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Hi , I can't seem to get rid of these warnings, I assume it's a config problem but I'm not that smart , any help appreciated, game works but it's just a niggle on the loading screen, TIA... Log --
Hi, I have a heavily modded version of Ksp 1.12.5. Once I boot up, I get no other warnings except for B9 Part Switch which gives me a serious warning (I have a pretty good knowledge about mods). This same Serious warning has popped up all three times that I have tried to reinstall ksp freshly. I have added an issue to B9 Part Switch's GitHub page but I have not received a reply after a few days. Hoping anybody can help, I have provided a screenshot and the Player.log. Some of the many mods I have installed are: Far Future Technologies, RO, RSS, RSSVE, Tundra Space Center, Technologies, and Exploration, and a bunch more. Player.log: Serious Warning Screenshot:
This is a mod based on OSE Workshop Reworked by @linuxgurugamer, itself a continuation of OSE Workshop Continued by @Aelfhe1m and ultimately a continuation of OSE Workshop by @ObiVanDamme. These mods allow parts to be manufactured directly on a craft using a Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) container to store them. They also allow spare parts in a KIS inventory to be recycled back into their raw materials (at a loss), and provide some limited support for those resources (an ore processor part, resource containers etc). This mod aims to overhaul many of the features of the previous incarnations, and add several new features as well, including a redesigned user interface; compatibility with the stock inventory system added in 1.11 (Some Reassembly Required); compatibility with part variants, B9 part switch, and other types of part changing normally only available in the editor; and compatibility with newer and modded part categories. The original mockup, which shows some as-yet unimplemented features is in the "spoiler" below. I am currently approaching the point where I can release a version of the mod. This will likely be some type of pre-release (which I'd probably call an alpha rather than a beta as it probably won't be feature-complete and will undoubtedly be buggy), as many of the changes made will require more testing than I can do alone, especially given the vast number of mod and version combinations likely to be in use which may interact with it in unforeseen ways. I cannot at this point give a date estimate though (it really depends how much time I have to work on it). Changes and new features (already implemented) Compatibility with the stock inventory system. KSP 1.11 greatly expanded the capabilities of the stock inventory system, which is now in many ways very similar to KIS + KAS. The mod is now able to place printed parts in stock containers as well as KIS ones, and recycle parts contained within stock containers. This mod is also compatible with older versions of KSP which use the pre-1.11 inventory system (as introduced in the Breaking Ground DLC), as limited as it is. I have been testing it sporadically in a highly-modded 1.9.1 game and so far it seems to be working OK. However, I am at this point not sure how robust it is. Obviously this can only be used with the limited number of parts designed specifically for it (or any other similar ones added by mods, if any exist). An overhauled user interface, with more information and options available to the player and a more stock-like layout. Specific changes include: The interface font has been changed to a smoother anti-aliased Arial rather than the previous aliased (pixelated) font. (I'd prefer to use the same font used in the stock interface (Noto Sans) but there isn't a version included with KSP which is compatible with the the old IMGUI system used by the mod. At some point I intend to convert the UI over to the newer uGUI system which KSP now uses for its interfaces, which will allow me to use the built-in Noto Sans TextMeshPro font.) The part categories are now shown on an editor-like vertical strip to the left of the part icons and use editor-like buttons. The part icons now appear in a scrollable area rather than "pages" as in the previous incarnations and more closely match the style of those in the editor. Part icons now spin when hovered over or selected like in the editor The part overview has been reworked to resemble the editor part preview (and indeed provide at least the same information). The search bar is now above the part list (like in the editor) and behaves better. Parts can now be sorted by name, mass, size, volume (KIS), packed volume (stock inventory system), buoyancy, max. temp, max. skin temp, max. pressure, G-tolerance, crew capacity and build time. The workshop UI now displays which mod a part comes from (similar to the tooltips added by the Janitor's Closet mod). This may be toggleable in future if people want that option (e.g. if they don't use many modded parts). A Workshop's progress is now shown as a progress bar in its right-click menu (PAW?) as well as the workshop interface. Compatibility with part variants. Now if a part has alternative skins or configurations which use the stock variants system they can be selected in the workshop interface. Compatibility with several part-switching mods. Like with stock part variants, several modded switchers can also be used through the workshop. These include B9PartSwitch, Firespitter, InterstellarFuelSwitch, KerbetrotterResourceSwitch (Feline Utility Rovers), KPBSModelSwitch (Kerbal Planetary Base Systems), B9 Procedural Wings, Conformal Decals Ability to modify the following values when manufacturing a part (which can normally only be done in the editor): Motor Size and Output(%) for robotic parts Extension/Angle Limit for robotic parts Motorized for robotic parts Allow Full Rotation for servos Ratcheted for rotors (when motorized is disabled) Attach nodes for parts with a DynamicNodes module (e.g. rotors) Quantity of resources "Fixed" resources such as solid fuel for SRBs and ablator for heat shields continue to be added during manufacture but their quantity can now be selected. Transferable resources such as liquid fuel and electric charge are transferred from the vessel at the end of the manufacturing process. Boot file and Disk Space for kOS processors Orientation, Size, Flag Image and Mirroring for flag parts Compatibility with the Robotics and Cargo categories. The previous OSE Workshop incarnations were developed before the introduction of these categories, and while they could be added to parts manually through their configs they were not there by default. Now they are. Compatibility with categories added by the Community Category Kit (CCK), Wild Blue Industries (WBI), Filter Extensions, Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KPBS) and Feline Utility Rovers is now built in to the plugin. These populate automatically without any user intervention or manual coding required. The standard categories added by Umbra Space Industries (USI) (Rovers, Manufacturing, Logistics, Construction, Kolonization and LifeSupport) are also included, although these have been superseded in more recent versions of USI mods by CCK categories. Compatibility with other non-standard categories. Non-standard categories, including the one used for the workshop parts themselves, can now be added via a config. This currently includes Kerbalism and Infernal Robotics, but many more can be added as I find them (feel free to suggest any you know of that aren't added by any of the specifically implemented mods above). I have also added a (temporary?) catch-all BDArmory category.* As the system is config-based individual mod makers and players can support it themselves via a Module Manager patch. These can be set up to include (or exclude) parts based on any combination of part name, tags, modules, path (i.e. where the part's config file is) and manufacturer. "Advanced mode" filters/categories (Filter by Cross-Sectional Profile, Module, Resource, Manufacturer and Tech Level) are now available in addition to the standard categories (technically "filter by function"). These behave much like they do in the editors. Custom categories added using the pale brown/tan/beige + button in the editor are supported. Enhanced queue functionality, including part stacking, individual part pausing (including partially-manufactured parts), and queue re-ordering. Cancelled parts in the workshop are now be transferred into a recycler if one is available, allowing some of the resources used to be recovered. Parts in the recycler queue which haven't yet begun recycling can now be returned to an inventory. Where possible this will be the inventory it originated from, but if it is full or unavailable it will use other inventories instead. An OSE Manager app has been added to the sidebar, which allows workshop and recycler parts to be managed on any vessel in range (~2-3 km) without directly interacting with the part's PAW. I have added a new resource: Waste Material. Any mass which is not converted to useful resources by the recycler is now converted to Waste Material rather than simply vanishing, as are cancelled parts (both in the recycler and those in the workshop not moved to the recycler). Resources now (and indeed must) be transferred out from parts to be recycled. If they cannot be drained (e.g. there isn't enough space on the vessel to store them) they can be dumped/ejected. Similarly, if a part is finished recycling and there isn't enough space for the recovered resources the player may either dump them or have the recycler wait for space to become available. (Previously they would just be lost.) Items can be added to the recycler queue paused. (I also plan to add this functionality to the workshop but haven't done so yet.) This is not the same as the pre-existing functionality of pausing the recycler as it only effects newly added parts – any already queued but non-paused parts remain non-paused, and any individual item can be unpaused at any time. The former feature of specifying which categories are displayed in a workshop through the part's OseModuleWorkshop module is currently non-functional and should be considered obsolete. I have moved most of the text to a localization file, allowing translations to be easily done. I have also implemented an option to switch to British English spellings/terms via a setting (e.g. motorised instead of motorized, anticlockwise instead of counterclockwise, cancelling instead of canceling). This applies to all Workshop UI elements but does not apply to things like part descriptions. The way the system works means that it will have no impact on users who don't have English selected, and in fact the option won't even show up in the menu. I fixed bug where items in the deprecated Propulsion category would not show up: they now correctly appear in either engines or fuel tanks as appropriate. I worked around a memory issue: The KIS volume calculator seems to calculate the volume by loading up the part model and "measuring" it, but it seemingly never unloads it. (Since the KIS code documentation says to remember to destroy the object I suspect it's the Workshop's implementation but I haven't looked into this.) Previously this was done every frame for the selected part meaning that over time memory usage would creep up. This was especially bad for complex models (e.g. the large KIS containers) and could lead to several GB of extra memory use in a few minutes. This is now done only once on flight startup. Workshop UI is now not drawn when the KSP UI is hidden (triggered by the F2 button by default). The mass of the workshop module/part now increases as parts are manufactured, to simulate the part actually being built from the resources. This makes sure the total mass of the vessel doesn't change while manufacturing. (Previously it would decrease as the resources were used up, then increase again when the part was added to the container.) Parts are now recycled based on their actual state – formerly they were recycled based on the default version of the part, rather than taking into account things like variants or motor mass. * BDArmory uses a custom sub-category system which cannot simply be added through a config. I intend to look into replicating the system completely at some point after the initial release. Until then, I plan to include a basic config-based category which includes all the BDArmory parts. What still needs to be done (for this version) Currently, part variants and B9 subtypes do not play well with the stock inventory. Cosmetic changes and changes to things like tank type seem to work fine but changes to part mass do not; packed volume does not seem to be variable. However, I have had conflicting results when testing this in the VAB too so it may be a problem with KSP rather than the mod. Edit: As far as I can tell this aspect of the stock inventory system simply doesn't work. If you add 1 part with a mass-changing variant (e.g. the T-12 Structural Tube from Making History) to a stock container in the editor it will display correctly at launch. However, if you leave the vessel and reload it will revert back to default (in the case of the tube 0.075t/75kg). If you add 2 or more of the same part with a mass-changing variant in the editor but choose different variants, they will use whichever you chose last (until you leave the vessel, when they revert to default.) It would seem it doesn't take the moduleMass value into account. I don't think there's anything I can do to fix or work around this. There is still some GUI work to finish I'd also like to make sure the design is colour-blind-friendly. If it isn't and I can't make it so without compromising it I'll add a colour blind mode of some sort. If anyone knows of any other accessibility options/considerations that could/should be taken into account please let me know. Create a replacement for the KIS icon renderer that the mod uses. This is a WIP and on a basic level mostly done, but it needs more testing and there are things left to implement. Add the ability to add en masse all parts from a saved craft or subassembly to the build queue. This is mostly done but not yet completed. I'd like to look into the memory issue some more. If possible I'd like to not have it run at startup, as with large part counts this can increase load times quite substantially. It also appears to hang during said loading which is far from ideal. I need to make sure everything works correctly with save games and when switching vessels. Add any more stock (including expansions) editor-only variables that I haven't yet thought of. If you can think of any others please let me know. Light variables (colour, blink etc) Finish moving strings to the localisation file (mostly done I think). Add a few additional variables to sort by: resources required, etc. Fix a bug where scrolling sometimes zooms the camera as well as scrolling through the part/categories lists, part descriptions etc. I have worked around this issue. I need to think of a name for the mod Planned features/ideas (for future releases) I also have some plans for features which will (probably) not be present in the initial release, but may come in later releases. Naturally these are very much subject to change and may not ever come to pass. Planned "major" features (for far future releases) There are features which I plan to develop longer term, many of which will significantly change the nature of the mod. Most of them will probably be made as a separate dependent mod rather than being directly incorporated. While I won't go into detail here, most of them revolve around a new, far more expansive resource and recipe system and additional parts to facilitate this. The closest comparison I can think of is the MKS resource system. The basic idea behind this is to make colonisation a much more involved and challenging process rather than just a case of sending up a few modules and engineers and waiting. (Building a colony should require infrastructure, scarce resource management etc.) However, as I said this will likely be a separate sub-mod, so players who just want to build a few rockets on the Mun don't have to put up with a semi-realistic colonisation simulator.
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I'm currently messing around with adding compatibility for KerBalloons to the Skyhawk Science System (for personal use) and I can't quite seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. All the parts show up where they are suppose to, just fine, but the upgrades for the balloons just aren't working. Example: @PART[universalBalloonHP]:AFTER[KerBalloons] // { @TechRequired = start } @PARTUPGRADE[BalloonSize0]:AFTER[KerBalloons] // { @TechRequired = start } The code above seems to work fine. Both the base part and the Size 0 "upgrade" appear in the starting node. But neither of these... @PARTUPGRADE[BalloonSize1]:AFTER[KerBalloons] // { @TechRequired = construction1 } @PART[universalBalloonHP]:AFTER[KerBalloons] // { %MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch] { %SUBTYPE[Size1] { %TechRequired = construction1 } } } ... seem to do anything, leaving them out of the renamed "engineering101" node that Skyhawk's mod uses for compatibilty. I've looked around for a possible solution as best I can, but I can't seem to find anything in the B9 Part Switch or MM documentation, and the forums are a bit blank. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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Link to logs: (You will want to go to the 01/17 - 17/01 for you non Americans - folder) When I try to EVA my crew I get a B9 part switcher warning immediately and my poor kerbal is destroyed along with my aircraft. I also dont switch perspectives and I am still controlling what's left of the craft. I am not even sure if my kerbals are truly "dead" as their portrait is still there but staticy like they had just come back. I did have a successful EVA earlier in my play through so I will roll back my mods to see if I can tease out what the issue is but I am still new at kerbal crash logs so if one of you gents/gals/persons is free and willing to give it a glace for me I would apricate it. I tried to make the log playthrough as straightforward as possible and get right to the bug and alt-f4 out when it did its damage. The only other things might be me before hand is recovering my vessel and trying a different one to see if that helped. But that might have been the the previous play through. I will post back here if anything develops. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.