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reDIRECT | V0.10.1 | Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicles Revival of my old Shuttle-Derived launch vehicle mod for KSP 1.4.1. The mod has been completely rebuilt from the ground up, with new models & textures. It will not replace older versions of the mod to avoid conflicts. Principally, the mod adds STS-style 5m fuel tanks, and 2.2m Solid Rocket Boosters. Adapters and decouplers are also included! These can be used to built Space Shuttle (STS) stacks, or the Jupiter rockets from the DIRECT proposal that this mod takes its name from. Screenshots: Part variants are included! PHASE I: Jupiter STS External Tank. Jupiter Stack Parts, including adapters, separators and thrust plates. Shuttle 4-Segment Booster Parts 5-Segment Booster 2 & 3-Segment Boosters (for SRB-X) Jupiter Upper Stage Parts. PHASE II: Orion Orion Capsule & Associated Parts. Orion Service Module Parts PHASE III: Constellation/SLS SLS Parts Ares I Parts CHANGELOG 0.10.1. PUBLIC RELEASE - Fixed broken normals maps for 1.8+ - Added normals to RL10, Orion LAS, Jupiter Upper Stage - Fixed SRB nosecone orientation (may break existing craft) - Fixed emissive on Orion capsule 0.10.0. PUBLIC RELEASE - Release to coincide with Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit - Adjusted STS External Tank CoM offset 0.9.10. DEV RELEASE - Adjusted thrust transforms and values of SRB nosecone for cleaner separation - Adjusted decoupling force of SRB decoupler for cleaner separation - Increased fuel values of Ares I parts for better balance (will need to rebuild existing craft to see the effect) - Added stack node under Shuttle External Tank 0.9.9. MAJOR RELEASE. Warning: may break existing craft files. - Re-bundled craft files. - Fixed tags for multiple parts. - Fixed B9PartSwitch errors. 0.9.8. DEV RELEASE - Improved normal maps across all parts. - Added Space Shuttle External Tank Decoupler. - Added Space Shuttle SRB Decoupler. - Added PlumePart plumes to SRBs. - Added nodes to SRBs to allow attachment to SRB decouplers. - Added node to Jumbo External Tank to attach to ET decoupler. 0.9.7b. DEV RELEASE - Bundled Benjee10_sharedAssets. - Moved KJ10 engine into sharedAssets. - Reduced SSME mass to 1.2t. - Added gimbal to KJ10 engine. - Rebalanced Shuttle/SLS tank masses & volumes. - Added whitelist for ReStock SSME. - Fixed most NREs with texture switching parts. 0.9.7a. DEV RELEASE - Overhauled RL10-B-2 engine model. - Bundled DeployableEngines. - Tweaks to balance & SRB thrust curves. - Tweaks to node placements on various parts. 0.9.6d. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Replaced all engine/RCS plumes. - Bundled PlumeParty. 0.9.6c. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Complete rebalance of all LH2/OX tanks, engines, & SRBs. 0.9.6b. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Added SLS ICPS part. - Added Orion Fairing Base. - Added short 5m orange tank to lengthen SLS. - Added RL-10B (fixed nozzle) - Modified RL-10B-2 (expanded nozzle) model/texture. 0.9.6a. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Added SLS 4x adapter. 0.9.6. 1.6.0 update - Re-release for 1.6.0 compatibility. - Bundled updated version of B9PartSwitch. - Fixed some errors/typos in part descriptions/names. - Fixed UV-layout accidentally overlaid onto adapter texture. - Bundled craft files. 0.9.5. 1.5.1 update - Re-release for 1.5.1 compatibility. - Removed duplicate geometry on 5-segment SRB which was creating Z-fighting. - Removed fairing from Ares I upper stage engine plate's editor icon. - Added 5m -> 3.125m adapter. - Added 3.75m -> 3.125m adapter. - Added SLS-style 5m -> 3.125m adapter. - Bundled updated versions of B9PartSwitch and Community Resource Pack. 0.9.4c. Minor iteration on Ares I parts. - Finished textures for Ares I parts. - Added normal maps for Ares I parts. - Added built-in decoupler for Orion Launch Abort System. 0.9.4b. DEV RELEASE OF ARES I. - Added Ares I parts: - Small & Large LH2/Ox Tanks. - 3.125m thrust plate. - 3.125m->2.2m adapter. - 3.125m avionics ring. - 3.125m stack decoupler (with built in RCS). - 3.125m fairing base. 0.9.4a. DEV RELEASE OF PHASE III. - Added K-2X "Jackdaw" cryogenic rocket engine. 0.9.31. Hotfix. - Fixed model for inline STS tank not appearing in game correctly. - Added placeholder IVA to Orion to allow crew portraits. - Fixed incorrect gimbal transform on KL-10-B-II Engine. 0.9.3. - Added Orion Parts. - Rebalanced all tanks & engines to use LqdHydrogen/Ox. - Migrated all mesh/texture switch functions to B9PartSwitch for 1.3.1. compatibility (and for more features in the future). - Rebalanced all parts to be in line with stock. - Tweaked SRB thrust curves. - Updated .CFGs so that all parts now have consistent manufacturers & feature tags and a description. - Bundled B9PartSwitch & Community Resource Pack. 0.9.1. BETA RELEASE. - Added KD75k "Monsoon" five-segment Solid Rocket Booster. - Added KD25K "Thunderstorm" two-segment Solid Rocket Booster. - Minor SRB texture improvements. - Minor Tank Endcap texture improvements. - Added Jupiter Upper Stage parts (fuel tank and engine mount). - Added new upper stage engine, KL10-B. - Rebalanced to be closer to stock values. - Added placeholder KS-25B "Rainstorm" engine (uses Stock SSME model) to account for increased mass of fuel tanks. 0.9.0. BETA RELEASE. - Initial release of Phase I. Download link: SPACEDOCK DEV RELEASES SpaceDock is hosting only the last stable release. On my GitHub you will find the latest development versions: GITHUB This features the newest parts and updates but may not be properly balanced or stable, and will frequently be updated which may result in craft files breaking. Use at your own risk! This should work correctly with 1.3.1 and up. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks to HooHungLow & Tyko for sponsoring the Orion section of the mod, and to Beale for allowing me to use his fantastic solar panel texture. If you like what I'm doing and you'd like to donate something to keep me motivated & well caffeinated, consider making a one-off donation via PayPal:
- 932 replies
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Introduction: In 2010 the Constellation program was cancelled with the only things to show for it was a prototype of the Ares I launch vehicle and a semi developed crew capsule, the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle. The program had a quite a bit of lofty goals, having to develop new large launch vehicles using the knowlege gained from the Shuttle and Apollo programs as well as creating new crew exploration vehicles that could be used for LEO, the Moon and eventually Mars. It became an extremely costly effort leading to it's eventual demise. Thanks to KSP and a variety of totally rad mods from around the community, here is a somewhat Kerbalized set of events if the Constellation program continued into the next decade and beyond. Mods and stuff:
- 140 replies
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Seeing as my RSS/RO take on Ares is on indefinite hiatus because I need a better computer, I took advantage of the mission builder to create a Kerbalized Ares. Introducing Excursion: The Kares Mission to Duna! Note: I'm considering this initial release a beta release. I've worked out as many bugs as I could, but I feel playtesting by others will help work out any bugs or problems I may not have caught or foreseen. Mission Description: Finally! After 15 years and billions of funds, we were able to scrape together and modify some old Kerpollo hardware to make a one-shot trip to Duna! Trust us, it's worth all of the science we lost not exploring the outer Kerbol system.\n\nSince we don't have the nerve to use NERVs due to that last mishap, we're using good 'ol hydrolox technology. We have a propulsion stack waiting in orbit for you to dock with after launch. Make a swingy of Eve, and then head off to Duna to make your historic landing. In the meantime, we'll be figuring out things for you to do when we get back so we don't lose funding. Details: This is a kerbalized Ares mission. You will be required to slingshot around Eve to Duna and return safely, and your main goal is to land on Duna. You can also drop a probe on Eve to transmit science to Kerbin for extra points. This mission has four endings. Each ending is based on if whether you collected science at Eve or not and if you landed on Duna or not. This means that you can fail to land the Eve probe and still complete the mission. You can also abort the Duna landing attempt and still complete the mission. This mission is purely stock, but to help with the interplanetary transfers and precision landing, you might want to play this with mods. I'd recommend Kerbal Engineer, Waypoint Manager, Slingshotter, Precise Node, and Trajectories. Known Issue: -If you lose the Eve probe and then lose the crew, you won't get the proper "mission failed" screen. This is because of an issue with setting the "Vessel Destroyed" catch-all node to fire more than one time causing the entire mission logic to be stuck at the "Vessel Destroyed" catch-all node, making the mission impossible to complete if you destroy the Eve probe. I will either try to work around this problem or just remove the general "Vessel Destroyed" catch-all tree and restrict it to the Eve probe. Let me know if there are any bugs or issues in this thread, and I'll try my best to correct them and put further polish on this mission. Link to Mission: Screenshots: Screenshots taken using Astronomer's Visual Pack, Kerbal Space Program Renaissance Collection, and Real Plume Stock.
So i think about making a challenge or maybe a mission like ares without Ares 3 failure so you can use any mod you can. I have created the mav useing phoneix industry mav like acent vehicle, Phoneix industry small sat (for satelite and surveyor), hullcam vds (for imaging mission site) hermes mod (i forget what it's called), phoneix industry rover or another ares like rover, habitat mod, mechjeb, hyperedit, tac life support, kas, kis, shadow works orion, and laztek spacex launch vehicle for the mission. i will post it when my mission is done. I will put hermes in leo, mav in duna, rover near the hab, hab on duna near the mav. This is not creating the martian but make a ares mission like launch, dock with hermes, hermes go to duna, mdv land on duna, crew do some experiment, crew launch from the mav, crew dock with hemes, hermes get back to earth, return vehicle dock with hermes, and crew get back to earth (the launch and return vehicle are MPCV Orion from shadow works orion mod. That is my my mission plan. So i challenge you to make ares lkke mission using any mod you like.
- ares
- ares mision
(and 1 more)
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After doing a lot of missions in modded KSP installs (RSS, RO, or just visual enhancements) I got the idea to do a Youtube series of one of these missions. The idea of this mission/series took shape after watching the movie and reading the book "The Martian". This series is about a possible future space program called "Ares" (Greek god of war - Romans called him Mars) to establish a human settlement on Mars by using KSP v 1.0.4. The install I used is regular KSP with many mods. I mixed current, proven tech and missions with near-future, or even proposed technology that didn't make it into prodoction. As the recording progresses, I got the hang of using the camera tools and video editor. Therefore, I personally think the first parts are a bit 'basic'. Anyway, I hope you enjoy watching it. Any comments welcome. I'm planning to make one episode every 3 weeks, depending on social life / work / missus Here is the Youtube playlist ARES Here are the latest 3 parts: