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Found 3 results

  1. This definitely happens when reverting to the VAB, possibly when reverting to launch, and also could have to do with loading quicksaves. At least, in my save as of a few days ago. It was working for me and it still works for other people, but now this happens. When this bug is in effect, the game returns a blank white square in place of your chosen flag and existing quicksaves and workspaces do not appear to be read by the game. If you quit the game and reload a quicksave that was made when this bug was in effect, it'll come back just as before. Workspace loading doesn't work so if you were making a ship when you realised this bug was in effect, you can only load it using quicksaves and will not be able to bring it back into a healthy save. You can view quicksaves that were made with this bug in effect, but when you load it, you can't come back without a relaunch, hence your creations being stuck and unrecoverable (as far as I know). https://pastebin.com/Yee2YaWa https://pastebin.com/WhdKdxMs
  2. Hi all. With the addition of 1.4 update I recently had the following error message 'incompatible version of ksp' and a prompt to delete my save game. Needless to say, this was undesirable as I have many hours clocked on my save. The solution for me was to create a NEW career mode (new save). Then transfer the quicksave.sfs files from my corrupt save folder into the new game folder and load the quicksave from within the new game. Oddly the files are the exact same but KSP rejected my old save folder. (I even gave my new folder the same name) Not sure if it was the craft files as i'm going to remove them anyway because i read they are fazing some old parts out of the game. I have no part mods anyway so it would be also odd if this was the problem. All mods seem to work, abeit with startup error, so i don't know what the actually problem was. Hope this saves someone the trouble of restarting their career mode.
  3. I have now had three games become corrupt on me. This is truly a terrible user experience. It needs to be patched. Until it can be properly fixed, May I suggest you make a small patch to keep an A and B save? When the game starts, copy the current save, if not corrupt, to a "B" location, and if corrupt, restore from the last time the game was started. That way we only lose ONE session of game play, rather than an entire career. This should be a relatively small change. You can already identify corrupt files, and I am sure the PS4 and Xbox have a simple method to store a file. And while it doesn't solve the corruption issue, it would reduce the pain. Thank you. Skip Huffman
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