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  1. Enjoying 1.2 so far, seem to have found a bug. When I attempt to go EVA, my kerbal appears outside the craft, but then my keyboard is no responsive in game. Still works in windows/other programs, just freezes and does not respond in game. Have to restart the game to get it working again. Mods ------------------ mechjeb, kw rocketry, EVE
  2. I downloaded Mechjeb 2, unzipped it in the Game data folder, booted up KSP, put the mechjeb module on a Kerbal X, launched and there was no mechjeb menu. What is wrong?! I downloaded from: https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220221-mechjeb which is MechJeb 2.5.8, latest KSP update. I'm on mac. Please help, I've tried! Please don't tell me I just downloaded an old Mechjeb. Thanks
  3. So I just started playing again recently and I noticed that Mechjeb was not working. The last time I played was before the 1.2, btw. I mainly used Mechjeb for the information panel (TWR Delta V remaining etc.). Is there an update to this mod I am not aware of, or is there another mod that can give me a real-time readout of these statistics?
  4. I recently got a new PC and finally got around to installing KSP 1.2.1, however it doesn't seem that any versions of MechJeb currently work on the new version. Is there a version of MechJeb that is supported by 1.2.1 or something relatively similar to it that I can install? I don't typically use it, but it is helpful when I want to demonstrate circularization and load distribution to my little brother so I can explain the math and maneuvers without having to focus on flight.
  5. Hello, Does anyone know how to use MechJeb with KSP 1.21? I don't see the control panel when I put the AR202 on my spacecraft. I have MechJeb2- Is this compatible with KSP 1.21? Thanks
  6. So has anyone found a working version of mechjeb? I can't get the newest version to work.
  7. I downloaded mechjeb 2.8.5 and pasted it into my gamedata folder. I can put ar 202 part on my craft, and it consumes electrical charge, but i dont see any toolbar for mechjeb. Any suggestions?
  8. need mechjeb for ksp i installed mechjeb engineering for all but it not working no mechjeb icon shown in game
  9. Hello fellow forum goers! I would like to start an honest debate about 2 mods. MechJeb and Kerbal Engineer Redux. Both mods are highly respected by their respective camps, and feelings and opinions run hot. I do not recall such a thread as the one I am proposing here. I know people have stooped to arguing about if MechJeb is cheating or how KER is a wonderful flight data device. What I would like to do here, is have an actual forum, not a thread or a message board, but an actual honest forum, where we can freely exchange, debate and challenge the positions of one another. Now, I am NOT advocating total anarchy where X rated language is used. No, I am opening this thread, for an honest debate, similar to the ones we see during election times, where you have 2 candidates step up to podiums and debate. So, with that said, here are the rules: 1. Be respectful of one another. 2. Civil and Polite language only. 3. Support your argument. Using phrases like: "Because thats the way I feel" "Reasons" or anything of that are strictly forbidden. Use real, fact based reasons, and if necessary use photo evidence as well. 4. Arguments must be logical, civil and fair. 5. Standard Forum Rules apply as well, with the exception: Challenging a persons point of view, position or reasoning is allowed and expected. Such challenges are critical to an open and free flowing civil debate. With this said, I formally welcome you to the MechJeb versus Kerbal Engineer Redux Debate! Let's begin! Sorry for this edit, but, I wanted to start the thread and then get the images for my first point in this debate. It has been said you need Kerbal Engineer Redux for delta v stats. I counter this by saying, MechJeb can provide this as well. I will provide you with 2 images, 1 of which shows all 3 stages as a single rocket, and the other shows the stages side by side, ranging from 1.25m to 3.75m. and side by side: This is but a small sample, showing that, MechJeb mirrors features found in KER, with the added benefit of being an autopilot as well. Counter Point anyone?
  10. Hey there I downloaded the latest version of Mechjeb from Curse, and the latest version of KSP from Steam. I tried putting 2 and 2 together, and it doesn't work. I get errors saying it is installed incorrectly. I did it the way all the tutorials online say to. Drag the extracted folder into GameData, Squad, and place there. When I start the game. I get that error. Please help me. I've played KSP a bit, and can get craft into orbit, but I really want to get this mod working.
  11. Hello again. I need the piece of code to check if SmartASS on a given Vessel is set to anything but off. Also I'd like to handle the case that MechJeb is not installed at all. Does anybody know how to?
  12. I want to try to use MechJeb without the annoying case. Anyone got an idea how to use MechJeb without the AR202 Case? Would appreciate if you leave a suggestion below. Thanks
  13. Hi all, have been playing a while now and yesterday my mechjeb has stopped working, i havent updated ksp (1.1.3) and am using the latest mechjeb from the dev site, i also have not added any additional mods for a while and mechjeb was working fine yesterday morning. the tab it there when i add the part to the ship but clicking it does ziltch even the light on the part stays red. Have done a full reinstall from scratch and no joy, has anyone else had this issue? Using my limited knowlage i went into the mechjeb plugin settings for the general ui and it says status closing is that normal?? any help would be so great!!
  14. So having done a bunch of work on a couple of puller-type ion craft designs featuring too many drop tanks, I've been reminded that neither major dv-calculating mod quite has a grip on dealing with drop tanks in STAGE_PRIORITY flow (xenon and mono) and will woefully underestimate a craft's delta-v, as seen here: Older screenshots, but I've confirmed it's not been fixed yet. I dug around the KER thread last week but couldn't find anything new regarding it since during the open beta, when I helped @Padishar isolate the issue -- so I must inquire: where precisely should I look or ask regarding the status of STAGE_PRIORITY fuel flow delta-v calculation? I sense it's probably an annoyingly complex problem with too many edge cases, and I don't want to just derp into the mod's thread asking for a progress update on a specific feature like a jerk. Are there defined channels for this sort of thing, or tracker I can follow?
  15. Hello, I was hoping getting MechJeb's ascent guidance module would help me automate the launch but I can't quite follow the ascent path. Seems like my rocket is too powerful so I've tried to limit throttle and/or acceleration during ascent but it's very clumsy and it usually works poorly. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276590575/screenshot/499154497084905198 Is this a rocket design flaw or are there smarter parameters in the ascent guidance?
  16. After 1.1 and updating mechjeb the landing is not as persice. For example landing on mun I use to retro burn to aim general y where I wanted to land. Pick a taget and it would make corrections and tabulate final burns. Now it not even trying. Burns some times but too late to land any where near the taget. If I even do the land any where option it lands but instead of what use to be a smooth touch down it pulses the engine instead of burning it down slowly almost hovering. Is there some setting I don't know about?
  17. This is indeed theoretical If that wasn't obvious, I do not plan to fly a real rocket and slap a mechJeb unit on the side. Assuming that It was provided with all the inputs it required and it was given enough control over the rocket, then I would assume that something like mechJeb would be able to fly a rocket in a real Enviroment. But perhaps there are some values that MechJeb Is able to get in game that would be impractical to measure on a real rocket, or the fact that kerbal aerodynamics are much different than real aerodynamics and something MJ does would just not agree with our atmosphere. I don't know enough about the mechJeb plugin to know for sure, But what I would imagine would be difficult would be getting the height from sea level as I am not sure if this is or how it would be measured for a real rocket. What do you guys think would this work?
  18. Just started my first round of 1.1.3 and Mechjeb tab is no longer available in the UI. Went to VAB, loaded craft, confirmed MJ available in controls category. Go to launchpad - no MJ button. Anybody else?
  19. Hello, In a thread I made on the KSP Reddit, I was questioned about my use of Mechanical Jeb, usually abbreviated as MechJeb, and found that I had something interesting to add to the discussions surrounding the use of this mod that was previously unknown, or not well known. In short, MechJeb is the only reason that I am able to play KSP in any non-trivial capacity because KSP is mechanically very reliant on many, many clicks and button presses in a short time span, many of them are repetitive. Players with RSI, or Repetitive Stress Injury, or even players at risk of developing the condition would cause them selves either pain or irreparable chronic pain without this mod. How many times have you repeatedly tapped the w,a,s and/or d during a launch to slightly adjust the rotation of your craft? How many times have you made small, repeated adjustments to a maneuver node, back and forth until it is just how you want it? How many times have you adjusted your zoom, readjusted, zoomed back in, clicked on something else to focus on and then repeated the process? Maybe I only notice the frequency of these actions because I have the condition which is aggravated by them, and the type of personality that enjoys perfection and obsession, but I believe that there are others like me. I am not playing KSP enough for it to cause my RSI, but with it already aggravated from my work - ksp would be literally, medically unplayable for me without something to automate the creation of maneuver nodes, opening of solar panels, and other tasks that MechJeb does not solve, but other mods do. (The collection of science.) I'd love to hear what others have to say.
  20. So here's the rub: I have a copy of the newest KSP update (1.1.2) and I put Mechjeb onto it. So far, worked like a charm. Fired it up today, and the takeoff works fine, but when it gets near it's apoapsis the craft does several things. 1: Creates the node for the maneuver. 2: Doesn't line up for the maneuver. 3: Spins out of control, like the wheel has just been allowed to go free. 4: Fails to throttle up. 5: Continues counting past the maneuver. 6: Hits the ground in what the scientists refer to as a "Gravity's poodle" move. I've tried this with every craft I made as well as the stock ones, and I get the same result. I've turned on RCS, played with corrective steering, all of it. I don't know why it just began to glitch out. Please help!
  21. I'm a recovering Mechjeb addict and am currently learning to fly my rockets all by myself (basically, I'm learning to play the game again). I have no problem with flying onto a suborbital trajectory, but when I go to create my circularization burn, I can't seem to get a near-perfect orbit, and am clueless when it comes to exexuting precise maneuver nodes. Does anyone have any trips?
  22. Hello Kerbals this is my first post i am not really experienced with the game so i installed the mod of MechJeb and by using MechJeb Module as soon as i click Launch and the stage gets green, the rocket explodes and the parts launch off with 500m/s speed in all directions. Installing this mod was a dream coming true but alot of disappointment after this bug happened My game version is 1.1.0 and i also installed the compatible mod one from CKAN(auto mod installer) It happens even when the i put MechJeb module as a secondary module.
  23. Alright, I'm only a recent convert to the ways of Mechjeb, but was able to use it on my space plane like an autopilot, able to precisely command AoA , sideslip and roll angle in single degree increments. You can see from this launch video how well it works. On my newest design however, Mechjeb simply makes insane control inputs. Sometimes it applies full aileron and rolls us over and over till we crash. In this example it puts in a bootfull of rudder and has us constantly sideslipping, but appears to command pitch very loosely. Tried removing then reattaching the mechjeb module, orientating it differently. What's going on?
  24. I have the latest version of mechjeb with KSP 1.1.2 so all my mods and stuff are up to date. My problem is that when I try to use the autopilot in mechjeb, it does NOT want to cooperate. It turns to, let's say, north, then south, then north again until it breaks apart from the aerodynamics (I have FAR if that helps). I already correctly entered the numbers, my target orbit, AoA is at 2 degrees, I edited my ascent profile and everything, but the thing just doesn't want to work! I have NO idea what is going wrong. I know it isn't a problem with my rocket because I was able to fly it to orbit just fine by myself, but mechjeb just wants to throw it all over the place. This is my first time trying to use it and it's frustrating because I already tried looking up tutorials for it but they're all very outdated or not a good explanation. I just want to know why it won't perform a gravity turn smoothly without jumping everywhere. If anybody could help me, I would be very grateful.
  25. Hi, Everything started when version MechJeb2- came out (MechJeb2- was ok). The problem is following: When you turn on the landing autopilot and the vessel approaches the ground it starts to deccelerate. The problem is that the braking maneouver is not SMOOTH like in the previous versions. The engine throttle starts to go up and down so in result the vessel is being stopped 3-4 meters above the ground and it stays like that with the engine turned on until it runs out of fuel. In the previous versions, when I was using the landing autopilot, the vessel was very gently touching the ground and the throttle was very smooth. It happens no matter I set the touchdown speed to 0.5 m/s or to 1 m/s or higher. Do you guys have the same problem with all builds above 575? Regards, Damian
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