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  1. Note to the moderator: I'm unsure if this is the proper forum. I looked around and it seemed best suited for this category. If you feel it belongs elsewhere, please move it with my blessing. Once the post is approved and has found it's proper home, feel free to remove all text with strikethrough. Or I'll edit later myself... whichever is more appropriate. Thanks for your work! My first post! Glad to be here. I've been a KSP player on-and-off since Early-Access. Amazing, how far it has come! I love the mods available... so much so that I often install too many or take a risk on outdated builds. Then, kablooey! KSP does something crazy or dies. That's when I need to figure out which mods are working properly, which one's can be patched by yours truly, which ones should get a bug report and which ones to remove entirely. I hope my method can help others quickly do the same. GL/HF/DIY! WHAT IS THIS FOR? This may be helpful if you are a DIY-minded soul and your game is crashing or acting strange and you want to try and identify which mod is causing it. For the proactive among us, this is even better for making sure all your mods' assemblies, classes, etc are properly loading and interacting with KSP... before you run into some unforeseen, mod-related "thing" 30 minutes into a mission. WHY NOT JUST LOOK AT THE CONSOLE? Of course, the quickest way to check for errors when they occur is to Alt-F12 into the console and read the latest entries. That doesn't always give you the full picture, though (and it certainly won't work is KSP has crashed). For that, you need to open up the infamous ksp.log file, located in your KSP base folder, to look for errors, warnings and surrounding information. Ksp.log is a standard-ish Unity log file; full of cryptic data that can nail down a point of failure such as a troublesome mod or a corrupt game file. WHY IS THIS BETTER THAN LOOKING AT KSP.LOG THE NORMAL WAY? Parsing a lengthy, black and white text file is not easy for most folks. So, I offer this quick tutorial on using AnalysePlugin to get at the relevent bits. A process i use at work as a devops engineer, analyzing all kinds of logs, to great effect. Like many application log files, within ksp.log you'll find irrelevant, deprecated entries and crucial data all are mixed up into one hot mess. Mining the log for the relevant bits can help you identify a troubled mod and get back to playing your game now, rather than guessing at which mod to remove or waiting hours or days for someone on the forum to analyse your ksp.log for you. This method helps you get to the relevant information within ksp.log quickly. With a little practice, this will also help you make more effective bug reports to mod developers here and on github. You'll be able to help them help you by pointing out relevant log entries, to assist them in debugging your issue (along with uploading a full ksp.log file as an attachment, of course!). OK, I'M SOLD! HOW DO I SET THIS UP? Download and install Notepad++ (NPP). If you already have it, great. (optional step: forget your default text editor ever existed ) https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download Once you have NPP installed, open 'er up and go to the "Plugins" drop-down menu, directly to the left of the "Window" menu, at the top of the application. You should see an entry in the Plugins drop-down called "Plugin Manager". If it's there, move to step 3. If not, get it here: https://github.com/bruderstein/nppPluginManager, install plugin manager and restart NPP. From the Plugins menu, open Plugin Manager and make sure it can access the Internet, so it can update the repository. After the repo has been downloaded, check the "Available" tab for "AnalysePlugin". This plugin will allow us to use a simple set of parameters to highlight and group the errors and warnings in ksp.log, making the job of finding problems much easier on the eyes and brain. Check the box next to AnalysePlugin and click Install. Restart Notepad++. Now, open your ksp.log file in Notepad++. From the Plugins menu, open AnalysePlugin. The screen will split into three parts. The top left is still the raw ksp.log file you just opened. At top right, the AnalysePlugin interface. The bottom is currently empty; this is where our errors and warnings will show. But first, we need to tell the plugin what to look for. How? Meet me at step 5! Welcome to step 5, thanks for coming. Now, you could tell the plugin what to look for manually...OR... load a pre-defined set of parameters instead! Let's not re-invent the wheel today; that would be very Kerbal-ish. So, here's a free wheel, pre-invented: a super-simple definition file for AnalysePlugin to find warnings and errors. It's something I plan to expand on by exempting deprecated Unity warnings and known irrelevancies... but this basic xml file suits our purposes for the moment. Grab "analyse_ksp_log.xml" from my OneDrive, here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtC9nbX8Ht1DmslnhdzUgFKSD9IiIg and save it. Save it to your KSP folder, Notepad++ folder or anywhere you like... just be able to get to it for the next step. Go back to Notepad++ and look at the AnalysePlugin panel. Under "Visualization" you'll see a group of nine buttons, three down and three across. The top-right button says "Load"; click it. A file open window appears. Navigate to wherever you saved analyse_ksp_log.xml. Select it and confirm. Now you should see a few entries in the AnalysePlugin's search grid, where once it was empty. Head back to the same group of nine buttons - at bottom-right, click on "Search". Eureka! The bottom panel should now be filled with grey and red lines. Our gold in the mine, so to speak. Grey/Yellow indicates a Warning, Red/White is an error. The plugin has also bookmarked each line in the raw ksp.log. Nice. (You can make the text in the bottom panel bigger or smaller with Ctrl+MouseWheel Up/Down - this works in the top panel also.) NOW WHAT? When you click on an error or warning in the bottom panel, the top panel will scroll to that entry in the log, so you can look at all the information surrounding it and get an idea of what happened. This is insanely useful for figuring out what's actually going on in regard to a particular log entry. Errors and warnings are a start but, often there will be critical information related to a problem in the surrounding entries. DOES KSP NEED TO BE SHUT DOWN? Nope! This process is great for troubleshooting in real-time. You can perform some actions in the game, switch to Notepad++, hit search on the plugin and see if there were any errors generated by your actions. For best results in real-time, open the KSP console, select debugging on the left-side menu and place a check in the box next to "Immediately Flush Log File To Disk". Remember to turn this off when you are done as it may affect performance if KSP is constantly logging direct to disk. SO. MUCH. GREY. AND. RED! Keep in mind, not every warning or error is a problem that needs solving. For instance, if you have a mod with wheel parts like Airplane Plus you may see wheelcollider warnings that are erroneous and can be ignored. Some KSP errors are strictly Unity boilerplate stuff and can be disregarded. For example, you may see a false-positive anti-aliasing error that is deprecated by Unity but, has not yet been removed. Some mods include assemblies or configs to work with other mods... mods you may not have... those might throw a dependency warning or other error when they do not find the other mod, which is fine. Remember, even with this method, there is still some work to be done on your part to learn what is of concern and what can be disregarded. Google is your friend. Duck Duck Go is family I WANT MORE INFO ON THE BOTTOM PANEL! If you want to see "LOG" level entries in the bottom panel along with the ERR and WRN entries: go to AnalysePlugin, in the grid, place a X in the box on the top row, next to "[LOG". Be advised that LOG WRN and ERR are not the only prefixes in ksp.log. The bottom panel is not the full picture of what's going on. Treat it like an index. HOW ELSE CAN I USE NOTEPAD++ WITH KSP? A user-defined language file for Notepad++ by forum-member genericeventhandler is useful in conjunction with this process, if you decide to take the next step and dive into some of your mod's .cfg files. It makes those easier to read by properly coloring comments, delimiters and common keywords. He explains how to use it in his post, linked below. If you have any Notepad++ related issues, Plugin Manager issues, etc... please go through those support channels before posting here. This post assumes that if you want to analyse your own ksp.log file you are also good to install applications and manage plugins. My OneDrive will be active forever if I have anything to do with it... and I do... but, if the OneDrive link to analyse_ksp_log.xml is not working, do let me know. Here's a dropbox mirror, just in case: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sa460qo72jstxwf/analyse_ksp_log.xml?dl=0 I'm an infrequent visitor but, I have turned on notifications, in case anyone needs a clarification. I'm not a ksp.log analyzing service... there are plenty of folks on the forum who can help you with that. This is a self-help post. Happy analyzing!
  2. A forum user, @Murdabenne requested that I share how to do an adoption of a mod. So, last week I showed an adoption while on Twitch Stream, and have finished writing up the steps here. The video is available at the end of the OP. These instructions and the files are available on Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-Build-Scripts/ They are all licensed using the GPLv3 This process has evolved over time; the first mods I adopted didn't use these, and each one was a customized setup. As time went on I developed this process, with the following goals in mind: Consistency Repeatability Ease of setup Easy to follow While not perfect, they do the job for me. Occasionally I run into a mod which has an odd layout or setup, which can usually be dealt with by rearranging folders, or some other minor changes. This discussion will not be going into any issues about coding or bug fixing,etc. These scripts are based on the following directory layout: modmaindir |-> GameData |-> ModDir |-> Plugins |-> Sourcedir The GameData should contain all files needed for a release Abbreviations used VS - Visual Studio IDE - Integrated Development Environment Overview and Dependencies These scripts are based on the following directory layout: modmaindir |-> GameData |-> ModDir |-> Plugins |-> Sourcedir The GameData should contain all files needed for a release Overview and Dependencies Dependencies These instructions are based on using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community version, available here: https://www.visualstudio.com/free-developer-offers/ The 7Zip packaging program is required for the final packaging, available here: http://www.7-zip.org/ The JQ program is required to parse the JSON version file, available here: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/ Overview Part of the process involves adding a file, AssemblyVersion.tt, to the codebase. This file is called a "Text Template", and is used to create the AssemblyVersion value which is then stored in the final DLL There are two batch files, deploy.bat and buildRelease.bat. The "deploy.bat" used to copy the DLL to the GameData directory, and then to copy the complete release to a test install. The "buildRelease.bat" is used to create the final zip file for release While the packaging program can be changed to an alternative (with appropriate changes to the "buildRelease.bat" file, the JQ program is required and not replacable. The assumption is also made that the mod is downloaded and ready to be worked on. Instructions 1. Create the GameData folder if it doesn't exist If it doesn't exist, then copy the latest release of the mod into the GameData folder 2. Find the .version file (if it exists) and copy it to the top level directory. If it doesn't have a .version file, create one in the top level directory 3. You can either copy the AssemblyVersion.tt to the main mod folder, or create a new TextTemplate in the project (using MS Studio) and do a copy/paste operation. If you copy it over, you will need to add the file to the project in the IDE 4. Edit the AssemblyVersion.tt file, update the following line: string versionfile = @"CompletePathTo.version"; Replace the "CompletePathTo.version" with the path to the .version file. 5. Remove or comment out the following line from the file AssemblyInfo.cs (usually located in the "Properties" folder inside your C# project): [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] 6. If there are any Pre-build steps in VS, copy them to a save place and delete them. 7. If there are an Post-build steps in VS, copy them as well 8. Add the following to the Pre-build event command line. This line is based on using Visual Studio 2017, installed on the X drive: set textTemplatingPath="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\texttransform.exe" %textTemplatingPath% "$(ProjectDir)AssemblyVersion.tt" 0. Copy the two files, deploy.bat and buildRelease.bat to the main mod folder 10. You need to update the deploy.bat and the buildRelease.bat with the following values: H to point to your test KSP install: set H=R:\KSP_1.3.1_dev GAMEDIR to the name of the mod folder: set GAMEDIR=xxxxx GAMEDATA to point to the GameData folder: GAMEDATA="GameData" VERSIONFILE to the name of the .version file: VERSIONFILE=%GAMEDIR%.version In most cases, the VERSIONFILE is built from the GAMEDIR, but some mods use a different name 11. For the buildRelease.bat, you have to update the following as well: If existing, LICENSE to the license file: set LICENSE=License.txt If existing, README to the Readme file: README=ReadMe.md Set RELEASEDIR to where you want the zip file: RELEASEDIR=d:\Users\jbb\release 12. If you want to use a different program than 7z, change it in the next line. If you do, you will have to change the options to the zip program at the end of the file: set ZIP="c:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe" 13. In the IDE, right-click on the Solution in the Solution Explorer, and select "Add -> New Solution Folder", give the folder a name SolutionItems 14. Right-click on the SolutionItems folder, and select Add -> Existing item..., add the two files just copied and the .version file 15. Add the following to the Post-build event command line, replace the "xxxxx" with the complete path to the top level directory of the mod: start /D xxxxx /WAIT deploy.bat $(TargetDir) $(TargetFileName) if $(ConfigurationName) == Release ( start /D xxxxx /WAIT buildRelease.bat $(TargetDir) $(TargetFileName) ) 16. Make sure the .version file has the correct values. 17. Now, set the Visual Studio configuration to Debug, and do a test compile. 18. If all is correct, it will compile the code, copy the DLL to the destination folder, and then copy the complete release to your test KSP installation 19. Finally, change the VS config to "Release" and rebuild the mod. This time it will add the step to pack up the entire release and leave it in the RELEASEDIR I did an online stream when I used most of this to adopt a small mod, you can watch it here:
  3. A replacement for stock engine particle FX. If you are tired of seeing the same old effects, HotRockets is for you! Note: SmokeScreen + ModuleManager are required dependencies. Download the legacy version here (compatible with KSP 1.1): Download HotRockets Note that HotRockets is primarily my set of replacements for stock engines. I no longer support FX packs for mod engines, but you are able to use the HotRockets assets for your mods. Many mods now make use of HotRockets assets to improve engine FX; some will add support for mod engines, and some have additional features for stock and mod engines such as resized plumes or easily added preconfigured effects. Mods using HotRockets art assets Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter B9 Aerospace Space Shuttle System Realplume Realplume stock configs Mods with HotRockets support for new engine parts Vens Stock Revamp License: HotRockets Art Assets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Powered by SmokeScreen + ModuleManager(by Sarbian): http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause Screenshots of HotRockets effects in-game: -------------- Basic guide for getting custom particles functioning in the game The method for getting custom engine FX working is fairly simple with the new system, but unfortunately was not covered by an official tutorial on the forum. This will be a small guide for getting them working in game and it will leave the details of the effect up to you. Note: the effect being animated like a heat effect is not necessary with the ModuleEnginesFX system. 1) Game objects Create an empty game object at the origin that you will use for exporting. This will have a partTools component on it that you will use to write the .Mu file to your FX folder. Create an empty object as a child of the exporter object. This object will have the KSPParticle Emitter script on it. I call mine 'emit'. This allows you to easily tweak the position of the effect within the actual exported object. I also make an additional object and name it smokePoint so I am able to move the smoke transform away from the flame transform, but this is not required. 2)Texture Create a new material for each effect you make. This will ensure you don't overwrite the properties of another effect you have. I work with all of my effects in one unity scene by duplicating exporter objects and changing what I need to, so once I duplicate an effect, I create a new material in Unity and add a texture to it. Assign your material to the particle effect using the "Material" property on your KSPParticle Emitter. To create the appearance of a glowing flame, you will need to use the KSP/Particles/Additive shader. Create a 256x256 or smaller image file with alpha that you can use for the effect. Creating the actual image file is fairly straightforward if you look at the current files being used, but I will say that for a transparent additive effect even your strongest colors must have extremely low alpha, almost making the effect invisible. To create a smoke effect, you will want to use Alpha Blended instead of the additive shader. 3) Parameters on the KSPParticle Emitter This is how you will control the style of the effect you make. It will most likely require a lot of small changes and reloading the game to see your effect, because it will not look the same in Unity. So enjoy experimenting =). A couple important ones: Simulate World Space - this parameter, if unchecked, will keep your effect local to the transform it's on. This is how you create a flame that looks like one cohesive effect, and not something that sprays in every direction or curves. While you would use this for smoke, having an effect with the box checked in addition to one without it will cause HUGE errors in the current version of KSP, and is the reason my effects use stock smoke right now. Nothke and I spent tons of time trying every method to get around it, but a plugin or fix by Squad seems to be necessary, and I am not a plugin creator. Energy - the lifetime of your particles. With the current system, this seems to be one of the parameters along with growth that can only be changed in the Unity editor. Emission - amount of particles emitted. Use as low an amount as possible while achieving the effect you want. I have used ranges near 150 or as high as 350 for my FX. Shape - controls the shape of the emitter, mine use Ellipsoid. Local Velocity - you will want at least 10+ velocity on Z for a fast looking effect. Most of the other parameters are something that just needs be be experimented with to get the style you want. Try animating the color of your effect, and lowering the alpha as it progresses through each color. Shadows - all of my effects have Casting and Receiving unchecked. When you think you have the parameters set the way you want, select the PartTools object and click "write" to export the .Mu file and texture to your chosen folder. 4) Game configuration file For adding an effect into the part config for an engine, I will typically comment out each line of the old effects, preserving them if needed, then highlight the following lines in the config MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform and paste this to replace them: EFFECTS { powerflame { MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = flamethrust modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamestandard transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.99 emission = 0.75 1.21 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 1.70 speed = 1.0 1.65 } AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_rocket_hard volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.2 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } } powersmoke { PREFAB_PARTICLE { name = flamethrust2 prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light transformName = smokePoint emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 1 } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_medium volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } disengage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_soft volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } flameout { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_explosion_low volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX //engineID = rocketengine runningEffectName = powersmoke directThrottleEffectName = powerflame thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform Edit the path to any effect files, change effect properties or add modules as needed. -For the method to add this to an existing engine with ModuleManager, see the actual config file included with HotRockets. -Note that powersmoke and powerflame are simply what I wanted to name my effects for flames and smoke. You can create your own effect name. -If you use two flame particles in one effect, give them each a unique entry under "name" -Remember to make the thrustTransform in the effect match the transform you want in the engine. -EngineID is used for multiple-mode engines, check the rapier config to see the setup for that. -Emission curves within each effect: you may have seen curves used in a few other modules when modding KSP. This is also fairly simple. The first number is the level of engine power, the second is the percentage of emission/speed/etc divided by 100. I believe that covers everything needed to get a custom engine effect working.
  4. This guide is based around the propeller parts - specifically, variable pitch propellers. In @Brikoleur's guide to helicopters, he recommended using servos to change the pitch of the rotors, therefore changing the lift and allowing the helicopter to change vertical speed. The new propellers have built in servos. However I have found them a little hard to understand, so I created this guide. Here is the craft we will be using: The Lux aircraft is not a very good plane, but it is simple. It has 2 counter-rotating propellers. You can make planes with 1 propeller, but the torque from the propeller will cause the aircraft to roll, which makes it hard to control and also sometimes causes the wings to hit the ground and explode. Either you can use two rotors as I have done, which allows this plane to get up to 200m/s, or you can use a freewheeling servo as described in Brikoleur's guide. My craft has been set up so that [ I ] and [ K ] change the authority limiter of the propellers, changing their pitch. Now let's look at the craft pre-launch. Here you can see the propeller blades. The blade is deployed, but the Authority Limiter is at 0. This means that the blade will be at the limiter I set. At the moment, it is 0 - the propeller is perpendicular to how it will rotate. It will therefore cause no lift, but lots of drag. The throttle is also at 0. As I used Axis Groups to tie the turboshaft engines to the throttle, the propellers are not rotating. You can see that as the propellers rotate, they are producing only drag. This is because they are perpendicular to rotation. However, when I press [K]... While the propellers are not yet in the optimum position, they have rotated a lot. They are producing little drag, and the yellow and purple lines (representing lift) are long. (You cannot see the yellow lines from the rear propellers as they are inside the body). This lift moves the plane forwards. The plane is accelerating slowly as the propellers are not in the optimum position, however it can get up to 100m/s in around ten seconds as this particular plane is very light for the number of engines. I have now rotated the propellors into (currently) optimum position. There is little drag and a lot of lift. You can see here that the lift has decreased. This always happens - I think it is because we are reaching the limit of the props deployed as they are. You can also see that the red drag lines have increased in length as I rotate the blades. There is a balance to be struck between lift and drag, which determines the speed of the aircraft. Often (but not always) decreasing the Authority Limiter will increase speed and drag. There are a few different (and annoying) things which can happen with your aircraft when flying. Firstly, the propellers can rotate past 90 degrees, and cause increased drag (like at authority 0) or even for the plane to start flying backwards. Secondly, the lift from different rotors can cancel each other out if you set the axis groups wrong. Finally, it is very difficult to set the propellers exactly and this can mean that your plane has some unwanted behaviour. However, there are advantages to propeller planes. Without a specialised engine like the Wheesley, you can reverse thrust and land quickly. As well as this, the engines are very efficient, and even the electric motors do not draw much power. Finally, they are the fastest (if not the cheapest) option for exploring Eve, Duna and any other modded planets (such as Tekto in OPM) with a non-oxygen atmosphere. I hope this guide is useful and allows some more people to build their own propeller aircraft. Please do not copy the above aircraft, as it is not very stable and a pain to land. Copy this much better aircraft instead! Link to KerbalX.
  5. [Edit: For the updated stand-alone version of this tutorial, go here] So I started off getting my video recording & editing software back so I could make an animated GIF for reddit to showcase my robotics powered rover deployment system. But of course I ended up remembered how much fun doing videos can be, and wanted to share the method I found that took my programming time from 3+ hours to less than 1, so the 6+ hours I'd spent programming the arm & doing a comedy showcase GIF ended up spiraling into another 8+ hour editing session. I think it's my most polished video thus far; spent sooo much time working on the timing and ironically half way through editing I realised that if I used THE SAME METHOD that worked so well for the robotics programming I'd be done already. It was nice though, got the last bit done far faster ^^ Well, enjoy, I hope it is useful!
  6. I am a few months into KSP and I was not enjoying Career mode. I wanted to explore the Kerbol System in a logical way, but without the extra restrictions of Career mode. Science mode seemed like the answer, if I could do it without having to grind, or to do missions that were more science focused than exploration/progression focused. So here you have my “Logical Progression” Science Mode guide. There is minimal non-destination science or biome hopping, and each mission gets you progressively further into the Kerbol system. Part 1 – Kerbin and it’s Moons Mission 1 – Learn to Science! Mission 2 – Go to Space! Mission 3 – Orbit Kerbin! Mission 4 – Fly by the Mun! Mission 5 – Land a Probe on the Mun! Mission 6 – Land a Kerbal on Minmus! (and Return) Part 2 – Interplanetary Travel To be continued… *Note - This guide does not teach you how to play KSP. Use the in-game tutorials and/or watch Scott Manley videos on YouTube. Mission 1 – Learn to Science! - We don’t have the technology to get to space yet, so we’ll just learn how to science - In the VAB, build a ship with o Mk1 Command Pod o Mystery Goo Containment Unit - Name/Save the ship and Launch - From LaunchPad o Crew Report (1.5) o EVA Report (2.4) o Take Surface Sample (9.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (3.0) - Recover Vessel (Mission 15.9/15.9 Total Science) - In the R&D Facility unlock o Basic Rocketry (5) o Engineering 101 (5) o 5.9 remaining - The liquid fueled engines and decouplers should help get us to space and back Mission 2 – Go to Space! - We should be able to use the liquid fueled engines to escape the atmosphere - In the VAB, build a ship with o Mk1 Command Pod o Mk16 Parachute (Stage 0) o 2x Mystery Goo Containment Unit o 2x 2HOT Thermometer o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 1) o 5x FL-T100 Fuel Tank o 4x Basic Fin o LV-45 “Swivel” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 2) - Name/Save the ship and Launch - Launch! - In Space Near Kerbin o Crew Report (5.0) o EVA Report (8.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (10.0) o Log Temperature (8.0) - Decouple and Parachute down - From wherever you landed (try to save Kerbin’s Water for later missions) o EVA Report (2.4) o Take Surface Sample (9.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (3.0) o Log Temperature (2.4) - Recover Vessel (8.0) (Mission 55.8/61.7 Total Science) - In the R&D Facility unlock o General Rocketry (20) o Stability (18) o Survivability (15) o 8.7 Remaining - Larger fuel tanks and radial decouplers should get us an orbit-worthy ship Mission 3 – Orbit Kerbin! - We don’t have an efficient enough engine to get to the Mun so we’ll settle for high orbit - In the VAB, build a ship with o Mk1 Command Pod o Mk16 Parachute (Stage 0) o 2x Mystery Goo Containment Unit o 2x 2HOT Thermometer o 2x PresMat Barometer o Heat Shield (1.25m) o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 1) o 5x FL-T200 Fuel Tank o 4x AV-T1 Winglet o LV-45 “Swivel” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 2) o 2x TT-38K Radial Decoupler (Stage 2) o 2x RT-10 “Hammer” Solid Fuel Booster (Stage 3) o 2x Aerodynamic Nose Cone - Name/Save the ship and Launch - In Space High Over Kerbin (250KM) o Crew Report (7.5) o EVA Report (12.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (15.0) o Log Pressure Data (18.0) o Log Temperature (12.0) - De-Orbit, Decouple and Parachute down - From wherever you landed, as long as it’s not the same place as before (Water gives more) o EVA Report (2.4) o Take Surface Sample (9.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (3.0) o Log Pressure Data (3.6) o Log Temperature (2.4) - Recover Vessel (10.0) (Mission 94.9/103.6 Total Science) - In the R&D Facility unlock o Advanced Rocketry (45) o Basic Science (45) o 13.6 Remaining - The LV-909 “Terrier” is our ticket to the Mun Mission 4 – Mun Flyby! - Let’s try to get a closer look before trying to land (and some science for a nice probe) - In the VAB, build a ship with o Mk1 Command Pod o Mk16 Parachute (Stage 0) o 2x Mystery Goo Containment Unit o 2x 2HOT Thermometer o 2x PresMat Barometer o SC-9001 Science Jr. o Heat Shield (1.25m) o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 1) o FL-T400 Fuel Tank o LV-909 “Terrier” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 2) o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 3) o 3x FL-T400 Fuel Tank o 4x AV-T1 Winglet o LV-45 “Swivel” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 4) o 2x TT-38K Radial Decoupler (Stage 4) o 2x BACC “Thumper” Solid Fuel Booster (Stage 5) o 2x Aerodynamic Nose Cone - Name/Save the ship and Launch - For an extra challenge, go for a free return trajectory - In Space High Over The Mun o Crew Report (10.0) o EVA Report (16.0) o Observe Materials Bay (50.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (20.0) o Log Pressure Data (24.0) o Log Temperature (16.0) - De-Orbit, Decouple and Parachute down - If you happen to land somewhere new, grab some extra science - Recover Vessel (12.0) (Mission 148.0/161.6 Total Science) - In the R&D Facility unlock o Flight Control (45) o Electrics (90) (26.6 Remaining) - The OKTO, Photovoltic Panels, and Reaction Wheel will be essential to our probes Mission 5 – Land a probe on The Mun! - Time to try a landing…without putting any Kerbals at risk - In the VAB, build a ship with o Probodobodyne OKTO o 4x OX-SAT Photovoltic Panels o 4x Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack o Small Inline Reaction Wheel o Communotron 16 o 2x 2HOT Thermometer o 2x PresMat Barometer o SC-9001 Science Jr. o 2x Mystery Goo Containment Unit o FL-T200 Fuel Tank o 4x LT-05 Micro Landing Strut o LV-909 “Terrier” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 0) o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 1) o 4x FL-T400 Fuel Tank o 4x AV-T1 Winglet o LV-45 “Swivel” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 2) o 2x TT-38K Radial Decoupler (Stage 4) o 2x BACC “Thumper” Solid Fuel Booster (Stage 5) o 2x Aerodynamic Nose Cone - Name/Save the ship and Launch - In Space Near The Mun o Observe Mystery Goo (12.2) o Log Pressure Data (25.2) o Log Temperature (16.8) - Landed on The Mun o Observe Materials Bay (49.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (16.8) o Log Pressure Data (33.6) o Log Temperature (22.4) - Return to KSC (Mission 176.0/202.6 Total Science) - In the R&D Facility unlock o Fuel Systems (90) o Landing (90) (22.6 Remaining) - The external fuel duct will help us design a return vehicle for a Minmus mission Mission 6 – Land a Kerbal on Minmus! (and Return) - Finally it’s time to go where no Kerbal has gone before - In the VAB, build a ship with o Mk1 Command Pod o Mk16 Parachute (Stage 0) o 2x Mystery Goo Containment Unit o 2x 2HOT Thermometer o 2x PresMat Barometer o Heat Shield (1.25m) o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 1) o FL-T100 Fuel Tank o LV-909 “Terrier” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 2) o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 3) o SC-9001 Science Jr. o 2x FL-T200 Fuel Tank (Beside the Science Jr.) o 4x Aerodynamic Nose Cone (Top and Bottom) o 2x FTX-2 External Fuel Duct (Fuel tanks to Terrier) o LV-909 “Terrier” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 4) o 4x LT-1 Landing Struts o TD-12 Decoupler (Stage 5) o 3x FL-T800 Fuel Tank o 4x AV-T1 Winglet o LV-45 “Swivel” Liquid Fuel Engine (Stage 6) o 4x TT-38K Radial Decoupler (Stage 6) o 4x BACC “Thumper” Solid Fuel Booster (Stage 7) o 4x Aerodynamic Nose Cone - Name/Save the ship and Launch - In Space Near Minmus o EVA Report (32.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (40.0) o Log Pressure Data (48.0) o Log Temperature (32.0) - Landed on Minmus o Crew Report (25.0) o EVA Report (40.0) o Take Surface Sample (150.0) o Observe Materials Bay (125.0) o Observe Mystery Goo (50.0) o Log Pressure Data (60.0) o Log Temperature (40.0) - Retreive Data from the Science Jr. - Decouple and Launch back to Kerbin - De-Orbit, Decouple and Parachute down - If you happen to land somewhere new, grab some extra science - Recover Vessel (37.5) (Mission 679.5/702.1 Total Science) This should be more than enough science to escape Kerbin’s SOI and go interplanetary!
  7. Siguiendo con esta serie de mods de expansión, turno del "Base Planetary System". Este mod añade una serie de piezas para ayudarnos a montar nuestros puestos avanzados en la superficie de los planetas. Tenemos toda clase de módulos, desde habitacionales, hasta laboratorios, invernaderos, inventarios y demás..... BASE PLANETARY SYSTEM
  8. Muy buenas: Aquí dejo otra presentación del mod "Space Y Lifters", un mod que añade una serie de motores de elevación para ayudarnos con el diseño sobre todo de naves pesadas. Espero que os sirva de ayuda..... SPACE Y LIFTERS
  9. Bueno. Otro tutorial sobre lo que nos podemos encontrar dentro de la serie de mods Near Future Tecnologies….. NEAR FUTURE TECNOLOGIES
  10. Empezamos con la introducción poco a poco de mods. Aunque este es un tutorial para el juego de stock, creo conveniente de ir introduciendo o por lo menos presentando ciertos mods que si bien no dan ninguna ventaja en el sentido de hacer más sencilla la dificultad del juego, si que nos expanden la jugabilidad. Este mod lo que nos aporta básicamente, es un espacio de carga para piezas y objetos que podemos utilizar en órbita o en otros planetas..... KERBAL INVENTORY SYSTEM
  11. Le vamos a acoplar a la estación orbital de Muna unos módulos de procesamiento de material para así no tener que enviar combustible desde Kerbin..... ESTACIÓN MINERA
  12. Segunda oportunidad de envío de un rover a Minmus. Esta vez con las modificaciones pertinentes...... ROVER A MINMUS II
  13. Una vez tenemos localizado un asteroide que nos pueda interesar, vamos a ver que procedimiento seguimos para ello..... No hay un procedimiento estándar para todos ellos y muchas veces, depende de la trayectoria que sigan..... CAPTURA DE ASTEROIDE
  14. Nos acercamos al momento de capturar un asteroide, pero para ello debemos primero localizarlos. Para eso montaremos nuestro primer telescopio y lo pondremos en órbita alrededor de Kerbol…... MONTAJE DE TELESCOPIO
  15. Para abaratar costes y tener un plan de escape disponible, subimos un "bote salvavidas" a la estación orbital. Además nos puede servir para hacer rescates en órbita de algún náufrago que nos salga sin tener que hacer un lanzamiento más costoso.... SALVAVIDAS A LA ESTACIÓN
  16. Llegamos a la parte final de esta misión a Duna en la que tenemos contacto con el planeta, y llegan tanto la nave tripulada como el satélite. La primera pasará de largo, mientras que la segunda se va a quedar en órbita y además nos servirá de repetidor para cuando volvamos para bajar a la superficie..... LLEGADA A DUNA
  17. Toca hacer una actualización a la estación orbital..... SUMINISTRO A KLO
  18. Por aclamación popular, aquí tenemos como montar un rover para exploración planetaria..... Eso sí otra historia muy diferente es ponerlo en otro planeta, pero además damos a conocer algún secretillo del juego..... ROVER EXPLORER
  19. Vamos a tomar como excusa el rescate de la cápsula que se quedó en Minmus, para estrenar la "garra" o lo que es lo mismo, la pinza con la que hacer las capturas orbitales de cápsulas y asteroides..... CAPTURA ORBITAL
  20. Buenas. Seguimos con nuestro viaje a Duna. Esta vez con el lanzamiento de las naves que deben ir hacia allá: Una tripulada y un satélite que se quedará allí VIAJE A DUNA II
  21. Hey, I would like to make a mod (a parts pack to be exact) but I don't know how. I have some(ish) programming experience, but I don't know how to start, how to actually make the mod work and what software to use. It would be nice if one of you experts gave me a tutorial or something on how to get to modding. It would also help if you told me how to make textures.
  22. Con paciencia, todo llega. Y ha llegado el momento de dar el gran salto a otros planetas.... Y la opción más lógica y sencilla es Duna. En este primer vídeo vamos a ensamblar una nave que nos permita llegar hasta allí. Más adelante, veremos las mecánicas para hacer la transferencia planetaria y la inserción.... Pero no queremos hacer videos de 3 días de duración..... VIAJE A DUNA I
  23. Muy buenas: Seguimos con nuestro modo carrera haciendo contratos más ambiciosos. Esta vez en Minmus donde realizaremos un rescate masivo pero son sorpresa final...... RESCATE EN MINMUS
  24. Pues lo dicho. Nos toca ir a Muna a hacer un rescate en superficie, y pasan cosas...…. RESCATE EN MUNA
  25. Nuestro primer rover enviado a Minmus nos sale un poco rana...…. ROVER EN MINMUS
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