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  1. this was quite a challenge, i forot that in order to get 100% recovery on parts they need to be at KSC, i had to get creative.
  2. The Kercake Series The name Kercake was a placerholder name, but the engineers were too lazy to change the name so it stuck around, The Kercake series was designed to get kerbals on the Mun and to a lesser degree Minmus. All stats are shown in the Imgur Gallery Download link at the bottom of this thread! If you want higher res images click on the gear to get full screen! Kercake I The first rocket in the Kercake series, Consisting of six boosters, and a main engine being the RE-15 Skipper engine being powered the other six boosters. This rocket also shares the same booster design for the Kerbal X. This rocket is capable of landing on the mun and returning to kerbin all in one piece! Kercake II Kercake II the second in the series is a small stepup from Kercake I, The previous Six stage booster system has been replaced by the RE-M3 Mainsail engine. Other than that, The lander now has solar panels and a lighting but little did the engineers know that the Illuminator Mk2 was a horrible idea for for spotting the ground... So this lead to a little accident to the lander losing a landing leg. Kercake III The flagship of the whole series! This craft was capable of not only landing on the mun but it can land anywhere with the newly designed tri-engine stage, Although it was used more for slowing down the lander from impending doom. Also a fun fact this craft was used as a rescue vessel for recovering kerbals from the mun! Kercake IV Kercake IV aka the Apollo ripoff, This craft is a failure... Since it is unable take off, land on the mun, return to kerbin, and overall too ambitious for the tech available at that time. And the good news is that no one was injured during testing of this craft so that is something to be happy about at the very least and a few jokes were thought up. (You make a joke here!) Kercake V Kercake V aka The next biggest failure in kerbal history, I don't mean it blew up into a pretty display of burning fuel and oxidizer although that did happen... On the mun! and guess Jeb the only pilot on the newly designed craft lived through the whole event! By ejecting out of the crewpod at 119 meters per second and bouncing off the ground! Literally! Now that Jeb managed to survive the crash he was stranded on the mun without a ship so what happened because of the original theory that pilots cannot transfer data a probe was placed on top of the crewpod in all of the Kercake rockets *Not including the fourth one* so using the best of what was available, Engineers resorted to the Kercake III since it was capable of landing anywhere on the mun, So forth the mission to save Jeb began! and it took a week to get him back on kerbin, He did he survive for a week on the mun without a ship? No one knows! And that concludes the dangerous disaster of Kercake V. Munbase Alpha Although it is not part of the Kercake series, this one was the first base to exist on the mun. Now why is this one in here? Because our engineers wanted more things to brag about. (The real reason why, it is part of the munar operations!) Munbase Alpha looked horrible and looked very unstable not to mention that it cannot go to the mun and back... But that was intentional since our scientists wanted to see the effects of long term living on the mun, With that said they can be arriving back on kerbin in 25 years via an another spacecraft. So that is it for this nice little collection, it may not be the largest rockets you ever seen nor the most prettiest rockets, but they can get up there and do the job! Well at least most of them. So if you think you can deal with the horrible control over these rockets or you think you can make the failed ones work then here the download (Its the red letters right below this) DROPBOX LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lw0zr3ruuu3js0i/Kercake Crafts.zip?dl=0 Also you need Mechjeb!!!!! Also Disclaimer do not attempt recreate any of these events and there may be some unforeseen issues that I may not have pointed out so don't go insane over a winglet exploding! I hope you enjoy the marvels of Doge Engineering! Also instructions on how to get these majestic rockets into your agency goto where KSP is installed extract the space craft in the zip *Kercake ships* extract the ships into your ships/VAB folder it is important that the ships will go into the VAB otherwise the kraken might invade your game and ruin the day. DO NOT TAKE THESE WORDS LIGHTLY! (if you think I missed anything that is important or if the images are lower res than a youtube video at the lowest settings please tell and I will umm idk(Put it into text!))
  3. Hey guys, In my latest career game I just got a contract to go to the Mun. It will be the first celestial body I actually landed on in this game, which is a bit of a departure as every other career game I go straight to Minmus. In fact I might have only been to the Mun once and that was sandbox. The problem is my tech level atm is Terrier, FT800 and Panther only. My best launcher can put a full ft800 and terrier in low kerbin orbit, but is that enough to get to the mun and back? If not, was thinking to send two vehicles, one with the science stuff + landing legs, that flies to mun, lands, jettisons the science gear, takes off to mun orbit. The return ship has re-entry stuff and parks in munar orbit waiting for the brave kerbonaut to EVA across. That architecture might work out if the single launch just falls short, since we're not saving much delta V (with aerobraking, low munar back to Kerbin is the easiest part of the mission, but perhaps the heat shield/chute/radiator mass left off the outbound stage will help. BTW when i say "best launcher", this is a "no rockets" challenge. It's a disposable panther/terrier spaceplane, that jettisons every single part of itself, that puts the upper stage in orbit !
  4. So, there are 3 tourists and Valentina on the surface of the moon. They made it down OK, but instead of using -half- their fuel to get down, they used -all- of it. How would you get them back to Kerbal for the contract completion? And yes, that is a tourist vehicle with insufficient delta-V for a moon landing, grappled by -another- tourist vehicle that landed safely and is now stranded.
  5. BackStory time: The KSC has almost run out of funds but because they were focused on other planets the didin't check the mun or minmus. Challenge: Get to the mun or minmus (which you prefer) flyby or orbit or landing with the least expensive rocket you can Rules: No hyper edit. Can Be Kerbaled. Needs pics or video (i lost my proof in freak accident with hard drive) NO PART MODS. Mech jeb and KER but MJ for readouts only. Sandbox mode. Scoring: Funds divided in half and if gone to minmus x2 and return x #(if flyby then 1 if orbit then 2 if landing and return with kerbals 4) = Score ScoreBoards: 1: @Reactordrone 66215 points / 3107 2:@Signo 1700 points / 4800
  6. I am constructing an interplanetary spacecraft (specifically to Duna) at a small space station around the Mun. Once it is done, I will break out of the Mun's gravity and head towards Duna. My question is this: Is it more efficient to do the escape burn at a really high orbit, like you get after leaving the Mun's gravity, or should I first lower my PE to around LKO? I think burning to get a low PE would defeat the purpose of any extra efficiency, but I'm not sure. Help is appreciated!
  7. I'm in the part of the game where I feel like starting to build a Mun base. I've designed a Mun base at the KSC but never actually got the design to the Mun. That's where you come in! Show me your best Mun bases so that I might get a couple ideas! Who knows, I may learn new things about design in the game. Remember, only use stock parts!
  8. I know many of these type of craft have been posted before, but each update to KSP sees more and more of them become obsolete as they become incompatible with the latest incarnation of our favourite game. This iteration of a rocket for going to Mun uses stock parts, built in v 1.1.2. Having said that, it should be noted that I use the Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod in all my saves as I grew tired of over-strutting my rockets to combat the 'wet noodle' syndrome that plagues the un-modded game. As a consequence, I have not flown this craft without the KJR mod so cannot vouch for how stable it will be without it. It should also be noted that the craft itself is not a true Apollo replica; rather the flight profile and method of getting to the Mun and back is based on what was done in the Apollo program. Craft file on Dropbox The video is annotated to show the key points and Action Group keys used during the flight.
  9. Basically, I'll put it in Lamen's terms. I didn't kill my relative velocity and as I was doing my retrograde suicide burn...lets just say I forgot to thrust and kill said veolcity resulting in Leatrid Kerman (I think thats what she's called) being stuck on the Mun, with a Mk1 Lander Can with SAS. I launched, did a successful transfer burn...quick saving along the way of course. Forgot about relative velocity and basically landing stage went boom. Pics will be included of where I landed (front and backshot only I'm afraid) http://steamcommunity.com/id/cambookpro/screenshots/ There are the screenshots for the Landing (ignore the North West Airfield Gmod Screenshot) Hope you can fix my problem KSP Community -awfulcraftdesigns signing out! Mission Update: I sent the exact same craft, succesful transfer burn again...this time I kept an eye on my Relative Velocity and landed in roughly the same area as my first stranded Lander Can but I forgot to put a probe on it resulting in the crew hatch not being empty and basically now I've got two kerbals stuck on the Mun and now I need to work out a way to rescue them both with enough fuel for the return journey. Help plz! Mission Update 2: So I reloaded so that only Leatrid would be on the Mun this time, resulting in me now needing a spacecraft worthy to carry a Mk_2 Lander Can. I've updated my Screenshot Library to show you my Landing Stage and Transfer Stage...the resulting effect being I can't find a suitable ascent stage. So help would be nice...I'll provide images so one second... This is the zoomed out shot of the rescue ship so far...if it helps anyone I've also provided an engineer report...I'm running no mods resulting in this being all stock.
  10. So, I've been wondering, is it possible to capture the Mun? Just like you do with an asteroid? Ok, I know the Mun is huge if you compare to a little asteroid, but, if you find enough time, pacience and determination to put a lot of rockets in some side of the Mun, would anything happen? Like, would your rockets push the Mun? Is it possible to bring the Mun to Kerbal? The Mun can move to somewhere outside its orbit? It's probably not possible, I think the Mun wasn't programmed to move outside its orbit on the game, just like almost everything on the game, but I just want to kill the doubt.
  11. hi hi Just checking, has anyone else seen this bug yet? I had a strange encounter on the way to Minmus today, where I had a Mun encounter even though I was well outside the Mun's sphere of influence, more than 10 million meters outside the Mun's sphere of influence. Needless to say, it put a rather significant snag in my mission. In case it is relevant, here are some of the other things I did around the time the bug happened: I made my initial burn to reach Minmus. I went back to the space center and checked on how long I had until I needed to start my asteroid intercept burn. I flew my Minmus mission again, and time accelerated until I was at the descending node for it and Minmus, to see if I could make any useful course corrections. I then I went to my Minmus base station and checked on its progress with filling its fuel tanks. When I returned to my Minmus mission once again, it was inside the folded segment of space-time. Here is a screencap of the phantom encounter:
  12. MUN ELCANO RUN This is an attempt of mine to go around the Mun by ground. Summary of past events (bolded numeral indicated which chapter is summarized): CHAPTER I: TO DRIVE AROUND THE MUN, ONE NEEDS TO BRING A CAR TO THE MUN The rover was designed to be simple, durable, reliable, and stable. It was tested around KSC and works pretty well, at least in Kerbin's high gravity. I expect it to be able to keep going day and night, and it has proven itself able to go up some pretty steep hills (namely, the side edge of the end of the runway). The only drawback to it is that it's simply awful to transport. I had to build a really awkward rocket to get it to the Mun, and it took a really long time to get it just right. It didn't quite have enough delta-V, it always decided to RUD when separated from the rover, and the rover's engines were pointed towards the crew module, which cancelled out the thrust because PHYSICS. Here is the rocket as I first designed it: And here is the rocket which actually made it: Landing: In the process of getting a rover to the Mun in working order, Jeb was stranded. This is not a problem, as I'll just drive the functional rover to his location and pick him up. The rover is currently landed on the Mun, I will post pics of it later when I start the driving.
  13. First question, usually able to sort things out without needing to make a post: I left a craft in [what I thought was] a stable 300km circular orbit around the Mun last night, with Mechjeb holding the craft prograde. I wake up this morning to notifications that it crashed into the surface! I had all engines shutdown, so there's no chance it was caused by errant throttle, and Mun has no atmosphere (even if it did, I would have parked well above it); so what caused my craft to lose orbit? I've left crafts in Kerbin orbit overnight, and not lost them, so is this just a bug with the Mun, or a general bug that needs fixing? Jeb's dead, baby. Edit: if it makes a difference, the craft in question was a 2.5m fuel depot (fuel tank, solar panels, batteries, monopropellant—all the necessities to resupply in orbit) with a smaller SSTO docked to one side, so the controlling module was not directly in line with the cG, though it was parallel on all axis; see attachment for pic (sorry it's dark, Kerbin was eclipsing the sun, and we were about to head behind the Mun) Mods running (though I don't see how they'd cause this) include: Mechjeb, KW redux, B9, FAR, KSPI, RPM, KJR, Chatterer, Hangar Extender, and RCS Aid.
  14. Kerbational Munpollo 3: The "Kerbational Munpollo 3" is a KSA (Kerbal Space Agency) mission from Kerbin to the Mün. It is just a fun little challenge I made up for myself. I used the Münar Lander S7-483, A simple lander for the Mün. Jebediah, was the first Kerbal to walk on the Mün, (well in that world). Here are the pictures of the mission: Here in an hour
  15. I am trying to mine on the Mun, and using the orbital scanner, i set the cutoff to 70% and found a good spot to land. When I landed, I used the surface scanner and it said 2.34% concentration. I tried again with another spot, and it only said 7%. Why is it saying 7% when the orbital scanner said 70%? Is there any way to get the concentration up even higher?
  16. Hi there KSP Community, this is the first part of a four part series, dedicated to re-enacting the Apollo 11 Mission with a stock KSP vessel, while overlaying the historic NASA recordings from the real Apollo-11 mission. All mods used, are for higher quality visuals / recordings only. Hope you like it.
  17. First I was messing, now I'm mucking. But anyways, back to the Mun we go! Part I- Déjà Vu A week after Jeb, Bob and Val returned from their Mun trip, the next crew's lander lifted off from the Kerbal Space Center. A bit too familiar. The launch went perfectly, and with Scatterer now installed again, it wasn't boring like the last one. The lander pulled into a 150x155 Kilometer Equatorial Orbit, exactly what was needed for this mission. This is Version 8b. Version 8a, we don't talk about it past this. Let's just say that Darmstadtium will never be the same (The element and the town outside the KSC)... Version 8b has two KIS containers capable of carrying cargo along with the lander down to the surface. The difference is it basically sacrifices the "hopping" feature of version 6/7. Back on the ground, a few days later, Val, Bill and Donton stepped into their capsule. Time to go to the Mun! The last version had proved to be, well, Terrible. This new version was better at everything! More efficient, more boosters, more coolness, the list goes on! They pitched over and began speeding up to get to the lander. Once again at the point where it was not needed, the escape tower fired off to meet its doom in Kerbin's atmosphere. You did good, LES. You did good. The capsule ended up with a rendezvous in less than an orbit. The launch was completely successful. A bit of orbital maneuvering later, and the crew were set for a 100 meter intercept. The docking was like any other, except this one didn't take place in the night. Yes! Within minutes, they extended the panels and antenna of the command capsule and shot off towards the Mun. Target: Farside Crater. Donton was a bit upset he was being third wheeled, but hey, at least he gets a nice vie... Eh. Soon, the ejection burn was complete, and the stack was on its way to the Mun, leaving the safety of Kerbin Behind. It only took a few hours, and they were upon the Mun. The insertion burn cost them very little, and soon they put themselves in a 35 by 35 Km orbit. After that, the Farside Crater was coming up, so Val and Bill said their farewells and closed the hatch. Donton had asked for a rock but they ignored him. Poor guy. He sighed and pulled out of the lander's way. The lander began its descent. Would they make it with the added KIS weight? Luckily, still heavily loaded with fuel, the lander had a TWR of over 1, so the crew knew that they (theoretically) could land this thing. They cut relative velocity over the crater, but they were still going far too fast. Donton shut radio contact. He didn't want to hear the static that was too come. 30 m/s. 20 m/s. Val then screamed: "Bill, Jump!" By jump she meant jump out of the capsule, which Bill did. Impact. Nobody knows how it happened. Maybe SQUAD was watching over those two Kerbals descending too the Mun. But even though it impacted past safe speed, the landing legs took the force and the lander just toppled into the Munar soil. Phew! What happens next, only time (and I) will tell...
  18. Decided to use the stock Kerbal X to try to get to the Mun and back. Though a challenge, it was still a lot of fun for all Kerbals involved. P.S. Pretty epic Solar Eclipse at: 1:29
  19. Hi, just completed my first real legit mun mission landed and did other things and wanted to show you my rocket! Here is the craft download: https://kerbalx.com/S0NofThunder176/Saturn-V
  20. What Is The K-MP?: The K-MP is what it says on the tin, it's a mission from Kerbin to the Mün. I will be using my Münar-B11 lunar rocket, which has the Münar-A6 lunar lander. I will be doing this "mission" from the 1st April to the 8th April 2016. I don't know if we'll find the Mün or just a dull grey rock by Kerbin :]. Joining us on this mission will be sir Jebediah Kerman, a highly trained kerbalnaut. Will kerbalkind make history, or is this Mün a lie? Find out in The K-MP! Reports: 3 April 2016: Today It Begins! Images: Rocket Downloads: PS: The reason why I'm doing this "easy" thing is because I'm making a YouTube channel.
  21. Well, I was bored tonight after 25 attempts at landing my Tylo Lander. Got it down on the 25th. After that testing ordeal, I decided to pull out and do a Mun Mission. Something nice and Classic. Be warned, this is Image Heavy! Part I-The trip there. The Ares 1-x only flew once, but it is still one of my favorite launches. I've recreated it plenty in KSP, so I thought, why not strap my latest Mun lander to a (sorta) Arex 1-x. Thus: Mun Mk1 was born. I set the 9 Kickback Solid Rocket Boosters to 70 each, and I had clipped reaction wheels into the adapter above the 8 boosters. I was really hoping the 70 would lead to a nice ascent path with an early gravity turn. It curved well and I ended up about 200 Kilometers above Kerbin. Personally, I think such an orbit is too high for a mission like this. Once I was in Orbit, I blew the fairings, showing the lander. I've used it many, many times before. This is version 6 or 7. I've used it as my standard late save lander since I updated to 1.0.5. It basically is my spin on the Altair Lander. This one comes with extra battery power in the ascent stage, two docking ports in case one is lost (somehow), and inline reaction wheels clipped inside. Works like a charm. Time to see if it will work on this mission. I was considering who to Bring on this mission, as it was the first of this "creative" save. I wanted Jeb to be on the Mun, with Val in orbit. After much consideration, I chose Bob, as I didn't have anything to construct in this version. The three of them rocketed off a few mornings later. The atmospheric sunrise was brilliant. I should have kept Scatterer installed for a little while. I use it on and off. It probably would have made this mission really cool. After a bit, I fired the escape tower and ditched the first stage. The second stage gave me a 5.3 Kilometer "flyby" of the lander. Of course, as always, my second stage didn't preform as well as I wanted it too. I think I need second stage construction classes now. It's bugging me. I used the RCS quite a lot during the docking. I didn't want to use more than 1/8 of my fuel. By the time I had pulled next to the lander, I had used most of my RCS and about 1/7 of my fuel. Dangit! I docked the two, now ready for the Mun, and watched the first solar eclipse of this save. They would move on to the Mun in the Morning. After a bit of time warping, I pressed Z and shot towards the Mun. The sunrise looked great, although it would have looked better with Scatterer. I've got that thought stuck in my head, haven't I. At about 2,600 m/s the departure stage ran out. Uh oh. I thought about what to do. I had refilled the return spacecraft, and the lander's tanks were all full. Eventually, I decided to fire the lander's engines. I was a bit late to catch the Mun on this orbit. They would have to wait 3 more to get to it. Oh well. Immortal Kerbals won't mind this. I once again decided to use the lander's engines to enter orbit. I drained 1/2 of my return capsule fuel to assist this. The lander still had half its fuel left so it was go for landing. Jeb and Bob said their goodbyes to Val, promised to get her some rocks, and then undocked and fired retrograde. With no landing target in mind, I took a random descent to the surface. The Thrust to Weight ratio of this thing is quite high, so I waited until I was relatively low to start the suicide burn. Ok, maybe a bit too low. I did use the TWR to pull up, and ended up plopping down somewhere around -6.8115 and 72.1362 (according to Kerbal Maps) in the East Crater. Not my favorite part of town, but since I played random, beggars can't be choosers... Also, you can't see Kerbin. Yipee! How fun. Soon after I landed though, I saw these two nice rocks and decided to hop between them. That's it for it today guys, thanks for reading. Part II tomorrow.
  22. I did a Mun Elcano challenge, my first one. I used a derivative of my rover science probe. I removed all science equipment and add 2 seats. I set the reaction wheel at the back, that wasn’t a good idea, braking was much less efficient. I also add 2 RTG to set the vehicle 4WD instead of 2WD for the science probe. As for the trip, I landed ate a nearly random equatorial location and went westward. I stopped twice to let the sun follow, thus having a nicer scenery sight. I stopped at the 3 arches, at the Armstrong memorial and at one of the monolith (which wasn’t there…). I also meet with one of my rover probe near a crater assembly I was playing around. I used MJ auto pilot, only stopping to quick save. I reloaded few times because of misplaced waypoints. The rover has difficulties crossing crater border at 22m/s in x4 physical time warp. Rocket design, take-off and mun orbiting Undock and Mun landing (the skycrane is overfueled by design) and starting point To the first Crater The the first Arch Meeting with science rover probe The long road to the second Arch The last arch The Armstrong memorial (in harsh terrain...) The Big crater monolith (where it is ?) End of the road Well, that was fun! BTW, here is the doggy science rover probe from which the rover I used is derived.
  23. I have been trying to land a kerbal on Mun so i can get a crew report and a surface sample. I always seem to run out of fuel just as i get there, so the ship either gets flung out into space, crashes into the Mun or doesn't have the fuel to get back to Kerbin. Then i had a thought...what if i could simply time my launch so that the launch pad is at the correct angle to Mun so that when i launch my rocket i could just keep going until i got to 'Mun Encounter' Has anyone done that before? P.S. I am still running the vanilla game so no mods, if there is one that lets you do what i describe let me know.
  24. My last video was the "To Ike!" video I made. It was ok, but the quality wasn't that good and the music was not synced. This time, I hope I did better. I chose "Classic" by MKTO because I feel like we've all swung around the Mun at one point, so this video will probably relate as Classic. Well anyway, here is is!: Enjoy, and if there's anything to point out, do! It will make the next video better.
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