to use "NotGroundWorkshop" only to tag parts that should not be touched by MM patch that installs GroundWorkshop module everywhere *edit: and as I said, your proposition is also implemented. Using MODULE name=GoundWorkshop with isEnabled=false will work likewise.
  16. Ground Construction v1.1.1 for KSP 1.2.2 (2017.02.06) ChangeLog:
  17. Configurable Containers v2.4.0.4 for KSP 1.2.2 (2017.02.06) ChangeLog:
  18. Hangar v3.3.0 for KSP 1.2.2 (2017.02.06) ChangeLog:
  19. TCA v3.4.0 for KSP 1.2.2 (2017.02.06) ChangeLog:
  20. Question: Does anybody use small crewable parts (like the stock Mk1 Lander Can) as actual workshops? Currently so many parts are workshops that it clutters the UI. So I want to increase the threshold that allows a part to become a workshop. This will disable workshop functionality in-flight in parts that are no longer qualify.
  21. Good idea. So I'll leave it for now as is; until the next release. Also the blacklisting will be already available in this release...
  22. In fact I still haven't changed the VolumePerKerbal parameter (which is currently set to 3 m3). I'm not sure it will make any difference for large parts (except to lower their efficiency somewhat), but it could invalidate some small cabins as workshops; and I'm not sure no one uses them as such. I'm too reluctant to make changes that may break savegames. Am I wrong? But I have done some heavy UI improvements that, among other things, alleviate this problem.
  23. GC should work as usual, without any changes compared to its stand-alone operation. You need to ship a DIY Kit from Kerbin and provide MaterialKits on site.
  24. DIY Kits themselves could not be built off-world. But we're discussing the ability to do so with @RoverDude right now, so in the future you will have that option. It will, however, be hard to achieve that capability. So you should consider GC as means for bootstrapping a colony rather than a production line (which it isn't).
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