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  1. The Tinfoil Times Everyone knows that you can't trust those "original" pictures that show how we spend literally thousands of dollars every year putting people in space just to grow crystals and stuffs. I mean they've gotta be doin other things! There's this guy I know, well he's a friend of a friend... of a friend, who has this special radio and a cool lookin antenna, well it's an umbrella covered in chewing gum wrappers and wire coat hanger sticking out the middle. Anyway... he says he has these secret pictures from space cos his uncle used to be an astronut or sumthin and he gave him all the top secret codes so he could listen in and get the real pictures. He got this one the other day... says he had to "fill in some missing data" I dunno... it was too technical for me. Can someone say interstellar romance If he gives me any more I'll post em here... if they don't catch me first
  2. this challenge is actually how i land on the mun -plant a flag on the mun -SAS and RCS are allowed -stock -no spaceplanes or anything -no refueling -you have to orbit like this, if your 30 secs to the apoapsis go horizontal, then activate your engines, wait until you have a orbit -no small rockets, go BIG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -um hello this maybe an easy challenge so... k bai
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