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Found 3 results

  1. MKI Pod 'Needle' Configuration A Starliex product Hello fellow kerbounats! After many weeks of work, and even more weeks of procrastination, with more than 80 custom made props, I'm proud to release the 'Needle' configuration for the MK1 pod ! This configuration goes far and beyond to provide the latest gadgets and knobs to every kerbal pilot, with nice additions such as a phase angle indicator, slope angle, altitude callouts and much much more. Here below are some screenshots of the capsule : Download: Now available on CKAN ! Latest Release (Zip file) : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/archive/main/starilex-mk1-iva-main.zip All Releases : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/releases/ Source code : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva SpaceDock : https://spacedock.info/mod/3113/Starilex Intra-Vehicular Solutions: MKI Pod 'Needle' Installation: Be sure to have installed all the dependencies. Download the zip file and copy the `GameData` folder inside the KSP folder Dependencies: Raster Prop Monitor MOARdV's Avionic System ModuleManager ASET Props ASET Avionics Reviva (Suggested) Reviva support: Reviva is a mod that allows multiple IVAs for the same pod, giving you the option to switch between them in game. Thanks to @610yesnolovely this IVA is supported as well out of the box! (Thank you!) Versions: 1.0 - Initial release [current] License: CC-BY-NC-SA ███
  2. My first experience of Kerbal Space Program was on PS4. I put a lot of hours into it. As I discovered later it's behind the current release and it's tendency to corrupt save files is now legendary. So, I figured, let me try it on my Mac book pro. Mouse usage has been great. Flight controls leave a lot to be desired. When I connected up my ps4 controller, I couldn't help but notice that the controls are behaving like the keyboard. Yaw and pitch are just on and off, despite having full analog control on the ps4 version of the game. My basic question is, does anyone know what the best ps4 controller setup is for Mac? I'd like to be able to do more that just throttle on/off and binary movements. It's so bad that I'm just sticking to the keyboard until I can find a solution to this. Before you say "use big picture mode", I've tried that and KSP hangs or crashes on startup if I enable big picture mode before starting.
  3. Hi! New kerbonaut from Finland here! I finally decided to buy this masterpiece from the 1.2 sale, wife keeps telling me I look like a kerbal so I figured I kinda had to I play the game on KB/M and Xbox controller and while trying to setup the controller I noticed that I can't use the controller to control kerbals while EVA. I'm not sure if this is intended or if my stupidity is too high to understand the configurations. Well long story short, I made an Autohotkey script thingamajig that turns all the required controller analog input into digital keyboard/whatever input. This atleast allows me to use sticks and triggers properly and configure actions on DPAD. Pretty much everything the script does can be configured easily in the INI file, you can bind keys and toggle features on/off. Feel free to use, modify and redistribute any way you want to, no credits needed. I know many of you probably use flightsticks, rudders and life-size shuttle cockpits but maybe few of you find this useful. I included an AHK joy test script so you can probably easily modify this to work with any controller. Kerbals 4 EVA Assign keys to Xbox controller's sticks, triggers and DPAD. Audio cue when toggled on/off with immersive kerbal sounds. Easy configuration with a simple INI file. No 3rd party software needed, just an easy extract. Includes the original, well commented Autohotkey script for modification. DOWNLOAD
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