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I'm playing around with creating Apollo missions and I'm trying to have the actions be performed in the correct order: Orbit Transmunar Injection MEM extraction However, I'm having a hard time figuring out a way of having the game check the trajectory of the craft. There doesn't seem to be "on an escape trajectory out of x" or "has encounter with x" node so I'm wondering what other people are doing to validate these checks. Ie: IF "Encounter = Mun" or "On escape trajectory from Kerbin (towards Mun)" THEN "Show dialog box to extract MEM" Is this possible at the moment?
Managed to get my interplanetary vessel + lander assembled in LKO today. The nuclear tug has about 11km Δv when laden with the lander, which itself has about 2.3km Δv. Any recommendations on where to transport such a craft first? The Joolian system seems like the obvious (though standard) answer... Pictures of the mission so far:
Seeing as my RSS/RO take on Ares is on indefinite hiatus because I need a better computer, I took advantage of the mission builder to create a Kerbalized Ares. Introducing Excursion: The Kares Mission to Duna! Note: I'm considering this initial release a beta release. I've worked out as many bugs as I could, but I feel playtesting by others will help work out any bugs or problems I may not have caught or foreseen. Mission Description: Finally! After 15 years and billions of funds, we were able to scrape together and modify some old Kerpollo hardware to make a one-shot trip to Duna! Trust us, it's worth all of the science we lost not exploring the outer Kerbol system.\n\nSince we don't have the nerve to use NERVs due to that last mishap, we're using good 'ol hydrolox technology. We have a propulsion stack waiting in orbit for you to dock with after launch. Make a swingy of Eve, and then head off to Duna to make your historic landing. In the meantime, we'll be figuring out things for you to do when we get back so we don't lose funding. Details: This is a kerbalized Ares mission. You will be required to slingshot around Eve to Duna and return safely, and your main goal is to land on Duna. You can also drop a probe on Eve to transmit science to Kerbin for extra points. This mission has four endings. Each ending is based on if whether you collected science at Eve or not and if you landed on Duna or not. This means that you can fail to land the Eve probe and still complete the mission. You can also abort the Duna landing attempt and still complete the mission. This mission is purely stock, but to help with the interplanetary transfers and precision landing, you might want to play this with mods. I'd recommend Kerbal Engineer, Waypoint Manager, Slingshotter, Precise Node, and Trajectories. Known Issue: -If you lose the Eve probe and then lose the crew, you won't get the proper "mission failed" screen. This is because of an issue with setting the "Vessel Destroyed" catch-all node to fire more than one time causing the entire mission logic to be stuck at the "Vessel Destroyed" catch-all node, making the mission impossible to complete if you destroy the Eve probe. I will either try to work around this problem or just remove the general "Vessel Destroyed" catch-all tree and restrict it to the Eve probe. Let me know if there are any bugs or issues in this thread, and I'll try my best to correct them and put further polish on this mission. Link to Mission: Screenshots: Screenshots taken using Astronomer's Visual Pack, Kerbal Space Program Renaissance Collection, and Real Plume Stock.
The date is February 20, 1962. NASA is about to launch the first American into orbit, John Glenn. In this mission you will be recreating the Mercury-Atlas 6 flight, which brought John Glenn into orbit and back. It includes some realism, with some things that actually happened during the 3-orbit mission. Operated by NASA as part of Project Mercury, it was the fifth human spaceflight, preceded by Soviet orbital flights Vostok 1 and 2 and American sub-orbital flights Mercury-Redstone 3 and 4. I think I did a pretty good job at recreating the mission using the mission builder, and I hope you will enjoy playing it! Below are some images from the mission: Mercury-Atlas 6 on the launch pad, with the Friendship 7 capsule. Shortly after launch, when you are told to start pitching and what orbit you need to get into. Separation of the Atlas booster engines. Shortly after you get into orbit, and have to decouple from the Atlas. Image of Friendship 7 in Orbit. A problem happens during the beginning of Orbit 2 (like the real mission). The Retro-burn after 3 orbits. Re-entry. About to splashdown, with the KSC in the distance. Also, most of the mission parts are automated (like when you launch, fire retros, separate from Atlas, etc.). So just do what Gene tells you to in the Mission and if anyone finds problems, I will make updates that will fix them. Enjoy! Download Links: KerbalX, Mediafire, Steam Workshop
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「ミッションビルダー」仕様に生まれ変わりました!さらに Steamワークショップ にも対応! 参加には ダウンロードコンテンツ「Making History Expansion」が必要です。 日本コミュニティでの第一回ミッションは「僕の私のSSTO-軽量機部門-」! 自慢のSSTO(Single-Stage-to-Orbit:単段式宇宙往還機)で宇宙へ飛び立とう! ミッション内容は「軽量SSTOで宇宙ステーションにドッキング」です SSTOとは、いかなる部品(ブースター、エンジン、燃料タンク等)も切り離さずに、単独で離陸→大気圏突破→軌道投入→再突入→着陸、が出来る再利用型機体です。 あなたが設計したSSTOでこのミッションに挑戦して、画像や動画をシェアしよう! 準備の準備 ミッション報告には公式フォーラムのアカウントが必要なので、まずは↓で登録を済ませよう! 準備 Steamユーザー以外 : ここから「Mission-僕の私のSSTO-軽量機部門-」をダウンロード(右上にある↓矢印マーク)。 Steamユーザー : Steamアプリから 僕の私のSSTO-軽量機部門- JP-1 をサブスクライブして、手順4に進んでください。 ダウンロードしたzipファイルは"解凍せずに"そのままKSPのインストールフォルダ内の「Missions」フォルダに移動しましょう。 ※Steamの場合は「\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Missions」です。 KSPを起動して「ミッションをプレイする」をクリックすると、ミッションが自動的にインポートされます。 他のセーブデータの機体を使用するには、他のセーブデータの「.craft」ファイルを、ミッションフォルダ内の「Ships」フォルダにコピーしてください。 ミッション一覧から「僕の私のSSTO-軽量機部門- JP-1」を選べばミッションスタートです。ヴェルナーさんとジーンさんと一緒にミッションを完遂しましょう! ミッション カービンから打ち上げ/離陸する。 機体をカービンの楕円軌道に投入する。 上空15万mの軌道にある宇宙ステーションにドッキングする。 カービンに無事に着陸する。 ルール 機体には1人以上のカーバルが搭乗できること。 機体重量は30t以内であること。 ドッキングポートを装備すること(大中小どれでもOK)。 禁止MOD HyperEdit VesselMover 使用可能MOD 景観MODは使用可能。 MODパーツは使用可能。(ただしゲームパランスを著しく崩すものは不可) MechJebは使用可能。(ただし使用した場合は「MechJebを使用」と書いて投稿してください) フォーラムに投稿 上の「ミッション」の4場面のスクリーンショットまたは動画を投稿しよう。 4枚以上の画像を張り付けるときはフォーム内の「Spoiler」(後述)を使おう スクリーンショット撮影の仕方、投稿の仕方は下を見てね。 スクリーンショット/動画の撮影 F1キーでスクリーンショットが撮影され、KSPインストールフォルダ内の「Screenshots」フォルダに保存されます。 F2キーでUIの表示/非表示が切り替わるので、機体と風景だけの撮影が可能です。 動画はグラフィックボードの機能やアプリ(ロイロゲームレコーダーなど)を使って撮影しましょう。 投稿 スレッドの下にある「Reply to this topic…」フォームに投稿内容を記入して、右下の「Submit Reply」で投稿しよう。 画像は、一旦アップローダー(Imgur、Twitterなど)にアップロードしてから、その画像の拡張子を含むURL、Twitterならツイートへのリンクを貼り付けよう。 動画は、Youtubeにアップロードして、その動画のURLを貼り付けよう。 画像が沢山あるときは、フォーム上のツールバーにある「Spoiler(目のマーク)」を使って、折りたたみ式のパネルに貼り付けよう。 参考資料 SSTOなんて設計したことないよ!と言う人は、@Meila さんによるSSTO設計の手引を見てみよう! その他 開催期間は無期限です。 参加賞としてミッションパッチ/フラッグをプレゼント! 複数作品の投稿もOK!自慢のSSTOでぜひ参加してね! それでは楽しい宇宙旅行を!
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As you can tell by the title of this thread, I, a poor mission-maker want a feature in specific. A "duplicate this node" right-click button for nodes. If you want to make a long line of vessels/flags for some reason, or make a reliable relay network to make sure your players don't run out of connection during the mission, I think we need a "duplicate" button I'd also like better titles to clarify what the node does. I'm the person who'll need help with critical thinking, so better explanation titles & descriptions would be nice. And finally, I'd like an easier way to tell someone to do science at a specific location. Hanson
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Will mission builder be coming out to xbox one?
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Using the mission builder what's your best ksp mission you have made, if any? (I have made a few myself, and currently working on another)
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参加には ダウンロードコンテンツ「Making History Expansion」が必要です。 日本コミュニティでの第3回ミッションは「鳥みどりんコンテスト」! セプラトロン4基で、果たしてカーバルはどこまで飛行できるのか!滑空技術でカービンの果てを目指そう! ミッション内容は「滑空機でVAB屋上からスタートして遠くまで飛ぼう」です このコンテストでは、「滑空距離」と「滞空時間」からスコアを算出しています 準備の準備 ミッション報告には公式フォーラムのアカウントが必要なので、まずは↓で登録を済ませよう! 準備 Steamユーザー以外 : ここから「Mission-鳥みどりんコンテスト」をダウンロード(右上にある↓矢印マーク)。 Steamユーザー : Steamアプリから 鳥みどりんコンテスト JP-3 をサブスクライブして、手順4に進んでください。 ダウンロードしたzipファイルは"解凍せずに"そのままKSPのインストールフォルダ内の「Missions」フォルダに移動しましょう。 ※Steamの場合は「\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Missions」です。 KSPを起動して「ミッションをプレイする」をクリックすると、ミッションが自動的にインポートされます。 他のセーブデータの機体を使用するには、他のセーブデータの「.craft」ファイルを、ミッションフォルダ内の「Ships」フォルダにコピーしてください。 ミッション一覧から「鳥みどりんコンテスト JP3」を選べばミッションスタートです。ヴェルナーさんとジーンさんと一緒にミッションを完遂しましょう! ミッション 滑空機を設定する。 VAB屋上にいるジェブ君かヴァレンティナさんのどちらか(両方でも可)を機体に乗せる。 ブレーキを解除して、セプラトロンに点火したら競技開始。 着地/着水してスコアを確認する。 ルール 滑空機には1人以上のカーバルが搭乗できること。 搭載するセプラトロンはで4基までとする。 カーバルが携行しているパラシュートは使用不可。 着地/着水までカーバルはコマンドシートから離れないこと。 ※着地の衝撃で落ちるのは大丈夫 禁止MOD MODパーツは禁止。 使用可能MOD 景観MODは使用可能。 フォーラムに投稿 上の「ミッション」の4場面のスクリーンショットまたは動画を投稿しよう。 セプラトロンの搭載数がわかる画像も投稿してください。 4枚以上の画像を張り付けるときはフォーム内の「Spoiler」(後述)を使おう スクリーンショット撮影の仕方、投稿の仕方は下を見てね。 スクリーンショット/動画の撮影 F1キーでスクリーンショットが撮影され、KSPインストールフォルダ内の「Screenshots」フォルダに保存されます。 F2キーでUIの表示/非表示が切り替わるので、機体と風景だけの撮影が可能です。 動画はグラフィックボードの機能やアプリ(ロイロゲームレコーダーなど)を使って撮影しましょう。 投稿 スレッドの下にある「Reply to this topic…」フォームに投稿内容を記入して、右下の「Submit Reply」で投稿しよう。 画像は、一旦アップローダー(Imgur、Twitterなど)にアップロードしてから、その画像の拡張子を含むURL、Twitterならツイートへのリンクを貼り付けよう。 動画は、Youtubeにアップロードして、その動画のURLを貼り付けよう。 画像が沢山あるときは、フォーム上のツールバーにある「Spoiler(目のマーク)」を使って、折りたたみ式のパネルに貼り付けよう。 その他 開催期間は無期限です。 参加賞としてミッションパッチ/フラッグをプレゼント! 複数作品の投稿もOK!腕自慢もウケ狙いもあなた次第、ぜひ参加してね! それでは楽しい宇宙旅行を!
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せっかく作ったミッションはシェアしないとね! ここは、KSPの拡張パック「Making History Expansion」で追加された機能「Mission Builder」で自作したミッション(のzipファイル)を公開したりダウンロードしたりする場所です。 ↓参考↓ 日本コミュニティミッション 世界のミッション投稿所(英語) ↓ミッションのエクスポートとインポート方法↓ ミッションをエクスポート!(表示するにはこの下にある「Reveal hidden contents」を開いてね。) ミッションをインポート!(表示するにはこの下にある「Reveal hidden contents」を開いてね。)
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ミッションを企画・開催しよう! KSP1.4の拡張パック「Making History Expansion」で「ミッションビルダー」という機能が実装されました。 これは、いわば「KSPツクール」ともいえるもので、こんな機体を作ろう!この星を目指そう!この場所に着陸しよう!といった指令を組み合わせて、簡単な遊びから本格的な宇宙開発ミッションの立案まで可能な、奥深い機能です。 KSP1.4.3現在ではまだ日本語の表現がおかしかったり、バグがあったりしますが、面白いミッションを思いついたらぜひ作成したり、提案してくださいね。 ↓参考↓ 日本コミュニティミッション 世界のミッション投稿所(英語)
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Hello everyone! With over a year in the making, we are getting closer to bringing Kerbal Space Program towards its next leap forward. Today, we are proud and super excited to announce that Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will be available for PC on March 13th, 2018. Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion brings a lot of new and exciting content to KSP, including the powerful and intuitive Mission Builder, where you will have the tools to create and share your own scenarios with other players. We are also including the History Pack, a set of missions ready to be played immediately, inspired by historical moments in space exploration, and more. The new Mission Builder puts the process of creating and editing missions in your hands with endless possibilities. You’ll be able to customize your own missions to include launches, landings, rescues, malfunctions, explosions, repairs, and much more. You can set unique victory conditions, add exciting challenges, and place unexpected obstacles to keep other players on their toes as they play through these complex missions. Challenge others to complete your missions by sharing them with the Kerbal Space Program community! The History Pack includes a variety of pre-made missions inspired by humankind’s own space exploration. Now you can spacewalk, pull off a crash landing, and attempt to recreate some of the most memorable moments inspired by historic events. But with our unique Kerbal twist, of course. The expansion also includes a bunch of new parts and astronaut suits inspired by the Space Race that you can use throughout Kerbal Space Program! Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will be available for $14.99 (USD) on PC. And yes, we’re keeping our promise that all players who purchased the game through April 2013 will receive the expansion for free. We’ll provide more details on how that will work before launch. Stay tuned for more news and exciting updates about Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion. Happy launchings!
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I'm building an aircraft in Mission Builder that will fly on Laythe. I'm using the Fat-455 large wings. They hold a lot of fuel, but only liquid. Is there anyway, therefore, to have other tanks be oxidizer only? I realize I can drain liquid fuel out of tanks to save weight, but that still leaves me with a lot of bulk. I'd like to get the most oxidizer in the least amount of space--approx 1200 units--to match what the wings will carry. Also, it needs to be stock, because I hope to share this mission and want to make it simple for others to use.
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As someone who is just setting up a teaching program for KSP with students, I have been really interested in the Mission Builder. I'm still in the early stages, but there are some very cool aspects to it, and naturally I got very distracted.The biggest one: you can build a launch pad nearly anywhere: any planet or moon other than Jool and any location on the map. Here are some pics. One of my many failed attempts to get a large rocket into orbit from Eve: On the side of a mountain on Kerbin At the bottom of lake near the ice sheet on Kerbin at the bottom of a river (notice they've modeled all the underwater topography.) Underwater cliff: Beachfront view: Parked on Pol: Takeoff fail: Flying through Eve's ocean: It crashed almost immediately after this shot. Taking off from Laythe It's all a bit silly, but I really found the EVE launch to be a great challenge, which I have not at all succeeded in solving. I'm pretty new to this, so I have a LOT to learn.
Hi, I am trying to create a mission with multiple simultaneous objectives. I need the player to approach them in any order - but complete them all before the end of the mission, for example go to the mun, minmus and eve. The best I can figure out is branching all the nodes from a single node and then assign scores to each for completing these branches all lead to a single check score end node - so if the score reaches a certain value - the end node is triggered. The problem with these branches is that the mission are displays as: go to the mun OR goto minmus OR goto eve. in the game Is there a way to have multiple simultaneous objectives?
So I've been playing around with the mission builder. It's been alright though I'd be lying if I didn't say there were some issues. Here are my thoughts. Asteroid Redirection: You can spawn asteroids with the Spawn Asteroid node. However, once you've spawned them you can't really do anything with them. There's no way to require a ship to dock with them (they don't technically count as vessels), there's no "grab object" node, there's no "move asteroid to x orbit" node. This is really disappointing since a very specific Asteroid Redirect Mission was the first thing I attempted in the mission builder after getting my bearings. "Dialog" Boxes: First of all, a nitpick: "PR Kerman" should be "Walt Kerman." Second, it would be nice to have the dialog box show an astronaut of any of the four space suits (Veteran/Normal, Vintage/Normal) of any gender. Or a tourist. Or female scientists and engineers. Third, and most important: it's not really a "dialogue" if there's just a rant from a single Kerbal and then a single "OK" button to close the box. There should be multiple dialogue choices that the mission player can choose that might affect the rest of the mission. Solar Orbit: Without using maneuver nodes (and even then it's finicky), it is impossible to set high orbits above the Sun for spacecrafts, space stations, and asteroids. The maximum distance allowed by the semimajoraxis slider and number box is below the orbit of Moho, something like 0.002 AU. This makes conventional ARM or some deep space rescue mission very difficult to set up. You can not zoom out enough to set this up either, and children bodies (planets around stars or moons around planets) are not plotted in the graphic action plane. Glimmeroids are supposed to be called "Magic Boulders," as their implementation in 1.1 or so was a callback to an old easter egg of the same name. Also, there should be more types of asteroid than just the one gray texture, there is at least one more reddish-brown texture. There are a lot of problems with the default historical missions. At this point though I'm not sure how much of it is just based upon lack of polish and gameplay testing for the missions and how much of it is fundamental limitations of the editor. Misspelled or awkward text, reverse completion order, *precious loads of goo*, and so on. Why not let the player choose to launch as many vessels as they want for the mission as an option? If you wanted to use the Mission Builder for, say, the Jool Five Challenge, it would be unreasonable not to allow orbital assembly. On a similar note, the player should be able to optionally choose the name of the ship. Wernher (shouldn't it be Gene, the Mission Control guy?) von Kerman in the Mission Builder tutorial alludes to a third tutorial which seems to be missing. Now that we have this sort of programmable mission building u.i., maybe we can have scratch-style programmable flight computers for space probes? Why partition it off from sandbox and career mode? It would be amazing to have missions come in through the mission control center that you would get funds and reputation for. Or even as a way of planning out missions in sandbox and career. You could add a setting to the mission builder that disables universe-scale changes like funds, universal time, etc and marks it as a "Career Mode Mission." The vessel part explosions and failures could be an interesting hard mode setting for sandbox--as long as it's optional! Buying new launch sites on Kerbin would also be an interesting mechanic for career mode. You could spend funds to update them through each of the launchpad levels. EDIT: THE NEXT DAY: There is no way to display dialogue boxes of information in the VAB or SPH, which may be where you need exposition delivered through witty one-liners the most! The mission builder has so much potential to be great. But it isn't quite there yet. It's mostly functional, it's decent, but it's not great. Some of the features I've suggested are pretty major things that would classify as "updates" to the whole Making History DLC (or even future KSP DLC or Updates), but some of them are more like what you could put in a Making History fix patch, like the asteroid redirect mission and higher solar orbits. The main failing of the Mission Builder is that its limitations seem to come from a lack of imagination of what this system could do and what mission authors may want players to do. Also, a few thoughts on the new parts: The center of mass for many of the new pods is far too low. For the spherical pods and the MEM it looks like the COM is near the bottom attachment point. If your reasoning for the spherical pods is "well it's to keep it pointed the right way during reentry" then that's the wrong answer--that's the point of conical pods. The MEM would need to be completely filled with fuel to hold the amount of fuel that it does. Many pod IVAs have the ability to double click on windows to get a closer view of the window. This feature is absent in the new pods. It's not the end of the world, except for the MEM. The way the real Lunar Module was designed, the astronaut had to lean right up against the little window. In order for the MEM IVA to be usable for internal-view flight, you need to set up the double-click window setting so that you can look closely. This should also be enabled for the windows on the Gemini-like pod and the Mk1-3. No soyuz spacecraft parts? There is a part model switching feature now. Why not use it to keep the old parts in the game (neither removing them entirely nor keeping them hidden away), since some people (myself included) prefer them to the new ones?
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Hi, here is my KSP Mission builder tutorial series for KSP Making History expansion. Here I will be covering how to create missions, how to edit mission parameters, test etc Episode 01 - Simple Rescue Mission (Basics) Episode 02 - Pre-made Craft & Part Failures Episode 03 - Adding Flavor with Catch All Nodes Reserved for future use
- mission builder
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So I got the DLC and I am trying to complete the first mission (dawn of the space age). It has me building a basic rocket but it gives me a limit of 3.3t. I put the probe on top and there is only one engine available. That one engine will put me over the weight. Does anyone have suggestions to get around this?
Has anyone else experienced the following problem in the mission "Meet Me in Zero G": The "Undock NOW!" node will not activate for me. I can undock immediately after the dialog message instructions, with no result. after then waiting for a bit, the time since node activates, I get a 0.7 score multiplier, and the waypoint for KSC never activates. Removing the undocking node and replacing it with an identical one fixes it for me.
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- making history
- undocking
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( EDIT: I reported this as a Bug before, but it turns out it's just a very unintuitively weird choice for the defaults in the Spawn Vessel details. I just found a checkbox in the Spawn Vessel details for "Focus on Vessel". It turns out that turning this checkbox on gets rid of this "bug", but why on earth isn't it the default to make building and spawning a vessel from the VAB behave just like it does in the game? Why go out of the way to find the option and change it in order to achieve the default behavior that matches how the rest of the game works? Shouldn't switching to the vessel after building it be the normal way? The default way? Note, it was so weird, I thought it was a bug, which is why I posted the text below originally.) --------- Original Post Message follows Below this line ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bug: A spawn Vessel node has the player click on the VAB and build their own vessel, but then when they launch it, the game doesn't switch focus to the vessel they just spawned like the game is supposed to. Instead it leaves their spawned vessel sitting on the launchpad while it focuses on some other vessel in orbit that has nothing to do with what they just did. To Cause it: Your mission has to populate the solar system with at least one pre-made vessel before the player builds their vessel in the VAB. Then the game will always focus on that pre-made vessel instead of what the player launches. To help the developers diagnose the problem I reduced it down to the minimum example that demonstrates it. I can reproduce this bug with a very small mission, that only has these 4 nodes with no branching, like this: Start Node (does nothing, no details or docked nodes) ---. | .----------------------------------------------------' | `--> Spawn Vessel Node, a mission-built premade vessel in orbit of Kerbin. ---. | .-----------------------------------------------------------------------' | `--> Spawn Vessel Node, A player-built vessel they make in the VAB. --. | .---------------------------------------------------------------' | `--> Always True Node, just a dummy placeholder for where the rest of the mission will be later. Note, I get the exact same bug if I "dock" those two Spawn Vessel Nodes into the Start Node. The problem seems to be that when you leave the VAB and launch the vessel, it focuses on the first vessel defined in the mission, even when that's not the one the player just launched. When the mission first starts and the player has not built their vessel yet, it makes sense to focus on the pre-made vessel in orbit. That doesn't feel like a bug at all. It makes sense because it has to put the player *somewhere*. The bug is that it keeps doing this every time you launch from the VAB, even if it's no longer the start of the mission anymore.
I figured out how to make things that happen automatically at the start in parallel to the Start Node. You find one of the nodes that allows you to checkbox "Catch All Node" (why don't they all? dunno) and then chain the other things you want to have happen off of that. Doing this I am able to set the player's starting funds for the mission. Except, that's not how to set the player's *actual* starting funds, because none of that runs until after the player designs the first vessel and launches it from the VAB. Only after the player uses the launch button does the mission truly "start" and the Catch All Node fires off. Since my goal is to make their initial vessel dip into those starting funds, I want to set the player starting funds *before* they click "launch" from the VAB. How do I do that? I can limit the vessel's allowed cost, but I cannot seem to change the fact that you always start with exactly 100,000 funds in every mission.
It would be nice to have access to the mission builder and player built missions in sandbox mode. Even if it was limited compare to the existing mission builder system I still think It would be fun to have mission in sandbox.
There are 3 ways I can think of that a vessel becomes gone: 1 - Destroyed. 2 - Splashed or Landed and then recovered. 3 - Merged into another craft via docking. I can't figure out, after several hours of trying, how to form test that can detect if a vessel is gone and *not care* which reason there is that it's gone. Alternatively, if I could test a simple dumb count of how many vessels exist, period, that would give me what I need too. What I'm trying to do is make a mission that does "space junk clearing". It will spawn a few vessels in orbit for the player to try to recover, then later end the mission only after there's no vessels left in orbit. I don't care about the order they get taken care of. The mission score is based on whether you've made profit on the recovery costs that exceeds the money you spent building rockets. I figured out how to score based on recovery cost/profit - I just can't figure out how on earth to trigger the end of the mission by detecting that all vessels aren't in orbit anymore, since there's so many different ways for a vessel to stop existing and I can't quite work out how to cover all of them. The ugly problem is that if the player docks with the satellite and then brings it down to a soft landing, it's no longer *that* vessel anymore - it has become part of the recovery vessel, so any triggers based on *that* vessel being landed aren't going to be true.
In the Mission Builder, in the Mission Briefing pop-up window, there is a dropdown called "Mission Pack". The default selection is "None". I do not see a way to make my mission belong to any mission pack. How do I do this? My over-arching intent is to be able to make a sequence of missions with results from previously completed missions persisting into subsequent missions. That way I can tell a story or break down a long interplanetary voyage into smaller, more manageable intermediate missions. In my head, this chain of missions is what would be described as a mission pack. Am I wrong? Is that not what mission packs are in the Mission Builder? What, actually, is a so-called "Mission Pack"? Thank you.