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Found 5 results

  1. Hi fellow exploiters! Today I finally discovered the art of air-less jet engines! (sort of, it doesn't work in space thou...) And Now, presenting the aircraft with the best name ever.... No Air Jet!! https://kerbalx.com/cant_think_of_a_username/No-Air-Jet All the info for the aircraft is written on the Kerbalx link. If you take it out for a flight on Eve, Duna, or, best, JOOL, Please take a video or picture and post it here! I would love to see some useful applications of jets without air! (It would also be good if you can fix this plane's aerodynamic model, as it is very bad) And Last thing: I think I know why this works, as written on the Kerbalx page, but I am not really sure why it doesn't work in space. If any experts here know, please tell me, or tell me your theory. Best of luck, CTAU (Can't Think of A Username)
  2. While messing around with pistons i tried to use them as a spring and i noticed a piston (my pistons' settings: https://imgur.com/a/SNFH4st) was very VERY VERY stretchy https://imgur.com/a/jDKIWRr its also very buggy that high in the sky.
  3. So I put together a rover to collect some Science from around the KSC, and I put four Experiment Storage Unit's on it so I wouldn't need to recover it constantly. I had also had four of each experiment I was bringing, so I expected them to all get collected. Then I noticed X Science was showing I couldn't run an experiment any more, despite the fact more runs were in fact required to fill the bar and enough science parts were present, so I checked the experiments. Turns out some of them had failed to collect. Thinking about it, this had also just happened while I was collecting the atmospheric analysis science from Kerbin's upper atmosphere with a totally different craft. Best I can tell, this is because I had all the Experiment Storage Unit's on an action group together, and they must have all collected from the same part at the same time. New since 1.8.1 as far as I know. While I have mod's installed, which is why I'm putting this here, I do not believe them to be at fault. Any experiment + 2 action grouped Experiment Storage Unit's on a craft should allow this to be replicated EDIT: Actually, it looks like they need to be on the same stage - so no decouplers in-between. Maybe. EDIT 2: Figured it out- this doesn't work with the Science Jr. or Mystery Goo. Haven't gone up to 1.9 yet, so I can't speak for that.
  4. Yaaay! I landed on the Northwest Crater! Uuuuuuuuh... wait "East Farside Crater" (cf minimap) Uuuuuuuh... Yep, definitely not the Nortwest Crater... Okay, here's the real story: I'm currently elcanoing the Mün, and my next stop was the EFC. However, as I came close, I saw on my minimap a "wrongly labelled" patch. Intrigued, I decided to come closer. Turns out, it wasn't a glitched spot, but a genuine, tiny biome! Upon closer inspection, there seems to be quite a bit of these tiny patches around all the large craters, especially the south-west of the EFC. I've found no less than 4 incorrect biomes in a relatively small area, creating a 7° square with no less than 8 biomes on it (EFC, Midlands, Highlands, Canyons, Northwest Crater, Highland Craters, Farside Crater and Northwest basin), and all of the incorrect biomes are absent in a radius of more than one hundred kilometers, or more. This is pretty much unbeatable to grind some science with a rover. The next post is a sample of the various incorrect micro-biomes you can find, along with their coordinates:
  5. So, is this some kind of exploit? I've seen it many times, not just on this. People always seem to put the tiny nose cone on their Rapiers, and I don't get why. I thought that either: a) they'd blow up from heat exhaust or... b) they'd block the thrust of the craft. Is it just aesthetics, or is it an actual exploit or what? Whatever it is, if it isn't aesthetics, then I have no idea what it is for.
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