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Found 9 results

  1. Please spare me if there's a quick answer to this. Can the Mun turn red? I was on the Mun in an eclipse when I relized "Hey, the terrain scatters, my craft, kerbals, flag and Mun dust (not mun) all turn red, but not the actual terrain, I wonder why?" Is there an answer? And is there a possible fix/mod?
  2. Astronomy Events - 2019 Partial Solar Eclipse - January 6, 2019 Venus at greatest western elongation - January 6, 2019 2019 opens with a partial solar eclipse visible in Siberia and western Russia, and the reindeer won't be the only ones staring in wonderment at the heavens. The rest of us will be pointing our telescopes at our sister planet, Venus. The namesake planet of the god of love will reach its maximum western elongation on January 6th, providing an excellent viewing opportunity. Total Lunar Eclipse - January 21, 2019 The Babylonian empire ended back in 539 B.C., so the ancient lottery won't be selecting anyone for the job of "one-day king." Even so, a total lunar eclipse is a spectacular natural event well worth your attention. Totality will last just over 60 minutes. The eclipse will be visible in north & south America, north Africa, and western Europe. Conjunction of Jupiter & Venus - January 22, 2019 AND November 24, 2019 With no less than two conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus in the same year, astrologers and astronomers alike will be having a field day. So regardless of whether you are looking for signs in the sky or an easy opportunity to sight elusive Venus, you won't want to miss the greatest planetary event of 2019. Jupiter at Opposition - June 10, 2019 The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, is never hard to spot. It will be especially conspicuous when it reaches opposition on the 10th of June. Look for the moons Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io which will appear as bright points of light around the gas giant. Total Solar Eclipse - July 2, 2019 These never get old. The eclipse of July 2nd, 2019 will trace a path all the way from Tahiti to Argentina. If you are lucky enough to be in the area, you won't want to miss one of nature's greatest natural spectacles. Saturn at Opposition -July 9, 2019 When Galileo first pointed his telescope at Saturn, he spotted what he later thought to be two massive "handles" on either side. Today we recognize them as Saturn's rings, and there will be no better time to observe them then when the planet reaches opposition on July 9th. The planet will be inclined 24 degrees toward Earth, giving us a great look at those beautiful "handles." Although Saturn will be nearing its closest approach, the rings will not be visible to the naked eye. Perseids - August 13-14, 2019 Perseids, Queen of Meteors - The zenith hourly rate of meteors is expected to reach nearly 80 per hour as the Earth swings through litter left on the highway by comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Unfortunately the moon will be in a very inconvenient phase (waxing gibbous) limiting the amount of visible shooting stars. Transit of Mercury - November 11, 2019 A transit of Mercury will occur on November 11th as the planet passes between the Earth and the sun. In the United States, those of us in the eastern standard time zone will be able to observe this phenomenon starting just after 7:30 EST, when many of us will be stuck in rush hour traffic. The transit will be visible in the Americas, western Europe, and Africa. Never look directly at the sun without protective equipment. Geminids - December 13-14, 2019 Geminids, King of Meteors - The zenith hourly rate will reach close to 100 meteors per hour as the shower peaks on December the 13th-14th. This meteor shower is my personal favorite and watching it while drinking hot chocolate and listening to beautiful holiday music has become a small tradition of mine. That spoil sport of a moon will once again be at an inconvenient phase (waning gibbous this time) limiting the amount of visible meteors. Note: This list is a compilation of all significant astronomy events in 2019. Several unimportant/common or inaccessible events (oppositions/elongations of Mercury) have been omitted.
  3. Okay, so I have always wondered if KSP had eclipses, and randomly I just noticed mine has one! Check it out everyone!
  4. So, if you want to report an KSP solar eclipse expedition, feel free to add it here (even if the gods of modding added some clouds) I will add some too. My first time trying to observe a solar eclipse from the ground, actually, from the polar circle! How can you yourself observe it from these areas? Just add the Mun some inclination (if I'm not mistaken, I added an inclination of 5.5). It was a "bit" cloudy, but Jeb managed to image something. After the eclipse, Jeb observed the beautiful northern lights. Location: 71.116 °N 80.001 °E Eclipse itself: Jeb after the eclipse: Aurora that night:
  5. Not really a question, merely an observance of a total eclipse from the Astronaut Complex on Kerbin:
  6. I'm aware that that most people on this forum are probably astronomy buffs, so you probably know about some of these already, but just in case there's some you haven't heard of here's the list of the top 7. February 11th: Comet 45P/HMP will be making its closest approach to earth. February 26th: Astronomy lovers in the southern hemisphere will see an annular solar eclipse, aka a "ring of fire eclipse". March 29th: Mercury, Mars, and the Moon will all be close together in the sky. Mercury will also be in its highest and brightest position in the sky. April 10th: Jupiter will reach its opposition and pair up with the Moon and Spica, the lead star in the constellation Virgo. August 21st: Much of North America will experience a total solar eclipse as the sun darkens daylight skies in a narrow swath from Oregon to South Carolina. November 13th: Jupiter will pair up with Venus low on the horizon creating a spectacular conjunction. December 13th: The beautiful Geminid meteor shower will reach its peak activity close to midnight when the waning crescent moon will depart the night sky. Be sure to mark your calendar!
  7. This was completely random and I didn't plan this. I just made a satellite to orbit Kerbin and then I noticed that there was a solar eclipse, with almost all the planets next to it. Of course I had to post this.
  8. As normally, I was playing with Tarsier Space Tech and cockpit zoom trying to figure out if planets would be visible. Not only I figured out eve can easily be seen with basic cockpit zoom, but also events such as transits can be seen! Everyone has seen Kerbol eclipse, but has somebody seen an transit occur? Eclipse occurs once every 6 days, but Eve and Moho transits are extremely rare, as Moho and Eve have a lot more inclined orbits. Here are some photos of eclipses, transits and oppositions captured with cockpit zoom and Tarsier Space Tech telescope, and if you have observed Eve and Moho transits, solar eclipses or even as rare things as Minmus transits and occultations, be sure to show me your pics Kerbol eclipse: http://imgur.com/TFG2OEM Moho Transit: http://imgur.com/wOQAAki Eve Transit: http://i.imgur.com/wj3wFO7.jpg Jool Opposition: http://imgur.com/F9yj18C Duna Opposition: http://imgur.com/0xGKoL7
  9. Challenged myself to get to the Mun and back using the Kerbal X, and got a spectacular surprise along the way. Thought id share!
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