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Found 3 results

  1. My game glitched while timewarping and two of my on-mission Kerbals somehow got marked as MIA. I'm trying to bring them back via save file editing (marking them as "Assigned" rather than "Missing" in the roster, and correcting the mission's crew count to 3) but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there anything else I can do? The mission is kinda screwed without them.
  2. I discovered today that I have two kerbals listed as K.I.A. and I have no idea what happened to them. Is there some kind of record in the save file? Were they victims of that overly complex rotating ring station that I made? Or did I fall asleep after their de-orbit burn late one night and forget to stage the 'chutes? Or did I get them home safe and then send them on a collision course with Jool, but forgot to set a KAC alarm for the mid-course correction burn? I need to know !!!!
  3. What it says on the tin: Would it possible for Kerbals that go MIA (i.e. their craft goes beyond physics range and is despawned) to be available for rescue as a contract? They could simply get spawned at the location their craft was despawned at when the contract is taken.
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