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Found 8 results

  1. Add details and dimensions of parts (e.g. fuel tanks) as in Making history I and many people probably like to build compact rockets rather than taking a lot of extra fuel or emptying a tank because you couldn't find smaller tanks of the right profile. Since its introduction the medium 1.875m size parts have been present in many of my crafts. And the Huge 5m parts are extremely handy for interplanetary travel and taking out huge structures without too much hassle I don't think making another size tank will be harder than the other features, but it will increase the creative space for players from the very release of the game and in its base set. I hope for understanding
  2. Welcome to the A.A.P. Challenge! Okay, so this challenge is fairly simple: use Apollo tech to go as far as you can. What counts as Apollo tech? The Mk1-3 Command pod, Mk2 Command pod, Mk1 Command Pod, and the M.E.M are the only command pods that can be used in this challenge (Probe cores can be used, but the craft does need crew on board for most of the mission). Also, the only engines that can be used are the Mastodon, Skiff, Wolfhound, Spark, Terrier, Reliant, Swivel, Thud, Ant, and Spider. Electric motors from BG can also be used. No kraken drives. Also, no ISRUs. All other parts are good (May change). Also, any craft made for this challenge needs to have a Mk1-3 Command pod, and a service module. A service module is made of a SM-25 Service module and can contain whatever you want. So how do you get points? Well first, this challenge only involves one flight, though assembly in LKO is allowed. To earn points, that one flight must go to difficult planets and moons to visit. The following is a chart of the scores for landing on or doing a flyby of each planet and moon. (Also, multiple planets and moons can be visited, and the points will stack.) Planet / Moon Score for landing (And returning) Score for Flyby (And returning) Tylo, Eve, Moho. 10 5 Duna, Eeloo, Laythe, Vall, 5 3 Gilly, Minmus, Mun, Bop, Pol, Ike, Dres. 2 1 Kerbol (If you can land on the Sun and return, I would be extremely impressed) Not possible in any way. Leader board: Username: Number of Points: Death Engineering 19 Badge: Please comment if anything is unclear, unfair, or anything like that. Please enjoy. Challenge will end when I decide it has run its course.
  3. i rescued a spacecraft that ran out of fuel in kerbin orbit. i re-entered two capsules at the same time. the top capsule was the capsule that was rescued.
  4. Hello everyone! Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1 is live! This patch focuses mainly on solving issues encountered in the base game and both the Making History and Breaking Ground Expansions. Check out this patch's Changelog for further details: =================================== v1.9.1 ============================================================ 1.9.1 Changelog - BaseGame ONLY (see below for Making History and Breaking Ground changelog) +++ Localization * Fix Drain Value Resource Names Localization in PAWs. +++ Bugfixes * Fixed an NRE when the warning "Warning No Control!" and player was able to click another facility while the dialog is open. * Fix altimeter dropdown in flight from being locked under certain incorrect conditions. * Fix some issues on Kerbin texture atlas for Ultra Detail Shader. * Fix broken propellant tooltips for abbreviated propellant names in stage icons. * Reverted Wheel Friction and Brake changes to 1.8.1 behaviors. * Fix Ground physics material settings for EVA kerbal interactions. Stop that sinking feeling. * Fix for kerbal helmet safety not being applied after cheating a vessel to airless world * Fix unable to drag maneuver nodes on future patched conics. * Fix Set position cheat overheating vessels set into position within an atmosphere. * Fix error in Intake air resourceDefinition config that marked it as drainable. =================================== Making History 1.9.1 =================================== +++ Localization * Fix unlocalized text in the Intermediate Tutorial. +++ Bugfixes * The VAB and SPH should not be open in the stock Meet me in Zero G mission. =================================== Breaking Ground 1.4.1 =================================== +++ Bugfixes * Fix non-motorized robotic parts being free moving. Remember that you can help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker and that you can also upvote reports to make them more visible. Happy launchings!
  5. Hi, I have issue to achive goal. Need to do an orbite 100Km excentricity 0 inclinaison 0. I have done it but nothing append... How to validate this step ? Need help... thanks a lot Regards
  6. I'm trying to find the Dessert Airfield for flying practice, but I can't seem to find it.
  7. So, I'm wondering, out of the dlc that kerbal space program has, which DLC, if any, is your favorite or the one that you like the most? I personally like Making History because of the Mission Builder since I've recently used it to make some historical recreations of missions and similar things also. The parts are also good, but I would like it if there were more parts in the dlc based on real life ones. What about you?
  8. I have installed the new Making History expansion, but once I click on the Missions button, there are no missions to play. There were before though... Any thoughts? Thanks!
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