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  1. Hello one and everyone! Simple proposal: A kerbal space program folding@home team! How? Download client and contribute your folding points to some dedicated team! Wait what? I need a longer explanation!! Ok, here it is: So you want to grow old, happy and disease-free? Tough luck, unless you contribute to this magnificent future you so desire! Would you believe me if I said you could aid medical science without lifting a finger? (of course, you have to lift your finger a few times in order to click the mouse during setup... but after setup you're good to live finger-lifting-free) So basically, there are a ton of things that can go wrong in a human body. Scientists are amazing creatures that understand things you never though the human race needed to know. One such case is the proteins in your body, which tend to do this thing called "Folding". I have no idea what that means, but some scientists seem to think this "folding" of proteins is a thing we need to understand. They say they can possibly find cures for these diseases: -Alzheimer's -Cancer -Huntington's -Parkinson So what can you do to aid them? Simple! Download a legit tool to your pc. Install it. Run it. Scientists can now borrow a little bit of your computers free time (when you sleep, watch youtube etc). The best thing about this, is the simplicity! So simple, and for a good cause. You don't pay any money for it, you only invest some of your computers idle-time into your future health. I've been folding for a while now, and racked up a respectable 350K points. (many many more to come, trust me!) You actually get points for folding, and are ranked against other folders. Though this is just for fun, since points don't matter. That's right, the points are just like deodorant to a cab driver. (/whose line quote) Enough talk, start folding right now, and create a healthier future for yourself and your family! Folding@home official website is found at this adress: http://folding.stanford.edu Oh, and just to be clear, I'm posting this to initiate a possible team. I do not intend to manage/create/initiate anything related to this. I am already folding fulltime to some private team. Feel free to contribute to a better future!
  2. I use moduleAnimateGeneric that I drive through my own code as far as I can recall, when I'm home from work I'll check in detail. Like I said I have tripped 7 1200 frame duration animated parts at the same time 0 lag. Keep in mind my part has two colliders each with 6 faces, and the total part poly count is under 300. Now if you have any code checking the position of that animation, and it needs to talk back and forth with other code... it could cause lag. Straight up animation shouldn't. All it is is simple transform position data. Multiplayer games running at 30ms lag are transmitting way more than a simple transform position in 30 thousandths of a second. Not that that really has anything to do with this. But animation run times shouldn't cause lag. Some other thoughts... If your animation is playing with anything physics it could cause lag, like altering COG or thrust position... I never thought of mentioning that before, also anything with lights or other fx...
  3. Since the discovery post went down well, I thought I'd share a movie that just made my jaw drop all the way through. It is called "For All Mankind" by Al Reinert. He basically took the 16mm film that all the apollo astronauts shot on their missions and cut it together. It's edited together like it's all one mission to the moon, but of course it's actually footage from all the apollo missions spliced together. There are no talking heads, and the only narration is real audio from the missions or audio from interviews the astronauts did after the missions. They talk alot about the beauty and awe of it all. You do briefly get to see footage of the apollo 13 "successful failure" where they could see their oxygen venting out of the ship through their window and desperately tried to fix the problem. Also, you get to see guys on the moon jumping around and giggling and rocking around in the rover. I recommend the blu-ray release because it has the most beautiful HD transfer of the film stock with all the noise/scratches/speckles removed. Aside from the 4:3 aspect ratio it looks like it could have been brand new, modern day footage. Anyway, for those of you that haven't seen it, I think it's a must: Here it is on IMDB. Enjoy!
  4. Well, I don't take that words serious, and to be honest, I don't hope that he is totally mostly focus about the moon and mars at this moment. How SpaceX exist at this moment, is mostly thanked by NASA funds. If there was no COTS, and CCDev2, then the whole Falcon-9 family and the Dragon not even exist! If you serious will become a private spaceflight company, then you will focus about launch contracts with communication satellite companies, DoD and government space agencies. Its the only way to really make profit in the world of spaceflight. Look, nothing wrong with the Dragon, but you totally can't make profit from it! There is never really serious plans to going with a Dragon to the moon. The Falcon heavy is not even man-rated, so you can't use that rocket soon. Maybe on the long term, but I don't really see that happens. Also, going to Mars with SpaceX is much more a wish of Mr Musk self (and also a bit good for some PR for SpaceX to saying things as going to Mars), but who will pay it again? Uncle NASA. SpaceX need first to build up and make profit, and then we can a bit more serious talk about non-profit project by SpaceX.
  5. I think what Holo is trying to talk about is the concept of "Space Compression." (Warning: TV Tropes. May ruin your life.)
  6. Ohhh.. I might jump in soon. Would be nice to actually talk to someone about this since im such a noob.
  7. Holly Molly, this thread exploded in a short time, Well for what i know Orbiter uses joystick for both attitude and linear control. So it's kind of understandable they would switch up and down for both methods (plane mode) as the stick is in vertical axis in both cases. But in KSP we use two different controls, one being WSAD or joystick and second IKJLHN. I recently found here that Space Shuttle uses two different sticks for attitude and linear RCS control, just like KSP. And infact UP means UP in linear RCS for the commander seat while RCS attitude control joystick remains in "plane" mode. Also the RCS stick axis is not vertical but horizontal. It's good that there are people that like the default method too . I think control scheme is an important issue in this day and age since people come from vastly different backgrounds, like different flight simulations, real life radio control methods, and many other systems that control many dimensions. I think there should be more talk about different control schemes, and maybe even an choice between them implemented in KSP. Thats true but since we don't have a docking cam and docking ports not always align easily through the main ship axis its sometimes hard (or just not fun) to watch at the ships back while docking ports remain out of view. With the change to the default control method, i could use any camera angle and instinctively know which button moves in which direction. Also the navball actually stays in CHASE mode the whole time, so we could just use it. Of course the CHASE mode tip is valid for every control method, so thanks for pointing that out. Great tutorial!! I'll hijack it to add to my point (hope you don't mind me nitpicking). That's the whole problem of reversed IK controls, they are not intuitive. Now days with IK reversed i almost never tap a button to check directions (unless the ship is rotationally symmetrical so its hard to know where is up just by watching it), especially when i start from behind a ship in chase mode.
  8. To Brotoro, Three short things: I agree with the density thing, mostly because the planets are quite small(Jool is the size of Earth), Elder Scrolls is a game about a magical realm(not very realistic) and finally, I think that communications should be a toggle-able thing in the options so you can alter the difficulty. So, yeah. Didn't think so many people would talk about this.
  9. This. Seriously, you people need to stop inflating your own egos with "Ohh I'm a veteran I get to talk down to others" attitude. It doesn't matter in the slightest. Besides, it's not like the forums could get too much worse then they are now. I've seen enough to know that this won't change much.
  10. Nerdcubed has made a video on ksp. Batten down the hatches, we must gather our resources: we need a heavily armoured, camouflaged space station, with lasers, in low retrograde orbit around the sun. We shall shelter there, until the noob apocalypse is over. Rules: 1.Don't talk to noobs. 2.Don't talk to noobs. 3.Don't address noobs in any threads. 4.Remember, there is a difference between newbs and noobs. Newbs are good or ok. Noobs are terrible.
  11. Welcome to the forums! We're generally a nice, friendly lot. As long as you don't talk about multiplayer or start a discussion about whether it's better to use an autopilot. Then it seems like the place turns into a madhouse Feel free to jump right in to any discussions that interest you, help out anyone who has questions, or even ask a few yourself.
  12. Birrhan, excellent info and I agree with you 100%. The rate you close on a target needs to be relative to your distance or you're never going to get there. And I really like your approach to setting up both vehicles on north/south headings. I was mostly making the point (and I was certainly exaggerating the point in my initial post for emphasis) that docking is a fiddly and tedious process and that the most common mistake people make starting out is to rush things. So go slower than you think you need to because, when you are first mastering docking, speed kills. Don't be afraid to take as much time as you need on your approach. The slower you go, the more time you have to work things out. I didn't talk about the NAV ball because it sounded like they were still dealing with controlled movement with RCS. Once you have the hang of moving your ship and can get it close enough for a final docking approach, then you're ready to fine tune things with the NAV ball. At least that's how it worked for me and that's really all I can comment on.
  13. Yes but if you talk me about efficiency i obviously can make a better rocket lol, you tell us to want a rocket similar to real rocket like the Falcon or Progress, so i made one "in-line".
  14. Dont talk about it, pressing space and decople the pod from the ship then going in for an Jool aerobrake is pretty classical. Pod will do two orbits and crash into Jool.
  15. I've put off disabling it in windows settings for months now... I was st INCHES away from the ground landing vertically with my jet ssto refuel-er, after flying for the last 3 hours refueling everything I have in orbit with it... pressed shift 5 times in a row while adjusting throttle, game crashes because I was frapsing when sticky keys decided it wanted priority. talk about a pain in the..
  16. In the front view seems like a whale XD Congrats skyhook. I wanna to do a thread to talk all about shuttles, reusable ships to carry crew and cargo, with different approaches in the design. can we use this thread? or I make another one? Maybe a new one with a more general tittle will be better.
  17. Chapter 4 2 days later at the Aurora Space Association offices Harvin and Burtley enter Director Halsey's office. -Why isn't it the two men who escaped death! -Thankfully. -Harvin, can you leave for a moment? I must speak with Burtley in private. -Oh, okay. I'll be outside. Harvin leaves the room. -Burtley, I must award you with this.. Director Halsey hands him a medal of honor. -..For your quick thinking in one of the program's darkest moments. Burtley smiles. -It means very much to me.. Thank you sir. I hate to start something, but I found this computer chip and bottle of some gas in the ships generator. We think someone attempted to kill us. -Hmm.. -Director Halsey, who was the last person to enter the ship during construction? -Well, Kurt, of course. Wait a second... now that I think about it, I've seen him with a container of material like that before.. We should go question him. Kurt enters the door. -Ah, Kurt. We needed to talk to you. -There won't be much questioning.. Kurt pulls a pistol from his lab coat, aiming it at both Halsey and Burtley. A worker sees the gun pulled and yells for the guards. -Ah, we can question you in jail. -I'm going to kill you first, Burtley.. Like you were supposed to. You're going down the same road Bobbald and Sidrod went. Kurt cocks his pistol. Two guards come behind him with guns loaded. -Freeze, dirtbag! Kurt puts his hands up. He puts his gun down slowly. The guards handcuff Kurt. -Have fun in jail, Kurt.
  18. What's fun is that the "immune system" of a Type 3 could be as intelligent, or more intelligent, than us. We could talk to an "extraterrestrial civilisation", only to find it to be an immune response by the Type 3.
  19. Had to do this. In this thread, you can post pictures of your Fakemon and talk about your Pokemon ideas! I'll start this off (no picture for it). Lotini is a Victini-like Pokemon, and is the Pokemon of loss. Instead of a V on its head, it has a slanted L. It also has the opposite colors of Victini. Many who had this Pokemon tend to lose battles very often. It is a Dark-Psychic type.
  20. They do "correspond to" and "are really" some other distance. It's like saying Kerbin doesn't "correspond to" or "[is] really" Earth, or that Duna doesn't "correspond to" or "[is] really" Mars. It's pretty clear that it is. Alternately: Is Kerbin really a 600km planet that ignores real material densities? Alternately2: By the way, I'm not saying that the planets are LITERALLY only 6,000 km or LITERALLY only 600 km. I'm saying that it's useful to think of them as 600 km when discussing physics as it applies ingame, and useful to think of them as 6000 km when discussing hypothetical planetary science. ExampleToIllustrateAlternately2: If you want to talk about an orbit around Kerbin, you have to think about it as 600 km or you get a nonsensical description of an orbit within the surface of a planet. If you want to talk about the internal structure of Kerbin, you have to think about it as 6,000 km or you get a nonsensical description of a 600 km asteroid that should have cooled and lost its atmosphere eons ago.
  21. post a pic of the map view, someone will talk you in.
  22. If he explains why I should not brake that hard because it's bad for the brakes, why it's bad for the engine to drive at 50 km/h on the 1st gear, I'm ready to let him talk ^^
  23. Hi, so for most missions so far I've been using a radially decoupled 4-stage 7-stack lifter either 1 or 2 tanks tall depending on mass needs (which I just today learned that you folks colloquially refer to as 'asparagus' staging), and often feeding fuel from the tanks of whatever ships I'm lifting into the second or third stage booster pair reasoning I can lift more with less this way and just refuel it later via orbital rendezvous. What I'm getting into now though, is trying to build some extremely low-mass, high-ÃŽâ€v lifters for lander return vehicles, and I had a few questions with that regard, since ÃŽâ€v isn't the whole picture. There's also things like gravity and air drag to deal with, and fine tuning the TWR and ÃŽâ€v of each stage can make a difference in the total ÃŽâ€v needed to get into orbit. Take 'asparagus' staging for example. Is there a 'sweet spot' I should aim for in TWR per stage? do I want TWR to start high and get lower, or start lower and get higher, or stay the same throughout the ascent? Will I get more total ÃŽâ€v by adding more fuel weight to the later stages thereby reducing the TWR/ÃŽâ€v of earlier ones, or the other way around? Is there any proven formula for maximum efficiency?
  24. Hey im new to ksp and i designed a space station and i cant dock it could someone dock it for me ill send you the save download and talk to you on skype about it some and offer you some things on skype my name on skype: zander.foster1
  25. Chapter 2 LKO -Harvin and Burtley, your transfer window is open. I repeat, your transfer window is open. The radio, which Harv turned up before taking a nap, wakes him up. -Roger that. Burtley, wake up. He leans over and wakes Burtley up. -It's time to transfer. -Oh... okay.... -You know what will make you wake up? -What?... Harv quickly raises the throttle to 100% -Awake now? -That's a pointless question. -Mission Control, this is Harvin. We have completed our transfer. There is no answer. -Uh, Mission control? The radio picks. -Hello boys. -Who am I speaking to? -This is the president. I know who you are.. Harvin and Burtley. The two smile widely at being able to speak to the president. -I'm not at mission control, by the way. You can get to talk to your technical do-hickey person soon. Anyways, you two do me proud. -We will, sir. -What Harv said. Some time later The ship enters Minmus's SOI. -We should perform a system check, Harvin. -I suppose you are right. This game of charades is getting boring. Harvin checks out the system. Nothing is working. He checks the generator, and turns to Burtley, scared. -The ship has no power.
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