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  1. Hey, Can you get on steam? You have some stuff to talk to me about

  2. Talk about something! I'm all alone in this dark corner of the universe / internet and I just want to talk about nerdy things :D

  3. Watching a stream from Eve Fanfest, a talk from a guy working at JPL (NASA) came up. At some point he accidentially (?) refered to astronauts as Kerbals Start here: https://www.twitch.tv/ccp/v/62099406?t=04h08m25s KSP reference here: https://www.twitch.tv/ccp/v/62099406?t=04h35m15s
  4. You. Oceans of Eve, now. I saw your post in 'A Thread for Writers to talk about Writing' and the hype train's engine cannot be shut down!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sharkman Briton

      Sharkman Briton

      Hmm, that sucks. Guess I'll have to keep waiting.

    3. Tw1


      In theory, it's next in line, as I've updated my other two recently, but we'll see. I did sit down to do a bit of it a few weeks back, but ended up doing other stuff. 

    4. Sharkman Briton

      Sharkman Briton

      Okay, I'll probably catch up when the next part comes.

      correction: will catch up

  5. The article on the full story of doing a TED talk The video )It's not on YouTube yet) Enjoy, I sure did
  6. Bill, newly annointed Master of Space Engineering, is eager to get to work excavating exotic ores from faraway places. Imagine his excitement when he receives his first mission to the Mun. "Am I going to learn to drill?" he asks. "No. It doesn't work that way. You're going to plant a flag on the Mun." "Why?" "For experience." "Oh, then I'll get to drill?" "No. It doesn't work that way. Next, we'll send you to Duna." "Oh, there's a drilling academy there where I'll learn about drilling?" "No. You'll plant another flag." "Why?" "For more experience." "But I'll already have flag planting experience. I need drilling experience." "Well planting that flag will give you drilling experience." "Oh. OK, then I'll just take a drill with me so I can use my experience after I plant the flag." "Well, no." "Why not?" "Because we need to bring you back to officially log the experience in your record." "Can't I just radio it in?" "No." "So, I'm going to spend a year planting flags so I can get experience in drilling. Without ever touching a drill. For a year." "Or longer. That's right." "Um, that's not what I signed up for." May I humbly suggest that the XP mechanic for engineers be tied to engineering tasks such as actually drilling, repairing and repacking and science experience be tied to things like conducting experiments, manning a lab and surveying planets? Pilots can get XP planting flags because they're kind of stupid anyway and we need to give them something to pin on their chest.
  7. I was curious about other people's perspectives on fairings, either stock or addon. I personally only use KW Procedural Fairings, because the stock ones horrify me with the lack of smoothness and the way they basically implode upon jettison, not to mention the current bug they have. KW is a go-to with every install. If I do anything unmanned, the payload absolutely has to be under an Egg-Shaped clamshell fairing. This is all personal taste, and has to do with my love for aesthetically-pleasing rockets. Sorry if this is on the wrong topic, I just figured it's not about any specific addon. What's everybody else's take on fairings?
  8. The game goes like this. One user answers a question in the style of a politican be it Democrat or Republican, then asks another question which ue user after them answers like a politican. Please keep real world politics out of this. You can reference your home country, but no nationalism or excessive patriotism. Let us begin! ****** Q: "Mr. Senator, what are you doing this weekend?" A: "What am I doing this weekend? I can assure you, we, as loyal Americans, will all be doing something this weekend, be it fun, productive, or simply chores. I will be doing something this weekend, I can confirm to you that I will, just like every one of my fellow citizens." Q: "But what are you doing this weekend?" ****** You get the idea, right? Here goes. Q: "What would you do if you had a million dollars?"
  9. I'm having issues with the Kerbalizer and I am not sure where is the right place to talk about it.
  10. Right now a lot of unity 4 based games like KSP, are converting over to Unity 5; and the ones that have done this already you can get a good idea of the performance enhancements. I just want to say I'm very hyped for the change. In some games (don't want to advertise) they have seen increases up to 400%!!! and are most likely just hype training it up. But does anyone have some more concrete evidence or want to talk about their experience with playing games that have updated to unity 5? that way we can have a better idea of how it'll affect KSP.
  11. Soooo... This little rant has come about after playing some RSS/64k career games but the points I make are also applicable (less so, admittedly) to a stock game. I've found the reliance on IRL engines in any realism overhaul games highly irritating. There are always niches that I really want to fill but can't because of a dearth of RL options (this is most notable with small engines, lander engines, and engines with poorly represnted fuels like methane.) To that end, I'd like to propose a (hopefully) reasonably easy to implement way that someone with some degree of modding ability might go about making a procedural engine mod as well as some game balance considerations. Each procedural engine would consist of two meshes, an engine housing, and an engine bell. Housings would be a fixed shape--just scaleable. Housings would also include any turbomachinery, pumps, etc. Only the bell would be procedural with 3 general options: surface, vacuum, and low-profile. Again, bells would be modified mostly by scaling. This offers interesting game design considerations. For example: -Low profile engines would have worse TWR and ISP (bells not ideally shaped, machinery compacted in awkward ways). -In RSS, choices of pressure fed, turbopump driven, control over the number of ignitions, throttleability, etc. -Integration with KCT and similar to reward desgning vehicles with a common lineage--each procedural engine would have to be discretely represented. -Balanced tradeoffs between TWR and ISP would be interesting ways to distinguish engines -Because stock is much simpler there's less need for a mod like this but if it's pretty enough there'll always be uses I feel like this is a relatively low-effort way of getting procedural engines without a really involved procedural system. The real trick is game balance.
  12. The new MK I cockpit is awesome! Love it. I also love the previous version on the Mk I cockpit. For jets and planes the new Mk I is perfect. However, I would prefer to use the previous version cockpit for spacecraft/ space-planes. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Abh4j4L.png[/IMG] Is there any reason we can not have both at our disposal? PPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE.
  13. Hello everybody. My name is Dr. K Kerbal. I only started this account today and I am really enthusiastic about KSP. I am really good at making close versions to NASA's real craft such as the Saturn V rocket, the SLS, space shuttle and much more. I realy enjoy people liking me and love giving out information and solving troubleshooting. I really like reviewing mods and cant wait to get a few subscribers to my account!
  14. FYI because someone complained about PSAs, but I hope they just don't hate TLAs If you accidentally activate your parachutes, before they semi deploy you can right click on them and select disarm... at which point the menu option changes to deploy again. A very useful change if I do say so myself....
  15. Every once in a while you'll get a contract asking you to build a space station in a solar orbit. These pay ridiculous amounts of money, more than something like visiting frickin Duna. And this wouldn't have been a problem if a solar orbit wasn't one of the easiest things in the game. Cluster a bunch of SRBs, build whatever silly station they want, launch it straight up, escape Kerbin's SoI and you're done. Then delete it because you hate yourself and you hate this silly mechanic but you didn't want to grind meaningful contracts that barely pay anything just so you could unlock the next level of science labs. Ugh.
  16. So we were on a bit of a tangent in the LS thread last week and began talking about the broader sections of the game that don't feel fully ironed out yet. There were some, Regex and Klgraham included who felt career mode was disjointed and grindy enough to prevent them from using it. While I disagreed with their broader assessment, I do have to agree that at the moment the fun process of building rockets and gaining rewards and earning new parts is missing something. I've played a good deal in stock career and found that at least for the amount of time I can reasonably set aside for KSP (probably 6-8h/wk) I generally have to set reward settings rather generously to progress without feeling like Im bogging down. While there are many aspects of the game that are obviously incomplete, experience and building tiers for instance, I've grown to feel the most established but lagging component to the game is the Science system. Squad made a nice pass on the Tech tree, which was great and helped, but I think didn't address the fundamental issue. I don't personally have a problem with the general concept of experiments producing points which then can be spent on a tech tree. It's simple enough to understand and broad enough to accommodate most play-styles. One problem, I think, is that the actual act of planning and conducting experiments isn't actually very exciting. Another deeper problem is that for many players the Tech Tree is the objective of the game, so once its complete the reward structure ends and they feel like the game is over. There are a few reasons for this, which I thought we could consider as we offer ideas on how to improve the system. 1) KSP is a rather unique game, wherein not only craft but play-styles are near infinite. This means that any science system has to be flexible enough to let people play the way they want to play and still set clear rules and incentives for progression. Additionally players start careers with varying levels of experience, so any successful science system needs to not only serve as a tool for introducing new parts and concepts to first time players, but remain fun and challenging for veterans. 2) KSP isn't a game with a "win" condition. Its a creative building game with costs and incentives, much like Simcity. This means that the scaling of the tech-tree and the meaning of science points once its complete is more difficult to gauge than in most games. When stretched thin the game becomes a grind, and when condensed things become too easy and players max out quickly and no longer know what to do. Strategies were implemented in part to deal with this, allowing players to exchange mountains of excess science for funds for instance, but once a player has a maxed out tech tree and a million bazzillion funds they are essentially playing sandbox. That seems an odd end-game reward. 3) And this is important, KSP is at its heart an indie game that bats way above its weight. Its incredible what they've achieved, but Squad is a small company and development time is desperately precious. What I think would is most helpful is sussing out the precise issues causing problems and finding succinct corrections that would address them. I laud people's ambitious ideas, but let's try to think realistically about what changes really could be made to improve the system and the game. I have my own ideas, but I'm interested to hear what others think.
  17. Hey,

    Would you consider coming on a Podcast to talk about your DMP mod? Multiplayer is always being talked about and we had requests to discuss it. But the Dev himself would be a huge bonus! This Saturday will be our 3rd podcast, so we are quite new.

    If this is something you are interested in then you can e-mail [email protected]



  18. I'm a youth who loves space. Looking for anybody preferably in my age range, but I don't care. Don't care if you're male, female , both or even if you're a cow! Talk with me about space! I just don't have many friends as interested in space as I am. My dream is to have a privately owned company that goes into space mining asteroids, sending probes to planets, and hosting space tourism . Contact me by email first and if I'm sure you're not a total creep we can message other ways of communication! [email protected] or reply to this thread if you are interested in chatting about space!
  19. This guy: This guy has produced some wild bugs in some of my designs. Anything from inexplicable balance issues to being teleported into a black void when trying to revert a flight, with engines firing that I didn't stage. My latest ship to use them I can't even load the ship file anymore. As soon as I added them none of the VAB buttons would work and all the parts wouldn't adhere to stages. Even after a VAB reload. It's a wild ride. Anyone have any designs just completely marred by this thing? I'm impressed, frankly. Here's the ship file in case anyone else has never experienced this: http://www.filedropper.com/structuralpylonsmyass
  20. Asthetic differences between the Mk-1 and Mk-1-Mk-2 aside, what we really need are entry level pods. The ones we have now should be developed mid-career. Better variety of cans, capsules, and cockpits is warranted, amirite?
  21. This is going to be a very heartfelt thing for me to talk about, so sorry if I stammer a lot. As many of you might know, at least the old timers on here might, I had tried to make a movie project by the name of "Kerbal Space Program - Rise of the Kraken", back in the Summer of 2013, man it's been a while. But the project, fell under, I never finished it and gave up, deleting the original files. But before that, I had tried back in the era of 0.17, obviously I gave up on that too. Making it about two and a half years since I originally came up with the idea. And since then, things have changed. It was back in February of 2014, I hit that punch of inspiration again, and I wanted to finish ROTK out-right. In the next three months, I worked myself hard, recording about two and a half hours of video, about enough for an hour and a half movie. But again, I've lost motivation. The project is still on my Hard Drive, just sitting there. Two and a half hours of perfectly good video shot back in 0.22, just, collecting dust. I've slowly been working on it a bit since then, but I only have two of the twenty-six scenes edited, making progress slow, but I could so do it, I just don't have that passion I once had. But the sad thing is, I still do. ROTK is such a huge part of my life now, I've spent three years thinking about a dream movie I could make, but I just can't drive myself to do it. I've put heart and soul into the story, and at this point, I've planned an entire trilogy's story out, I have story material for three movies, but I can't be motivated to fulfil my wishes. To make the movie about the game I love so much, for the community I hold so dear. My old shots I spent months on at the time are now, outdated. From a relical version without the Strategy Center, from a version without volumetric clouds, from a version without asteroids or ARM's, or anything we hold true to KSP now. This old footage may not even be new enough if I edited it. And I don't want to start again. ROTK's third attempt is going to be the last one I try. It's story needs no more revision, no more changes, no new footage, no new anything. It's me vs. myself. And I want to deliver the movie I always wanted to you. My Magnum Opus, my true work, is being held back by myself. So I want to ask you all something, I really do. More than ever, I want an answer to my problem. Should I... 1. Finish the movie with it's current footage, at the risk of it being outdated, old, and without current features. 2. Reshoot the entire movie, a fate I may not be able to go through with. 3. End it all, and let the Kraken stay unrisen. Never finish the movie. I'm sorry for asking this, just, I've never been in this much of a slump.
  22. Rather than talk about the weather in words, let's show off our best photographs. Let's agree to post only what's near your house, where you're present, and own work only. You haven't photographed it, it didn't happen. My turn. Autumn was rainy and sunny on and off, and then someone turned the switch. This year it happened a week or two earlier the schedule. But anyway, gone are the nasty wet days, now it's only white furry snow! Just a notice: it's not polar circle, but the same latitude as London and Copenhagen.
  23. Like in Star Trek at impulse power you can see stars moving by. Totally unrealistic but something I want. Anyone done it yet? I am guessing just a lot of tiny spheres that are light colored.
  24. Arr, this thread be dedicated to pirate talk, say anything ye want, but mi thinks that ye will do that anyway! also make sure to go by thee forum book of rules! ARR! please read: This thread is not to be considered to have "perfect" english. This thread is meant to have user's try to talk like pirates (sailors who stole stuff from others). This thread is meant to be comical, and should not be taken seriously. Este hilo no se considera que tiene "perfecto" Inglés. Esta discusión está encaminada a producir el try de usuario a hablar como piratas (marineros que robaron cosas de otros). Este hilo está destinado a ser cómico, y no debe ser tomado en serio. Ten wÄ…tek nie ma być uważany za "doskonaÅ‚y" angielski. Ten wÄ…tek ma na celu majÄ… okazjÄ™ do rozmowy użytkownika (żeglarzy jak piraci, którzy ukradli rzeczy od innych osó. Ten wÄ…tek ma być komiczny, i nie powinien być traktowany poważnie. Ce fil ne doit pas être considéré comme "parfait" anglais. Ce fil est censé avoir l'essai de l'utilisateur de parler comme des pirates (marins qui ont volé des trucs des autres). Ce fil est censé être comique, et ne doit pas être prise au sérieux. Dieser Thread ist nicht als "perfekt" Englisch zu haben ist. Dieser Thread soll versuchen Benutzers, wie Piraten (Segler, die Sachen von anderen gestohlen) zu sprechen. Dieser Thread ist gemeint, komisch zu sein, und sollte nicht ernst genommen werden. íтð ýøть ýõ ÑÂûõôуõт рðÑÂÑÂüðтрøòðть, чтþñы øüõть "øôõðûьýыù" ðýóûøùÑÂúøù. íтþт ÿþтþú òøôу, чтþñы øüõть ÿþÿытúу ÿþûь÷þòðтõûѠÿþóþòþрøть úðú ÿøрðты (üþрÑÂúþò, úþтþрыõ уúрðûø òõщø ø÷ ôруóøх). íтþт ÿþтþú ÿрõôýð÷ýðчõý ôûѠúþüøчýþ, ø øх ýõ ÑÂûõôуõт ÿрøýøüðть òÑÂõрьõ÷. Esta discussão não deve ser considerado como tendo "perfeito" Inglês. Esta discussão é para ter chance do usuário para falar como piratas (marinheiros que roubaram coisas dos outros). Esta discussão é para ser cômico, e não deve ser levado a sério. Questo thread non è da considerarsi di avere "perfetto" inglese. Questo thread è pensato per avere prova di utente a parlare come i pirati (marinai che hanno rubato roba dagli altri). Questo thread è destinata ad essere comico, e non dovrebbe essere preso sul serio If you are a little kid in school, and has no idea what english is, do not take this thread seriously and don't try to write like in the text of this thread. people will laugh at it and think that you're just trying to be funny. this also goes for: kerbonauts, dogs, cats, monkeys, devices that can run under 1.5 volts, space cores, zebras, blob fish, apples, watermelons, firetrucks, crazy self-aware AI's, fish, bacteria, pun making cat lawyers and dog accountants, ect. [SIZE=3]worries regarding rule 2.4: Language, placement spelling and grammar:[/SIZE] "All messages must be sent in English unless otherwise indicated. The user should make an effort to place a new thread in the right forum section and must attempt to use proper grammar and spelling in all messages, meaning that txt-speak, 1337-speak and other exclusionary jargons are prohibited." I know few of you people reading this have noticed this rule, and I've been sort-of worried about it. however, here's a few things why I believe that it is not in violation to the forum rules: 1. we are talking in understandable english, with some piratey variations of words. It is not what is called "engrish" although some people will go above and beyond and go into full pirate talk overdrive, which will become almost completely confusing. those posts shall not become representative of this thread 2. this place (what I think) is in the right forum section. [SIZE=3]Note to moderators:[/SIZE] If you find this thread to be in violation of rule 2.4, just go ahead and lock it, or delete it all together. I and other people wouldn't really care if this thread goes away, as it was just for fun. However, I would like this thread to be enjoyed for a little while longer, as it will eventually become forgotten in the thousands of forum threads in the space lounge "My spaceship is a carrot" if you've actually read this, you should get candy. However if you want a challenge, try to get the reference from the quote above this sentence. ALSO: banana's ARE the nerdiest fruit. Do not question it, as scott manley said it
  25. Hello, 1. As most of you already found out, parachutes are, well, powerful. Too powerful even when half opened. However, does anybody know how to modify the parts database drag cube of the chutes to make them a little more realistic? The numbers in the part configuration file don't seem to do much. 2. Heating up is easy. Losing heat isn' t. Even when the craft has touched down and is sitting still (or floating in the ocean), the temperature still rises happily. Any ideas? 3. Atmosphere pressure curve: below 25k, it's definitely there and will kill you when going > mach2+, and above, it's nearly gone, leaving your capsule returning from the moon with > 3000 m/s nearly untouched. Meh. Any quick fixes for someone like me who doesn't hesitates to edit a cfg file?
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