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Everything posted by allista

  1. For that you need to disable "Follow Terrain" option and maintain needed altitude manually.
  2. TCA is installed into every control module a vessel has. They all share the same configuration and only one is active at a given time. But the part where TCA resides does not indicate it in current version (in the next there will be a string in the part menu). So yes, the only way to get access to the functionality is though toolbar. There is a known problem with the Blizzy's Toolbar where TCA icon doesn't show no matter what; and I'm guessing you've encountered this problem. One of the solutions is to delete the GameData/toolbar-settings.dat file to reset Toolbar settings. The other is to open the GameData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/Plugins/PluginData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/TCA.glob file with the text editor and change the option UseStockAppLauncher to true. This will force TCA to use the stock toolbar. EDIT: I would love to fix that annoying bug, but I myself have never encountered it, so I don't have means to figure what's going on. So I'm thinking, may I should drop the support for the Toolbar and live with the stock one?
  3. Starting this week I begin to reanimate the Hangar There's much to be done. Huge chunks of code are now obsolete or simply don't work anymore. And many things in new KSP I have yet to learn and understand. But since the mod, as I understand, is completely dead right now, there's a way to speed things up somewhat. Specifically, if I drop most of the auxiliary parts I can spend more time on the code and less on part rebalancing and learning the inner workings of the new stock modules. Especially it concerns parts that have new stock analogs or may be replaced by parts from popular expansions. So, what do you say: should I drop all the engines, electrical generators, air-brakes and the like?
  4. No, I actually stuck with my "main" work which I'm about to lose, or dump, whichever happens first As for the new version: it's almost there, only some routine is left like updating the manual, making a video, etc. The new modules happened to be much more complicated than I anticipated at first; spend much time on testing/bughunting which led to some big code rewriting several times. EDIT: I still don't have the 1.1.2, but it doesn't seem to differ much from the 1.1 with respect to API, so it should be OK.
  5. I've just checked those engines on Minmus; I used KSP-1.0.5 in that test, but since nothing in the balancing algorithm has changed between 1.0.5 and 1.1.0, the only reason for this not to work properly is the Mk2Expansion itself. Also, could you show a screenshot of your ship or share a .craft file?
  6. Unfortunately, what you're trying to do is not currently possible. The reason being the way the ModuleEngines in KSP works: each engine reads the MainThrottle state independently and calculates its thrust accordingly. This means that when the throttle is down none of the engines will produce thrust, whatever TCA mode they're in. And vice-versa, when the throttle is up all engines that are not thrust-limited by TCA (maneuver engines have their limiters set to 0 by default) will be burning. I say "currently" because in space TCA uses limiters only to balance engines, leaving throttle control for the user and other mods like MJ to handle; and when you use TCA's own maneuver autopilot it does the same: controls main throttle instead of limiters. The alternative would be to operate like TCA does on planets with AutoThrottle option enabled: main throttle goes to 100% and everything is handled by the limiters. This may be done, but would be incompatible with any other mods that execute maneuvers (RemoteTech, MechJeb, you name it). I will think about adding such an option -- in-space AutoThrottle mode of operation -- but for now you have to have a main-throttle independent torque provider; either reaction wheel or RCS. I'm afraid not. First, the Level program does exactly what you've described: tries to always point the total thrust vector strictly downward. So when the vector changes, TCA adapts as it's supposed to. Second, if these engines use the same technique for the reverse operation as the stock ones (through a generic animation of the thrust transform, not through the ModuleEngines itself) there's no way of controlling the process or of telling the difference between a reverse and an actual vessel overturning. From TCA's point of view when you use reverse the state of engines does not change, but the direction of the thrust does suddenly.
  7. If a conversation may be intercepted by FBI, should I throw my phone to a trash can and never talk to anybody again? If I know there're computer viruses should I ever touch a PC? You confuse technical means with malicious intents. MM by itself does nothing bad. On the contrary, it allows all changes that are made to any configuration (stock or mod) to exist in runtime only. If you found an offending mod that modifies something the way you disagree with, delete that mod and all the "changes" will be gone with it. But without MM you can't have almost any mod now; we, modders, all use MM, because without it almost anything apart from simplest new parts wouldn't be possible to add to the game.
  8. I've tried to work it out, but in vain: KSPIE for v1.0.5 crashes my KSP; and as it turned out I still don't have the v1.1.2 because I'm on Linux and this version is still not available for the OS. This also means, that TCA-v.3.1.0-for-KSP-1.1.2 is actually for KSP-1.1. So it's a miracle, actually, that it works so well. Until Squad releases v1.1.2 for Linux I'm helpless... Finesse of altitude control may be set in the "advanced" tab; for heading there's no such option yet, but I'll patch the same slider to them as well. As for the 'a-d' problem I can't reproduce it here.
  9. It looks like a API-1.0 vs API-1.1 issue to me, because there's no difference between versions for 1.0.5 and for 1.1 except for the API changes. Could you post the log with those errors?
  10. Nothing at all! Thanks to you I've found a very nasty bug. It's amazing that a bug like this (the problem was in transformation of inertia tensor) didn't show up earlier They key thing was the probe core orientation: when you try to surface-attach one, it is placed upside down, but since it has no markings you don't see this. The fix will be included in the next release. For now you have to either ensure the correct orientation of the secondary probe core, or just use a single command module.
  11. Simple: thrust limiter of manual engines may be controlled manually either from part menu or from TCA gui (profiles or Manual Engines section). The original purpose was just that: to allow manual control of some engines; among other things to use them as horizontal propulsion. But then I thought: if a player uses Manual engines for horizontal propulsion of VTOLs, why can't autopilot do the same? The result you see. Perhaps, I just need to rename them somehow? As for v3.2: I have working deorbit and ballistic autopilots; but have some trouble with the Lambert solver of the rendezvous one. I can either release the first two, or reimplement the solver using the more robust algorithm and release all at once. In any case, I can work on this mostly at weekends.
  12. For that you need to set those horizontal engines to Manual mode. I know, this is counterintuitive, but I don't know how to set things up more straightforward. I mean, I could separate this into yet another engine mode named, say, "Transation Engine", but then you couldn't use such engine manually.
  13. Sorry for my absence lately. Had much work. And unfortunately much more to come. Version for 1.0.5 cannot work with 1.1.* due to incompatible dll references; don't even try. As for the spin problem, I can't tell anything having only this description. For all I know this may be a mod conflict, or a simple ship design flaw. Make some screenshots or better yet a video of it. Post the logs. In other words, follow the usual bug-reporting procedure. The described behaviour is definitely out of the ordinary for TCA. Could you post a craft file so that I could test it? EDIT: in fact, I see the problem in the AttitudeControl module. This accounts for at least part of these symptoms. Thanks for the report!
  14. Noted. I'll think what I can do.
  15. There are instructions, but to make a shortcut for you: just place the ModuleManager.dll inside the GameData folder. Note, that this dll is for KSP-1.1.2; if you're playing other version, find corresponding dll in the MM thread to which I have pointed above.
  16. Yes, as stated in the Manual, you need to install the ModuleManager mod for this mod (and countless others) to work.
  17. No, currently Macros do not support neither squadron mode nor action groups. But I have plans to implement the former, and now that you've mentioned it, to add the latter as well.
  18. I'm trying to make it work, but the thicker the atmosphere, the harder it is to predict a landing site with small enough error; aerodynamics is a difficult thing All in all, it should work where it is reasonably applicable. And the ship built matters: a slim rocket should work better than an asymmetrical behemoth
  19. Yep. You may see a prototype in action here, starting at 10:15:
  20. Nothing to be worried about. The TCA.conf was a part of TCA-2 and this message means that on start TCA-3 tries to import deprecated settings from this file. If it does not exist then you hadn't have the version that generated the file; no harm in it.
  21. What I've managed so far is this: TCA constantly scans the engines for assigned action groups and adds/removes itself to/from the same groups. Thus you don't see the "Update TCA Profile" action in editor, and in flight it is only present in the groups where some engines are toggled/enabled/disabled.
  22. I see. I'll try to figure something out.
  23. I'm not quite sure what do you mean by "losing the overview", but in any case this is a problem: the "update tca profile" action is there to allow TCA engine profile to adopt engine state changes caused by toggling an active group. I've searched KSP code for a better way (GameEvent or smth.) to catch group activation, but it seems there's none. The only other option I see is to leave this action for a user to assign to a specific action group; but then TCA will only be able to react to that particular action group to update engine profile (I don't remember, can you assign the same action to several action groups from within KSP?).
  24. It is an illusion The difference (and the main reason why I make the functions that are called the same) is that TCA variants are thrust-oriented, while MJ uses current command module as a reference. I believe one shouldn't have to add another probe core in the right place and orientation and switch to it just to be able to use different set of engines for a maneuver. Also, despite the names, TCA autopilots are full-fledged autopilots that use all functions of the mod to get the task done. My goal is not precise orbital calculations (in which MJ excels), but the robust automation of complex tasks. So yet again: I myself use MJ all the time; and start to work on some new feature with the same name only when I feel that MJ can't do it at all, or I need "to dance with a tambourine" to perform the task with MJ. The simplest example is a landing of a VTOL-cargo from orbit.
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