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  1. I have recently been working on building some stock military aircraft (because I have nothing better to do ). So I thought I'd share them all with the Kerbal community! if you guys have any suggestions on what aircraft I could build (must be military-related), let me know! Current aircraft available: F-4 Phantom F-3 Demon MiG-15 MiG-21 MiG-25 F-16 Fighting Falcon F/A-18 Hornet F-89 Scorpion Sukhoi Su-34 Eurofighter Typhoon F-86 Sabre F-22 Raptor F-15 Strike Eagle F-104 Starfighter He-162 MIG-9 Me-262 Yak-23 F2Y Sea Dart MiG-19 Gloster Meteor Mk1 SAAB J-29 Tunnan F-105 Thunderchief Dassault Mirage All of these are available on my KerbalX page: http://kerbalx.com/Zak423 Stay on the lookout as I will be updating this page with progress on any new craft I build! F-105 Dassault Mirage F-4 Phantom MiG-25
  2. Sector 7 Space Laboratories Aeronautics Division The Mother Load Challenge In this Challenge Six Crafts will be flown at once! Rules: There are none! This is for fun and your Trophy is your Kerbals that remain alive in their Crafts at the end. To begin the Challenge takeoff from Kerbin Control Center's Runway. Release the Tommy Mig's from the Mother Ship (The Crafts on the Wings are something I built last year, they look like a cross between a Russian Mig 15 and a US Navy F-14 Tomcat so I gave it the name Tommy Mig) it doesn't matter where between the Runway and the Island you release the crafts. Land as many Crafts as you can without Killing any Kerbals. The Island you will need to land on is shown in the picture below. Special Note: Keep the Crafts close together because the farthest crafts will disappear and you will no longer be able to return to it. Ranking Landing 1 Craft - Ensign Landing 2 Crafts - Lieutenant Junior Grade Landing 3 Crafts - Lieutenant Landing 4 Crafts - Lieutenant Commander Landing 5 Crafts - Commander Flight Operations: Engage RCS and SAS Leave throttle at default setting for an easy takeoff from the Runway Press Spacebar only once to ignite The Mother Load's Engines As soon as the Craft leaves the Runway make short taps on the S Key to bring the Craft easily to a 10 Degree Angle When you are ready to release the Crafts Press the Spacebar to Ignite the Tommy Mig's Engines and allow a little time for them to gain some thrust Press the Spacebar again to release them all at once or you can decouple them one at a time if you would like. Have fun and good luck! and post a picture of your Crafts Landed with the Rank mentioned if you would like. Note: The Tommy Mig is one of the best handling crafts you will ever fly on KSP! Don't take my word for it, try to put it in a tailspin that you think you wouldn't recover from and watch how easily you can regain control. Craft File The Mother Load Land Crafts Here
  3. [LOOKING FOR HELP DEVELOPING THIS MOD AND UPDATING TO 1.2. PLEASE EITHER POST IN THIS THREAD OR PM ME IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN HELPING OUT. MODELLING, TEXTURING, OR CONFIG WRITING EXPERTISE GREATLY APPRECIATED] We at Instell Incorporated pride ourselves in customer satisfaction. We wish to give our customers only the greatest and most fashionable ways to ride their reusable ICBMs. Our engineers are ready and eager to work on any project that can get them close to the liquid oxygen again. Here at Instell we have only the best of experimental technologies, because finished products are just too mainstream. Why spend precious funds on testing when the customer can do it for you? At Instell we believe in shooting for the moon, and even if we miss, our craft melted on the way up. SCRAMJET ENGINES! New from Instell, the Semi Combustible Ramjet. Have you ever thought that stuffing air and fuel into a tube until it exploded was a bad idea? We did, but we kept trying anyway until we figured out that shoving more air in makes it explode out the back of the tube! [WARNING - Sharp edges, high temperatures, and ludicrous G forces may cause death, dismemberment, and or hallucination] We at instell incorporated are proud to offer a selection of two wonderful scramjets: XE-101 and the XE-202. Both are scramjets and are built to propel your spaceplane to hypersonic speeds. They become more powerful and efficient the higher they are and the faster they go. Advantages of scramjets: Very efficient at high speeds/altitudes Very light Can function at very high altutudes Is the physical representation of acceleration Does not require intake hogging However it poses a couple of challenges: Must be going past mach 3 to function Engines have a tendency to cause other parts to overheat due to atmospheric heating. Engines are more efficient in the upper atmosphere ELECTRIC ENGINES! Introducing the XE-303/E electronic turbofan engine! This engine is considerably more simple to use than our Scramjets. This engine is excellent for subsonic crafts, especially those on other planets. Since it doesn't rely on combustion to power its turbine, it will run in any atmosphere. It's perfect for aircraft transports on other planets! Advantages: Can run in any atmosphere Small onboard battery supply Cheaper than a traditional basic jet Very quiet Makes for a great air conditioner in a pinch Disadvantages: Cannot go above Mach 1 Can only be radially attached A bit bulky PULSE DETONATION ENGINES! Introducing Instell's latest work of mad science: The XE-404 Pulse Detonation Engine! This engine is the perfect companion to the XE-101 and 202. It has a maximum speed of mach 6 and sounds like a mosquito screwing a dragon. Despite using the most advanced coolant systems that Jeb could find in his junkyard, this engine still has a tendency to overheat, so watch out! Advantages: Can easily take a SCRAMjet up to the required speed. Has a speed ceiling of mach 6. Operates well in the same flight conditions as a TurboRamJet. Can cook a burger in 6 seconds flat. Disadvantages: LOUD!! Cannot reach as high of an altitude as the XE-101 and 202 Can overheat easily ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To-do list: Get G.O.N.A.D.S. working properly Cool fuselage parts Better model for Casper better (stockalike?) textures better models in general more engines, the more experimental the better Changelog: v1.6.1 Repackaged for 1.0.5 v1.6 Added XE-404 "Jackhammer" Pulse Detonation Engine Added XF-35B SuperBullShark to demonstrate XE-404 Added F-38 Mako just for fun v1.5 Added RI-01 Hypersonic Intake Added Mk.1 Battery Fuselage Remodeled XE-303/E XE-303/E no longer needs IntakeAir to function, but does need to be in an atmosphere. XE-303/E takes way less electricity to run. Removed G.O.H.N.A.D.S. until I can get the damn thing to work. Added new parts onto IX-102 and IX-201 v1.4 RETEXTURED ALL THE THINGS! Tweaked G.O.H.N.A.D.S. to actually do the thing that it was made to do. Added XE-303/E Electric Turbofan engine (Thank you firespitter for your wonderful plugin) Added IX-201 to showcase the new engine Added fairings to XE-101 v1.3 Added G.O.H.N.A.D.S. (Gunkworks Oxidizer-augmented Heat Neutralizing And Dumping System) Updated IX-102 with new part, can now survive more abuse! v1.2 Added IX-203 (X-43 style aircraft) Edited IX-102 spaceplane Lowered thrust of Houdini to 70 Lowered thrust of Leech to 35 v1.1 Added particle effects nerfed engines slightly v1.0 release Download (KerbalStuff): [instell Incorporated is not liable for crafts melting or disintegrating from heat or acceleration, warranty void if engine exposed to fire.] License: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
  4. Ha, Ha. Jester's Thread This is my multipurpose thread. Screenshots, pointers, downloads and general discussion for advanced building techniques. Using things like Infernal Robotics, part clipping and stabilizing. This is to post my ideas as well as allow you guys to show off your own creations. Basically anything you feel was a complex mess to get flying, driving or floating. The whole idea here is to pass ideas and info around so everyone can build some great stuff. Don't just post a picture and run, This thread is more about "look what I built, and here's how I did it" There's already a thread for Screenshots One of my favorite helicopter of all time the RAH-66 Comanche - More under "Projects" One of my Favorite videos so far. My Protolift lander going to Duna Projects 100+ Mods And Running Strong! 1.3 Mod List 1.0.5 Mod List How To Hit 60-100 FPS (Very old) 64bit - AVP - EVE Help - KSP 1.0.5
  5. Mod has been picked up by SpannerMonkey. Attention: At the moment (17/01/16)i'm putting this mod on standby due to exterior reasons. Enjoy the content i put so much effort into! And please try not to blow yourselves up. (18 July 2016) Update: At the moment i'm working on my own videogame, of which I will give further details in the offtopics of the forums (if allowed), until then I'm afraid I won't be working on this mod anymore although I do not part without one last gift for those still following this mod. Many months ago I had computer problems and Had to format and in the process I lost all my files of the mod except a backup I left on dropbox, although old the backup still possessed some interesting files and among them the 3D models for the Hyperion and both Terminator and Vanquisher (mig-21) cockpits. So have at them if anyone who wants to is more than free to modify them and distribute them as their own mod! But be sure to mention my name in the process I'm sure out there there are people with fantastic Ideas on what to do with these: Cockpit 3D Files (Mega.nz) Hey people! I'm an IVA nut. So I make IVA's. HAVE IVA'S! The mod is still a constant ongoing project.My modpack is intended to feature all sorts of aircraft related parts (when i can make them) , features mostly cockpits with full integrated IVA, i just love IVA's (Who doesen't) Current parts: Cockpits: BF-109 ; Mig ; Hyperion (P-80 lookalike) ; Razor ; Jetfire (SR-71/F-106 lookalike) Intakes: Early and Late variants of Mig-21 intake ; Engines: Reaper AB Jet Engine (based on Su-9 engine); Kiril AB Jet Engine (based on Mig-21) And one more thing, I plan that ALL my cockpits will have IVA's! Note: Cockpits with ASET & RPM stuff requires ASET Props https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1021/ASET%20Props ASET Avionics https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1023/ASET%20Avionics RasterPropMonitor https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/734/RasterPropMonitor Planned: As many cockpits as we feel like having! Keep in mind that I can take requests! If you have ideas feel free to post them, even post a drawing if you wish! For me English classes are the best to draw IVA's (but don't tell anyone, that stays between you and me.) And other parts like engines and intakes! Cheers! Don't forget to comment! Changelog: License: CC-BY-SA Hey, if you are feeling generous you can donate any sum you wish!
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