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  1. do you ever have that problem where your stars from your Modpacks have SOIs larger than their SMAs? (hyperedit is a cause) well i have thought of a solution... what if you could choose which celestial bodies to Completely hide, out of reach and out of view. EDIT: i have figured out a far better way to do this. it could be and external program, to edit planet orbits outside of the game (and i don't mean editing configs directly) if someone could make a mod like this, i will greatly appreciate it.
  2. I was wondering if there were any mods that allowed for 2 different space centers and two separeated careers at the same time. Me and my little brother are going to play multiplayer by this method: It would be excellent to have 2 different careers running in the same game so we could advance at different rates and have a true space race. Dose anyone have any info on a mod like this? It would be much appreciated if you could share.
  3. I am a bit bored with the basic "put a satellite here" contracts, and wanted to spice it up. I use Contract Configurator for Clever Sats but even still it hasn't quite scratched the itch. I thought that being given a randomly generated satellite (sizes/parts/layout) and told where to place it might be a fun spin on the existing satellite contract model. It could be displayed as a popup when entering the VAB (similar to the passenger UI when on the launch pad) where you would select the contract and it would insert the part for you to start attaching items to. Alternatively, the contracts could specify satellite requirements themselves (similar to the space station check lists that already exist) Must generate power Must have x units of electricity Must have x science experiments on board Specific number of satellites per rocket (if even possible?) Could also name specific parts to be installed on the satellite, but might be problematic with multiple part mods installed. Does this exist as its own add-on or as an enhancement to an existing add-on?
  4. I've been looking for a mod like this and haven't found one, so I thought I should put in a request here. The mod I'm picturing would allow players to build complex factories to produce resources which can be recovered in a tank or something for money. There would be conveyor belts (glorified versions of the stock fuel transfer pipes) to take the resources from one machine to another, as well as complex resource gathering equipment like an oil pump and lots of machines for processing the various resources, too (It's basically a Factorio mod in KSP). So that's the idea. If anyone wants to make this, that'd be great.
  5. Could someone put together a mod that provided a "reset parachutes" button if there is an engineer aboard the active craft that could reset the parachutes? For a mod it seems straightforward, but it is beyond my coding abilities.
  6. Hello, I am having issues with some mods that shouldn't conflict with each other and yet some mods are not working properly. I have tried countless times to assemble a certain number of mods together and in one case it did work but ksp updated and now it's not working again. I understand that reproducing some mod content requires special permission from the mod creator, and I cant ask for a download, possibly an email would not violate their terms. I have the mod list below. If anyone can help thanks, BTW I just want a single gamedata folder. B9 Aerospace Community Category Kit Community Resource Pack Extraplanetary Launchpads Firespitter Interstellar Fuel Switch JSI KAS Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KerbetrotterLtd KIS KWRocketry Magic Smoke Industries (Infernal Robotics) Mechjeb2 Embedded Near Future Electrical Near Future Propulsion Near Future Solar Near Future Spacecraft OPT Planetary Base Inc Planet Shine RCS Build Aid SCANsat Module Manager ASET
  7. So I was in sandbox mode test out, how to setup Satellite array I noticed that my Rcs ports on my launch craft where pulling monopropellant from my Satellites tanks first and not the one nearest to them (they changed it to this in 0.23.5 and I did not notice) and yes I know you can disable the tanks so that fuel can not be pulled from them. I when't back to the VaB and did some testing using This and found out that 1. Monopropellant is pulled form the upper stages first 2. Even though you can do so, changing the fuel flow priority on monopropellant tanks, does not change any thing and 3. Monopropellant does not obey the crossfeed rules on decouplers. So I had some ideas for a mod that would change this and if knew how to do so I would make it myself, but I do not, so I throw myself upon the tender mercies that are the great mod makers in this community. (these ideas are listed in what I believe would be the most useful to the least useful) Idea 1. For stock decouplers create an option in the right click menu, i.e when you right click a decoupler there would be an option below crossfeed, that would say Monopropellant Crossfeed and when you clicked it, it would enable/disable monopropellant crossfed and would prevent any rcs ports below the decoupler from being able to pull fuel from the tanks above the decoupler, forcing the rcs port to pull fuel from the neatest tank it can. Idea 2. Make it so that the fuel flow priority system works for monopropellant tanks. i.e you could set, for example, a satellites monopropellant tanks to -1 and set the main crafts monopropellant tanks to 0 and it would pull fuel from the main crafts tanks first. Idea 3. Change how monopropellant works back to how it was pre 0.23.5, which in and of it self has some problems and can annoy you just as bad, why am i even listing this one, oh well. I am not sure how difficult this would be, but I do hop someone takes up the challenge, if anyone has any questions leave a comment. Thank you for reading this far , Kage Sendo.
  8. Please someone merge (or tell me how to do it) the stock and small RSS so it should looks like this: correction: ...same orbits but same time apart. test: I will use these acronyms, please don't take them: SSU, SSS
  9. Ok, so, I was playing KSP one day, and when I turned my engine on in space, there was a flame, but without oxygen, no flame. So, can anyone make, or does anyone have, a mod that takes the flame out, but still makes the engine have thrust?
  10. I love this game so much but I found one thing missing. I was wondering if there was a mod for 1.2.2 that has a structural plate that you can shift and morph like procedural wings. If not, if anyone would be kind enough to provice a step-by-step to modifying or adding the part myself. If not, pointing to something to help me do that, would be very nice. Thank you all in advance.
  11. I was wondering, is there a mod which allows to restore Goo and others if the scientist is present inside this vessel just by one button? That is something that bother me all the time during my play through, I need to EVA, fly to the parts, collect science and restore them if needed. It was fun at first, but I just already got tired of it.
  12. I know,i know that there is wonderful mods that add sandstorms,blizzards and other stuff. But i am asking for changing climate. How would it be? After a month passed (in ksp) Enviroment changes,ice caps grow or vanish,mountains have snow on top or completely lack it. I don't ask for weather, i am asking for dynamicly changing textures. For example-we have texture for summer grass (it is green(obviously) and then after a month ,it changes and turn into something slightly yellow-ish and so on.
  13. I always wanted to change boring stock paintjob on my space station. But can we have a mod to switch between steel like paintjob, white one, more grey or ablator plates on mk1/2 pod or mk2 cockpit. That will be so great! Just imagine you are launching a station module shining with bright steel cover Or a shuttle with a covered nose/bottom?
  14. Dear Forum Users, whether its possible or not I just wanted to put this out there. I came up with an idea for a plugin to make designing spacecraft cost money in career mode. let me explain. Right now we design spacecraft in ksp which all basically have a fixed costs: parts x costs of parts - recovered parts = cost of rocket launch. Now if we take the Saturn V as an example, a quick google search gave me that it cost about $1.16 Billion in today's money to launch 1 Saturn V. However the development costs of the Saturn V were an estimated $60 billion in todays money. That begs the question: Would it be possible to make a plugin that measures the time spend building in the VAB/SPH and have it cost 10 Funds per minute (for example). this makes designing spacecraft cost money. Also, if u launch an already designed craft u will spend marginal time in the VAB/SPH thus there will be none to barely any "development costs". A slider could be introduced that specifies how much funds one minute would cost so the mod is adjustable to any player. I look forward to everyone's toughts about this. Capekerbinaveral
  15. So I've been chugging along in career mode for a while and have noticed that the contracts offered by mission control are fairly cookie cutter and can even become repetitive. I believe there is a lot of space for improvement to the vanilla options, and have thought of overhauling some of the worst offenders and creating several new types of contracts in the hope of refreshing the game. As my first post on the KSP Forums, I'd like to field my ideas to the community for peer review and see if this is something I should pursue or possibly start campaigning for others to pursue. Without much further ado, these are my current plans for the proposed add-on (copied and expounded on from the napkin it was originally written on) CONTRACTS PLUS Increase the # of contracts a player can choose from in Mission Control. I'm thinking by 1-3, just to add more options. Routine Parts Maintenance. In real life, the stuff we put in space needs maintenance if we expect it to stay there for extended lengths of time. Random part failure being a little extreme for me, I thought of just making the upkeep contractual. The various corporations will pay you to go and perform maintenance, and refusing the contract won't cause things to break because it's assumed they would simply give the contract to someone else. Completing the contract would be done in a similar way to the parts testing missions done in the early game, with an additional button popping up in the parts UI letting you "perform maintenance" provided you're currently on an EVA. There is also room for variety and varying levels of difficulty. The contract could merely ask a conveniently on-site Kerbal to do an EVA. You might need to rendezvous with an unmanned probe to do the EVA, and that probe could be in space or landed. It could even lead to a hunt around the craft to figure out which part needs the maintenance in true Kerbal fashion (the programming precedent is set by some EVA crew report missions asking you to find the source of "observational inconsistencies"). Finally, and more experimentally, I was thinking of adding a "done by a professional" requirement to the hardest missions, forcing you to use a specific kerbal profession (pilot, scientist, or engineer) to do the parts maintenance and fully complete the contract (maybe even a specifically leveled kerbal!). Crew Rotation. Kerbals have families too! These contracts would essentially ask you to bring up a replacement kerbal to take over for more homesick kerbals, and then bring that poor astronaut back to Kerbin safely. It may also include contracts to fully staff those spacecraft with 21 seats but only 1 kerbal. #SaveMe #ForeverAlone Tourism/VIP missions. After completing several of these back to back in order to gain #AllTheFunds, I realized that they could use some more variety in terms of destinations. All the tourists these days want to see are the natural features of the Kerbol system, when there are probably a bunch of cool looking stations and bases which we want to show off. Overhauling the tourism contracts to include tours of the stuff we've built, possibly requiring extended stays (precedent possibly set in the Asteroid Day developer mods included mission) could be really cool. Also the contract text could use a little more variety. Refueling missions. These could pop up for any craft with a less than half full fuel tank and a docking port. Flag missions. The current flag missions, while great money makers, are bland. Plant flag on named planet. That simplicity is nice, but doesn't need to be the only choice. We could have contracts telling us to plant flags in certain places on a planet! see what I did there? the places could be determined by biome, or the more randomly specific "Plant flag on the surface near Gamma Site". Corporations could also have you place multiple flags at sites alpha-gamma for them in order to mark out land use borders, before telling you to get off their lawn (Mission Control assures you that their claims are rediculous) EVA missions. So, EVA missions are cool and fun to do. But in space, I rarely if ever have to do them. I'm discounting the ones where I duck out of the hatch, take a quick report, and head back inside. While those have their uses, we could also use a little gentle prodding to let go of our handrails and really space walk. Conceptually, I'd like to lift the mechanical systems used for missions requiring multiple surface samples, and apply them to the 2.5km physics bubble around a spacecraft, to result in "sectors" spawning around the spacecraft and even moving with it. Contracts would be of 2 varieties that I've thought of. Someone dropped their multimillion dollar Hydrospanner out the airlock and it's floated out to beta sector, go search for it (EVA report) or, Mission Control wants you to perform a photo op with (insert spacecraft here), head out to sectors alpha-gamma and take pictures of the old girl (Also EVA report). That last one though... I get a small chill thinking about doing it. BUT THAT'S ALL THE MORE REASON! Rescue missions. Rescue missions are fairly tame, but come with some sweet rewards (New astronauts, hurray!) The ones we currently have are fine, but we can do better and with more variety. I'd like to add harder rescue missions with eccentric and highly elliptical orbits, with multiple kerbals in need of rescue. I'd also like to address the glaring hole in rescue missions... There's never anyone to rescue on Kerbin itself. Wait a minute, I hear your protests. But why would they need rescue and, wouldn't the recover vehicle system break the mission? Not if we're smart. A rescue mission on Kerbin doesn't have to be called a "rescue mission" instead we can call it "Extract Corporate Defector" or something similar, and stipulate in the contract that once you pick up the Kerbal in question, you must land again on the KSP runway to complete the mission. Completing the contract could remove some reputation, but what else are we doing with reputation in career mode? Done and Done. Debris Recovery/Destruction. Bring the space junk back intact for profit! But the game always makes space junk for me when I'm making plenty of the floating space debris myself. I'd like the system to also include as candidates for recovery the stuff I leave behind. I'd also love to see a contract to de-orbit an aging space station. Purely for academic reasons. Discovery missions. I am lame. I admit it. I'd love it if a contract sent me to the Munar canyon, or to check out the ancient Kerbin ruins in that desert, or to find the Magic Boulder. Complete with hand holding and "easter eggs this way" arrows. I don't want to miss seeing that stuff. So I'd make a set of contracts which did that without being too meta about it, but add an option to toggle them off in the settings, cause I can totally understand it if that ruins the fun of finding them for others. Orbital Adjustment Missions. Sometimes, close is not good enough. The orbit must be perfectly circular and directly over the equator. I pledge to build in mechanics which can detect when you are too lazy to properly circularize, and then generate a contract to pay you to FIX IT! Why? I dunno, just because if I know I can occasionally get triggered by it, Some Kerbal somewhere must also get triggered by it, and I want to read that mission briefing. Come on, it's a totally kerbal mindset! Underwater Missions. It exists therefore, there must be missions to it. I'll make several contracts involving the oceans of Laythe or Eve, and include Kerbin ostensibly as practice for the first two. Did you know Kerbals get sea sick? That's everything I've got so far. I'd like input on anything and everything. Also, I'd like advice on how I can take my first dip into building this mod for KSP, since these are all just ideas on paper right now, and I've never touched the UNITY engine or done major programming before. Thanks for your time and I'll leave you with an image of my Minmus base currently under construction in Kerbin orbit. Toodles!
  16. Welp, first time posting on this site as far as I can remember. I basically have a very simple (Though probably not at all simple to make) request for an idea I thought of while watching "Super Colonization" by Toxic Timewaster. Long story short, He said something along the lines of it taking 10 units of ore per 1 unit of karborundom to run his engines. Basically the request is this; There are mods to change the type of fuel in a fuel tank, and there are mods that let you make specific sized fuel tanks but as far as I'm aware, there is no mod for being able to put in some numbers to specifically fill a tank. What I want is a multi-fuel tank (Lets use 110 units as an example) to be able to customize its exact values, like if you set it 10 to 1, it's be able to fill automatically 100 units of ore and 10 units of Karborundom.
  17. Hello, I've tried to find the right place for this, and decided here was the best place I could find. Please move it if there's a better one :-) I found the Real Time Clock mod a while ago. It display the time in the real world in game - this is really useful since I play full screen, and can't see my computer clock. Now that I'm getting back into KSP, has anyone seen a mod that performs a similar function? Apparently the one I linked to hasn't been updated since KSP version 0.21 :-( Thanks, Starbeamrainbowlabs
  18. I need a more aerodynamic docking port for the nose of some of my spaceplanes. I'd like to get a part that functions like the stock clamshell docking port, but with the shape and model of the stock aerodynamic nose cone. Essentially, this docking port: with this covering it: Can anyone assist me with this? Or point me in the right direction if someone has already done it?
  19. Hey, I saw a post on the sub-reddit, and it sounded super cool. If anyone is looking for a project, this would be a great one: https://redd.it/59z82v
  20. In each celestial body (even in a big asteroid too?) lies an anomaly that once investigated by a Kerbonaut, will give a clue to the discovery of an exotic engine, with very high efficiency only in deep space far from a star (best for interestellar travel) as well as the location of a new star system. When all anomalies in each body have been discovered and investigated, the engine will be available and the location of the new star system will be revealed. Then, the players will be able to build a vessel and try to reach that star with plenty (some?) of new worlds to discover. Won't be easy, the new engine is only good at travelling in deep space between star systems, first reaching the edge of the Kerbol system is needed, and once in the new star system, the ship must reach the celestial bodies by normal means. So ISRU would be almost a must. Well, thats the idea. I think its not the first time something like this has been proposed, i dont know if with all this plot or not. Anyway, this "Story Mode" couald add many many hours of gameplay to game... Several Mods would be needed, at least: - kopernikus, and a new star system; - Scansat would be useful for detecting anomalies; - Contract configurator could give some hints or goals in order to achieve that. - Future Tech or at least the implementation of the Exotic Engine. So, if modders find this interesting, do something with it! Regards
  21. Hey peeps, So here's the thing; I like having an orbital science lab. I like that all my missions first stop there to drop off their data before the crew come back to ground. It makes me do interesting things like have pure-vacuum landers that need some help being recovered on Kerbin, makes me more likely to use motherships that will never land ever, and gives me an actual excuse for a space station. But... there's not much fun in passing a hundred experiments to it, loading up 750 data, timewarping 10 days, transmitting, loading 100 more data, timewarping... several dozen times. In fact, it's a massive chore and adds half an hour to the back end of an efficient mission! So I was wondering if there is, or could be, a mod that would simply make labs process data in the background? Say every day (or once a week) they transmit their science, and check their experiments and take as many from the top of the stack as they have capacity for? Thanks!
  22. I was explaining the Van Allen belts to a co-worker and thought "That would be a neat challenge to add to KSP".
  23. Hey I'm not sure if there is already a mod for this, but I would like that the vessels had its names printed...
  24. Anyone know of any computers intended just for rovers? While normal computers will do the job, I was wanted to know if there were those who had additional SAS options that allowed for the rover to land on the ground (such as when it flips into the air due to low gravity) or compensate for reaction wheels (since those can alter the traction of the rover). Nothing urgent, just would be convenient to have. EDIT Land on the ground, as in, wheels first, in a prepared position. It's always going to land in the first place, regardless.
  25. I would really love to see a resurrection or partial resurrection of It had a feature that allowed you to disable a folder in gamedata and every part in them, and they wouldn't show up in the part list. Filter extensions does not replace this - yes, you can open a tab with only a specific set of parts, but you can't hide parts and mods that you rarely use, or if you just want to make the default tabs less horribly cluttered. I've been pining for this mod since it ceased updating It's such a help when you have 100+ mods installed.
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