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Everything posted by allista

  1. Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.10 Released on 2020-07-05 Compiled and tested for KSP-1.10 Download (531.04 KiB)
  2. And here's the demonstration of the above. I apologize for lame ending -- was distracted by my daughter
  3. And the demonstration of the above
  4. Version 2.6.3 for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1 Released on 2020-07-05 Added deployment ETA display to container PAW and workshop window When deployment is finished, time warp is stopped automatically Fixed construction of heat-shields and other parts requiring Ablator Moved ConstructionSkill to AT_Utils to also use it in Cargo Accelerators Fixed USI-LS integration (this time for sure) thanks (again) to @Marschig Fixed several bugs in Recycler UI Fixed spot-lights Download (15.80 MiB)
  5. Version 2.5.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1 Released on 2020-07-05 Moved CC configs to AT_Utils GameData and removed CC-Core Added resource max amount and max mass display Added new patches Dodo Labs - Stockalike Electron Mk2 Hypersonic Systems Mk-X Hyper Propulsion Updated patches BDB Mk2 Expansion ReStock+ Only filter parts with B9 Part Switch if it has SUBTYPE with a tankType defined. This allowed to add CC to several parts that only had mesh/node variants, not the resource switching. Affects Bluedog Design Bureau Mk2 Expansion Mk3 Expansion Moved hangar resource tanks to FuelTank category Removed the OPT patch since OPT Reconfig provides its own now Minor fixes and improvements Updated the list of supported mods in netkan Download (267.50 KiB)
  6. Version 3.7.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1 Released on 2020-07-05 Maneuver Engines Reloaded Manual engines are no longer used for horizontal thrust, instead the maneuver engines are used. Added Mode of operation of maneuver engines Rotation & Translation -- a maneuver engine in this (default) mode responses to both rotation and translation controls and may be used for horizontal thrust. Rotation -- a maneuver engine in this mode only responses to rotation controls and is never used for horizontal thrust. Translation -- a maneuver engine in this mode only responses to translation controls and may be used for horizontal thrust. Fixed balancing of engine profiles that have only maneuver engines active. Improved handling of R&T maneuver engines that provide more thrust than torque (i.e. they're more or less in line with CoM). Even if you don't set such engines to Translation mode, they won't be firing much during rotation. Such engines are also no longer switched to UnBalanced mode. Added two new settings to Advanced Tab: Hor. Thrust switch toggles the use of translation-capable maneuver engines for horizontal thrust by on-planet navigation autopilots Minimum specific horizontal thrust (which is the same as acceleration) - this number limits the use of maneuver engines for horizontal thrust by the acceleration they can produce. So if your ship has maneuver thrusters for normal rotation/translation purposes and you don't want the TCA to try to use them as horizontal thrusters, just set this limit high enough. Added support for Cargo Accelerators: ModuleTCA now handles the ExecuteManeuverNode message, which allows it to continue maneuvers that were only partially executed by an accelerator. Added support for Hangar: ModuleTCA now handles onLaunchedFromHangar KSPEvent and, in case of launching from fairings hangar, continues what the TCA of the previous stage was doing (e.g. the To Orbit program). Various bug fixes, including TCA WayPoints, Landing from orbit targeted on another vessel and more Download (531.02 KiB)
  7. Version 3.6.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1 Released on 2020-07-05 Fairings Added Jettison Power PAW control to be able to change both jettison force, torque and launch velocity of the payload in flight. Added Debris Destruction In PAW control that, if set to a values greater than zero, arms delayed action demolition charges in fairing debris (including the base, if it's not attached to anything). Disabling relevant Decouplers and other PAW controls after jettisoning. Added hibernation to command modules If fairings has other parts attached to it, these parts are now jettisoned with limited force 3 seconds before the payload is jettisoned (to avoid collisions with the debris, while not launching them into the Sun). Improved and fixed box fairings model, decreased its jettison force Many fixes to the jettison logic, including CoM changes, linear and angular impulse conservation and others. Allowing to change the aspect ratio of the Small VTOL Hangar Download (30.19 MiB)
  8. v0.2.0 allista released this now Added in-orbit barrel construction Construction is started by pressing a button in PAW. This deactivates the accelerator and creates construction scaffold on the end of the barrel that is gradually deployed (the scaffold slowly grows in length). Required resources are configured per accelerator. Current Orbital Accelerator requires Material Kits - 95% of the mass of a segment Specialized Parts - 10% of the mass of a segment Electric Charge - 1000 units per ton Construction also requires qualified Engineers on board To provide both resources and workers the construction scaffold has (an invisible) docking port on its end. Added Partial Launch mode It is activated in the PAW of the accelerator It allows to perform the launch even if the accelerator cannot provide the required dV But if you have TCA installed and the payload has its own thrusters, the accelerator will instruct the TCA of the payload to continue the maneuver. If TCA is installed, the recoil compensation is done by the accelerator automatically. Assets3 CargoAccelerators- 761 KB Source code(zip) Source code(tar.gz) Compatible with KSP 1.9.1 - 1.10.0
  9. Do you have any docs to start with? I mean, I can look at the code, but I have never played with MKS (wrong; I have in KSP-0.24 ) and know nothing about logistics. So the first question for me is actually not "how do I do IT" but rather "what IS it" Should I somehow teach my modules to get resources from other vessels through some API? Or is there something more to it? And in any case, is there a way to make without referencing USITools?
  10. Well, nothing should prevent this. But now that I know there's a use-case for it, I'll think of s better way. That's because GC has no support for the MKS distribution system. If be glad to add it, but I need help from folks here who knows how things work and what should be added to GC for it to recognize the resources stored elsewhere.
  11. The GroundWorkshop overrides the workshopType option to GROUND in OnStart. But you can use the SingleVesselConstructionWorkshop with workshopType = OMNI This will give you a workshop that can only construct the dockable kit containers docked to the workshop vessel, but it'll work both in orbit and while landed. Currently there's no truly omnipotent workshop module that would combine GroundWorkshop functionality (remote construction in a landed container) and orbital workshop that can build in orbit from docked containers.
  12. Or the opposite: remove any control over manual mode so that its title corresponds to its behaviour without exceptions. And actuate horizontal thrust via maneuver thrusters. I think I'll try that.
  13. Hm, interesting case. Balancing of the maneuver thrusters is somewhat broken at the moment; the fix is coming in the next release. They should work fine in this setting though -- for torque and small translations (if the RCS translation toggle is enabled in Advanced Tab). But for the proper horizontal thrust (for dV > 5m/s) TCA only uses thrusters in manual mode. I should think on this. Your design is really useful. But I don't want to add any more engine modes... Maybe add a translation limiter into engine's PAW? But then it had to also be managed per engine group. And it is only relevant for maneuver mode.
  14. Also @Tokamak Not THAT hidden The deployment hint may also be toggled with the global switch at the bottom of the main GC window (one that shows lists of workshops per planet). It could be toggled per container as well, when you click on the kit info panel in the workshop window: the sub-panel should appear under the list of the kits with some info and, among others, "Show" button.
  15. You can disable any TCA modules in Editor while building your ship. The warp/maneuver panel is the UI of the Maneuver Autopilot module. I think this may be fixed by using the input locks properly. Thanks for the report. Here's the issue to track: https://github.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/issues/99
  16. Always wondered how the real mass-balance would work with career game; or even with the sandbox, considering stock harvesting and conversion rates. I always considered the VTOL hangar to be one of the ugliest models. But in this setting it looks kinda cool I still wonder if I should make all the ground-based hangars also mouse-grey...
  17. No, there's no progress indication at the moment, but deployment could take quite some time, because it is limited by the maximum momentum, so as not to destroy anything around the container. The calculation is as follows: deplymentSpeed = 0.5/containerMass/maxIncreaseInSize; // 1/s // so for example, for 10t that should grow from 1m to 10m in height deplymentSpeed = 0.5/10/9; // = 1/180s, i.e. it will deploy in 3 minutes Random torque is caused by minute moves of the container relative to the docking node during its resizing, but I'm not sure if anything could be done about it: the resizing of a docked part is quite unnatural process with respect to KSP mechanics -- part joints are not meant to be moved around each frame. I'd recommend to simply deploy in time warp; this would remove the torque and save you the waiting.
  18. I've tried myself: the only thing that does work is to change the box model (!!! so that the top debris were one with the left/right walls; and thus didn't landed down onto the payload) and increase jettison force (so that the debris quickly flew away). But in any case Unity's physics doesn't allow a regular mesh collider (the floor of the box) to act as ground. The payload (450t in my case) simply passes through it to the actual Mun ground; and the box floor explodes afterwards.
  19. @M443556 yes, I see the problem. At least in my case the debris mess everything up.
  20. Ouch Never tried it with such a heavy payload. This looks like a problem with the VesselSpawner and KSP's physics. Not even sure it could be worked around... But first I need to reproduce it.
  21. Tried to mitigate this, but since I couldn't fully reproduce the issue is starting above the ground, I'm not sure this will work for you. Anyways, it'll be in the next release.
  22. My natural impulse is to make a patch that restricts the containers for HyperPlutonium to only allow Radioactives tank type. Would that be convenient?
  23. Slow settling after loading is caused by the initial positioning of landed vessels. I'll try to fix this. Aside from that I don't know of any issues - the anchor is pretty simple module. But all the command parts? Seems a bit excessive; especially when I imagine small stock probe cores stuck to the ground
  24. Have to delay the stream for half an hour: 20:30 UTC
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