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  1. Can't say that it has. As others have said, they come up with ways that allow them to "break" physics, such as inertial dampeners, which allows them to change direction super fast without all the pilots organs turning to jelly. I don't really remember much explanation about the engines on the f-302's, worked in regard to space battles. Maybe they had some sort of special thrusters I guess. I wonder if there is a Stargate technical manual like there was for Star Trek. I don't remember learning about orbital mechanics, in public school (and I went to school on the space coast of FL, they - NASA or I put more blame on the government/school board dropped the ball on that they should have had more interactions with our learning, but I digress), could have been a little about planetary motion though. I didn't take any advance or AP science classes so maybe they covered it in that. It is something that, if it's not already in the curriculum, should be covered more in basic science I think. Then again...as far as I remember I didn't pay that much attention in school, although science was one of my better classes. I do agree though that it's not elite knowledge, especially in todays day and age when you can talk to your phone to get the info you want. It won't be too long before we can say "Computer, Lights".
  2. Love this thing! Any chance of some mind of integration with the TEK sampling mod? That, mapsat, remote tech and this - if they could... Talk to each other.. Well, that would be a science mission based game built right there! Sorry for the derpy description. I don't really know how all the mods actually work.
  3. This might be an old question due to the current talk of underwater, but how is lead envelope decided by the plugin? and can it be changed to a different envelope?
  4. Of course the PC (and Mac and Linux) versions would have to be complete before jumping to yet another platform; I'd expect that. The tantalising part, though, is that X1 is built to support Unity so hopefully the leap wouldn't be too big. As for the monitor thing, well, I know it's possible but it's just not feasible for my living space. The building was put up when TVs were giant blocks of glass and a computer was something those pocket-protector guys built for IBM, so wiring the TV to my computer would involve stringing cable through doors and under carpets. (It was hard enough to get my old Xbox to talk to my router in the days before there was such a thing as native WiFi.) And the whole idea for this post came from mentions of people using Xbox 360 controllers on their computers; I must try that some day, as I find I'm terribly clumsy flying spaceplanes with WASD controls. -- Steve edited to add: One thumbstick to rotate the view about the craft, the other to place parts, D-pad and shoulder buttons for part rotation, triggers for zoom in/out, dedicated buttons for locking and symmetry... I could see a lot of ways to use the controller in the VAB/SPH to great effect.
  5. [Mission Report 7 - Updates to Day 500] Day 351 - The Three Amigos Ride Again Bob had been checking his calendar every day since he arrived. He had been on Duna for 155 days and was ready to go home. Although he was starting to get used to being on Duna, he really wanted to talk to someone in Mission Control about getting his 'test-pilot' status back. He still suspected Macly and Hudsey had planted evidence to make it look like it was his fault that the CDM 4 exploded on the launch pad. The only way to prove that it wasn't his fault was to get back to Kerbin and look over the report. And now, finally, he read on the KSC report that morning that the Crew Transfer Vehicle was in orbit above Duna. It was almost time to go home! He grabbed the radio and tuned in to the transfer vehicle's frequency. "Base Two.. I mean Habmod Two.. calling Crew Transfer Vehicle.. come in Crew Transfer Vehicle.." "Base Two? Bob? Hey how you doing, buddy?" It was Jeb! Jeb had come to Duna.. but why, he wondered? "Jeb, wow, what are you doing out here? Aren't there any new rockets to test back on Kerbin?" Bob asked, sounding chipper for the first time in 155 days. "Well, Bob, Bill and I came out here to pick you up and bring you back into the test pilot program. Bill and I were talking about the good old days and reminiscing about all our crazy mishaps and we got this idea to come along as the pilots for the Crew Transfer Vehicle. I had to pull a few strings to come on the mission without being a part of the surface teams, but mission control owed me one. After all, they took away our best astro-navigator from us!" "Thanks, Jeb. So, Bob's there, too? I can't wait to see you guys! It's been okay down here, but it has been a little boring. But I've been training Ludlong to be a better pilot and he's really taking to it on the simulator. I also shared with him all the stories about the Mun mission from last year when Bill and I were on the surface for 200 days and all the things we learned about duration missions. He seems to really like being down here." "That's great, Bob! Because we came out here for more than just to pick you up. Bill was looking over the telemetry from the Duna transfer vehicles and we think that there's enough fuel left over in them to take a little trip?" "What do you mean, 'take a little trip'?" Bob asked. Bob recognized the tone in Jeb's voice and knew that he was about to propose something unapproved, untested, dangerous and definitely a lot of fun. "We think you should fly the surface shuttle up to the docked transfer vehicles and get every drop of fuel you can from them. Bill tells me that if you can completely fill the shuttle with fuel, we will have enough fuel to do an Ike flyby. We might even have enough to land, but we need you to check the math for us and to plot one of your famous 'free return trajectory' flybys." Bob's mind starting working immediately on the math to perform that kind of burn. He thought to himself, "We'll have to shut off the radial engines because they're gas guzzlers.. chutes won't work..". "That sounds like a great idea! Is this an 'approved' mission?" Bob asked knowingly. "I'm in either way, but I was just wondering how much trouble you're getting me in this time?" "We don't think that Mission Control is in any position to argue with us, ha ha! When do you think you guys can make it up here?" "We're already wearing our helmets, we'll be right up." Bob see's the orbit in his mind Bob and Ludlong climb aboard the rover and Bob takes a final look at the 'Test Pilot Parking' plaque he wrote on the flag. For the first time since he got there, seeing the words 'test-pilot' didn't make him feel uneasy. Bob knew that it was Kerbal Space Center policy that anyone landing on a new planet or moon for the first time would automatically get their 'test pilot' status. He was going to be a test pilot again, all thanks to Jeb and Bill's idea to land on Ike! As Bob and Ludlong approached the Duna Shuttle and gave it last look over before launching it into orbit, Bob was feeling pretty good. He was also really proud of how thorough Ludlong was being in his pre-flight check of the shuttle. "I think Ludlong is going to be a pretty good pilot", he thought. "Hey, Ludlong, I'll handle the docking but I was wondering it you wanted to take us into orbit?" "Sure thing, buddy! I was hoping you'd ask me!" As they settled in to the pilot and co-pilot seats, Bob continued to be impressed with Ludlong's ability behind the controls. He knew where every switch was and every step to complete as if he'd been doing it his whole life. As Ludlong counted down to ignition, Bob turned his head and took one last look at Duna. He was almost going to miss being here, he thought. Then, as Ludlong got to zero he hit the throttle and they quickly ascended into orbit. Bob and Ludlong leave Duna Supply Drop and New Crew to Habmod Two Ludlong did an amazing job getting the shuttle into orbit and it only took two orbits to meet up with the Duna transfer stages. They were docked together still, but there was no plans to use them for anything. There was almost no power on them and no supplies left, except for a small amount of fuel; just enough to top off their tanks on the shuttle. Docking was very challenging as there was very little room to squeeze the big shuttle onto the docking clamp. Bob was thankful that Ludlong turned out to be such a good pilot. Bob let Ludlong handle the roll controls while docking to make it a bit easier. Eventually, the shuttle latched on to the docking port and they began the fuel transfer. There was only a few units of fuel left when they were done, but they did get a full tank of fuel. They should have enough to land on Ike! As Ludlong and Bob undocked from the Duna transfer stages and moved their orbit to match Jeb and Bill's orbit, the Crew Transfer Vehicle was busy with their activity. First, the two supply drops were sent to the surface, each carry 480 units of supply, and then the two new crew members descended to Habmod Two, Ludlong and Bob's old campsite. As the Duna shuttle approached the Crew Transfer Vehicle, Bob looked out his window and said, "Man, that thing is big.." "It sure is, Bob! I'm going to miss our little Habmod, though. I was wondering.. since you Bill and Jeb are going back to Kerbin, do you think I could go back to the Duna surface?" "Lets check out the supplies when we get docked. There might just be enough to support five kerbals down there until the next supply. Good idea, Ludlong! Oh, and by the way, you just earned your wings.. you're officially a pilot now! Congratulations!" "I couldn't have done it without you, Bob. Thanks buddy." They shook hands and Bob took the controls for final approach to docking. Bob and Ludlong dock with the Crew Transfer Vehicle We are go for Ike landing! After sharing some stories about their time on Duna, Bob and Ludlong look over the supplies and decide that there would be enough, but just barely, for Ludlong to head back down to Duna. He would have to use the crew descent vehicle as his base, and there was only enough room for one, but he seemed really excited about it. Bob documented the changes to the mission plan and sent them back to mission control. After a handshake and goodbyes, Ludlong boarded the crew descent vehicle alone. He was still grinning, but at least Bob knew why this time: he was really excited to be going back to the Duna surface. With a short burn, Ludlong expertly piloted his descent module back to the surface. As soon as he landed, he marked his site "Fort Ludlong". When mission control replied, Bob finally found out what Macly and Hudsey were up to and why they weren't coming back with them to Kerbin. Mission control said that they volunteered to go on a mission to the mountain that was north of their habmod and to stay on Duna as surface experts for another tour of duty. Bob was not sure how this happened since he had read every communication that was sent to mission control and there was never anything about volunteering to do anything, but he was very happy about it. "Say, Jeb, you didn't have anything to do with keeping Macly and Hudsey on Duna, did you?" Bob asked Jeb. Jeb smiled briefly but did not acknowledge the question. "Now lets get to Ike and earn those test-pilot wings back for Bob!" Day 500 - Back on Kerbin The Duna Space Progam was going extremely well. To date, there have been 1491 kerbal-days on the Duna surface, the program was extended for an additional 500 days, and Macly and Hudsey volunteered to be Duna surface experts and also to drive up to the mountain in the north. Mission control thought it was interesting that the email from Macly about volunteering to stay on Duna came from Jeb's email address, but they decided not to worry about small details like that. Macly radioed back that they were at a peak, but couldn't go any higher with this rover due to the terrain. He named the mountain Kolympus Mons and sent back a panoramic sunset shot. As the day 511 transfer window approached, the new 3 kerbal habmod was launched into LKO and the dual launch of the Duna Orbiting Station and its propulsion stage were also launched and docked together. Three kerbals were sent to check out the Duna Orbiting Station and three more were sent up to crew the new habmod. While the inspection team was at the station, it marked a new record for the number of kerbals in space: 14 at the same time. Mission control thought this would make a perfect time to celebrate! Chokolate cake and kookies were brought in for the celebration and video of the event was broadcast all over Kerbin. At the end of day 500, both the unkerballed crew delivery mission to the new habmod and also the inspection team from the Duna Station were brought back to Kerbin's surface. Mission control then lined up their burn plans to send two vessels to Duna on the same transfer window, a feat not yet attempted by the Kerbal Space Center. Inspection Team leaves Duna Station Panoramic Sunset from Kolympus Mons Coming in Mission Entry 8 Complete mission hardware catalog The three amigos come back to a hero's welcome Two vessels leave for Duna Complete launch summary to date and sustainable mission plan The new guys visit Fort Ludlong (it's Bartdorf and Danlong) Mission Entry 7 Photo Album
  6. Thanks! but I think you have more talent in your little finger than I have in my entire body lol.. your mini shuttle is going to be the talk of the town soon, it's rare we get such a quality addon from a human being. B9's aerospace pack is awesome but a little sterile for me, yours suits this game more than the actual models they created for it. You seem to actually be listening to people and discussing things which is really good to see.
  7. I wasn't sure where to put this. This isn't a complaint really just a general question as to what causes this game to CTD. It happens a few times a session for me at anytime. In the VAB. ascents, descents, Kerbin surface. But mostly it happens when launching a flight. The game CTD's when trying to load the craft onto the pad. Yes I use mods and what not and they make it worse, but that's not what im here to talk about. I want to understand the anatomy of the crash. If I can figure how why its happening I think I can better avoid it. I do know this is a 32bit .exe. And that it can only manage about 3gigs(?) of ram. Once the game goes over that via mods ( or any large craft it seems ).. crash. That makes sense, but what doesn't is why is it random? If this was the case wouldn't the game crash each time like clockwork? I reload the game and all is well until the next random instance. So whats going on here? The crashes are tolerable for me because I rape the quicksave button, but its a nuisance when performing a landing. Could it maybe be a graphical issue? Nvidia drivers are up to date, but I am using Nvidia overrides in the control panel. FXAA, 16xAF, 16xQAA, 8xmultisample, triple buffering and no vsync. ...bit of a mouthful id say, but Id wager such settings introduce more variables.
  8. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question. Do move it if that's the case. Thanks. How did this game enter-and effect-your life? I ask this because it probably isn't the same reason you buy other games. Kerbal Space Program is not a global sensation-yet. Other games I play, I bought because my friends won't shut up about them, so I might as well see what the fuss is about. This time, nobody I know knew of the existence of this game. And then they knew, because I would never shut up about it. On the 1st of July, 2012, 375 days ago today, I was looking through my youtube subscriptions, and I notice this video about this game called "Kerbal Space Program"... I think to myself "FyreUK? Well, I only really watch them for the Minecraft builds... but why not? They revealed to me the existence of H.A.T. films, that was a good discovery. Besides, it has "Space Program" in the title, so it must be good." I fell in love. With a video game. About little green men. Inside spaceships that I myself can build and fly and land and crash. I needed to know more. Luckily, in the comment section, I see this post "Hey, you might want to check out this dude called trydyingtolive. He has a lot of KSP videos, and you might learn a thing or two." I look up trydyingtolive, and I learn a thing or two. The man gives me a crash-course in orbital mechanics. I didn't even know what a "Periapsis" or an "Apoapsis" is, before I watched his videos. I see that this game is science at work, it is how NASA does it. Then I spot in suggested videos a certain "Danny2462". I see that this game is also completely, magnificently insane. Danny shown me that "Kerbal" is not just a noun, it's an adjective. More players of KSP become known to me-Kurtjmac, Scot Manley, Pleborian, The Solar Gamer, HOCgaming, xPDxTV- the whole lot of them filling my brain with wonderful memories-Harv and TheMattDennis16-not the same Matt who introduced me to the game-race to get a flag on the Mun, a suave Scotsman giving a nugget of space history, Danny unveiling his orbital mass relay, Pleborian trying to skycrane down a base station on the Mun, only to accidentally release it a few kilometres too high... I download the demo. I get into orbit. I "attempt" the Mun. I fail, then I succeed. I do it again and again, getting better each time. I buy the game on steam. I send probes to the other planets. Now, very recently, I have put boot prints on the Duna soil. This game isn't even nowhere near finished, and even then, even now, it's the greatest game I have ever played. What about you guys? How has your time with this game been like? How did it start? Sorry if I'm talking about myself too much. You talk about yourselves, if you want. In the words of a great Kerbal, "Cheers".
  9. But you're not a teacher. I can tell - because if you only want to dictate how people should learn, you're not truly interested in how people learn or how they play, and that's a shame. But if we're going to talk about learning, believe me, I'd have a thing or two to say about that post... I'm not worried about feeling "useless" in a game. See, it's not real. I accomplish enough of lasting significance in my daily life that I don't feel a need to validate myself to others in the context of a game. I'm honestly amazed that a game like this appeals to competitive players anyhow, since that's clearly not the thrust of it. As for "skill level"? Again, I don't care. I play for fun - this isn't a "test of skill" to me. My outlook on this whole issue can be summed up thusly: I believe that everyone should have the right to play the game the way he or she wants, and that no one else has the right to say otherwise.
  10. I know what the OP said thank you, and it has absolutly no bearing on all that was said AFTERWORDS!!! Some of what was said afterwords being assumptions on how MJ users actually use MJ. People saying that its cheating due to autopilot is an assumption that every MJ user uses the autopilot. Also...you justify twisting my words to further your own argument because they COULD be twisted??? really guy? Just because something CAN be done does not mean it SHOULD be done...way to take the highroad...and you talk to me about being counterproductive to the discussion.
  11. If your words are skew-able as easily as that, then there's something wrong with your words, maybe you are not being clear enough or what you want to say is not that far from what I understood. Now, please, list me all the assumptions that were made. But before that, remember that it was the op itself the one that asked if autopiloting features were being considered cheats or not. He did not talk about mechjeb in general, so that was not an assumption, that was placing our opinions between the context and limits that the op himself provided.
  12. Hey guys sorry about the version number.. Just for you guys know that Nobody is coming back.. I just had a talk with him in PM. So as of the first post this version is his to do with as he wishes.. He has said that we can stay on to help him with mission controller if we wish. But I'm sure we will here something from him in this thread soon.. or he will bring back the old thread.. Let me just say he is not forcing us to stop this version.. The mission controller is an open source project and stuff like this is aloud under the license terms.. But I think it would be best if we only have 1 active version of Mission Controller running. Like I said he does want to merge the versions together so nothing will really change. This has no effect on the current version of Mission Controller Extended. It will always be available.. And hopefully he puts a lot of the changes back into the original version of MC. Just thought I would update you. I will fix the version number from .13 to .14 now for its correct.. You don't have to download it but it will be correct if you do..
  13. Hey, After messing around with Twitch for a little while I think I am starting to get the hang of it. I'd love if there were some people in the chat to talk to and take requests from. I usually play KSP but every now and then I'll jump on some other game, usually odd simulators or crazy stuff my friends get me to try out. Please, tune in and let me know what you think. http://www.twitch.tv/cnstcasualty a previous broadcast http://www.twitch.tv/cnstcasualty/b/438454127
  14. Been trying to get this mod to work, only installed it since .21. The single man Pod w/ heatshield and parachute keeps burning up I've tried re entry from 150 to 0 and pretty much every variation inbetween 60k to 55k etc. etc.. etc.. all results in me burning up my pod. Is this compatible with .20? I have nothing aside from deadly reentry that messes with anything. All mods I have are just parts Lazor docking cam, lazor cam, grapple hook, kethane, stuff like that. Aside from my problems, has there been any talk of a .21 release for Deadly Re-Entry?
  15. Hello fellow kerbonauts! I've been playing KSP again for the first time in a while and have decided to chronicle my missions in the form of youtube videos this time around. They can be found here: Now on to the most recent mission; the DunaMax mission. The ship was based on a robust 4x NERVA interplanetary transfer cluster with two small independent landers for planetfall and flag planting purposes on Duna and Ike. Despite unsimilar conditions (ie. no atmosphere on Ike) the landers are identical and both pack parachutes. This was done mostly for rocket balance reasons. See me talk through the design and initial launch here: As you can see, things did not get off to a great start. The initial construction proved too flimsy with not enough struts. After attempting to solve this problem by using lots of boosters, struts, duct-tape and an unmeasurable quantity of 'gut-feeling' I finally gave up and went for a drink. Afterwards, things did not go well either. The lesson learned here is that while booze may serve as rocket fuel under the right conditions providing any quantity of it to either spacecraft engineers or pilots (they're a thirsty bunch for sure) is not good policy. No one went to space today After sleeping off the headache and cleaning out the rubble, the folks at mission control did one last launch where everything appeared to go swimmingly Everything looks good, but once more a strut related problem throws a wrench in the works. This late-stage failure however won't hold anyone back and on the next go the DunaMax (design revision 67) finally sits comfortably on orbit In the next video I explain for the viewers at home how to do an interplanetary transfer without any math, using just the tools provided by KSP. This maneuver is then subsequently executed. Continued in first post!
  16. I want to stick to the Poll options, so i wont talk about anything else, and ill try to keep it short. Resources: I need them as stock, with a nice and cool way, as im sure Squad will develop in time. Resources give me something to do on the already enough bodies in Kerbol system. Plan bases, mining locations, supply crafts and the list goes on. Aerodynamics: Definitely another good choice. The new ASAS makes flying a dream, so if they can do better mechanics for the aerodynamics already at 0.22, i dont see why not. Clouds and Weather: Of course everybody likes some eye candy more, for me though i am happy with the current improvements. And seeing how they go about it, im not in any big rush for them on 0.22 IVA: This as well isnt a priority for me. I never spent much time on IVA anyway (yes i know theres not much to do there anyway atm). At some point later when we have more stuff to do (look at resources, extraction, analysis or god knows what), then yeah. Carrier: What? Its not spelled that way? .. I hope with that said, you understand what i feel about it. Career mode, in sandboxy games, always lives me with a void after completion, lives me with a "something amiss" feel and i could go on forever. Take note that i truly believe Career mode success is 100% implementation dependent. How a dev integrates it with the rest of the game, how good his plan on expanding it is, and of course what gives to the user at the end. So in short, i consider it more of an end game function, than a "lets put it now so users run around happy" and take it from there. (And yes, i have no idea how Squad is going to implement it, no idea if they got an already made plan, and no idea in general, so take what i say with a pinch of salt) More Bodies: Oh yeah, more female bodies..with nice measures and.. erm no wait.. More Celestial Bodies: Well here we talking about something, in a way, similar to more IVA. I really dont see the point for now. 5 more planets will give you a nice trip and back, but thats it. Without something more to do there it feels kinda empty. Not to mention i believe that Kerbol system is fine as it is, so new bodies probably way later with more Systems around.
  17. Prologue, Part 1 Funding for the Aurora Space Program came to a hault shortly after the murders of Bobbald and Sidrod Kerman and the attempted murders of Harvin and Burtley Kerman. Kurt Kerman was later charged with multiple charges and sent off to prison for life. The Space Program was shut down.. no funding meant no missions. 10 years later the space program was opened back up when the government was convinced they wouldn't screw up anymore. The program went on as normal, nothing special.. until now. Callie: "Sir! What you are asking us to do isn't possible at this point in time. We don't even know how to begin on building an interplanetary vessel!" Director Campbell: "I'll tell you something, Callie. Nothing is impossible! Now you better get back in the lab and don't come out until you muster up the optimism to tell me that you can." Callie sighs Callie: "Yes sir.." Director Campbell holds down his button to talk to the receptionist. There is static in the background. Director Campbell: "Ednie?" Ednie: "Yes, Director?" Director Campbell: "Please send in Harvin Kerman." Ednie: "Yes sir." The receptionist, Ednie, uses the intercom to call for Harv. Shortly after, he arrives to Director Campbell's office. Harv: "Hello, Director." Director Campbell: "Ah, Harv! How have you been? Want some coffee?" Harv: "Well.. uh-" The director looks across his room to one of the summer interns. Director Campbell: "You! Intern!" The Intern: "Um, sir.. I have a name." Director Campbell: "Sure you do! Get this man some coffee." Harv: "Sir, its quite un-" Director Campbell: "Some lemon scones, you say? Intern!" The intern sighs The Intern: "..Yes... sir.." Director Campbell: "Now!.. lets get down to business. We've been working on a project for.. a few hours.. and we plan on building an interplanetary vessel." Harv: "What are you saying here?" Director Campbell: "I'm saying you're gonna be the captain of this vessel. You are going to Dres!
  18. [Mission Entry 6] Day 333 - Budget Review Day "Good morning, and thank you for tuning in to today's 'Duna Surface Mission' update. We know that you're all waiting for the mission stats so far and updates from the crews in Duna, but first, some news from the KSC budget kommitee." The radio in the KSC engineering office was always on for background noise and to drown out the sounds of kerbalnaut trainees vomiting after getting out of the centrifuge, but today all activity was stopped and everyone was keenly listening to the broadcast. Today's news could mean big things for the DSP engineering team: either they're going to get an extension on the Duna Surface Mission for another 500 days or they're all going to be cleaning the sidewalks outside the KSC tomorrow. "First, a big kongratulations to everyone for getting the Duna Crew Exchange mission into orbit. The Habmod and propulsion section docked on day 254 and the inspection team left the vessel on day 283 before it departed to Duna. The latest Antares Proton S+ arrived from the factory today and will be fitted with its payload tomorrow. Also, today, the Crew Exchange Mission made its mid-course correction burn and is due to arrive right on schedule. Although the Duna Space Program has been extremely expensive, the budget kommittee has..", pausing for dramatic effect, "approved the DSP for an additional 500 days. We are very pleased to announce that a new Habmod has been developed for extended stays without resupply. This new Habmod will support three kerbalnauts instead of two and includes supplies for 240 days instead of 75 days. This new Habmod is in final assembly stages and komputer simulations of its deployment will be available in the next mission report. This new Habmod will be the payload aboard the latest Antares Proton S+, set to launch tomorrow. And now, the mission update, which is also available for viewing on the KSC bulletin board.." The engineering team heard what they wanted to hear and kongratulations and handshakes were shared by all. "We're putting seven kerbals on Duna!" the chief engineer exclaimed from on top of a chair in the engineering office. As he stepped down, no one heard him mutter to himself, "I wonder if anyone has thought about how to bring them home.." From the KSC bulletin board: Duna Space Program Day 333 Update Thank you to everyone who attended the launchings of the Duna Crew Exchange Vehicle and the propulsion stage the next day. These two modules docked in orbit and a 10 day mission commenced there on day 273. During that mission, two Crew Delivery Missions docked with the vehicle and seven kerbalnauts were in space simultaneously, more than at any other time in KSC's history. Lead test pilot Jebediah supervised a thorough inspection of the crew quarters and on day 283, the inspection team left the vessel and the two replacement crews left LKO for the Duna surface stations. This crew is arriving at Duna on day 349 and bring with them another 240 days of supplies. There are rumors that one of the surface return shuttles will not be able to ascend back to orbit which we can confirm, is unfortunately correct. Plans are being developed to bring all four of the crew members back to Kerbin on this crew exchange mission. However the plans are very tentative at this time and will require experienced test pilots to conduct. In fact, Jebediah, who is planning this part of the mission, hasn't really told anyone how he's going to do it, which is why Bill and Jebediah are included on this surface exchange mission. In order to maximize supplies for the surface crews, the remaining supplies on the surface were divided evenly between the two Habmod teams resulting in 129 days of supplies remaining. We regretfully announce that during this joint rover trip from both Habmods to the second resupply drop, one of the rovers was lost due to piloting error. However the three remaining rovers are still functioning perfectly, and there are no plans to replace the lost rover. Upcoming Launch and Mission Schedule (to day 1239): Day 334: Habmod 3 vessel, departing for Duna as soon as the crew arrives later that day. 334: Crew Delivery Mission for Surface Habmod 3 334: Surface Habmod 3 launches to LKO 499: Propulsion stage for Duna Orbiting Station 1* 500: Duna Orbiting Station launch and docking to propulsion stage 500: 10 day, dual Crew Delivery Mission of 6 kerbals to inspect Duna Orbiting Station 1 510: Duna Orbiting Station 1 leaves for Duna from LKO 555: Dual CDM mission to Crew Exchange One in LKO to bring first Duna surface teams back to Kerbin surface 577: Refueling depot to LKO 738: Propulsion stage for Advanced Rover and Resupply Misson 739: Advanced Rover Resuppply module launch and docking to propulsion stage 739: Duna Shuttle Fuel Depot and ARR departs for Duna 783: Dual CDM mission to LKO 900: Propulsion stage for Duna Orbiting Station 2* 901: Duna Orbiting Station 2 launch and docking to propulsion stage 956: 10 day, dual Crew Delivery Mission of 6 kerbals to inspect Duna Orbiting Station 2 967: Duna Orbiting Station 2 leaves for Duna from LKO 982: Refueling depot to LKO 1184: Propulsion stage for Resupply mission 1185: Resupply mission to LKO with new crew 1195: Resupply mission with new crew leaves for Duna * Altered crew exchange missions for Duna Orbiting Station missions Launches to date (day 333): Primary Mission Launches: 4 Crew Delivery Mission launches: 8 Kerbal-days on Duna: 1032 days Inspection team returning from Crew Exchange One Meanwhile, back on Duna, on day 250... Bob and Ludlong have been on Duna's surface for 54 days. Despite talk around KSC to the contrary, Bob isn't really a snack fiend. In fact, he has been dutifully consuming his one unit per day of the their 75 day supply. Before supplies get too low, Bob tells Ludlong that he's going to head out to the supply/return to orbit lander tomorrow to pick up the supplies. "That's a great idea, Bob! But Macly and I already have plans to head over there today and play some kards before splitting up the supplies. You don't mind, do you?" asks Ludlong. "So, you're asking me if I mind that you want to leave me alone for a few days while you go play kards with Macly. I think I'll manage without you, somehow." "Thanks, Bob!" replies Ludlong enthusiastically. "Sure thing, Ludlong. Don't let the airlock door hit you on the way out..." Dunes on Duna After two days of quiet while Ludlong gets supplies and hangs out with Macly at the supply drop site, Bob was starting to get a little lonely. As the sun starts to set on the second day of Ludlong's journey, he picks up the radio and signals Ludlong. "Hi Bob! Ludlong, here!" "Hello Ludlong." Bob almost immediately regretted calling him. "I guess you're wondering where I am. Probably missing me, too! Haha! Well, there was a little rover mishap. Macly was coming over the dune near the lander and it just flipped over and blew up! He's okay but the rover was a total wreck. So, I'm walking back to our habmod. I'll be there day after tomorrow. But I'm dragging the supplies with me, so we're going to have enough supplies until day 462. Pretty good, huh?" Puzzled, Bob asked "Wait a minute.. so Macly destroyed his rover but you're stuck walking? How did that happen?" "Well, I wasn't sure at first, either, but Macly eventually explained to me that their original supplies were almost gone so he took most of the new supplies with him. Since it was so much more than I had to carry, I guess it made sense for him to drive." Bob paused for a moment, realizing that there was actually some logic to this decision. "Fine, okay, good idea. So, why didn't you radio me to come get you?" "Well, the thing is.." After a long pause, Ludlong continued, "I took your rover since you said it was 'the best'. I didn't think you'd mind.." "You took my rover, without asking, then you gave it to Macly??? He's the reason I'm on this stupid mission and not being a test pilot anymore!!" "Aww, I'm sorry, Bob. I didn't mean to give your rover away." Bob sighs, wondering if this mission can get any worse. "Never mind. I can't change it now. Do you want me to come get you?" "Well... I'm not really sure where I am. I can see our habmod, but I'm not sure what direction you are in from here." "But if you can see me, I bet I can probably see.." Bob stops mid-sentence. "...I can probably see you tomorrow. Have a great walk back. Over and out." Macly looks at his destroyed rover in the distance Mission Entry 6 Photo Album Coming in Mission Entry 7 Crew Exchange One arrives at Duna Bob and Ludlong go on a long drive Jeb tells Bob about the great idea he has We spend some time with the new crew
  19. Greetings, fellow astronauts, scientists, explorers of the universe and other idiots. There is a certain topic I would like to talk about, and as the title may have revealed, it's about the customization of flags. The other day, I came across a video, made by a KSP-player, also a type of yougnaut, called Duncan. In his latest video (at this time) of KSP, I noticed he had his very own customized flag (link at the bottom of the thread). I then got the urge to make such a flag on my own, but no matter how much I tried, the game did not allow it. I have the same dimension as the other flags, the same format, but when I enter the game to take a look at it, my flag is turned into a red question-mark. This really bores me, so if there is anyone out there who know a way around this, please let me know. On behalf of the planet Kerbit, I thank you. )
  20. I'll talk to the others about building some sort of proper FAQ for the forums (Or at least links to the forum's own FAQ). FEichinger
  21. Without having a way to monitor what is going on, there is absolutely no way to do anything about it. Without satellites, we would be reduced to using scattered weather monitoring stations, ocean buoys, and manned weather stations. NASA delivers massive amounts of data to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, along with several others. NASA, also, is the top educator on climate change in America (I would assume this the same for the RFSA, JAXA, and the like), and one of the biggest forces of change in alternative energy. Solar energy was invented as a result of space exploration, and advances in the aerodynamics of wind turbines was actually made by NASA at a point. Most of our tin actually comes from China, and Indonesia, and America even has a very large supply of cassiterite ore in Alaska, by the way. Most of what we import from The Congo are pharmaceuticals, poultry, and machinery, anyway. Edit: I hope I don't look like l am trying to argue. I am just trying to provide answers from the perspective of one side. I won't even talk to somebody who I don't think is trying to listen, and I never try to force anybody to believe what I do. I apologize if I seemed rude in any way. I also got thinking about the satellite question. Companies pay to have their satellites brought into space, and anyone who is doing space exploration will normally be eager to get this money. If you look at where these companies get their satellites built, the materials normally come from "clean" sources. I look at these satellites as a nice benefit of space flight, and a way to get a little more money to space agencies doing important work. There also isn't much you can do about these satellites, even if you do happen to want the money used on them to go elsewhere. The satellites you mentioned are built with private money, and space agencies are payed to put them up.
  22. Chapter 8: Plans within plans within plans within cookies 3 weeks since the Kerbal Space Station HabStation had been knocked out of orbit by the swarm, the KSA was finally willing to host a press conference. For those of you who cannot read Kerbbiyte, or cannot see the nametags, the one in the chair is Commander Kirlak, Head of the KSA. To his right, (screen left, facing the audience and camera) Mekan1k/Al1c3 (who have still not been able to get seperated yet) is farthest away, and closer is the announcer John Keman, from The Kerbal Show! To Kirlak's right, stand (in order from screen-left to screen-right) Captain Jebidiah Kerman, Dr. Bob Kerman (Yes, he has multiple doctorates in Geology, Biology, and Nutritionology- Don't ask about his meatloaf recipe. Just don't.), Dr. Bill Kerman (Yes, he has a doctorate in AI psychology), and Kirk Kerman (Comms specialist). Kirlak: My fellow Kirbits, and Kerbytes. Today marks the 3rd week since we lost our footing in space. For throughout out history, we have looked up to great men of rocketry, from Goddard Kerman, who built the first Liquid fuel rocket, Kirlak: To Felix Kerman. The First and Only Kerbit to ever re-enter the atmosphere without a pod. Kirlak: And our own Ace Pilot, Jebidiah Kerman, who was the first kerbal on the Mun, and is our most seasoned kerbalnaut. Kirlak: We have gone past the sound barrier, and turned out own atmosphere to plasma more than once... Kirlak: Mostly by Jeb. Those of you who were living in the areas around the spaceport can thank him for your broken windows. *annoyed grumbling and a little bit of laughter* Kirlak: But most importantly, we have learned so much in our travels, that we have found not just one, but two alien spacecraft! One in our own orbit,- Kirlak: And one on the Mun. Kirlak: Thanks to our brave scientists and engineers- *picture removed due to gore. This is the first image of a scientist poking an active supercharged ion engine, before being partially vaporized.* Kirlak: they have continued to work through their setbacks- *This picture has also been removed due to excessive gore. It's an image of a scientist after kicking the space-time-bending Frameshift test engine. He has been inverted. Believe me, that's all you want to know.* Kirlak: our teams of engineers and scientists have been able to create some amazing things. *The first kerbal-driven Super-Ion Spacecraft* *The first Eve-landing (It has been destroyed by the SWARM, but it was still a monumental achievement* *Duna's first visitors, with a buzzard-ramjet to power them on their way* Kirlak: But we are only Kerban. We make mistakes. Some were merely costly... Kirlak: And others were very impressive to see- Kirlak: and some have been downright catastrophic. Yes, I am talking about the accidental corrupted Artificial Intelligence known as the SWARM. *angry muttering is heard* Kirlak: HOWEVER! *the muttering stopped* Kirlak: We are Kerban, and we are, if nothing else, stubborn. We fought back, in every way we could. Using Lazors Kirlak: Using trickery! Kirlak: And using nukes! Kirlak: And we have lost our foothold to the stars. Kirlak: For now. Kirlak: And we have been watching. A random reporter behind the camera-man: But how can we watch them? They took out the satellite network, and destroyed our space-based telescopes. Kirlak: We have registered that their drive, a variant on the super-ion engines we have developed, utilize a specific type, or flavor, if you will, of gravioli particle, and since graviolies can move at effectively light-speed through most materials, we have distributed a number of 'observatories' around the planet. Kirlak: Each BugsEye Class observatory is capable of sensing a gravioli emission in the Toblerone flavor from a two-particle collision from as far away as Eeloo. We have been monitoring for the last week, since the last telescope was installed, and we have a clear picture of what the SWARM is doing. We will have some time. A different reporter: Mr. Kirlak- Kirlak: It's Commander. That reporter: Commander Kirlak, how do you know we have time to spend before the SWARM returns? Kirlak: They are fighting a civil war. The ships that attacked us were 1/3rd of the SWARM's total fleet, according to the gravioli signatures, taking into account growth-rate and a few other factors. Now the swarm has broken into 2 distinct factions, each with roughly 50 ships. They have been destroying each other around Jool since we were knocked out of the sky. That same reporter: That's more ships than we have had up at any one time! Kirlak: That is true. However, a few hours before this press conference, we noticed that the SWARM had drastically dropped it's numbers. We have registered no more than 12 ships remaining, with only 7 active in the system. The rest seem to have been landed on several of the muns of Jool. That reporter, again: What do you plan to do about the remaining SWARM Ships? Kirlak: While the SWARM is less of a threat than it used to be, it is still a threat, and we have been set up a simple plan- we take them out of the picture. A new reporter (at least that other one shut up): Will the other companies be going back to space? With the SWARM threat, and with most of the companies who went into the breach with you going bankrupt from the loss of their modules, and the mun has been effectively scraped clean of the alien craft, will their be other companies going back into the space-tourism/housing/construction business? Kirlak: I think I will turn that question over to my newest business associates, The CEO's of Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd, and New World Homes Inc, Mr. Vasquez Kerman, and Mr. Jimmy "Legs" Kerman. *Clapping from the audience, while Jeb and the other crew members clapped in unison. It was rather creepy.* Kirlak: Oh, and that may not be the only alien craft out there. First up, the CEO if Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd, Mr. Vaquez Kerman. John: Thank you for coming to the press conference. Vaquez: I did honestly NOT want to be here. We have been planning on getting a spacecraft up by the end of next week, and then... This. John: This? Vaquez: I don't like press conferences. I prefer to do. Not talk. Kirlak: I know, but it's not like we have a choice. Besides, I know you are tired. Why don't you let one of my officers pull up a chair- Vaquez. I would rather stand, thank you. Kirlak: *shrugs* alright. Anyway, since I know you want to get out of here... Vaquez: I know the drill, commander. *He sighs* Vaquez: Reporters: ask away. Random reporter 1: What is Verolan's plans for the future? Vaquez: We plan to, in order: 1) re-build a version of the Grand Idea, this time armed to the teeth, and let it start it's mission. 2) Hunt down the SWARM, and 3) Start a grand-tour circuit. Then afterwards we will start hauling stations and other structures to dedicated points in the system. Random reporter 2: Will the tickets be expensive on the grand tour? Vaquez: Depends. Which planet or mun do you want to visit? Do you want to be brought back? Random Reporter 2: I see. Vaquez: Any more questions? Random Reporter 3: Yes, But I should wait until the next CEO is up, so that I won't need to ask the question twice. Kirlak: Yes... How did you know? Random Reporter 4: I am a friend of a friend of the CEO's daughter's son. Kirlak:.... Alright then. Next up is Mr. Jimmy,"Legs" Kerman, the CEO of New World Homes Inc. *Clapping* Legs: Hey everyone! Lets start this off quickly. Random Reporter #4, what is your question? Random Reporter 4: I have heard rumors that both companies will be using Dragon-class space-craft to act as liferafts and landing vehicles. Is this true? Legs: Where did you hear that? Random Reporter 4: On the hills-reddit\subreddit\vally\- Vaquez: WE GET IT. Random Reporter 4: ... On the internet. Legs: It's true. Check slide #... Whichever one has the 3 spacecraft lined up. Legs: I said 3 spacecraft. Kirlak: That blue box is a spacecraft. Vaquez: How? Kirlak: Don't ask me. Our pilot and head engineer got merged with a combat smart-AI, and now keeps building things like that. To be honest. it is the most sane thing that he has ever built, although it seems bigger on the inside.... Legs: Back to the question, The Craft in the middle is our Dragon, specifically The LazTek Dragon MK 3. We have designed specialized platforms to allow it to be a surface-to-orbit transport for munar and minnimus-ar journies. Vaquez: And we are using the CBBP Dragon-class Rider Command Vehicle, for use as an escape pod, transport vessel, and all-purpose vehicle. Random Reporter 5: Mr.... Uh... Legs! Can you comment on what new stations and components you will be feilding? What changes will you make to keep threats, such as the SWARM, at bay? Legs: We will be modifying out station with cloaking 'Jammer' devices, making them hard to detect via the sensors that the SWARM seems to be using. Random Reporter 5: Will these new stations be armed? Legs: We are currently designing a lazor platform and missile platform that we will be able to use to protect ourselves when in orbit from a variety of threats. So yes, it will be armed. Random Reporter 5: Will all ships be armed? Kirlak: Until the SWARM is a negligible threat, yes. Vaquez: What the commander said. *Sound of a phone ringing* Kirlak: Hello?.... Alright, just keep the alpha-values down. I am on-route. Keep it- BOOM Kirlak: Stable.... Hello? Hello?... Oh good. At least you are still alive..... *Smaller boom sound* Kirlak: Mostly alive. Right- shut it down, we need to ascess the damage. John: What was?.... Kirlak: We need to leave now. Thank you for your time, I hope all the important questions were answered. Kirlak: Press-conference adjourned. **** **** I apologize for the abrupt ending of Construction, but mu schedule is hectic. I am moving today, to an apartment, I have two projects due next week, two finals next weekend, and after that I need to be on a plane and heading to see my girlfriend and my family. The next part of the story, Vengeance: A Journey to Space, will start as soon as I can. At worst, this will be a 1-month hiatus, and at best, I will have enough free time to start the next story before flying out. However, I will be doing very little posting when I start moving. Thanks for reading! THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE JOURNEY TO SPACE- IT WILL CONTINUE! Please post any comments, recommendations, requests, or wild guesses on what will happen next in the comments. I love getting feedback, especially if it is Constructive!
  23. Yes, they talk about need for the final burn to circularize the orbit. They seem to be under the impression that they can build a rocket that can survive 30,000G+ which will provide the final 2km/s or so. Like I said earlier, it's either a shameless scam or they have no idea what they are doing.
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