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You can try my Mars Mission for the RP-1 mod here : It took me about 1000 hours to create it.
Hi there This is a parts pack for Kerbal Space Program v1.2.2+, to recreate the glorious Eagle Transporter (N° 3) from the 70's series "Space: 1999". It's my first "mod" and it's a work in progress, so any suggestions and feedback from you are very welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Gallery Tutorial: Launching the Eagle into orbit Downloads SPACEDOCK CURSE Changelog Version 1.03: - Added the Eagle Cargo Pod, with retractable legs, built-in generator and 15 attachment nodes (besides from the 4 VTOL ones at the bottom and the docking one at the top). - Added a dockable Nuclear Canister for storage and transportation of Deuterium and Tritium. - Added the MA-2500 ISRU with built-in radiator and Ore container. Now you can extract Ore and convert it into Deuterium and/or Tritium. - Added two access hatches to the Command Module, one at the back door and another at the bottom (emergency exit). - Changed Tritium to LqdTritium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly. The fuel rate of the RCS thrusters should be 0.06 L/s. - Adjusted the Main Engine fuel rate (LqdDeuterium) to 7.0 L/s and the VTOL Engine (LiquidFuel+Oxidizer) to 7.353 L/s. - Increased RCS thrust power and RW torque on the Command Module, for stability purposes. - Fixed antenna range on the Service Module and removed built-in antenna on the Moonbuggy, so you can attach one of your choice. Version 1.02: - Changed Deuterium to LqdDeuterium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly to avoid conflicts. The fuel rate on the Eagle Main Engines should be 7.27 L/s. - Added some more ASL thrust to the Main Engines. - Fixed a problem with a collider on the Eagle Passenger Module, so now you can re-dock it to the ship. Version 1.0: - First release Credits - Mr. Brian Johnson, original designer of The Eagle, worked on Thunderbirds, "2001: A Space Odyssey", Alien and influenced the spaceship designs of Star Wars and others. - James Murphy, original author of the beautiful Eagle 3d mesh and Andy Marrs for the Lightwave conversion. - Roger Clow for his cool Moonbuggy mesh in Lightwave format. Licensing This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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Description This tough ship has seen many battles and will likely see many more. It serves as a haven for Samus. She can fully charge her Energy, Missiles, and Bombs by entering the ship. No other place recharges Samus to this extent. It’s also a Save location. It’s always a good idea to save your game here when you can. so hit that F5 key! This is Samus’s famous Gunship from Samus 2: Samus returns / Super Metroid. Runs on Kraken Tech to fly and can travel and transverse many worlds. Comes fitted with 2 Plasma cannons to take out pesky Space Pirates Has an energy lift in the back to enter and exit just like Samus does in the games. (be careful because this will launch you like a missile!) Custom Cockpit with rotating chair to easily reposition your character and walk around inside the ship. Comes with 2 cargo bays (compact) that you can carry very narrow items. NO MODS all STOCK Turn on infinite energy Main Throttle - Vertical Kraken Drive. (to lift craft or hover) Stage (space) fire plasma cannons Gear G (Raise Lower Landing Gear) AG1 Forward Thrust (1st Kraken Drive) AG2 Open Hard Light Lift (to enter/exit ship) AG3 Toggle Lift (You will be launched from the ship just like in the game) AG4 Toggle Back Ladder AG5 Toggle From Seat AG6 Toggle from RC001 AG7 Rotate Chair AG8 Leave Chair This will absolutely require these flags to get the full look of the ship. Download here Flags below A stock aircraft called Samus Aran Gunship. Built with 509 of the finest parts, its root part is Panel2. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.2.
Hope this is really new, i couldn't find any similar design for a spaceship. What you think, the design is feasible? My idea is a cheap spaceship with electric propulsion (low thrust, high delta-v) which could be used as a probe or small (tens of tonns) cargo hauler. The ship contains few parts connected with 1mm steel+copper cables - two propulsion modules (can be more than two, connected in triange/square/etc shape) and large solar panel array (flexible panels or multiple small panels with flexible connections between). Basically, it is hammock in space. :) After launch - propulsion modules slowly position themselves at predefined distance between, rotate panels so they get maximum power and start accelerating with same acceleration, constantly checking distance/orientation. Since acceleration is quite low - stress to panels will be minimal. Modern microcontrollers shouldn't have any problem to keep modules in correct formation. Eeach propulsion module weight 2-3 tonns (without propellant) has: VASIMR engine VX-200 (200kW power, 5N thrust, 5000 Isp) 8 small ion engines used for precise orientation 10 tonns propellant tank Rotation mechanism for the array Some rechargable batteries for ion engines and a control system with cameras/laser rangefinder. Solar panel array has 4000 m2 (20mx200m) of solar panels for 400kW electrict output, weights 10 tonns Steel+copper cable 1mm diameter (used to carry panels and for transferring power to propulsion modules), weights 2 tonns This ship will able to carry up up to 40 tonns load (loaded on top of propulsion modules in two 20x tonns chunks), dry weight 18 tonns, loaded with propellant - 38 tonns. Delta-V without load - 36 km/s, with full load - 14.5km/s, enough to travel to Mars (without load - doesn't need any launching window even) and back. Since thrust is very small, acceleration and capture burns will be very long (weeks or even months). Travels to Venus or Mercury will be more efficient as there is more sunlight and VASIMR engine can use more power to give better Isp. The ship can be launched by something like Falcon Heavy to LEO (folded like scroll for 2x modules version or like origami for other versions). Cannot land, just orbit-to-orbit missions. For deep-space travels - a 20-40MW laser from Earth or Moon can be used to power it or to save propellant (more power - better Isp).
个人第123号原版组件飞船 Stock starship No.123 of mine 带有一个舰载机(不实用/模型/装饰)、4个通讯卫星(不实用/模型/装饰) 车间内: KVV生成: 在轨: Steam创意工坊链接:
Structural Wings v1.0 What does this mod do? Structural Wings is a VERY simple mod, which duplicates most of the stock wings, but removes their aerodynamic properties. This makes them structural, and are a great alternative for panels. This allows you to build large, sci-fi like spaceships without aerodynamics messing it up. They are all located in the structural category. They're all called "Structural Wing Part", so do not get them confused with actual wings. Download:
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My ships! coming soon Cleared all of the craft out. due to KSp updates, Will start adding some back soon
W.I.P vers. 0.7 Reborn from the Nostromo Vessel of the year 1979.
Hey there geeks! Well, this is a serious thread. Over the years, I always searched for spaceship design (I always had an interest in building or designing stuff), but the result was always disappointing. See, the main point is that as a "designer" whenever I want to make something, I try to make it in a very utilizable and bold way. I really despise every single art work or "design" made by people in majority all over the Internet on spaceships. They just make whatever they want (which is totally impossible to function) or make it super sci fi and full of wierd fantasy designs. Then one day I stumbled across the "mark 2 ksp spaceplane" picture on the results of Google search, which had a legit "spaceship" design. I opened it and reached here. Then I bought KSP the next day and played it the whole day without sleep or eat. I still do. Help me. Back to topic , the design I'm looking for has a little "spacestuff" aspect. The design which caught my eye (I know this must have been discussed for a million times here) is the Interstellar's endurance. The design of the ship shows "hey, it's made for space travel!" And is very idunnohowtoexplaininwordshelp. The design was such that it could be used dramatically. I don't like rocket like "long" ships. And also ships which look like planes, it doesn't have the vibe of space, it looks like it is made for the atmosphere. I want ships which cover an area in all directions is not too sci fi. Another ship I liked was the heart of gold from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. So if anyone can show me a similar design, or is interested in making one, please post about it here. Another point, it can have aring like design. Im not able to design a ship, so I need help... Thanks, and sorry for the trouble ! Don't you dare mention ixs enterprise. It's overrated.
If you're going to build an actual spaceship -- a craft you can take to another planet as easily as a pirate could sail across the Mediterranean -- there are a few things to keep in mind. Gravity. You're going to need artificial gravity if you want to be able to manage long trips, so you'll need to either have a spinning hab, or you'll need to spin the whole ship. Power. You need high-thrust engines to get on and off of planets, high-impulse engines to make your transfer burns propellant-efficient, and energy to run your ship in transit. Trimodal nuclear thermal engines are your only real choice (a trimodal NTR has three modes: high-impulse, where low-density propellant is heated and ejected by the nuclear core, high-thrust, where LOX is injected into the propellant stream to increase thrust at the expense of impulse, and thermal-electric, where the circulation of coolant generates electricity). Shielding. Your hab needs to be shielded from both solar radiation and the nuclear radiation of your engine(s). Volume. You need a large internal volume to carry an enormous amount of fuel if you're going to be able to make a transfer, land, take off again, and head back. Granted, you'd use in-orbit refueling wherever possible, but you need the flexibility to make a round-trip to unvisited worlds. Surface area. Although you need a large volume, you also need a form factor with a blunt-body surface area, allowing re-entry heating to be as minimal as possible. Further, large surface area will help with radiating heat away in space. Finally, a lifting-body shape will make launch and re-entry a bit nicer. What, then, is the optimal shape and configuration? Here you go. Yep, it's a flying saucer. The hab is located in the center column and is a single floor, preventing any unpleasant gravity gradients. Because the center is open, it allows windows to be embedded in the ceiling, which will feel more natural. The hab is far more "open" overall than most designs, while still being well-protected from radiation and micrometeoroid strikes due to its location in the center of the ship. It will feel very natural to have the sky "up" and the ground "down". The hab is shielded by wrapping the ship's tankage completely around it. The triangular cross-section maximizes internal volume while also having the optimal shielding profile. Obviously, the entire ship rotates. The ship is powered by six small nuclear reactors, feeding three linear exhaust nozzles: Each of the three exhaust nozzles is capable of running on a single reactor, so you still have maneuverability even if you need to scram one or two of your reactors. The coolant cyclers and generators are also in this area. Only minimal shielding is necessary, due to the placement of the large internal tanks. For on-orbit burns, the three nozzles all fire together, providing moderate thrust even at the highest operating impulse: During any such burn, there will be a slight misalignment of the apparent gravitational field, but it will likely be no more disorienting than standing on a train while it starts to move. It is also likely that in most cases, the ship will only "spin up" after its transfer injection burns, relieving this issue entirely. Takeoff and landing use the same orientation as on-orbit burns, but with the injection of liquid hydrogen or another oxidizer to dramatically increase thrust at the expense of specific impulse: During takeoff, however, maintaining this thrust orientation would make drag losses altogether unmanageable. For this reason, the nozzles are able to change orientation in order to thrust backward during in-atmosphere climbs (for reaching orbit from Terra, Mars, etc.): Because the "flying saucer" shape is one of the only shapes which is capable of achieving reasonable lift in subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flight, this allows for the higher-specific-impulse burn to be used (when applicable) to achieve orbital velocities. Obviously, on worlds without atmospheres, liftoff would be purely vertical without any intermediate horizontally-oriented burn stage. Re-entry uses the large blunt surface area underneath to dissipate heat passively (although active cooling could be used, in principle): Passengers are seated in the upper ring during takeoff and landing, both for gravitational orientation and for safety reasons. Launch abort escape would be achieved either through individual ejection seats or through the ejection of the entire upper ring using built-in thrusters. It is possible that the upper ring could also be configured to serve as an ejectable lifeboat in the case of an on-orbit accident. \ Attitude control could be achieved either by vectoring the thrusters, or by venting coolant. Placing the heavy engines at the outside isn't ideal, but given that this is going to be designed with enough structural integrity for powered landing, it shouldn't prove too problematic. The hab would have nearly 8500 square feet of floor space under artificial gravity, with more than 30 times the pressurized volume of the Space Shuttle crew cabin. I'm estimating a nominal dry weight of 1200 tonnes. The body encloses enough space for 9800 cubic meters of tankage; using a dense propellant like hydrazine, this corresponds to 9,900 metric tonnes of fuel. With pebble-bed reactors giving a specific impulse of around 520 seconds, you get a lovely 11 km/s of dV. Enough to reach orbit as SSTO (if you use LOX-injection augmentation). Also enough to fly to the moon, land, take off, and come back. Now to build the damn thing...