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  1. So, here's my setup: Razer Blade 15 (2018) Windows 10 legal installation, fully updated intel i7-8750H, 16GB DDR4 RAM, mobile Nvidia 1070 Max-Q KSP 1.9.1 (also a legal copy for what it's worth) I have about 30 or so mods installed. I typically have this laptop set up as a desktop, with a Razer Core that has a 1080ti inside it, two external monitors (34" 2560x1080 ultrawide 144hz as main, 32" 1920x1080 144hz as secondary) an external gaming mouse and mechanical keyboard attached. While in that setup I have zero issues with my game. However, I am staying at my partner's house right now and brought just the laptop body itself with me as I have become addicted to KSP. This is the first time I have tried to load the game not on my dekstop setup. It crashes on load every time. What on earth could be causing that? Is it just searching for components that aren't there and crashing? That doesn't seem likely, but I cannot think of any other reason. Thoughts? To be clear this is the exact same computer I always play it on, just after having removed all the external peripherals am I having this issue. Also, when I say crashes, I mean that the game closes itself out to desktop, not gets hung up on the loading screen.
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