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  1. Im pretty sure i figured out your mistake since I got a v1 of 278m/s and a v2 of 242m/s first off your μ is wrong according to the wiki the gravitational parameter of Kerbin is 3.5316000*10^12 m^3/s^2 which will throw things off second and im not sure if this will really cause too much error but i also added the radius of Kerbin which is 600,000m to r1 and r2 so they are r1 = 700,000m and r2 = 1,200,000m I also kept everything in terms of meters instead of converting to km then back to meters
  2. Landed my Mun Shuttle about 200 m from my Munar Base without Mechjeb or any other mods
  3. I'm seeing a lot of issues with the delta v being worked out from different engines from KW to AIES to Novapunch. I've seen it many times I've had like 2000 delta v and doing just simple 200 delta maneuver is taking up nearly 1000 d/v... Not sure whether this is mechjeb or this mod.. We have any update on any update to 21.1 ?
  4. That is not true. The formula doesn't care about the difference between Mstart and Mend, it cares about the ratio between them. A ship that is 110 tons full and 10 tons empty is going to have a lot more delta-v than a ship that is 200 tons full and 100 tons empty. The mass ratio is what matters. So yes, adding more engines of the same type to your ship will always decrease your delta-v since they contribute to the empty mass. But, delta-v might not be all that matters here unless you want to be super efficient. TWR is a problem with large ships. If you only put a single nuclear engine on a big ship, you're going to be looking at ion-engine-long burn times and needing to do more than one pass to get out of Kerbin orbit. The extra engines might not weigh too much compared to the rest of your ship. If you have 2 orange fuel tanks, that's already 8 tons of empty mass, so adding 4 more nuclear engines is not going to make a huge difference. So, if you want to be super efficient with your fuel, use only one engine. If you want shorter burn times, use more than one engine.
  5. 20km is about the altitude that a single intake will no longer provide enough air for a turbojet, a little lower if you're flying slowly. Then the engine flames out suddenly. Going from ~200 kN to nothing in an instant will cause things to flex, which could cause parts to bump each other -- especially if you have parts that intersect each other like those I beams and the engines and tanks. The log rarely gives useful information as to what actually happened.
  6. Been trying to make a super tanker to require less stops at my station for me to refuel it. In the end the tanker alone weighs just shy of 280 tons. Didn't actually check how much it weighs with the rocket. Anyway, my attempts at getting it into orbit have been failing miserably. At first due to structural failures on launch which have been fixed, now my orbits are degrading, and rapidly. I have been attempting to put it into higher, and higher orbits but each time before I can send it to my station its orbit degrades and it ends coming back down to Kerbin. I started with 80km orbit, went to 90, 100, 125, 150, testing 200 now and even so I see it coming back down. If I switch to the map screen I see my orbit as showing as stable with the closest me getting to kerbin around 180 but for some reason I am continually coming back.
  7. I second your sentiments, Owl. Every time I see a new craft with no engines and 200 small control surfaces break the sound barrier, I cry, and thank baby Jesus that I have FAR!
  8. I have to add my voice to Weatherman159 and White Owl here. FAR works great, except for one key issue. There seems to be no drag to speak of. I can take off and climb to a speed of lets say 200 m/s, and the planes handle great. But when i shut the engines down, i can glide around for minutes almost. It just wont slow down. Is there no fix for this issue? I spend most of my time designing and flying planes in KSP, and i love this mod. It has become indispensable to me.
  9. [As the title suggests I come up with a challenge to build the perfect plane/spaceplane The following rules is listed under: Stock Only -Screenshot of the plane both in hangar and in flight - Maximum 200 parts -Must be able to fly timewarp without crashing or tipping forward/backward ( Higher timewarp more chance you have of winning ) -Be small enough to actually put it on a rocket to carry it interplanetary/or to the mun. -Jet engines for the plane itself -Multiple stages allowed, but final stage must be the plane itself or something stuck to the actually plane. For instance I sometimes put rovers under mine. -Must be balanced and not tip over when flying, post a video or a download link to the plane. Or a screenshot of mass and lift. But won't be as good as a video or a download link. -Additional stuff give more points, for instance weaponry give you higher chance of winning. -The further the plane itself can travel, not with stages. Give you higher chance of winning. NOTE: You need to prove what you aircraft can do. For example if you say it's an SSTO. Show a screenshot of it in orbit. Also screenshot how many parts because I can't sit down and count. NOTE: All of these rules is not required but give you a higher chance of winning. Me and some friends chose top 3 winners after 4 days ( 20- 28 july ) Depending how good your plane is. Ranking will be displayed below. Congratulations to the winners! 1 - ChemRock Iguana 100 - By: Xeldrak 2 - SPO-1A - By: Bothersome 3 - KGBureau Arrow I - By: Kappa73
  10. Guest

    Reglas del Foro

    Reglas del foro - 21 de Junio, 2013 1. Disposiciones generales 1.1 Alcance de las reglas Las reglas aquí listadas se aplican a todos los servicios mantenidos por Squad para la comunidad de KSP. Esto incluye pero no esta limitado a los Foros, el SpacePort, el canal oficial de IRC y al sistema de seguimiento de bugs. 1.2 Reglas adicionales Los servicios citados en el punto 1.1 pueden tener reglas propias encima de estas reglas, listadas en el sitio web u otro canal de comunicación. 1.3 La visión detrás de las reglas Los servicios que Squad ha abierto para la comunidad de KSP son para las personas de todos los ámbitos y todas las edades. Las reglas están dispuestas como un ambiente donde todos los usuarios dan y reciben un trato con un nivel básico de respeto mientras mantienen los servicios disponibles para todos. 2. Mensajes 2.1 Definición de mensaje Un mensaje es considerado como cualquier forma o medio que el usuario tiene disponible para comunicarse con otros miembros de la comunidad. Esto incluye pero no está limitado a mensajes en el foro, mensajes privados, mensajes por IRC, avatares, firmas, nombres de usuario y la información de los perfiles. 2.2 Contenido prohibido Los mensajes que contuvieren texto o vínculos acerca de lo siguiente están terminantemente prohibidos: Piratería o charlas sobre piratería; Charlas sobre política, ideologías o religión; Contenido adulto, como desnudez, imágenes sexualmente explícitas ó sugestivas, imágenes de naturaleza violenta o sangrienta y drogas; Acoso a otro usuario ó a los empleados y moderadores, esto incluye insultos, amenazas, acoso, racismo, sexismo, pretender ser otro usuario y publicar conversaciones privadas; Comentarios vulgares ó profanos. Teorías de conspiración; y Vínculos a iniciativas con fines de lucro ó comerciales. 2.3 Otros contenidos prohibidos Mensajes que no tienen contenido substancial, por ejemplo mensajes que contienen sólo imágenes de reacción, un "+1" o jerga; y Mensajes que se apartan del tema original o hechos con el fin de molestar (trolling). 2.4 Lenguaje, ortografía y gramática Todos los mensajes de ésta sección del Foro deben ser en Español, excepto que se indique otra cosa explícitamente. El usuario debería hacer el esfuerzo de usar una gramática y ortografía correcta, evitando por ejemplo txto de cel, 1337 y otras jergas. El uso de ellas está prohibido. 3. Relaciones entre los usuarios y moderadores 3.1 Definición de moderador y empleados Un moderador es una persona que es seleccionada por Squad para manejar una parte de uno ó múltiples servicios de los definidos en el punto 1.1. Los empleados abarcan todos los empleados y moderadores. 3.2 Moderación espontánea Moderación espontánea (escribir mensajes y actuar como un moderador) no está permitido. Si sientes que un mensaje requiere atención del equipo de moderadores, por favor usa el botón para reportar incidentes ("report") o contacta un moderador. 3.3 Pretender ser un empleado ó moderador Tratar de personificar un moderador, por ejemplo registrándose con un sobrenombre que se parezca a un moderador no está permitido. 3.4 Charlas públicas acerca de decisiones de moderadores y falta de respeto en general No permitimos discusiones públicas sobre decisiones del equipo. Si estás en desacuerdo con un miembro del equipo de moderadores contáctalo primero y mantén la charla en un tono civilizado. Si consideras la respuesta insatisfactoria puedes contactar un moderador de mayor jerarquía. 4. Misceláneas 4.1 Límites en la firma Todas las firmas en el foro deben obedecer los siguientes criterios: la altura máxima es de 80 píxeles, texto e imágenes incluídas y no ser más ancha que 750 píxeles. No debe ser mayor a 200 Kb en total. 4.2 Licencias de los agregados (addon) Todos los agregados (add-ons), plugins y productos similares (como por ejemplo, código, texturas, modelos en 3d) publicados en los servicios mencionados en el punto 1.1 deben ser acompañados por el código fuente (si corresponde) y una licencia tanto en el artículo del foro como en el archivo descargable. Todos los trabajos que hayan usado estos agregados, plugins o similares deben mencionar el trabajo original y proveer el permiso de uso del producto original. 4.3 Evasión de medidas punitivas Los miembros que intencionalmente evadan los efectos de una medida punitiva como una restricción a publicar serán sujetos a una expulsión inmediata de cualquiera o todos los servicios que Squad ofrece en la comunidad de Kerbal Space Program. Otros artículos sugeridos para leer. Más allá del alcance de las reglas es buena idea mantenerse actualizado con la guía de buen comportamientos en el foro (en Inglés), la guía de lo que no se debería sugerir (en Inglés), la lista de problemas conocidos (en Inglés), la lista de nuevas funcionalidades oficial (en Inglés) y los artículos persistentes (sticky) relevantes a los temas de cada sección del foro. Esta lectura previene publicaciones repetidas. Romper cualquiera de estas reglas o sugerencias puede resultar en una acción punitiva en contra tuya, estas acciones pueden incluir apercibimientos o expulsiones del foro ó servicios provistos como están descriptos en el punto 1.1, dependiendo de la gravedad de la infracción y a tu historial como usuario. Squad y su equipo de empleados y moderadores se reservan el derecho a actuar en consecuencia y ejercer medidas punitivas en cualquier situación que así lo requiriere a juicio del superscripto, incluso si esta acción no violare las reglas listadas en este artículo. Nota final: Esta traducción de las reglas sirve como conveniencia para los hispanohablantes, sin embargo las reglas originales (en inglés) son las que serán tenidas en cuenta ante el caso de encontrar una diferencia.
  11. goals: .1 manned ship 10+ .nuclear engines used 2+ .buran/space shuttle style 25+ .space shuttle like flight (plane only and get back to KSC) 200+ post goals: .video 10+ .screenshot 5+ .more screenshot or video,s 15+ fails: missions: A.creating a nice ship and fly to layhte 40+ B.create your own mission costum points c.creating a plane to layhte 280+ ?? Picture album! http://imgur.com/a/igkCD Video of the live stream mission! http://www.twitch.tv/jasonlii/c/2650335
  12. Oh it hasn't Besides a digression onto astronauts and Apollo era memorabilia with an ex (I'm guessing) Marine, a guy from Poland and other people from around the world, remind me of why the internet is in fact amazing! Anyhow, next chapter is now up... Project Moho Jeb paused again and adopted a deliberately casual tone. “So if anyone wants to put their name down, just drop by my office. I've left a stack of cards on my desk - if I'm not there just write your name on a card and leave it there. You'll have plenty of time to think it over, crew selection won't be till the end of the week." There was an amused snort from the back of the group. “Or we could just have a show of hands right now," said Ornie, “Whether they're going or not, I don't figure anyone is going to need a week to make up their minds. So - who's for volunteering?" Twenty three hands rose into the air. Jeb looked startled but started to count the hands. “Or alternatively - who doesn't want to volunteer?" Not a single hand went up. Jeb blinked. “I wasn't joking about bigger engines you know. I'm not even sure how we're going to build them yet. And you're all asking to be put in a seat on top of the biggest, most dangerous rocket we've ever built, and fired into space?" Twenty three pairs of large round eyes stared unblinkingly back at him. Ornie coughed. “The thing is, Jeb - this is what we're all here for. We've all seen Bill's pictures but speaking for myself, that just whet my appetite to go out and see the real thing. Besides, it may be the biggest rocket we've built yet, it may even be just a mite experimental but if I was sitting in that capsule, I'd be knowing that everything underneath me was built by people that I trust." Ornie grinned. “Although I might be a bit more worried about the bits that I'd built." Jeb surveyed his team. There was a general nodding of heads and murmurs of agreement with Ornie. He came to a decision. In that case good kerbals, I think crew selection just got moved forward a few days. I'll be right back." Jeb disappeared into his office, hurriedly returning with a wastepaper basket, a handful of pens and a stack of small white cards. He set them all down on the table beside the Kerbin 2. “Right folks. Take a card, scribble your name on it , fold it in half and drop it in the basket here." There was a squeak from Roncott. “Uhh - are you telling us that pilots are going to be picked at random?" “Yes," said Jeb simply. “I've been thinking about this a lot, folks and the problem is that everyone here could give me a good reason to be picked. Ornie and Richlin have some piloting experience already - but I don't think flying a spacecraft is going to be a whole lot like flying a plane. Bill, Bob, Geneney, Lucan and Wernher have already gone up, so they have some idea what to expect. Everyone else is an expert on at least part of the capsule or the launcher, which might give them that crucial bit of knowledge in an emergency. Besides, my thinking is that everyone here will have their part to play in building the Moho spacecraft, so everyone here should get their chance to fly them too. So eventually, I realised that the only fair way to do this was to get a pool of volunteers and let chance decide who gets to fly." Roncott nodded solemnly and dropped his card into the basket. Jeb picked the basket up and gave it a thorough shake. Everyone could see the flurry of cards through the gaps in the weave. He offered it towards them, taking care to look away from the contents. “Anyone else want to give this a shake?" Nobody moved. Jeb closed his eyes tightly, dipped his hand into the basket and rapidly pulled out a card. “And the pilot for Moho 1 is..." A startled look crossed Jeb's face as he unfolded the card and read out the name printed on the inside. “Jeb." The tension in the room broke as everyone burst out laughing, amidst good-natured calls of “Fixed! Fixed!" Jeb grinned sheepishly and made to drop his card back into the basket, only to be greeted by a chorus of denial." He raised his hands in mock surrender and laid the card down on the table, before reaching for a second card. “The pilot for Moho 2 is... Camrie!" The logistics and design team went wild. Jeb could see Roncott bouncing up and down, thumping Camrie on the back in delight. He drew out another card. “The pilot for Moho 3 is... Wilford!" Wilford sat down with a thump and gaped incredulously at his friends, an enormous smile slowly spreading across his face. “The pilot for Moho 4 is... Adelan!" Adelan's mouth dropped open. She grabbed Camrie around the waist and swung her friend around joyfully. “That's even better! We both get to go!" “And finally, the pilots for Moho 5 and Moho 6 are... Richlin and Joemy!" Ornie solemnly shook hands with his friend before chuckling and pulling him into a great bear hug. “Well at least there's someone going up in one of these contraptions who knows a bit about flying!" Joemy was the latest member of the capsule assembly team. Like Wilford, he just stared at Jeb in utter disbelief before being mobbed by enthusiastic kerbals. Jeb grinned cheerfully at the milling crowd of excited kerbals. “OK everyone - we've got our pilots - now we've got some serious work to do!" -------------- The LV905 shut down in a brief spray of unburnt fuel, bouncing slightly as the sudden loss of thrust caused the test stand to pop and flex. The propulsion team removed their ear protectors and waited for the dust to settle before gathering round. Hando flipped up the restraining bar on the console and reeled back the strip chart for inspection. “Looks good. I'd say we're getting about 5% more thrust over the 902. Quicker ramp up as well." Malmie grunted in satisfaction. “Told you that the 903 chamber design was sound." He inspected the chart critically. “Combustion is nice and stable this time. Looks like Wernher's tweaks to the propellant lines were what we needed." Wernher looked up. “Five percent is good - better than I expected actually. We could maybe get some more if we went back to the 902 turbopumps but I'm much happier working with the pressure fed design for these smaller engines." He looked apologetically at Hando. “I know you've been working hard on the load cells, Hando but are you sure they're calibrated?" Hando shrugged and reeled the chart further back. "I ran both series of standard masses this morning. Data is right here if you want to look." A quick glance told Wernher all he needed to know. “Excellent. That's going to help a lot, especially for the strap on boosters."He sighed. “The hard part starts now though I'm afraid. Even an extra five percent on the 905s isn't going to make up for the lack of thrust on the LV-15. I think it might be time to revisit the LV-10." Ornie caught the reluctance in Wernher's voice. “I take it there's a story here?" Wernher nodded. “The LV-10 was something I came up with back when we were building the Kerbal 1. It was obvious that a single LV-15 wasn't going to be enough and we never could get a cluster of them to work properly. So I figured we'd go for a single bigger engine and run it hotter. To stop the whole thing melting I tried running the fuel lines around the combustion chamber walls to cool them down." He stared into the distance. “Great idea in theory but not so great in practice. We never did work out what happened with the last test but it went very very blam indeed." At that point, Wernher looked hopefully at Ornie. “Looking back at it, I think a big part of the trouble was the fact that I just never could get the fuel lines to wrap properly around the chamber. You're a better kerbal than I am with a pipe bender though..." Ornie looked thoughtful. “I take it we're trying to use the hot fuel somehow and not just dumping it overboard?" Wernher retrieved a pencil from behind his ear and sketched out a quick diagram on the chart paper. “Can't afford to waste the propellant. No - we use the vaporised fuel to drive the turbopumps. Engine start is a bit fiddly but once it's up and running it should work nicely." Ornie nodded slowly. “I think I see how that works. OK - I'll give it a go." He scratched his head. “You're right though - that's going to be one heck of a job of pipe bending. Anyhow - reckon I'm going to take a break. Maybe head over to Shed 2 and see how the sim team are doing with the Whirligig." Ornie let himself out of the side gate and headed across the road from the main warehouse. Now that they were building spacecraft on a larger scale, Jeb had decided that the Spaceship Parts Company needed more ship space and had leased another couple of smaller warehouses. The Spaceship Museum had been moved into it's own building, leaving the main warehouse free for vehicle development, testing and assembly. The other building - Shed 2, was for crew training. Ornie stuck his head around the door to be greeted by a scene of organised chaos. The Kerbal 2 capsule sat in the middle of the dimly lit warehouse floor surrounded by a cats cradle of steel frameworks, gas cylinders and tubes and cables of all descriptions. A large screen curved over the capsule from either side of the framework, each with a display projector mounted on a tripod behind it. Across the floor was a makeshift booth, sheltering what appeared to be a large and bewilderingly complicated control board which was connected to the rest of the equipment by a thick skein of cables. Three kerbals were seated behind the controls, peering intently at the mass of switches, dials and other other displays. All the electronics gear had a shop worn appearance and Ornie was fairly sure he'd seen various bits of it gathering dust in a corner of the launch control bunker. Ornie watched in fascination as the whole unlikely contrivance wheezed into life, lifitng the capsule off the floor and tilting it into a nose down attitude. One of the kerbals behind the control board tapped the microphone in front of him. “OK, Jeb, lets try the calibration again. Give me a plus oh one pitch." There was a sharp hissing noise and the the capsule slowly tilted up towards horizontal and then, continued to tumble over and over. From the lack of flame, Ornie assumed that the noise wasn't caused by any kind of actual rocket system, which all in all was probably a good idea. “Looking good, Jeb. Negative oh one whenever you're ready." With another hiss of high pressure gas, the capsule came to a halt, nose pointing jauntily upwards. The simulator whirred briefly and the capsule slowly swung round to its starting position. “Perfect. Lets go for the rest of the calibration sequence." The staccato sound of compressed gas jets filled the air as the capsule proceeded to twist and spin in a set of increasingly elaborate maneuvers, guided all the while by a series of increasingly cryptic commands from the control booth. Finally it came to a standstill and the hatch popped open. Jeb climbed out, grinning from ear to ear. “What a ride ! I can't wait to take this thing out for a proper spin! Hey, Tomcas - everything felt sharp from inside the capsule - how did it look from your board?" Tomcas consulted one of the panels in front of him. “Looked good from here too, Jeb. I think we're finally done with the calibration. He grinned at the two kerbals sitting next to him. “Time to move on to the real training." ---------------- “LV-T15 article 3 - beginning test." Wernher crossed his fingers behind his back as Hando started up the test stand. The LV-T15 roared into life behind the blast shields and for one triumphant moment, Wernher thought the propulsion team had cracked it. Then there was a ominous bloom of orange light, followed a fraction of a second later by a loud explosion and a rapidly expanding fireball billowing into the sky. Hando hastily shut off the fuel supply to the test stand and waited patiently for the tinkling sound of pieces of metal ricocheting off the metal sheets to subside. Ornie, Wernher and Malmy gloomily surveyed the twisted and blackened wreckage. The chunk of ruptured pipe hanging off what was left of the prototype engine told a painfully clear story. Ornie threw up his hands in resignation. “Sorry guys but I don't think the coiled pipe idea is going to work. I honestly reckon that was my best piece of work yet - but it looks like my best just aint going to be good enough." Wernher gripped his shoulder briefly. “Don't worry about it, Ornie. I doubt anyone could have any better. We're just going to need another plan." The unspoken question hung in the air, with neither kerbal willing or able to answer it. Eventually Wernher just shrugged. “We'll think of something eventually. In the meantime, as we're not doing much here, I think I'll see if the capsule folks need a hand with anything." The rest of the propulsion team nodded slowly and followed him into the vehicle assembly area. Inside, everyone was hard at work on the Moho 1. Bill was seated at a bench, soldering iron prodding at what looked like a control panel. A thick bundle of cables was gradually being hauled in through the open capsule hatch, accompanied by the clattering of a power wrench and odd mumbled expletive from inside. Roncott was working at another bench by the nose assembly carefully packing a parachute canopy. Two other kerbals were working with caulking guns, filling in sections of the broad saucer shaped heat shield already in place on the base of the capsule and peering critically at the already filled areas. Occasionally one of them would pick up a drill, gouge out an entire section and patiently set to work re-filling it. In other areas of the warehouse floor, the remaining sections of the spacecraft were gradually taking shape. From the clusters of reaction control nozzles and general confusion of plumbing, Wernher recognised one of them as the retrorocket and RCS module. The benches nearby were full of neatly ordered components, presumably in strict assembly sequence order. Well away from the RCS module and indeed the rest of the Moho 1, two jigs were standing next to each other, each with a slim metal ring clamped carefully to it. Even from this distance, Wernher could see the yellow and black stripes painted around the outside of each ring. Geneney was kneeling on the floor next to them, slotting decoupler bolts into place. Wernher sat down at a nearby bench feeling rather dispirited. Clearly there wasn't much he could do here and worse still, this beautiful piece of engineering wasn't going anywhere without a, so far non-existent, main engine to power it. Absently he prodded at what appeared to be a piece of corrugated copper, watching glumly as it rocked back and forth on the bench. Kerm only knew what it had been before but the level of polish suggested that it was due to be installed somewhere in the capsule and wasn't just a piece of scrap. A voice rose over the general hubbbub. “Has anyone seen the primary heat exchanger baffle?" “Should be on bench 4, Joemy, with the rest of the cooling system parts." Joemy hurried over. “Ahh there it is. Could I just take that, Wernher? Thanks." He stopped as he saw the look on Wernher's face. “Heat exchanger?" Joemy was puzzled but happy to explain. “Sure - we braze a dual inlet manifold to each end of this. Primary coolant from the capsule systems runs through these channels here. We run secondary coolant in countercurrent through these channels here before sending it out to the evaporator plates." “Heat exchanger..." “Uh-huh. We put the whole thing in a casing of course," Joemy said nervously, “to close the channels over and keep them separate." “Heat exchanger!" Wernher jumped to his feet, all despondency forgotten. “Joemy - you may just have saved this program! Do we have any more of this copper in stock?" Now Joemy was completely baffled but pleased to have made such an impression on the chief engineer. “I'm not sure, Wernher. Geneney will know though, or if he's busy, Camrie could probably tell you." “Ornie, ORNIE! Get over here and take a look at this!" Ornie rushed over in alarm. “I'm here chief - what's the problem?" “Take a look at this - you think you could stick this around the LV-T15 chamber?" Ornie picked up the heat exchanger baffle and flexed it experimentally between his hands. “Seems to have enough give. Yeah, should be able to. He peered along the corrugations. “Nice and straight too."Then realisation dawned. “A double walled chamber - is that what you're thinking?" Wernher nodded vigorously. “Yes - rather than one large tube, we use a whole array of them. Assuming we can do it, it should make for an even more efficient design!" ----------- “De-orbit burn complete. Nice work, Jeb but watch that roll rate." Jeb deftly countered the roll with a quick burst from his RCS thrusters. The capsule bumped and jerked around him as the air outside started to thicken. “100km and dropping. Keep it steady." There was a sudden lurch to one side. Jeb swore to himself as he fought to keep the little craft on course. Lodan's voice crackled over his headset in sudden alarm. “80 km and dropping. Nose up - nose up!" Jeb gritted his teeth and bit back a pointed reply. The turbulence was smoothing out a little now as the capsule decelerated and his attitude rate indicators returned to something approaching normal. “60km and dropping. Cabin temperature nominal, coming down 200km off target. 30 km and dropping... 15km and dropping - drogue chute deployed." Bob watched as the Whirligig capsule gradually pitched upright. “And you're on the mains. Welcome home, boss." The capsule lowered itself to the floor and Jeb climbed out, shaking slightly , flight suit soaked in sweat. “Well that was intense." Bob gave Jeb a moment to catch his breath. “200 km off target - I guess the booth crew decided to break the automatics huh?" “Yes they did," Jeb growled, “Right in the middle of the de-orbit burn." He ran his hands through his hair and looked wearily at Bob. “Still - that's why we built this thing. Better to have this all down cold before the big day." He raised his voice as he turned his head towards the booth. “OK you guys. Gimme five minutes to cool off and then we'll run through that again. And why don't you give me a real test this time!" Bob looked him solemnly. Probably not the best time to mention this but when would be a good time. “Just saw the news, Jeb. Looks like Rockomax have a satellite in orbit too. Pretty hefty one at that. The reporter at KBS was calling it the latest leap in the Space Race." Jeb sighed. “Anything to make a story I guess. In actual fact I was kinda hoping to go visit Ademone at some point. I know Wernher is still puzzled by their launcher, keeps insisting that their last flight looked all wrong for a solid booster." Bob was a little skeptical. “C'mon, Jeb. After all this effort, you're not trying to tell me that you'd be happy sitting on the launch pad in a few weeks time knowing that you were just about to play second kerbal to some Rockomax pilot." “Well probably not." Jeb conceded. “After all the work we've put in, it would hurt not being the first - particularly as it was our own damn satellite that got Rockomax into the race in the first place." He shook his head. “Kerm's sake. It's not a race. We go when we're ready and that's that! Besides, we both know that there's a big difference between lobbing a satellite around Kerbin and putting together a piloted mission. No sense in hurrying things. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for being the first kerbal in space but I'd prefer not to stay there permanently." He looked at his friend. “We'd best get used to not being the first at everything though, Bob. We've got a healthy start but Rockomax are good - and ambitious with it. Anyway - I'd best climb back into that machine over there and see what the booth crew have planned for me next." ------------- “LV-T20 article 5. Beginning test." Wernher gestured to Joemy to come and join him by the test console. “This one's all yours, Joemy. Start it up." The engine rumbled into life behind the screens, the rumble rapidly building up into a howling fury. Light from the rocket fire blazed out around the test stand, which was shaking under the load. The screens began to rattle and then blew over with a resounding crash as they were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of incandescent exhaust pouring out of the engine bell. For one shining moment before Wernher shut down the test, the Kerbin Interplanetary Society were treated to the sound and sight of an LV-T20 engine at full thrust. Jeb clenched his fists in triumph. He didn't need to inspect the test data. Finally they had what they needed. A successor to the LV15 and the next generation engine that could propel him and his fellow pilots out of Kerbin's atmosphere and into space. Far away at Stratus headquarters, Thomplin put down the phone and turned to face Halnie. “How do you feel about another trip out to Barkton?" No need to answer that question, Thomplin thought to himself. “That was Jeb on the phone, as you probably guessed. It seems they're planning something, and I quote, 'rather special in three weeks time, assuming the all-up tests go to plan.' He also had the neck to let me know that he'd set aside six complimentary launch tickets for Stratus." Halnie smiled. “Looks like you, me and a couple from management then. I should also see if anyone has any contacts at KBS - I have a feeling that they're going to want to see this too." << Chapter 9 :: Chapter 11>>
  13. I play on a laptop, so I have a ~200 part limit, I'd love some optimization too.
  14. Only if you're doing flights within the Kerbin/Mun/Minmus system. Once you start doing interplanetary flights, that game changes; cryogenic fuel might be a bad choice for 200 days flight to Jool
  15. Guest

    Forum Rules

    Reglas del foro - 21 de Junio, 2013 1. Disposiciones generales 1.1 Alcance de las reglas Las reglas aquí listadas se aplican a todos los servicios mantenidos por Squad para la comunidad de KSP. Esto incluye pero no esta limitado a los Foros, el SpacePort, el canal oficial de IRC y al sistema de seguimiento de bugs. 1.2 Reglas adicionales Los servicios citados en el punto 1.1 pueden tener reglas propias encima de estas reglas, listadas en el sitio web u otro canal de comunicación. 1.3 La visión detrás de las reglas Los servicios que Squad ha abierto para la comunidad de KSP son para las personas de todos los ámbitos y todas las edades. Las reglas están dispuestas como un ambiente donde todos los usuarios dan y reciben un trato con un nivel básico de respeto mientras mantienen los servicios disponibles para todos. 2. Mensajes 2.1 Definición de mensaje Un mensaje es considerado como cualquier forma o medio que el usuario tiene disponible para comunicarse con otros miembros de la comunidad. Esto incluye pero no está limitado a mensajes en el foro, mensajes privados, mensajes por IRC, avatares, firmas, nombres de usuario y la información de los perfiles. 2.2 Contenido prohibido Los mensajes que contuvieren texto o vínculos acerca de lo siguiente están terminantemente prohibidos: Piratería o charlas sobre piratería; Charlas sobre política, ideologías o religión; Contenido adulto, como desnudez, imágenes sexualmente explícitas ó sugestivas, imágenes de naturaleza violenta o sangrienta y drogas; Acoso a otro usuario ó a los empleados y moderadores, esto incluye insultos, amenazas, acoso, racismo, sexismo, pretender ser otro usuario y publicar conversaciones privadas; Comentarios vulgares ó profanos. Teorías de conspiración; y Vínculos a iniciativas con fines de lucro ó comerciales. 2.3 Otros contenidos prohibidos Mensajes que no tienen contenido substancial, por ejemplo mensajes que contienen sólo imágenes de reacción, un "+1" o jerga; y Mensajes que se apartan del tema original o hechos con el fin de molestar (trolling). 2.4 Lenguaje, ortografía y gramática Todos los mensajes de ésta sección del Foro deben ser en Español, excepto que se indique otra cosa explícitamente. El usuario debería hacer el esfuerzo de usar una gramática y ortografía correcta, evitando por ejemplo txto de cel, 1337 y otras jergas. El uso de ellas está prohibido. 3. Relaciones entre los usuarios y moderadores 3.1 Definición de moderador y empleados Un moderador es una persona que es seleccionada por Squad para manejar una parte de uno ó múltiples servicios de los definidos en el punto 1.1. Los empleados abarcan todos los empleados y moderadores. 3.2 Moderación espontánea Moderación espontánea (escribir mensajes y actuar como un moderador) no está permitido. Si sientes que un mensaje requiere atención del equipo de moderadores, por favor usa el botón para reportar incidentes ("report") o contacta un moderador. 3.3 Pretender ser un empleado ó moderador Tratar de personificar un moderador, por ejemplo registrándose con un sobrenombre que se parezca a un moderador no está permitido. 3.4 Charlas públicas acerca de decisiones de moderadores y falta de respeto en general No permitimos discusiones públicas sobre decisiones del equipo. Si estás en desacuerdo con un miembro del equipo de moderadores contáctalo primero y mantén la charla en un tono civilizado. Si consideras la respuesta insatisfactoria puedes contactar un moderador de mayor jerarquía. 4. Misceláneas 4.1 Límites en la firma Todas las firmas en el foro deben obedecer los siguientes criterios: la altura máxima es de 80 píxeles, texto e imágenes incluídas y no ser más ancha que 750 píxeles. No debe ser mayor a 200 Kb en total. 4.2 Licencias de los agregados (addon) Todos los agregados (add-ons), plugins y productos similares (como por ejemplo, código, texturas, modelos en 3d) publicados en los servicios mencionados en el punto 1.1 deben ser acompañados por el código fuente (si corresponde) y una licencia tanto en el artículo del foro como en el archivo descargable. Todos los trabajos que hayan usado estos agregados, plugins o similares deben mencionar el trabajo original y proveer el permiso de uso del producto original. 4.3 Evasión de medidas punitivas Los miembros que intencionalmente evadan los efectos de una medida punitiva como una restricción a publicar serán sujetos a una expulsión inmediata de cualquiera o todos los servicios que Squad ofrece en la comunidad de Kerbal Space Program. Otros artículos sugeridos para leer. Más allá del alcance de las reglas es buena idea mantenerse actualizado con la guía de buen comportamientos en el foro (en Inglés), la guía de lo que no se debería sugerir (en Inglés), la lista de problemas conocidos (en Inglés), la lista de nuevas funcionalidades oficial (en Inglés) y los artículos persistentes (sticky) relevantes a los temas de cada sección del foro. Esta lectura previene publicaciones repetidas. Romper cualquiera de estas reglas o sugerencias puede resultar en una acción punitiva en contra tuya, estas acciones pueden incluir apercibimientos o expulsiones del foro ó servicios provistos como están descriptos en el punto 1.1, dependiendo de la gravedad de la infracción y a tu historial como usuario. Squad y su equipo de empleados y moderadores se reservan el derecho a actuar en consecuencia y ejercer medidas punitivas en cualquier situación que así lo requiriere a juicio del superscripto, incluso si esta acción no violare las reglas listadas en este artículo. Nota final: Esta traducción de las reglas sirve como conveniencia para los hispanohablantes, sin embargo las reglas originales (en inglés) son las que serán tenidas en cuenta ante el caso de encontrar una diferencia.
  16. Now I'm imagining large scale Kerbal QWOP Get the sequence right nnnNNNNNOOOOOOOO 200 ton faceplant
  17. I wouldn't say it was "out of control", but there are enough people whom are willing to go that route, especially in the US with small claims lawsuits (typically under $5000 dollar award request) being very inexpensive to file and typically not fought by lawyers (unless filed in a state where the one party doesn't reside). With small claims suits costing less than $50 to file in most states (and thus the total liability in some states), it can be an attractive way for someone who feels "wronged" (even if the reasons are very suspect) to file suit. One of the things done in an FS case was that a developer filed multiple small claims suits in their home state (which followed the "no fault" rule where if you filed as the plaintiff and you lost you didn't owe for the defendant's costs) against small freeware developers who lived out of state and were unable to fly in or pay for a lawyer to appear in their stead, so the freeware guys simply plead no contest or simply closed shop (thus eliminating the competition for the "payware" developer). Another case, a user sued a small developer who produced "donationware" because they didn't think it fair that because they donated one amount they only got part of a collection while another person who donated a dollar more got the full thing. This resulted in a ruling against the developer (who did fight it) because the judge found that it was not a "normal" business practice to split a collection the way he did where there was no defined donation bracket (i.e. donate $5 you get this, donate $10 you get this). The developer had to give the whole collection to not only that one user, but all others who'd donated at that level prior. While he probably should have simply made 2 packages out of the collection, he didn't and it got him in trouble because of it. While the total number of lawsuits filed that I'm aware of in the FS community over the years is probably under 200 (there were probably more, but they just didn't make any FS news service), it was less than 10 that made major changes in how the community worked forever and how many games were designed afterwards and how their addons were handled if they allowed modifications. It was these 10-or-so lawsuits that led to what we see today with micro-transactions. It was the move away from donationware and shareware due to those litigations that made it where you either offered something totally for free or you charged for everything because the middle ground was too rife with legal risk.
  18. 2.50m Booster Development The results of the 2.50m engine static testing have been released. In all, 4 companies submitted 11 engines for evaluation. [TABLE=class: grid, width: 100%, align: center] [TR] [TD]Manufacturer [/TD] [TD]Name [/TD] [TD]Size (m) [/TD] [TD]Thrust (kN) [/TD] [TD]Mass (t) [/TD] [TD]TWR [/TD] [TD]Vac ISP [/TD] [TD]Atm ISP [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]AIES Aerospace[/TD] [TD]Orbit II[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]300[/TD] [TD]1.20[/TD] [TD]25.48[/TD] [TD]370[/TD] [TD]320[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]AIES Aerospace[/TD] [TD]Produl-VR2[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]500[/TD] [TD]1.80[/TD] [TD]28.32[/TD] [TD]370[/TD] [TD]320[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]AIES Aerospace[/TD] [TD]Mogul-MP1500[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]1250[/TD] [TD]5.00[/TD] [TD]25.48[/TD] [TD]370[/TD] [TD]320[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]B9 Aerospace[/TD] [TD]L2 Atlas[/TD] [TD]2.5m[/TD] [TD]120[/TD] [TD]0.90[/TD] [TD]13.59[/TD] [TD]390[/TD] [TD]300[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]KW Rocketry[/TD] [TD]Service Propulsion System[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]200[/TD] [TD]2.25[/TD] [TD]9.06[/TD] [TD]410[/TD] [TD]270[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]KW Rocketry[/TD] [TD]Vesta VR-9D[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]500[/TD] [TD]5.00[/TD] [TD]10.19[/TD] [TD]380[/TD] [TD]310[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]KW Rocketry[/TD] [TD]Maverick-V[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]1300[/TD] [TD]6.00[/TD] [TD]22.09[/TD] [TD]335[/TD] [TD]285[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]KW Rocketry[/TD] [TD]Griffon-G8D[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]1700[/TD] [TD]8.00[/TD] [TD]21.66[/TD] [TD]325[/TD] [TD]280[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]NovaPunch[/TD] [TD]Orbital Bertha[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]475[/TD] [TD]3.00[/TD] [TD]16.14[/TD] [TD]405[/TD] [TD]335[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]NovaPunch[/TD] [TD]SLS-250 Bearcat[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]1400[/TD] [TD]3.25[/TD] [TD]43.91[/TD] [TD]335[/TD] [TD]290[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]NovaPunch[/TD] [TD]Bertha Mini Quad[/TD] [TD]2.50m[/TD] [TD]1850[/TD] [TD]6.50[/TD] [TD]29.01[/TD] [TD]320[/TD] [TD]275[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Standouts included the lone submission by B9 Aerospace, for its light weight and extremely low profile. AIES Aerospace produced a nicely balanced suite of engines with good thrust to weight ratios, but again all with identical ISP numbers. KW Rocketry submitted four engines, including the small SPS engine with a poor thrust to weight, but a fantastic ISP in vaccuum, plus their usual trio of engines with ascending thrust and descending ISP; good practice for multi-staged rockets. The real highlight was NovaPunch's Bearcat engine, affording an outstanding thrust to weight ratio. The Bearcat would be selected as the primary engine for all 2.50m booster first stages, both for Project Geb and Project Isis. KW Rocketry would continue to be contracted for all 2.50m diameter propellant tanks. Project Isis has much less staff and funding than Geb, which has until now enjoyed all of the attention. This is natural since much more attention is focused on manned spaceflight. Both programs rely on the same booster development, however, and Isis will use the first 2.50m booster in its first mission. Isis I It turns out that AIES Aerospace makes much more than just rocket engines. They also specialize in unmanned probes and scientific equipment, so much so that almost the complete Isis Atmospheric and Landing Probe (IALP) would be constructed by them. IALP being assembed in the VAB, here shown affixed to its heat shield. The IALP body is constructed by AIES Aerospace, and includes a small propellant tank integrated at the bottom, plus four dual-nozzle Des-T5 engines, producing a combined 20kN of thrust. These small descent engines will assist the top-mounted parachute in making landings. The power is supplied by a AIES RAD-R Mini RTG and a 100 unit battery. Also provided by AIES are four scientific instruments, measuing pressure, temperature, the local acceleration due to gravity, and acceleration forces experienced by the probe. A Graphotron 2000 data recording devide, and a Kerbal Engineer flight and data computer are included as well. Lights, telecommunications equipment, laser range finding, as well as a high quality, omnidirectional digital camera with high zoom, provided by Lazor Systems, round out the science package. IALP is intended to eventually fly to other planets and collect data on their atmospheres, gravity, and take photos, all to be transmitted back to Kerbin. Isis atop of its heat shield and fairing base prior to final assembly and stacking The fairing would also be constructed by AIES Aerospace, and the NovaPunch Orbital Bertha would be chosen as the upper stage engine. The first test flight of IALP will be to study Kerbin's own atmosphere, as a calibration test of all its systems. The completed vehicle, Isis inside the fairing and atop the Latrans II Booster. Mission Outline & Objectives: First launch of the Isis Probe and 2.50m Latrans II booster. Reach a circular, equatorial orbit at 80km Test the Lazor Systems camera by taking photographs of Mun and Minmus Re-enter Kerbin's atmosphere and collect data down to a sea splashdown Liftoff just after sunset at KSC. Lower stage separation and fairing jettisoning prior to final orbit insertion. Shortly after entering stable orbit, the Lazor Systems Camera turns and zooms to take photographs of Minmus, demonstrating good zoom capabilities. Later in the orbit, detailed photos of Mun are taken, like this one. The upper stage de-orbits the probe, and is then jettisoned. The probe then turns to point its heat shield towards the atmosphere. Systems power up to begin recording atmospheric and gravity data. The heat shield protects the probe from re-entry Simultaneously, IALP discards its heat shield and deploys its parachute at a height of about 2km. Data recording is going smoothly. Splashdown. The probe tips over but survives, data intact. Later, the probe would be recovered and taken back to KSC, its mission a success. Investigation of Kerbin's Atmosphere Direct Observations from Isis 1 The descent profile, showing Isis' velocity relative to the surface, and the dynamic pressure exerted on it. The strong peak in dynamic pressure shows the peak re-entry effects. The sudden drop off at the end shows parachute deployment. The temperature and pressure of Kerbin's atmosphere as a function of altitude. By rearranging the formula for dynamic pressure, and assuming surface velocity is the local air velocity (assuming no wind), we can calculate the density of Kerbin's atmosphere relative to altitude for each data point, which is shown below along with the local acceleration due to gravity. Atmospheric density and local acceleration due to gravity. The final analysis involved estimating the molar mass, and hence composition, of Kerbin's atmosphere. Given a calculated surface air density of 1.223054kg/m3, a surface temperature of 19.85C, and a pressure of 1atm, by rearranging the ideal gas law and inserting the proper ideal gas constant (0.088205746m3 atm K−1 kg-mol−1) we calculate the molar mass of Kerbin's atmosphere to be 29.41kg/kg-mol, which is roughtly consistent with an atmosphere of mostly nitrogen (28kg/kg-mol) with some Oxygen (32kg/kg-mol). Linear interpolation would suggest a composition of 35% Oxygen and 65% Nitrogen, but this obviously is an approximation since it includes several assumptions (Such as Kerbin's atmosphere having only two components).
  19. Voici les règles du forum traduites en Français (merci àstupid_chris pour son aide). Sachez toutefois, que cette traduction n'est pas officielle, quelle que soit son exactitude. Pour les règles officielles (en anglais), référez-vous au post précédent. Notice: Enfreindre ces règles ou suggestions pourrait résulter en une mesure disciplinaire àvotre égard. Ces mesures peuvent inclure des infractions du forum ou un bannissement des services mentionnées en 1.1, selon la sévérité de l’offense et de votre historique personnel. Squad et le personnel se réservent le droit de changer ces règles ou d’ajouter àces dernières en tout temps et àtout moment où ils le jugent nécessaire, et ce, sans préavis. Squad et le personnel se réservent aussi le droit d’agir et d’appliquer des mesures disciplinaires a toute situation qu’ils jugent non désirée – même si elle n’enfreint pas de règle mentionnée dans ce post. 1. Clauses générales 1.1 Portée des règles Les règles ci-dessous s'appliquent àtous les services maintenus par Squad au service de la communauté KSP. Ceci inclut notamment le Forum, le SpacePort, le canal IRC officiel et le Bug Tracker. 1.2 Règles additionnelles Les services, tels que décrits en 1.1, peuvent appliquer des règles supplémentaires àcelles ici décrites. 1.3 Objectif des règles Les services proposés par Squad àla communauté KSP ont pour cible des personnes de toute origine et de tout âge. Les règles servent de modèle par lequel tous les utilisateurs maintiennent un certain niveau de respect envers les autres, et conservent les services accessibles àtous. 2. Messages 2.1 Définition d'un message Un message inclut toute forme de communication d'un utilisateur avec d'autres membres. Ceci inclut entre autres les posts sur le forum ainsi que les messages privés, les messages sur IRC, les avatars, signatures, noms d'utilisateur et informations du profil d'utilisateur. 2.2 Contenu prohibé Les messages contenant ou conduisant au contenu listé ci-dessous sont interdits : Piratage ou discussion de piratage Discussions de nature politique, idéologique ou religieuse Contenu adulte, tel que nudité, images suggestives ou explicites, gore et drogues Harcèlement d'autres utilisateurs ou de l'équipe de modération, incluant insultes, menaces, racisme, sexisme, usurpation d'identité, ainsi que divulgation de conversations privées Vulgarité Théories du complot Liens àbut commercial 2.3 Autres messages interdits Messages sans contenu substantiel, par exemple ne contenant que des images, "+1" ou du jargon Messages qui déraillent un topic ou "trollent" Messages de renseignement sur les dates de sortis des futures versions de KSP. 2.4 Langage, orthographe et grammaire Tous les messages doivent être rédigés en Anglais, sauf mention contraire. L'utilisateur doit faire l'effort d'employer une orthographe et une grammaire correctes, ce qui implique que toute forme d'écriture texto/sms, 1337-speak et autres jargons est interdite. 3. Relations utilisateur-personnel 3.1 Définition du personnel et des membres du personnel Un membre du personnel et une personne nommée par Squad ou au nom de Squad pour gérer (une partie de) un ou plusieurs services tels que décrits en 1.1. Le personnel est composé de tous les membres du personnel. 3.2 Modération indirecte La modération indirecte (envoi de messages imitant le personnel) n'est pas autorisée. Si vous pensez qu'un message particulier nécessite l'attention du personnel, veuillez utiliser le bouton "Report" ou contacter un membre du personnel. 3.3 Usurpation d'identité L'usurpation d'identité d'autres membres ou du personnel, par exemple en utilisant un nom ressemblant au leur, est interdite. 3.4 Discussion publique des décisions du personnel et irrespect Nous n'autorisons pas la discussion publique des décisions du personnel. Si vous avez un différend avec un membre du personnel, contactez-le/la et restez civilisés. Si la réponse apportée ne vous satisfait pas, contactez un membre du personnel de rang supérieur. 4. Sécurité du compte 4.1 Responsabilitée de l'utilisateur L'utilisateur est responsable pour la sécurité de son compte. En conséquence, toute action qui se déroule avec un compte sera considéré comme la responsabilité de l'utilisateur qui utilise le compte. 4.2 Un utilisateur par compte, un compte par utilisateur Une seule personne peut utiliser un compte et chaque personne peut qu'avoir un seul compte. 5. Autres 5.1 Limite des signatures Toutes les signatures du forum doivent suivre ces critères : hauteur limitée à120 pixels, texte et images inclus, largeur limitée à750 pixels et ne dépassant pas 200 ko au total. 5.2 License des addons Tout addon, plugin ou fichier similaire (tel que du code, des textures ou des modèles) posté sur les services mentionnés en 1.1 doivent être accompagnés du code source (si applicable) et d’une license disponible dans le post et le fichier téléchargé. Tout travail dérivé d’un addon, plugin ou fichier similaire doit attribuer le travail originel et donner la preuve des droits sur le travail originel. 5.3 Évitement des mesures disciplinaires Les membres qui évitent intentionnellement les mesures disciplinaires telles que les bannissements ou les restrictions de la capacité àposter sont sujets àun bannissement immédiat de tous les services offerts par la communauté de Kerbal Space Program. Autres posts àlire: Excluant les règles, il est aussi important de se tenir au courant du Guide de bonne conduite, de la liste officielle des Choses àne pas suggérer, la liste des Problèmes connus, la Liste officielle du contenu planifié et des «stickies» importants dans les différents forums avant de poster.
  20. Well I'm happy. My crappy computer can happily deal with 200 part craft now. Definitely couldn't do that before without going out and getting lunch, coming back, and realising i'm still not in orbit.
  21. Make it a probe, make it expensive and durable (impact tolerance of 100-200 m/s) and give it some sensors. There you have a perfect impactor probe, hitting planetary surface at high speeds and analyzing the dust around it afterwards.
  22. 0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10 who the heck are you (even though you have 200+ posts and I have around 80 )
  23. Mechjeb has an CPM of around 70-100 meter I think, that is most landings come within that distance, however Laythe has always been very inaccurate and more like 500 meters. An know bug is that the function who tries to kill vertical speed before final decent freaks out on low gravity worlds like Gilly, Bop, Pol and Minmus with some rare landers. Solution is to disable autopilot then it display killing vertical speed and do the decent manually. This is anyway an good idea for pinpoint accuracy. Another issue is that mechjeb is not very smart, one recent experience, sending an ion powered probe to Moho, an 15 minutes burn from LKO, now as I started in 200 km attitude and dropped down to 130 km during the burn before the node I got extra boost because of lower and faster orbit and this sent me far inside Moho orbit. However the same would have happened if you let it fly on ASAS, mechjeb just make sure you point in the right direction and burn the required m/s.
  24. The docking ports aren't required for the fuel, the fuel lines do that just fine on their own, the docking ports just make the structural connection from the fuel tank to the bi-coupler. If you take a look at this I know, as I said the TVR-200 and 200L don't line up, but it serves to illustrate my point fairly well. Just imagine that docking ports aren't there, notice how the part tree only connects to one of the fuel tanks? It wouldn't matter if it was two TVR-200s that lined up perfectly, the bi-coupler would only connect to one of parts, leaving the other flapping in the breeze. Sure you could strut the thing, and it would probably stay in place, but it's good to know the proper way to assemble multi-port designs like this as when you start building bigger and more advanced ships, that lack of a connection can cause some serious problems and serious frustration (Side note: This is a few months back, but it took me three launches to figure out why the quad coupler with docking ports in the middle of my ship (the top was a space station module and the bottom was a tug) was loosing three of the four docking ports every time I decoupled them. Turns out, although there was a connection between all eight docking ports, the quad-coupler could only connect to one of them, leaving the other three drifting in space and my ship unable to dock. On top of that, it took a good few hours of searching to find that video with the solution). Anyways, I'm glad you figured out a work-around and got to space today. If you need any more assistance with KSP feel free to PM me and I'll help you if I can. Just keep in mind, math is not my strong suit (I'm not bad at it, I just don't like doing it in my spare time), so don't expect me to rattle off dV numbers and the like...
  25. Chapter 7: And so the skies shall fall... 3.7 hours before Jeb's nap, and 4 hours before impact... Kirlak: Mekan1k- we need you on-point. There is a probably hostile vessel on a collision course with the Hab-Station. Mek: Command, please define? Kirlak: Another SWARM ship has entered the system. ETA to impact with the Hab-Station, ~ 4 hours. Mek: Permission to enter combat mode? Kirlak: Permission granted. Mek: Al1c3! Close all hatches. Al1c3: Done. *All the hatches between the different modules slammed shut.* Al1c3: Hatches secure. Mek: Activate the electrostatic re-enforcements, and lock down the greenhouse. Al1c3: Already done. Mek: Visual inspection drone #2, launch. Mek: Nicely Done Al1c3. Can we get an intercept burn with the hab-station? Al1c3: Calculated and burn coordinates input to nav-computer. Mek: Activate autopilot. Jeb, we are on our way. ... 3.8 hours later ... Jeb: zzzz MC: Activate the alarm, Kirk. We need everyone up for this. Kirk: I don't think I need to... MC: Why? *FOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM* Jeb: WHO WHAT WHERE??? WTF? Kirk: Jeb, we need to get going. Jeb: WHAT WAS... Sorry. What was that noise, Kirk? TiTD: Come in Hab-Station, this is Trawler. We are now 100 meters above you. Kirk: That answers your question. TiTD: Evacuate- you have 2 minutes before Impact. Jeb: OH****! Let's get out of here. Kirk: Everyone's in the Orion lander. We are ready to disembark. Jeb: Great. Just let me buckle in and we are good to go. *Jeb and Kirk pushed themselves from the living quarters through the station, and then with a crash, ran, (or fell really) into Lenwise* Jeb: SONOVA.... Lenwise? What are you doing? Lenwise: My Job. I can spoof your radar and other signatures to the craft, make you guys less of a target. Kirk: Can't the AI do it? B9K: I am grateful for your concern about my wellbeing, Kirk. Lenwise: No. The software is designed to shutdown AI-level computers that access it, as a failsafe against the SWARM. Jeb: Come on, we can't leave you here! Lenwise: You can and will. Or, if you prefer, I will shoot you. Jeb: What? *Lenwise pulled out a taser* Jeb: Alright. Everyone except for Lenwise in the ship. Lenwise: Goodbye Everyone. *The hatch sealed* Lenwise: Right. B9K, give me a hand with this. B9K: Won't that kill me? Lenwise: Not unles you try to access the software. I just need you to lockonto and track the Orion Module. B9K: Let's hope the others get away safely. *THWUMP* *In the Orion Pod* Jeb: Well, at least we have a seat free... Kirk: Don't even joke dude. Jeb: He'll be fine. We have the Trawler to protect us. Bill: We have our samples and readings from the mun and the alien spacecraft. We need to land asap. MC: You cannot land yet. We have incoming... And in the event that the Trawler can prevent damage to the ship, we will need to you to re-dock, evacuate Lenwise, and get back to work. Jeb: We are under attack- we can't just- Kirk: Gravioli flare! 200x background! TiTD: We see it... *Back on the Trawler in the Dark* Mek: Al1c3, please activate the combat couch. Prepair for neural link. Al1c3: Understood. Transfering to your suit... Link ready. Mek: Prepare for neural bridge in 3. Al1c3: 3. Mek/Al1c3: 2. TrawlerInTheDark: 1. Zero- MC, we have a successful neural link. Tracking incoming target. MC: We hear you Trawler. Trawler: Slight burn for ff-location intercept... Done. Slewing to aim. MC: Trawler, we are seeing gravioli fluctuations up there. Anything on your end? Trawler: Yes. It's burn for intercept. We see it. MC: Is it armed? Trawler: Not that we can tell... It seems to be observing us. We have a bead. Trawler: Just tell me when to fire.... ******** SSSSTTSTSTSSTST****** Trawler: We have incoming communications from the object. MC: Clarify Trawler: It's beaming us a signal using the an encryption. MC: Uploading a most likely key to you, Trawler. Trawler: Received... Here we go. We can understand... Something. SWARM: You will leave our skies. Go back to your world. This is your only warning. Trawler: We seek no quarrel. Merely exploration. SWARM: We thought you would say that. We have no choice but to remove you. Trawler: MC, we are getting gravioli readings at 300X background. It's doing something.... SWARM: Goodbye Creators. MC: Take the shot. Trawler: Firing *Pop* Trawler: We have detonation! We hit it's charging engine, and most of the ship is gone! Trawler: Although it's cone seems to be more solid then the rest of the ship. Trawler: Jeb, come in. Orion- can you hear us? Jeb: We saw- and we are lining up to dock now. Hab-Station: Jeb! This is Lenwise. Get back- we have another gravioli surge. This one is even greater! Jeb: We hear you Lenwise. Disconnecting. How much heavier? Lenwise: 2000x background. Trawler: We see it coming up on radar... It's behind us! SWARM: We gave you a warning before. You would not heed. Goodbye. Trawler: Well, this can't be good. Jettesoning Camera. SWARM: Your tiny drones will not be able to save you. Trawler: Jeb- our slew speed will not be enough to get them before their capacitors are charged, and they fire their lazors. Lenwise: We have a lock on their scanning frequencies. B9K- Jam them. SWARM: HIDING WILL DO YOU NO GOOD. Trawler: Increased power levels are being detected. Jeb- I am slaving the camera drone to your craft. Jeb: Get out of there! Trawler: We can't. The fusion engine needs time to finish it's cooldown, and we cannot finish the turn before this thing gets off another shot. These Lazors are PLASMA LANCES- That miss took out the electrostatic shielding. SWARM: WE SEE YOU... Trawler: It's staying behind us.. Preping for impact. SWARM: Goodbye. *BANG* Trawler: We are still alive! Mostly... Jeb: Then what do you call dead? B9K- activate. B9K: Ready Jeb. Jeb: Plot a course. and get us on a rendezvous with the Trawler before he dies. SWARM: Your overall designs are admirable, and resilient. However, you do not have more ship then we have power. Goodbye Trawler. Trawler: ****************.... Jeb: Get out of there! Trawler: No kidding. Firing RCS thrusters. Jeb: Can you get out of there, Mek? Trawler: No. The neural link has fused. We can get to you, but- Jeb: Good enough. Come on over. Mek/Al1c3: We are already outside. *SKRREEEEEE* B9K: Jeb, you should let me take control.... Jeb: No way tinman. *Sound of the airlock cycling* Mek/Al1c3: Right- we are in. Lets get out of here. The pod will self-deorbt. Jeb: B9K, Activate tactical display. Veiwed from that probe-cam. B9K: On the monitor sir. Jeb: It's heading for the Hab-station! *Back on the station, Lenwise is... Well, eating a candy bar.* Lenwise: Nomnomnom B9K: Lenwise... We have incoming. Lenwise: nom... Bring up the small camera-drone, and rotate to observe. Lenwise: Oh, we are ***** B9K: That sounded different. I thought I deactivated my swearwords filter. Lenwise: Let me reiterate without swearing. We are going to die. B9K: Do you have any regrets? Lenwise: Not really. I just wish I had a weapon. SWARM: DIE FLESHLINGS B9K:Hey! Lenwise: Well, it's been a pleasure serving with you guys down there. MC: Likewise. *BANG* B9K: Are we dead yet? This seems like life. Lenwise: I don't think so... Give it a minute.... *BOOOM* *Down on the planet, an emergency vehicle is being launched.* Kirlak: Is the Nuclear Facepalm ready? We launch in 10. John: Kirlak- do you have a minute? Kirlak: I don't. John: But you are about to launch an assault on some of the kerbal race's greatest enemies! Kirlak: We created those enemies. John: The point still stands. What words do you have for the world, now that you are the last and best hope to keep our astronauts alive? Kirlak: Fire. Kirlak: Status report! *A kerbal with a handlebar mustache spoke up* Mustache: Sir! We are registering multiple gravioli surges! None however seem to be of the same level as those generated by the craft that took out the Trawler and Hab-Station. Kirlak: Well, that's can't be good. *Another kerbal, this one with massive glasses, came running up.* Glasses: Kirlak, Sir, the Facepalm is reporting a clean launch, a clean separation, and is completing it's rendevous burn. Kirlak: Bring up a picture- I want to see this. Glasses: It's pulling past the wreckage of the Hab-Station. *Everyone in the command center salutes* Kirlak: It was an honor to work with you, Lenwise. You will be missed. Glasses: The Facepalm is pulling along side. Kirlak: We need a measurment. Mustache: Sir, the missile is being hailed! Kirlak: Put it through. SWARM: WEAK Kirlak: Sorry, what was that? SWARM: YOU WEAKLINGS. COWERING IN THE DIRT, THINKING... WHAT? WE WONDER. Kirlak: That is none of your concern. Leave kerbin's SOL or be destroyed. SWARM: YOU WILL LOSE Kirlak: Please clarify, what will we lose? SWARM: WE SHOULD BE MORE SPECIFIC. YOU. HAVE. LOST. Kirlak: What have we lost, you glorified metal- SWARM: YOU HAVE LOST THE NIGHT SKIES TO US. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME TO SWIM IN OUR SEA, OR TO DANCE IN THE STARLIT NIGHT. STAY BOUND TO THE DUST YOU CAME FROM. Kirlak: Can we just detonate the bomb? This guy's a bit of an asshole. Glasses: On it. SWARM: YOUR WEAPONS ARE INEFFECTIVE AGAINST THE SWARM THAT IS TO COME. WE WILL-------- Kirlak: What was it saying? Get the picture back! Glasses: Commander, the nukes detonated. Mustache: We are not reading a gravioli signature there anymore. *The sounds of cheering drowned out any other noise for a while.* Kirlak: Alright. Let's get our survivors home. .... A few minutes later, mission control finally re-connected with the Orion pod. ... Jeb: MC, we lost our camera drones when the nuke detonated. We need a few hours to get everything checked and re-activated. MC: You have an hour Jeb... Wait- what is happening? Orion, stand by. Jeb: ??? MC: Jeb, you need to see this. Jeb: Is that? MC: Yes. We just lost communication with the probes around the alien ship. We have to assume that the SWARM craft that landed there detonated it's nuclear cargo. Jeb: We are coming in for landing as soon as possible. Bill: Jeb, we have reconnected our system... And we are re-entering the atmosphere! Our descent path will have us hit a mountain if we continue on this trajectory. Jeb: ****.... Fire engine! Mek/Al1c3: Jeb, we are out of fuel. We will not clear the mountains at this rate. Jeb: Face us pro-grade, and decouple. B9K: Are you sure? Kirk: Any better ideas? B9K: I see. Mek/Al1c3: Oh bugger this hurts... MC, Prepare a neural Crash cart. Our bridge has fused, and we cannot de-link. MC: Already prepped. As soon as you land we will be there. B9K: Parachutes in 5 seconds. *THUMP* Bob: Sonofava..... Shepney: I never liked that part of the landing. *Thwump* Jeb: And we are down! Bill, could you open the hatch? Bill: It's stuck. Jeb: Well then, Let's take a look outside. Firing Probe-cam. Bob: Nice picture.... Jeb: Thanks...... Oh that's just not fair. Kirk: Are those? Jeb: Those are our stations, I would be willing to bet. *Back in Mission control* Mustache: Kirlak, we have taken telemetry feeds, and overlayed it with the visual data from super-long-range telescopes in orbit. You need to take a look at this. Kirlak: What is it... Oh crap. John: What happened? Kirlak: We have been kicked off the mun. Glasses: Sir! We have a gravioli signature near The Grand Idea! Kirlak: Slew telescope and overlay picture. We need to see this. Kirlak: I hope it doesn't... Kirlak: DAMN IT! John: Do you have anything to say to the public? Kirlak: I need to talk to the Presidents of both Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd and New World Homes Inc, and I need to explain why their 200-million $$ ship just got destroyed! What do you think? John: So, is that a no? Kirlak: How about this- We at the KSP are working to combat a threat that we have never before seen. Please don't pester us with questions until we have set up a press release. John: So is that everything? Kirlak: Security! John: The press has a right to know...... Kirlak: Well, this can't get much worse. Glasses: You didn't just.... Kirlak: Oh... Right... Well, it can't really get much worse, can it? Mustache: STOP SAYING THAT1 *** Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, what with the explosions and all There will be a new chapter every Friday that I can manage it, and possibly extra ones if I get hit with extra free time. However, this next week and weekend I will be moving, but I will make sure to get the next chapter out when I can. Presidents of Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd and New World Homes Inc, expect a PM from me soon. My question from this chapter: How do you all think the public will react to this newest and dangerous event?
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