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Found 6 results

  1. XBox One, sound file for Twin Boar is corrupt, produces regular pops/crackle that speeds up as engine throttle is increased. I can see this error was raised in 2018, but it is still broken on XB1 today. Any suggestions, other than to play with no engine noise for that engine?
  2. when is the next major update for enhanced edition+breaking ground on xbox
  3. I got enhanced edition the day it came out and I've been loving it, but I've been wondering is it possible to maybe get mod support for KSP on Xbox/PS4? Thanks!
  4. Honestly, when i saw 1.4 and the features coming with it i got excited. But when i found out my computers a complete potato for 1000th time i wondered if it is on consoles. Not to my surprise it wasn't. Please bring it to enhanced edition!
  5. I got enhanced edition the day it came out and I've been loving it, but I've been wondering is it possible to maybe get mod support for KSP on Xbox/PS4? Thanks!
  6. I've encountered a bug with the cheat menu. When I tried to rendezvous with a station that I had previously built using the cheat menu, my cursor disappeared and I was unable to bring it back or even exit the cheat menu. Devs plz fix.
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